package core; import static core.VergeEngine.*; import static core.Controls.*; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.util.List; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp; import java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp; import java.awt.image.RescaleOp; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Random; import audio.VMusic; import domain.VSound; import domain.VImage; import domain.Entity; import domain.Map; import static core.Script.screen; import static core.Script.setlucent; import static core.Script.showpage; import static core.Script.timer; import static core.SinCos.*; public class Script { // For Testing purposes (simulations) public static boolean TEST_SIMULATION = false; public static int TEST_POS = 0; public static int[] TEST_OPTIONS; //public static final int VCFILES = 51; public static final int VC_READ = 1; public static final int VC_WRITE = 2; public static final int VC_WRITE_APPEND = 3; // Overkill (2006-07-05): Append mode added. public static final int CF_GRAY = 1; public static final int CF_INV_GRAY = 2; public static final int CF_INV = 3; public static final int CF_RED = 4; public static final int CF_GREEN = 5; public static final int CF_BLUE = 6; public static final int CF_CUSTOM = 7; // VERGE ENGINE VARIABLES: Moved to Script for easy of use /** * This is a hardcoded image handle for the screen. It is a pointer to a * bitmap of the screen's current dimensions (set in verge.cfg or by * SetResolution() function at runtime). Anything you want to appear in the * verge window should be blitted here with one of the graphics functions. * When ShowPage() is called the screen bitmap is transfered to the display. */ public static VImage screen; // For partial screen rendering static VImage virtualScreen = null; /** read-only timer variable constantly increasing*/ public static int systemtime; /** read/write timer variable*/ public static int timer; // internal use only static int vctimer = 0; // [Rafael, the Esper] static int hooktimer = 0; public static List<Entity> entity = new ArrayList<Entity>(); public static Entity myself = null; /** * The number of entities currently on the map. Use this an the upper bound * any time you need to loop through and check entites for something. */ public static int numentities; public static int player; public static int playerstep = 1; public static boolean playerdiagonals = true; public static boolean smoothdiagonals = true; // [Rafael, the Esper] public static int xwin, ywin; public static Map current_map = null; public static int cameratracking = 1; public static int cameratracker = 0; public static int lastplayerdir = 0; public static boolean entitiespaused = false; // END OF VERGE ENGINE VARIABLES public static String renderfunc, timerfunc; // was VergeCallback (struct) public static DefaultPalette palette = new DefaultPalette(); public static int transcolor = -65281; // Color(255, 0, 255); public static int currentLucent = 255; public static int event_tx; public static int event_ty; public static int event_zone; public static int event_entity; public static int event_param; public static int event_sprite; public static int event_entity_hit; public static int __grue_actor_index; private static VMusic musicplayer; // [Rafael, the Esper] public static int invc; public static String _trigger_onStep = "", _trigger_afterStep = ""; public static String _trigger_beforeEntityScript = "", _trigger_afterEntityScript = ""; public static String _trigger_onEntityCollide = ""; public static String _trigger_afterPlayerMove = ""; public static void error(String str) { System.err.println(str); } static void hooktimer() { // To prevent hooktimer from happening before the script engine is loaded. //if(se == null) return; while (hooktimer != 0) { callfunction(timerfunc); hooktimer--; } } public static void hooktimer(String cb) { hooktimer = 0; timerfunc = cb; } public static void hookretrace() { if(renderfunc != null) { callfunction(renderfunc); } } public static void hookretrace(String cb) { renderfunc = cb; } // Rafael: Changed to ExecuteFunctionString /*public void ExecuteCallback(String function, boolean callingFromLibrary) */ public static void exit(String message) { System.err.println(message); System.exit(0); } /* Rafael: TODO Implement this. public static void SetButtonJB(int b, int jb) { switch (b) { case 1: j_b1 = jb; break; case 2: j_b2 = jb; break; case 3: j_b3 = jb; break; case 4: j_b4 = jb; break; } }*/ // Overkill (2007-08-25): HookButton is supposed to start at 1, not 0. // It's meant to be consistent with Unpress(). public static void hookbutton(int b, String s) { if (b<1 || b>4) return; bindbutton[b-1] = s; } public static void hookkey(int k, String s) { if (k<0 || k>127) return; bindarray[k] = s; } public static void log(String s) { System.out.println(s); } /* static void MessageBox(String