package domain; import static core.Script.callfunction; import static core.Script.current_map; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import core.Script; import core.TileObject; public class MapDynamic extends MapAbstract implements Map { private VImage[] layers; private String mapName; private HashMap<Integer, TileObject> pixelMappings; // map a pixel color to a TileObject private int scaleFactor = 1; private HashMap<String, Integer[]> autoTileMappings; private boolean autoTiling; public MapDynamic(String strFilename) { this(Script.load(strFilename)); } public MapDynamic(URL properties) { Properties mapProperties = new Properties(); try { this.scaleFactor = 1; mapProperties.load(properties.openStream()); this.renderstring = mapProperties.getProperty("RenderString"); this.startX = Integer.parseInt(mapProperties.getProperty("StartX")); this.startY = Integer.parseInt(mapProperties.getProperty("StartY")); String strTileset = mapProperties.getProperty("Tileset"); this.tileset = new Vsp(Script.load(strTileset)); // Load Layers as VImages String strLayers[] = mapProperties.getProperty("Layers").split(","); this.layers = new VImage[strLayers.length]; for(int i=0; i<layers.length; i++) { layers[i] = new VImage(Script.load(strLayers[i].trim())); } this.pixelMappings = new HashMap<Integer, TileObject>(); String[] strMappings = mapProperties.getProperty("Tile.Mappings").split(","); String strAutoTiles[] = null; String strAutotiling = mapProperties.getProperty("Autotiling.tiles"); if(strAutotiling!=null) { this.autoTiling = true; strAutoTiles = strAutotiling.split(","); } // Associates each pixel color to a tile object from the given tileset for(String strPixelName: strMappings) { String strMapping = mapProperties.getProperty("Tile.PixelColor." + strPixelName.trim()); String strColors[] = strMapping.split(","); String strIdx[] = mapProperties.getProperty("Tile.TilesetIdx." + strPixelName.trim()).split(","); Integer[] tileIdx = new Integer[strIdx.length]; if(Math.sqrt(tileIdx.length) > scaleFactor) { //scaleFactor = (int) Math.sqrt(tileIdx.length); } for(int i=0; i<tileIdx.length;i++) { tileIdx[i] = Integer.parseInt(strIdx[i].trim()); } TileObject tileObj = new TileObject(); tileObj.tiles = tileIdx; = strPixelName.trim(); // Finds primeTerrain TileObject String primeTerrain = mapProperties.getProperty("Tile.PrimeTerrain." + strPixelName.trim()); if(primeTerrain != null) { for(TileObject to: pixelMappings.values()) { if( { tileObj.primeTerrain = to; break; } } } //tileObj.primeTerrain = primeTerrain != null ? primeTerrain.trim() : strPixelName.trim(); for(String s: strAutoTiles) { if(s.trim().equals(strPixelName.trim())) { tileObj.autotiling = true; } } pixelMappings.put(new Color(Integer.parseInt(strColors[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(strColors[1].trim()), Integer.parseInt(strColors[2].trim())).getRGB(), tileObj); } /* Auto-tiling */ if(this.autoTiling == true) { autoTileMappings = new HashMap(); for(int i=0; i<strAutoTiles.length; i++) { for(int j=0; j<strAutoTiles.length; j++) { if(i==j) continue; String in = strAutoTiles[i].trim(); String out = strAutoTiles[j].trim(); String autoTiling = mapProperties.getProperty("Autotiling." + in + "." + out); System.out.println("Autotiling." + in + "." + out); if(autoTiling!