package audio.gme; // Nintendo SPC music file player // /* Copyright (C) 2007 Shay Green. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ final class SpcEmu extends SpcCpu { private static final class Timer { int time; // time of next event int prescaler; int period; int divider; int enabled; int counter; } static final int ramSize = 0x10000; static final int ramPadSize = 0x100; // header offsets static final int cpuStateOff = 0x25; static final int ramOff = 0x100; static final int dspStateOff = 0x10100; static final int romAddr = 0xFFC0; // SMP registers static final int testReg = 0x0; static final int controlReg = 0x1; static final int dspaddrReg = 0x2; static final int dspdataReg = 0x3; static final int cpuio0Reg = 0x4; static final int cpuio1Reg = 0x5; static final int cpuio2Reg = 0x6; static final int cpuio3Reg = 0x7; static final int f8Reg = 0x8; static final int f9Reg = 0x9; static final int t0targetReg = 0xA; static final int t1targetReg = 0xB; static final int t2targetReg = 0xC; static final int t0outReg = 0xD; static final int t1outReg = 0xE; static final int t2outReg = 0xF; static final int romSize = 0x40; static final int timerCount = 3; static final int regCount = 0x10; int dspTime; int romEnabled; byte [] spc; final byte [] rom = new byte [romSize]; final byte [] hiRam = new byte [romSize]; final byte [] ram = new byte [ramSize + ramPadSize]; final int [] regs = new int [regCount]; final int [] regsIn = new int [regCount]; final SpcDsp dsp = new SpcDsp(); final Timer [] timers = new Timer [timerCount]; protected int setSampleRate_( int rate ) { return 32000; } protected int loadFile_( byte [] in ) { if ( !isHeader( in, "SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data" ) ) error( "Not an SPC file" ); spc = in; // almost no SPC music rely on more than last two bytes of boot ROM java.util.Arrays.fill( rom, 0, romSize, (byte) 0 ); rom [0x3E] = (byte) 0xFF; rom [0x3F] = (byte) 0xC0; // TODO: use SPC file's copy of ROM, if present? return 1; } // Runs timer to present. Time must be >= t.time. static void runTimer_( Timer t, int time ) { int elapsed = ((time - t.time) >> t.prescaler) + 1; t.time += elapsed << t.prescaler; if ( t.enabled != 0 ) { int remain = ((t.period - t.divider - 1) & 0xFF) + 1; int divider = t.divider + elapsed; int over; if ( (over = elapsed - remain) >= 0 ) { int n = over / t.period; t.counter = (t.counter + 1 + n) & 0x0F; divider = over - n * t.period; } t.divider = divider & 0xFF; } } // Runs timer to present if it's not already static void runTimer( Timer t, int time ) { if ( time >= t.time ) runTimer_( t, time ); } // Enables/disables boot ROM by swapping it out of RAM private void enableRom( int enable ) { if ( romEnabled != enable ) { romEnabled = enable; if ( enable != 0 ) { System.arraycopy( ram, romAddr, hiRam, 0, romSize ); System.arraycopy( rom, 0, ram, romAddr, romSize ); } else { System.arraycopy( hiRam, 0, ram, romAddr, romSize ); } // TODO: ROM can still get overwritten when DSP writes to echo buffer } } public void startTrack( int track ) { super.startTrack( track ); time = 0; dspTime = 32; // RAM java.util.Arrays.fill( ram, ramSize, ram.length, (byte) 0xFF ); System.arraycopy( spc, ramOff, ram, 0, ramSize ); dsp.init( ram, spc, dspStateOff ); // CPU reset( ram ); pc = (spc [cpuStateOff + 1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (spc [cpuStateOff] & 0xFF); a = spc [cpuStateOff + 2] & 0xFF; x = spc [cpuStateOff + 3] & 0xFF; y = spc [cpuStateOff + 4] & 0xFF; sp = spc [cpuStateOff + 6] & 0xFF; setPsw( spc [cpuStateOff + 5] & 0xFF ); // SMP registers for ( int i = 0; i < regCount; i++ ) regsIn [i] = regs [i] = ram [0xF0 + i] & 0xFF; regsIn [testReg ] = 0; // these always read back as 0 regsIn [controlReg ] = 0; regsIn [t0targetReg] = 0; regsIn [t1targetReg] = 0; regsIn [t2targetReg] = 0; // ROM romEnabled = 0; enableRom( regs [controlReg] & 0x80 ); // Timers for ( int i = 0; i < timerCount; i++ ) { Timer t = timers [i] = new Timer(); t.time = 1; t.divider = 0; t.period = ((regs [t0targetReg + i] - 1) & 0xFF) + 1; t.enabled = regs [controlReg] >> i & 1; t.counter = regsIn [t0outReg + i] & 0x0F; } timers [2].prescaler = 4; timers [1].prescaler = 4 + 3; timers [0].prescaler = 4 + 3; // Clear echo if ( (dsp.regs [dsp.r_flg] & 0x20) == 0 ) { int addr = (dsp.regs [dsp.r_esa] & 0xFF) << 8; int end = addr + ((dsp.regs [dsp.r_edl] & 0x0F) << 11); if ( end > ramSize ) end = ramSize; java.util.Arrays.fill( ram, addr, end, (byte) 0xFF ); } } protected int play_( byte out [], int count ) { dsp.setOutput( out ); // Run for count/2*32 clocks + extra to get DSP time half-way between samples, // since CPU might run for slightly less than requested int clockCount = count * (32 / 2) + 16 - ((time - dspTime) & 31); time -= clockCount; dspTime -= clockCount; timers [0].time -= clockCount; timers [1].time -= clockCount; timers [2].time -= clockCount; runCpu(); if ( time < 0 ) // emulation error { logError(); return 0; } // Catch up to CPU runTimer( timers [0], time ); runTimer( timers [1], time ); runTimer( timers [2], time ); // Run DSP to present int delta; if ( (delta = time - dspTime) >= 0 ) { delta = (delta >> 5) + 1; dspTime += delta << 5; delta ); } assert dsp.sampleCount() == count; return dsp.sampleCount(); } // Writes to SMP register private void writeReg( int addr, int data ) { switch ( addr ) { case t0targetReg: case t1targetReg: case t2targetReg: { Timer t = timers [addr - t0targetReg]; int period = ((data - 1) & 0xFF) + 1; if ( t.period != period ) { runTimer( t, time ); t.period = period; } break; } case t0outReg: case t1outReg: case t2outReg: // TODO //if ( data < no_read_before_write / 2 ) // run_timer( &m.timers [addr - t0outReg], time - 1 )->counter = 0; break; // Registers that act like RAM case 0x8: case 0x9: regsIn [addr] = data; break; case testReg: //if ( (uint8_t) data != 0x0A ) // dprintf( "SPC wrote to test register\n" ); break; case controlReg: // port clears if ( (data & 0x10) != 0 ) { regsIn [cpuio0Reg] = 0; regsIn [cpuio1Reg] = 0; } if ( (data & 0x20) != 0 ) { regsIn [cpuio2Reg] = 0; regsIn [cpuio3Reg] = 0; } // timers for ( int i = 0; i < timerCount; i++ ) { Timer t = timers [i]; int enabled = data >> i & 1; if ( t.enabled != enabled ) { runTimer( t, time ); t.enabled = enabled; if ( enabled != 0 ) { t.divider = 0; t.counter = 0; } } } enableRom( data & 0x80 ); break; } } public final void cpuWrite( int addr, int data ) { // RAM ram [addr] = (byte) data; if ( (addr -= 0xF0) >= 0 ) // 64% { // $F0-$FF if ( addr < regCount ) // 87% { regs [addr] = (data &= 0xFF); // Ports // Registers other than $F2 and $F4-$F7 //if ( addr != 2 && addr != 4 && addr != 5 && addr != 6 && addr != 7 ) if ( (~0x2F000000 << addr) < 0 ) // 36% { if ( addr == dspdataReg ) // 99% { // Run DSP to present int delta; if ( (delta = time - dspTime) >= 0 ) // 95% { delta = (delta >> 5) + 1; dspTime += delta << 5; delta ); } int dspaddr; if ( (dspaddr = regs [dspaddrReg]) <= 0x7F ) dsp.write( dspaddr, data ); } else { writeReg( addr, data ); } } } // IPL ROM area or address wrapped around else if ( (addr -= romAddr - 0xF0) >= 0 ) // 1% in IPL ROM area or address wrapped around { if ( addr < romSize ) { hiRam [addr] = (byte) data; if ( romEnabled != 0 ) ram [addr + romAddr] = rom [addr]; // restore overwritten ROM } else { if ( debug ) assert ram [addr + romAddr] == (byte) data; ram [addr + romAddr] = (byte) 0xFF; // restore overwritten padding cpuWrite( data, addr - (ramSize - romAddr) ); } } } } public final int cpuRead( int addr ) { // Low RAM if ( addr < 0xF0 ) // 60% return ram [addr] & 0xFF; // Timers if ( (addr ^= 0xFF) < timerCount ) // 68% { Timer t = timers [2 - addr]; // TODO: reorder timers to eliminate 2- if ( time >= t.time ) runTimer_( t, time ); int result = t.counter; t.counter = 0; return result; } // Other registers if ( (addr ^= 0xFF) <= 0xFF ) // 9% { if ( addr == dspaddrReg + 0xF0 ) return regs [dspaddrReg]; if ( addr == dspdataReg + 0xF0 ) { // DSP // Run to present int delta; if ( (delta = time - dspTime) >= 0 ) // 1% { delta = (delta >> 5) + 1; dspTime += delta << 5; delta ); } return dsp.regs [regs [dspaddrReg] & 0x7F] & 0xFF; } return regsIn [addr - 0xF0]; } // RAM if ( addr <= 0xFFFF ) // 99% return ram [addr] & 0xFF; // Address wrapped around return cpuRead( addr - 0x10000 ); } }