msg) { showMessageBox(msg); }*/ public static int random(int min, int max) { if(min > max) { return random(max, min); } Random r = new Random(); // TODO Use unique random instance return r.nextInt(max+1-min) + min; } public static void setAppName(String s) { getGUI().setTitle(s); } public static void unpress(int n) { switch (n) { case 0: if (b1) UnB1(); if (b2) UnB2(); if (b3) UnB3(); if (b4) UnB4(); break; case 1: if (b1) UnB1(); break; case 2: if (b2) UnB2(); break; case 3: if (b3) UnB3(); break; case 4: if (b4) UnB4(); break; case 5: if (up) UnUp(); break; case 6: if (down) UnDown(); break; case 7: if (left) UnLeft(); break; case 8: if (right) UnRight(); break; case 9: if (b1) UnB1(); if (b2) UnB2(); if (b3) UnB3(); if (b4) UnB4(); if (up) UnUp(); if (down) UnDown(); if (left) UnLeft(); if (right) UnRight(); break; } } public static void updateControls() { Controls.UpdateControls(); } public static int asc(String s) { if(s.length() == 0) return 0; else return (int)s.charAt(0); } public static String chr(int c) { return Character.toString((char) c); } public static String gettoken(String s, String d, int i) { // Reimplemented by [Rafael, the Esper] String[] retorno = s.split(d); if(retorno.length <= i) return ""; return retorno[i]; } public static String left(String str, int len) { return str.substring(0, str.length()>len?len:str.length()); } public static int len(String s) { return s.length(); } public static String mid(String str, int pos, int len) { return str.substring(pos, pos+len); } public static String right(String str, int len) { return len > str.length() ? str : str.substring(str.length() - len); } public static String str(int d) { return Integer.toString(d); } public static boolean strcmp(String s1, String s2) { return s1.equals(s2); // ? 1 : 0; } public static String capitalize(String s) { // [Rafael, the Esper] if (s.length() == 0) return s; return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); } public static String strdup(String s, int times) { String ret = ""; for (int i=0; i<times; i++) ret = ret.concat(s); return ret; } public static int tokencount(String s, String d) { String[] retorno = s.split(d); return retorno.length; } public static String trim(String s) { return s.trim(); } public static String tolower(String str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } public static String toupper(String str) { return str.toUpperCase(); } public static int val(String s) { if(s==null || s.isEmpty() || s.trim().equals("-")) return 0; return Integer.valueOf(s.replace('+', ' ').trim()); } //VI.d. Map Functions public static void map(String map) { mapname = map; die = true; done = true; /* Hookretrace carries over between maps! / According to hookretrace(""); */ } //VI.e. Entity Functions public static void changeCHR(int e, String c) { if (e<0 || e >= numentities) return; else entity.get(e).set_chr(c); } public static void entitymove(int e, String s) { if (e<0 || e >= numentities) return; else entity.get(e).setMoveScript(s); } public static void entitysetwanderdelay(int e, int d) { if (e<0 || e >= numentities) return; else entity.get(e).setWanderDelay(d); } public static void entitysetwanderrect(int e, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (e<0 || e >= numentities) return; else entity.get(e).setWanderBox(x1, y1, x2, y2); } public static void entitysetwanderzone(int e) { if (e<0 || e >= numentities) return; else entity.get(e).setWanderZone(); } public static int entityspawn(int x, int y, String s) { return AllocateEntity(x*16,y*16,s); } public static int countParty(int first) { if (first<0 || first >= numentities) return 0; int num = 1; Entity e = entity.get(first); while(e.getFollower() != null) { e = e.getFollower(); num++; } return num; } public static void entitystalk(int stalker, int stalkee) { if (stalker<0 || stalker>=numentities) return; if (stalkee<0 || stalkee>=numentities) { entity.get(stalker).clear_stalk(); return; } entity.get(stalker).setx(entity.get(stalkee).getx()); // [Rafael, the Esper] entity.get(stalker).sety(entity.get(stalkee).gety()); // [Rafael, the Esper] entity.get(stalker).stalk(entity.get(stalkee)); } public static void entitystop(int e) { if (e<0 || e >= numentities) return; else entity.get(e).setMotionless(); } public static void hookentityrender(int i, String s) { if (i<0 || i>=numentities) System.err.printf("vc_HookEntityRender() - no such entity %d", i); entity.get(i).hookrender = s; } public static void playermove(String s) { if (myself==null) return; myself.setMoveScript(s); int current_invc = invc; invc=1;//Rafael while(myself.movecode != 0 ) { screen.render(); showpage(); } invc=current_invc;//Rafael playerentitymovecleanup(); } public static void playerentitymovecleanup() { if (myself==null) return; myself.movecode = 0; //[Rafael, the Esper] implementar afterPlayerMove(); } public static void pauseplayerinput() { // [Rafael, the