=null) { String strTiles[] = autoTiling.split(","); Integer intTiles[] = new Integer[strTiles.length]; for(int k=0; k<strTiles.length;k++) { intTiles[k] = Integer.parseInt(strTiles[k].trim()); } autoTileMappings.put(in+"/"+out, intTiles); Integer[] revIntTiles = new Integer[intTiles.length]; for(int p=0;p<intTiles.length;p++) { revIntTiles[p] = intTiles[intTiles.length-p-1]; } autoTileMappings.put(out+"/"+in, revIntTiles); } } } scaleFactor *=2; } for(TileObject t: pixelMappings.values()) { System.out.println(t); } for(String s: autoTileMappings.keySet()) { System.out.println(s + ": " + Arrays.toString(autoTileMappings.get(s))); } this.startX*=scaleFactor; this.startY*=scaleFactor; current_map = this; callfunction("mapinit"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getMapname() { return "Dynamic map: " + getFilename(); } public int getWidth() { if(layers!=null && layers[0]!=null) { return layers[0].width * scaleFactor; } return 0; } public int getHeight() { if(layers!=null && layers[0]!=null) { return layers[0].height * scaleFactor; } return 0; } int NULL_TILE = 0; public int gettile(int x, int y, int l) { if(x<0 || y<0 || x >= this.getWidth() || y >= this.getHeight()) { return 0; } if(layers[l] != null) { if(autoTiling && l==0) { // terrain //TileObject tobj = pixelMappings.get(layers[l].getImage().getRGB(x/scaleFactor, y/scaleFactor)); //if(tobj!=null) { //String strTile =; //} if(x%2==0 && y%2==0) { // Central tile return getDirectTileFrom(x, y, x, y, l); } else if (x%2==1 && y%2==0) { // Horizontal Neighbors TileObject c1 = getTileObjectFrom(x-1, y, l); TileObject c2 = getTileObjectFrom(x+1, y, l); if(c1==c2) { return getDirectTileFrom(x-1, y, l); } else { return (getAutoTile(c1, c2, c1, c2)); } } else if (x%2==0 && y%2==1) { // Vertical Neighbors TileObject c1 = getTileObjectFrom(x, y-1, l); TileObject c2 = getTileObjectFrom(x, y+1, l); if(c1==c2) { return getDirectTileFrom(x, y-1, l); } else { return (getAutoTile(c1, c1, c2, c2)); } } else { // All Directions Neighbors TileObject c1 = getTileObjectFrom(x-1, y-1, l); TileObject c2 = getTileObjectFrom(x+1, y-1, l); TileObject c3 = getTileObjectFrom(x-1, y+1, l); TileObject c4 = getTileObjectFrom(x+1, y+1, l); if(c1==c2 && c2==c3 && c3==c4) { return getDirectTileFrom(x-1, y-1, l); } else { return (getAutoTile(c1, c2, c3, c4)); } } //return NULL_TILE; } // Not using autotiling, or if it's using, Even X and Even Y return getDirectTileFrom(x, y, x, y, l); } return 0; } // Combines 4 tiles to return 1 frontier tile private int getAutoTile(TileObject c1, TileObject c2, TileObject c3, TileObject c4) { if(c1==null || c2==null || c3==null || c4==null){ System.err.println("Tile not found"); return NULL_TILE; } // Tile becomes the primeTerrain, if it exists c1 = c1.primeTerrain==null ? c1 : c1.primeTerrain; c2 = c2.primeTerrain==null ? c2 : c2.primeTerrain; c3 = c3.primeTerrain==null ? c3 : c3.primeTerrain; c4 = c4.primeTerrain==null ? c4 : c4.primeTerrain; int count = 1; if(c1!=c2) count++; if(c3!=c1 && c3!=c2) count++; if(c4!=c1 && c4!=c2 && c4!=c3) count++; //If primeTerrain is equal (ex: grass/grass), return it (ex: grass) if(count==1) return c1.tiles[0]; TileObject minTO = null, maxTO = null; if(count==2) { minTO = c1.min(c2.min(c3.min(c4))); maxTO = c1.max(c2.max(c3.max(c4))); } else if(count==3 || count==4) { //System.out.println("BE" + c1 + " " + c2 + " " + c3 + " " + c4); if("water")) minTO = c1; else if("water")) minTO = c2; else if("water")) minTO = c3; else if("water")) minTO = c4; if(minTO !