package domain; import static core.Script.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import core.Script; import persist.ExtendedDataInputStream; import persist.ExtendedDataOutputStream; import domain.Entity; public class MapVerge extends MapAbstract implements Map { // .map format: public static final String MAP_SIGNATURE = "V3MAP"; public static final int MAP_VERSION = 2; private String filename = ""; private String mapname = "dummy"; String vspname = ""; private String musicname= ""; private String startupscript = ""; Layer[] layers; byte[] obsLayer; int[] zoneLayer; // width * height, Unsigned shorts! Zone[] zones; Entity[] entities; public String toString() { return "Mapname: " + filename + "; vspFile:" + vspname + "; music:" + musicname + "; render:" + renderstring + "; startEvent: " + startupscript + "; start:" + startX + "," + startY; } public MapVerge(String strFilename) { this(Script.load(strFilename), strFilename); } public MapVerge(URL url, String strFilename) { try { if(url==null) throw new IOException(); this.filename = strFilename; // url.getFile().substring( url.getFile().lastIndexOf('/')+1); this.load(url.openStream()); //FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path + "\\" + filename); //this.load(fis); // Load the vsp (map URL minus the map file plus the vsp file) URL vspUrl = new URL(url.toString().substring(0, url.toString().lastIndexOf('/')+1) + this.vspname); System.out.println(vspUrl); this.tileset = new Vsp(vspUrl); //this.tileset = new Vsp(Script.load(this.vspname)); // Diassociated with loading the map startMap(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("MAP::IOException (" + filename + "), url = " + url); } } public MapVerge(URL mapUrl, URL vspUrl) { try { this.load(mapUrl.openStream()); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("MAP::IOException (" + filename + "), mapurl = " + mapUrl); } this.tileset = new Vsp(vspUrl); } /** * Loads a Map from an InputStream * */ private void load(InputStream is) { try { ExtendedDataInputStream f = new ExtendedDataInputStream(is); // Begin to read String mapSignature = f.readFixedString(6); if (!mapSignature.equals(MAP_SIGNATURE)) { throw new IOException("Map doesn't contain V3MAP signature: " + mapSignature); } int mapVersion = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); int vcOffset = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); //System.out.println("Map version:" + mapVersion + "; Vcoffset: " + vcOffset); // Map information this.mapname = f.readFixedString(256); this.vspname = f.readFixedString(256); this.musicname = f.readFixedString(256); this.renderstring = f.readFixedString(256); this.startupscript = f.readFixedString(256); this.startX = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.startY = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); int numLayers = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // layers.length this.layers = new Layer[numLayers]; for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { Layer l = new Layer(); = f.readFixedString(256); l.parallax_x = f.readDoubleLittleEndian(); l.parallax_y = f.readDoubleLittleEndian(); l.width = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); l.height = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); l.lucent = f.readUnsignedByte(); l.tiledata = f.readCompressedUnsignedShorts(); this.layers[i] = l; } // Read compressed (oLayer) this.obsLayer = f.readCompressedBytes(); // Read compressed (zLayer) this.zoneLayer = f.readCompressedUnsignedShorts(); int numZones = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // zones.length this.zones = new Zone[numZones]; //System.out.println("numZones = " + numZones); for (int i = 0; i < numZones; i++) { Zone z = new Zone(); = f.readFixedString(256); z.script = f.readFixedString(256); z.percent = f.readUnsignedByte(); z.delay = f.readUnsignedByte(); z.method = f.readUnsignedByte(); this.zones[i] = z; } int numEntities = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // entities.length this.entities = new Entity[numEntities]; //System.out.println("numEntities = " + numEntities); for (int i = 0; i < numEntities; i++) { //Entity e = new Entity(); int x = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); int y = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); Entity e = new Entity(x*16, y*16, null); e.face = f.readByte(); e.obstructable = f.readByte() == 0 ? false : true; e.obstruction = f.readByte() == 0 ? false : true; e.autoface = f.readByte() == 0 ? false : true; e.speed = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); f.readByte(); // unused e.movecode = f.readByte(); e.wx1 = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); e.wy1 = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); e.wx2 = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); e.wy2 = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); e.wdelay = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); f.readInt(); // unused e.movescript = f.readFixedString(256); switch(e.movecode) { case 0: e.setMotionless(); break; case 1: e.setWanderZone(); break; case 2: e.setWanderBox(e.wx1, e.wy1, e.wx2, e.wy2); break; case 3: e.setMoveScript(e.movescript); break; } e.chrname = f.readFixedString(256); e.description = f.readFixedString(256); e.script = f.readFixedString(256); // this is the actual script this.entities[i] = e; } // VC Code f.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException : " + e); } } /** * Saves a Map to a specified file path * */ public void save(String strFilePath) { // create FileOutputStream object try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(strFilePath); int vcoffset =, fos); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(strFilePath, "rw");; raf.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(vcoffset)); raf.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.err.println("Map::FileNotFoundException : " + strFilePath); fnfe.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Saves a Map to a specified output stream * * @param Map m * @param OutputStream */ public int save(MapVerge m, OutputStream os) { ExtendedDataOutputStream f = null; try { f = new ExtendedDataOutputStream(os); // Begin to write f.writeString(MapVerge.MAP_SIGNATURE); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(MapVerge.MAP_VERSION); // Write a dummy offset for now, but this needs to be backpatched, // once the real map is completed. int vc = f.size(); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(0); f.writeFixedString(m.mapname, 256); f.writeFixedString(m.vspname, 256); f.writeFixedString(m.musicname, 256); f.writeFixedString(m.renderstring, 256); f.writeFixedString(m.startupscript, 256); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(m.startX); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(m.startY); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(m.layers.length); for (Layer l : m.layers) { f.writeFixedString(, 256); f.writeDoubleLittleEndian(l.parallax_x); f.writeDoubleLittleEndian(l.parallax_y); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(l.width); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(l.height); f.writeUnsignedByte((int) (l.lucent * 100.0)); // Was 100 - (int) (l.lucent * 100.0 + 0.5)); //l.tiledata[0] = 1; //l.tiledata[1] = 15; //l.tiledata[2] = 800; //l.tiledata[3] = 14000; f.writeCompressedUnsignedShorts(l.tiledata); } f.writeCompressedBytes(m.obsLayer); f.writeCompressedUnsignedShorts(m.zoneLayer); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(m.zones.length); for (Zone z : m.zones) { f.writeFixedString(, 256); f.writeFixedString(z.script, 256); f.writeUnsignedByte(z.percent); f.writeUnsignedByte(z.delay); f.writeUnsignedByte(z.method); } f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(m.entities.length); for (Entity e : m.entities) { f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.getx()/16); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.gety()/16); f.writeByte(e.face); // 0 or 1 f.writeByte(e.obstructable == false ? 0 : 1); f.writeByte(e.obstruction == false ? 0 : 1); f.writeByte(e.autoface == false ? 0 : 1); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.speed); f.writeByte(0); f.writeByte(e.movecode); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.wx1); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.wy1); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.wx2); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.wy2); f.writeUnsignedShortLittleEndian(e.wdelay); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(0); f.writeFixedString(e.movescript, 256); f.writeFixedString(e.chrname, 256); f.writeFixedString(e.description, 256); f.writeFixedString(e.script, 256); } // Write the vc offset. (Don't need, but see RandomAccessFile) int end = f.size(); //; f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(0); System.err.println("[Rafael, the Esper]SAVE: " + f.size()); f.close(); return end; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException : " + e); } return 0; } // Rafael: Code disassociated with map loading private void startMap() { if(!musicname.trim().isEmpty()) playmusic(Script.load(musicname)); current_map = this; //se.LoadMapScript(f, mapfname); for(int i=0; i<current_map.getEntities().length; i++) { Entity e = current_map.getEntities()[i]; e.chr = new