Esper] invc = 1; } public static void unpauseplayerinput() { // [Rafael, the Esper] invc = 0; } public static void setentitiespaused(boolean b) { entitiespaused = b; if (!entitiespaused) lastentitythink = systemtime; } public static Entity setplayer(int e) { if (e<0 || e>=numentities) { player = -1; myself = null; System.err.println("invalid Player."); return null; } myself = entity.get(e); player = e; myself.setMotionless(); myself.obstructable = true; return myself; } public static int getplayer() { return player; } /* //VI.g. Sprite Functions static int GetSprite() { return GetSprite(); } static void ResetSprites() { return ResetSprites(); } //VI.h. Sound/Music Functions static void FreeSong(int handle) { FreeSong(handle); } static void FreeSound(int slot) { FreeSample((void*)slot); } static int GetSongPos(int handle) { return GetSongPos(handle); } static int GetSongVolume(int handle) { return GetSongVol(handle); } static int LoadSong(String fn) { return LoadSong(fn); } static int LoadSound(String fn) { return (int)LoadSample(fn); }*/ public static void playsound(VSound sound) { playsound(sound, 100); } public static void playsound(VSound sound, int volume) { if(sound==null || VergeEngine.config.isNosound()) return; if (volume < 0) volume = 0; else if (volume > 100) volume = 100; sound.start(volume); } public static URL getmusic() { if(VergeEngine.config==null || VergeEngine.config.isNosound() || musicplayer==null) return null; return VMusic.getPlay(); } public static void playmusic(URL fn) { playmusic(fn, 100); } public static void playmusic(URL fn, int volume) { if(fn==null || VergeEngine.config==null || VergeEngine.config.isNosound()) return; if(musicplayer!=null) { // If same music is playing, does nothing if(musicplayer.getPlay().equals(fn)) { return; } musicplayer.stop(); } try { musicplayer = new VMusic(volume); log("Playing..." + fn); musicplayer.start(fn); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("Error when playing " + fn); } } /* static void PlaySong(int handle) { PlaySong(handle); }*/ /*public static int playsound(String name, int volume) { return 0; //return PlaySample((void*) slot, volume * 255 / 100); }*/ public static void setMusicVolume(int v) { if(VergeEngine.config==null || VergeEngine.config.isNosound()) return; if(musicplayer!=null) { musicplayer.setVolume(v); } else { musicplayer = new VMusic(v); } } /*static void StopSong(int handle) { StopSong(handle); } static void StopSound(int chan) { StopSound(chan); } */ /*static void SetSongPaused(int h, int p) { SetPaused(h,p); } static void SetSongPos(int h, int p) { SetSongPos(h,p); } static void SetSongVolume(int h, int v) { SetSongVol(h,v); } */ public static void stopmusic() { if(musicplayer!=null) { musicplayer.stop(); } } // Graphics public static void setcustomcolorfilter(Color c1, Color c2) { /*GetColor(c1, cf_r1, cf_g1, cf_b1); GetColor(c2, cf_r2, cf_g2, cf_b2); cf_rr = cf_r2 - cf_r1; cf_gr = cf_g2 - cf_g1; cf_br = cf_b2 - cf_b1;*/ // TODO [Rafael, the Esper] Implement this graycolorfilter(screen.getImage()); error("Non implemented function: setcustomcolorfilter"); } public static void setlucent(int p) { if(p < 0 || p > 100) return; currentLucent = (100-p) * 255 / 100; if(getGUI()!=null) getGUI().setAlpha ((float)(100-p) / 100); } static int lastchangetime = 0; public static void showpage() { //if(lastchangetime++ > 1) { lastchangetime = 0; if(virtualScreen!=null) { //finalScreen.blit(0, 0, screen); screen.blit(0, 0, virtualScreen); } //else { //finalScreen.blit(0, 0, screen); //} //} Controls.UpdateControls(); DefaultTimer();//[Rafael, the Esper] GUI.paintFrame(); /*if(toClipboard) { toClipboard = false; screen.copyImageToClipboard(); }*/ } public static void lightfilter(int scalefactor, VImage vimage) { RescaleOp op = new RescaleOp((float)scalefactor/100, 0, null); op.filter(vimage.image, vimage.image); } private static BufferedImageOp op = null; public static void graycolorfilter(BufferedImage img) { if(op==null) op = new ColorConvertOp (ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null); img = op.filter(img, img); return; } public static void colorfilter(int filter, VImage img) { if(filter>6) return; if(filter==1) { if(op==null) op = new ColorConvertOp (ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null); op.filter(img.getImage(), img.getImage()); return; } int rr, gg, bb, z; Color c = null; int x1,x2,y1,y2; // [Rafael, the Esper] img.GetClip(x1,y1,x2,y2); x1 = y1 = 0; x2 = img.width; y2 = img.height; //PT ptr = (PT); //PT data = (PT)&ptr[(y1 * img.pitch) + x1]; for (int y=y1; y<y2; y++) { //int* data_end = data+x2+1; for(int x=x1;x<x2;x++) { int rgb = img.getImage().getRGB(x, y); //Color col = new Color(img.getImage().getRGB(x, y)); if (rgb == transcolor) continue; // Overkill (2006-07-27): Ignore trans pixels rr = (rgb >> 16) & 0x000000FF; gg = (rgb >>8 ) & 0x000000FF; bb = (rgb) & 