=null) { // has water maxTO = c1; if(minTO == maxTO) maxTO = c2; if(minTO == maxTO) maxTO = c3; if(minTO == maxTO) maxTO = c4; } else { // does not have water minTO = c1; maxTO = c2; if(minTO == maxTO) maxTO = c3; if(minTO == maxTO) maxTO = c4; } // All tiles become minTO or maxTO if(c1 != minTO && c1!=maxTO) c1=maxTO; if(c2 != minTO && c2!=maxTO) c2=maxTO; if(c3 != minTO && c3!=maxTO) c3=maxTO; if(c4 != minTO && c4!=maxTO) c4=maxTO; // Swap minTO and maxTO, for correct Autotiling ordering if(minTO.tiles[0] > maxTO.tiles[0]) { TileObject temp = minTO; minTO = maxTO; maxTO = temp; } //System.out.println("AF" + c1 + " " + c2 + " " + c3 + " " + c4); //return NULL_TILE; } int result = NULL_TILE; int b1 = c1.equals(minTO) ? 0: 1; int b2 = c2.equals(minTO) ? 0: 1; int b3 = c3.equals(minTO) ? 0: 1; int b4 = c4.equals(minTO) ? 0: 1; try { result = autoTileMappings.get( + "/" +[b1 + b2*2 + b3*4 + b4*8]; }catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(minTO + " " + maxTO); } return result; } private TileObject getTileObjectFrom(int x, int y, int l) { TileObject to = pixelMappings.get(layers[l].getImage().getRGB(x/scaleFactor, y/scaleFactor)); if(to==null) { System.err.println(layers[l].getImage().getRGB(x/scaleFactor, y/scaleFactor)); Color c = new Color(layers[l].getImage().getRGB(x/scaleFactor, y/scaleFactor)); System.out.println(c.getRed() + "," + c.getGreen() + ","+c.getBlue()); } return to; } private int getDirectTileFrom(int x, int y, int l) { return getDirectTileFrom(x,y,x,y,l); } private int getDirectTileFrom(int x, int y, int mappingx, int mappingy, int l) { TileObject tobj = pixelMappings.get(layers[l].getImage().getRGB(mappingx/scaleFactor, mappingy/scaleFactor)); if(tobj!=null) { if(tobj.tiles.length==1) return tobj.tiles[0]; else if(tobj.tiles.length==4) { return tobj.tiles[2*(y%2==0?0:1) + (x%2==0?0:1)]; } } return 0; } public void settile(int x, int y, int i, int z) { if(layers[i] != null) { layers[i].getImage().setRGB(x * scaleFactor, y * scaleFactor, z); } } public boolean getobs(int x, int y) { if(x<0 || y<0 || x >= this.getWidth() || y >= this.getHeight()) return true; //if(getDirectTileFrom(x, y, 0)==3) {//water //return true; //} return false; } public void setobs(int x, int y, int t) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean getobspixel(int x, int y) { if(x<0 || y<0 || x>>4 >= this.getWidth() || y>>4 >= this.getHeight()) return true; //if(getDirectTileFrom(x>>4, y>>4, 0)==3) {//water //return true; //} return false; } public String getFilename() { return mapName; } public Entity[] getEntities() { return null; } public String getRenderstring() { return this.renderstring; } public void setRenderstring(String string) { this.renderstring = string; } public int getzone(int x, int y) { return layers[1].getImage().getRGB(x/scaleFactor, y/scaleFactor)==-3670016 ? 1 : 0; //return 0; } public void setzone(int x, int y, int z) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public String getScriptZone(int zone) { if(zone==1) return "city"; return null; } public int getPercentZone(int zone) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 255; } public int getMethodZone(int zone) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 1; } public int getNumLayers() { return layers.length; } public int getLayerLucent(int layer) { return 0; } }