CHR(e.chrname); //RequestCHR(e.chrname); e.index = Script.numentities++; entity.add(e); } //TODO Check if this is needed //if(this.tileset.numobs == 0) //this.tileset.numobs = 1; if(startupscript != null && !startupscript.trim().equals("")) callfunction(startupscript); } // Use public int getzone(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y >= getHeight()) return 0; return zoneLayer[(y * getWidth()) + x]; } public boolean getobs(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y >= getHeight()) return true; if (obsLayer[(y * getWidth()) + x] == 0) return false; return true; } public boolean getobspixel(int x, int y) { // modified by [Rafael, the Esper] if (!horizontalWrapable && (x < 0 || (x >> 4) >= getWidth())) return true; if (!verticalWrapable && (y < 0 || (y >> 4) >= getHeight())) return true; if(horizontalWrapable && x < 0) x+= (getWidth() *16); if(horizontalWrapable && (x >> 4) >= getWidth()) x-= (getWidth() *16); if(verticalWrapable && y < 0) y+= (getHeight() *16); if(verticalWrapable && (y >> 4) >= getHeight()) y-= (getHeight() *16); int t = obsLayer[((y >> 4) * getWidth()) + (x >> 4)]; return tileset.GetObs(t, x&15, y&15); } public int gettile(int x, int y, int i) { if(i>=this.layers.length) return 0; return this.layers[i].getTile(x,y); } public void setzone(int x, int y, int z) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y >= getHeight()) return; if (z >= zones.length) return; zoneLayer[(y * getWidth()) + x] = z; } public void setobs(int x, int y, int t) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y >= getHeight()) return; if (t >= tileset.numobs && t!=0) return; obsLayer[(y * getWidth()) + x] = (byte) t; } public void settile(int x, int y, int layer, int index) { if(layer>=this.layers.length) { return; } else { this.layers[layer].setTile(x,y,index); } resetCacheArray(); } public int getWidth() { if (layers != null && layers[0] != null) { return layers[0].width; } return 0; } public int getHeight() { if (layers != null && layers[0] != null) { return layers[0].height; } return 0; } public String getFilename() { return this.filename; } public String getMapname() { return this.mapname; } public Zone[] getZones() { return this.zones; } public Entity[] getEntities() { return this.entities; } public void setRenderstring(String string) { this.renderstring = string; } public String getRenderstring() { return this.renderstring; } public String getScriptZone(int zone) { if(zones!=null) return zones[zone].script; return null; } public int getPercentZone(int zone) { if(zones!=null) return zones[zone].percent; return 0; } public int getMethodZone(int zone) { if(zones!=null) return zones[zone].method; return 0; } public int getNumLayers() { return this.layers.length; } public int getLayerLucent(int layer) { return layers[layer].lucent; } /* * */ static class Layer { public static final int DEFAULT_X = 30; public static final int DEFAULT_Y = 20; private String name = ""; private double parallax_x = 1.0, parallax_y = 1.0; int width = DEFAULT_X; // Unsigned short int height = DEFAULT_Y; private int lucent = 0; // Unsigned Byte private int x_offset, y_offset; // used to account for changing parallax int[] tiledata = new int[DEFAULT_X*DEFAULT_Y]; // width * height Unsigned shorts! public int getTile(int x, int y) { if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=width || y>=height) return 0; return tiledata[(y*width)+x]; } public void setTile(int x, int y, int t) { if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=width || y>=height) return; tiledata[(y*width)+x] = t; } void setParallaxX(double p, int xwin) { // [Rafael, the Esper]: changed to receive xwin // increase the x_offset to the current layer pos given the current parallax x_offset += (int) ((float) xwin * parallax_x); // then reduce it by what the parallax will be x_offset -= (int) ((float) xwin * p); // then we can set the parallax parallax_x = p; } void setParallaxY(double p, int ywin) { // [Rafael, the Esper]: changed to receive ywin // increase the x_offset to the current layer pos given the current parallax y_offset += (int) ((float) ywin * parallax_y); // then reduce it by what the parallax will be y_offset -= (int) ((float) ywin * p); // then we can set the parallax parallax_y = p; } public String toString() { return "Layer " + name + ": (" + parallax_x + ", " + parallax_y + ") (" + width + ", " + height + ") " + lucent + " Data: " + tiledata; } } class Zone { private String name = ""; private String script = ""; private int percent=255, delay, method; // Unsigned byte public String toString() { return "Zone " + name + " Act:" + script + " Chance:" + percent + " Delay:" + delay + " Method:" + method; } } }