0x000000FF; //GetColor(col, rr, gg, bb); //if(filter==2) System.out.printf("%d %d %d %d\n", rr, gg, bb, 255-((rr+gg+bb)/3)); switch (filter) { case 0: case 1: z = (rr+gg+bb)/3; c = new Color(z,z,z); break; // GRAY case 2: z = 255-((rr+gg+bb)/3); c = new Color(z,z,z); break; case 3: c = new Color(255-rr, 255-gg, 255-bb); break; case 4: z = (rr+gg+bb)/3; c = new Color(z, 0, 0); break; // RED case 5: z = (rr+gg+bb)/3; c = new Color(0, z, 0); break; // GREEN case 6: z = (rr+gg+bb)/3; c = new Color(0, 0, z); break; // BLUE // [Rafael, the Esper] Custom color filter case 7: z = (rr+gg+bb)/3; c = new Color(cf_r1+((cf_rr*z)>>8), cf_g1+((cf_gr*z)>>8), cf_b1+((cf_br*z)>>8)).getRGB(); break; } img.setPixel(x, y, c); } } } public static Color RGB(int r, int g, int b) { return new Color(r, g, b); } public static Color mixcolor(Color c1, Color c2, int p) { if (p>255) p=255; if (p<0) p=0; int r1 = c1.getRed(); int g1 = c1.getGreen(); int b1 = c1.getBlue(); int r2 = c2.getRed(); int g2 = c2.getGreen(); int b2 = c2.getBlue(); return new Color((r1*(255-p)/255)+(r2*p/255), (g1*(255-p)/255)+(g2*p/255), (b1*(255-p)/255)+(b2*p/255)); } public static int getB(int c) { return palette.getColor(c, currentLucent).getBlue(); } public static int getG(int c) { return palette.getColor(c, currentLucent).getGreen(); } public static int getR(int c) { return palette.getColor(c, currentLucent).getRed(); } /* static int HSV(int h, int s, int v) { return HSVtoColor(h,s,v); } static int GetH(int col) { int h, s, v; GetHSV(col, h, s, v); return h; } static int GetS(int col) { int h, s, v; GetHSV(col, h, s, v); return s; } static int GetV(int col) { int h, s, v; GetHSV(col, h, s, v); return v; } static void HueReplace(int hue_find, int hue_tolerance, int hue_replace, int image) { HueReplace(hue_find, hue_tolerance, hue_replace, ImageForHandle(image)); } static void ColorReplace(int find, int replace, int image) { ColorReplace(find, replace, ImageForHandle(image)); } */ //VI.j. Math Functions //helper: public static int abs(int i) { return Math.abs(i); } public static int sgn(int i) { return (int) Math.signum(i); } public static int mydtoi(double d) { return (int)Math.floor(d + 0.5); } static int acos(int val) { double dv = (double) val / 65535; double ac = Math.acos(dv); ac = ac * 180 / 3.14159265358979; // convert radians to degrees return mydtoi(ac); } public static int facos(int val) { double dv = (double) val / 65535; double ac = Math.acos(dv); ac *= 65536; // Convert to 16.16 fixed point return mydtoi(ac); } public static int asin(int val) { double dv = (double) val / 65535; double as = Math.asin(dv); as = as * 180 / 3.14159265358979; // convert radians to degrees return mydtoi(as); } public static int fasin(int val) { double dv = (double) val / 65535; double as = Math.asin(dv); as *= 65536; // Convert to 16.16 fixed point return mydtoi(as); } public static int atan(int val) { double dv = (double) val / 65535; double at = Math.atan(dv); at = at * 180 / 3.14159265358979; // convert radians to degrees return mydtoi(at); } public static int fatan(int val) { double dv = (double) val / 65535; double at = Math.atan(dv); at *= 65536; // Convert to 16.16 fixed point return mydtoi(at); } public static int atan2(int y, int x) { float f = (float) Math.atan2((float)y,(float)x); return (int)(f/2.0/3.14159265358979*360.0); } public static int fatan2(int y, int x) { double theta = Math.atan2((double) y, (double) x); return mydtoi(theta * 65536); } public static int sin(int n) { while (n < 0) n += 360; while (n >= 360) n -= 360; return sintbl[n]; } public static int cos(int n) { while (n < 0) n += 360; while (n >= 360) n -= 360; return costbl[n]; } public static int tan(int n) { while (n < 0) n += 360; while (n >= 360) n -= 360; return tantbl[n]; } public static int fsin(int val) { double magnitude = Math.sin((double) val / 65536); return mydtoi(magnitude * 65536); } public static int fcos(int val) { double magnitude = Math.cos((double) val / 65536); return mydtoi(magnitude * 65536); } public static int ftan(int val) { double magnitude = Math.tan((double) val / 65536); return mydtoi(magnitude * 65536); } public static int pow(int a, int b) { return (int) Math.pow((double)a, (double)b); } public static int sqrt(int val) { return (int) (float) Math.sqrt((float) val); } // Util Functions private static boolean isLetterDigitOrSignal(char c) { if(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c=='+' || c=='-') return true; return false; } // Split String in trimmed words public static List<String> splitTextIntoWords(String text) { int initial = 0; List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); if(text==null) return words; for(int i=0; i<text.length(); i++) { while(i<text.length() && (isLetterDigitOrSignal(text.charAt(i)) || text.charAt(i) == '\'')) { i++; } while(i<text.length() && !isLetterDigitOrSignal(text.charAt(i))) { i++; } words.add(text.substring(initial, i).trim()); initial = i; } return words; } // Split list of words into rows public static List<String> splitTextIntoRows(String text, int maxperrow) { List<String> words = splitTextIntoWords(text); List<String> rows = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; String str; while (i < words.size()) { str = words.get(i); while (i < words.size()-1 && str.length()+ 1 + words.get(i+1).length() <= maxperrow) { str = str.concat(" " + words.get(i+1)); i += 1; } rows.add(str); str = "";i+=1; } return rows; } public static boolean up, down, left, right; public static boolean b1, b2, b3, b4; public static final int SCAN_A = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_A; public static final int SCAN_B = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_B; public static final int SCAN_C = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_C; public static final int SCAN_D = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int SCAN_E = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_E; public static final int SCAN_F = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_F; public static final int SCAN_G = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_G; public static final int SCAN_H = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_H; public static final int SCAN_I = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_I; public static final int SCAN_J = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_J; public static final int SCAN_K = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_K; public static final int SCAN_L = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_L; public static final int SCAN_M = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_M; public static final int SCAN_N = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_N; public static final int SCAN_O = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_O; public static final int SCAN_P = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_P; public static final int SCAN_Q = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_Q; public static final int SCAN_R = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int SCAN_S = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int SCAN_T = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_T; public static final int SCAN_U = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_U; public static final int SCAN_V = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_V; public static final int SCAN_W = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_W; public static final int SCAN_X = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_X; public static final int SCAN_Y = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_Y; public static final int SCAN_Z = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_Z; public static final int SCAN_0 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_0; public static final int SCAN_1 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_1; public static final int SCAN_2 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_2; public static final int SCAN_3 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_3; public static final int SCAN_4 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_4; public static final int SCAN_5 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_5; public static final int SCAN_6 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_6; public static final int SCAN_7 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_7; public static final int SCAN_8 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_8; public static final int SCAN_9 = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_9; public static boolean getkey(int key) { return Controls.getKey(key); } /* // Overkill (2006-06-30): Gets the contents of the key buffer. // TODO: Implement for other platforms. static String GetKeyBuffer() { //#ifdef __WIN32__ return keybuffer; //#else //err("The function GetKeyBuffer() is not defined for this platform."); //return String(); //#endif } // Overkill (2006-06-30): Clears the contents of the key buffer. // TODO: Implement for other platforms. static void FlushKeyBuffer() { //#ifdef __WIN32__ FlushKeyBuffer(); //#else //err("The function FlushKeyBuffer() is not defined for this platform."); //#endif } // Overkill (2006-06-30): Sets the delay in centiseconds before key repeat. // TODO: Implement for other platforms. static void SetKeyDelay(int d) { if (d < 0) { d = 0; } //#ifdef __WIN32__ key_input_delay = d; //#else // err("The function SetKeyDelay() is not defined for this platform."); //#endif } */ public static void setVirtualScreen(VImage dest) { virtualScreen = dest; } public static VImage getVirtualScreen() { return virtualScreen; } // Function (method) calling public static boolean functionexists(String function) { return executefunction(function, true); } /** Check methods in the following order: * * 1. Direct Class-method (ex: * 2. System Lib (executed class, ex: Sully.class + method) * 3. Loaded Map Class (ex: Bumsville.class + method) * * The called function must be public and without parameters. * The capitalized version is also checked (ex: "entStart" checks also for "EntStart") * If the function is not found, nothing happens * */ public static void callfunction(String function) { executefunction(function, false); } private static boolean executefunction(String function, boolean justCheck) { if(function==null || function.isEmpty()) return false; Class path = null; // This means that it is a direct class-method if (function.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { String s = function.substring(function.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); String t = function.substring(0, function.lastIndexOf(".")); try { path = systemclass.forName(t); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { error("Class " + path + " not found for direct execution (" + function + ")"); return false; } invokeMethod(path, s, justCheck); return true; } else { // Try to find the class in the current_map boolean notFoundInMap = false; StringBuilder cName = new StringBuilder(); if(current_map != null && current_map.getFilename() != null) { cName.append(systemclass.getPackage().getName() + "."); int pos = current_map.getFilename().lastIndexOf('\\'); if(pos==-1) pos = 0; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(current_map.getFilename().toLowerCase()); b.replace(pos, pos+1, String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(b.charAt(pos)))); String s = b.toString().substring(0, b.indexOf(".map")).replace('\\', '.'); cName.append(s); try { path = systemclass.forName(cName.toString()); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // FIXME Solve this mess, also use toUppercase and Capitalize first letter to avoid error on .MAP b = new StringBuilder(systemclass.getPackage().getName() + "." + mapname); s = b.toString().substring(0, b.lastIndexOf(".map")).replace('\\', '.').replace('/', '.'); try { path = systemclass.forName(s); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { error("Class " + path + " not found for map execution."); notFoundInMap = true; //return; } } if(path!=null) { if (!invokeMethod(path, function, justCheck)) notFoundInMap = true; else return true; // Success } } // Try to find the method directly in the System class if(current_map == null || current_map.getFilename() == null || notFoundInMap) { path = systemclass; if (invokeMethod(path, function, justCheck)) { return true; // Success } else { error("Error invoking " + function + " in path " + path); } } } return false; } private static boolean invokeMethod(Class c, String function, boolean justCheck) { Method[] allMethods = c.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : allMethods) { String mname = m.getName(); if(mname.equals(function) || mname.equals(capitalize(function))) { if(justCheck) return true; try { //log("Found method " + mname + " in path " + c); // just for debug m.invoke(null); return true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return false; } /** * Method for loading resources from the classpath, like images, fonts, sounds, etc */ public static URL load(String url) { if(TEST_SIMULATION) // [Rafael, the Esper] return null; log("(" + systemclass + ")" + ", reading: " + url); URL resource = systemclass.getResource(url); // Optional code, a little robustness to avoid case-sensitive issues if(resource == null) { // try to capitalize String newUrl; if(url.lastIndexOf('/') != -1) newUrl = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')+1) + capitalize(url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/')+1)); else newUrl = capitalize(url); log("WARNING! Resource not found. Trying to read: " + newUrl); resource = systemclass.getResource(newUrl); if(resource==null) { // try uppercase if(url.lastIndexOf('/') != -1) newUrl = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')+1) + url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/')+1).toUpperCase(); else newUrl = url.toUpperCase(); log("WARNING! Resource not found. Trying to read: " + newUrl); resource = systemclass.getResource(newUrl); } if(resource==null) { // try lowercase if(url.lastIndexOf('/') != -1) newUrl = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')+1) + url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/')+1).toLowerCase(); else newUrl = url.toLowerCase(); log("WARNING! Resource not found. Trying to read: " + newUrl); resource = systemclass.getResource(newUrl); } if(resource==null) { error("ERROR! Resource not found: " + url); } } syncAfterLoading(); // Rafael, the Esper return resource; } public static void setSystemPath(Class c) { systemclass = c; } }