package server; import client.MapleBuffStat; import client.MapleCharacter; import client.MapleCoolDownValueHolder; import client.MapleDisease; import client.MapleStat; import client.MapleTrait.MapleTraitType; import client.MonsterStatus; import client.MonsterStatusEffect; import client.PlayerStats; import client.Skill; import client.SkillFactory; import client.inventory.Item; import client.inventory.MapleInventory; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType; import constants.GameConstants; import custom.CustomSkills; import; import; import; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import provider.MapleData; import provider.MapleDataTool; import provider.wz.MapleDataType; import server.MapleCarnivalFactory.MCSkill; import server.Timer.BuffTimer; import server.buffs.BuffClassFetcher; import; import; import server.maps.MapleDoor; import server.maps.MapleExtractor; import server.maps.MapleMap; import server.maps.MapleMapObject; import server.maps.MapleMapObjectType; import server.maps.MapleMist; import server.maps.MapleSummon; import server.maps.MechDoor; import server.maps.SummonMovementType; import tools.CaltechEval; import tools.FileoutputUtil; import tools.Pair; import tools.Triple; import tools.packet.CField; import tools.packet.CField.EffectPacket; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.BuffPacket; import tools.packet.JobPacket; import tools.packet.JobPacket.PhantomPacket; public class MapleStatEffect implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 9179541993413738569L; public Map<MapleStatInfo, Integer> info; private Map<MapleTraitType, Integer> traits; private boolean overTime, skill, partyBuff = true; public EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statups; private ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> availableMap; public EnumMap<MonsterStatus, Integer> monsterStatus; private Point lt, rb; private byte level; private List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> randomMorph; private List<MapleDisease> cureDebuffs; private List<Integer> petsCanConsume, familiars, randomPickup; private List<Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer>> rewardItem; private byte expR, familiarTarget, recipeUseCount, recipeValidDay, reqSkillLevel, slotCount, effectedOnAlly, effectedOnEnemy, type, preventslip, immortal, bs; private short ignoreMob, mesoR, thaw, fatigueChange, lifeId, imhp, immp, inflation, useLevel, indiePdd, indieMdd, incPVPdamage, mobSkill, mobSkillLevel; private double hpR, mpR; private int sourceid, recipe, moveTo, moneyCon, morphId = 0, expinc, exp, consumeOnPickup, charColor, interval, rewardMeso, totalprob, cosmetic; private int weapon = 0; private int expBuff, itemup, mesoup, cashup, berserk, illusion, booster, berserk2, cp, nuffSkill; public static MapleStatEffect loadSkillEffectFromData(final MapleData source, final int skillid, final boolean overtime, final int level, final String variables) { return loadFromData(source, skillid, true, overtime, level, variables); } public static MapleStatEffect loadItemEffectFromData(final MapleData source, final int itemid) { return loadFromData(source, itemid, false, false, 1, null); } private static void addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> list, final MapleBuffStat buffstat, final Integer val) { if (val != 0) { list.put(buffstat, val); } } private static int parseEval(String path, MapleData source, int def, String variables, int level) { if (variables == null) { return MapleDataTool.getIntConvert(path, source, def); } else { final MapleData dd = source.getChildByPath(path); if (dd == null) { return def; } if (dd.getType() != MapleDataType.STRING) { return MapleDataTool.getIntConvert(path, source, def); } String dddd = MapleDataTool.getString(dd).replace(variables, String.valueOf(level)); if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("-")) { //-30+3*x if (dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("u") || dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("d")) { //-u(x/2) dddd = "n(" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()) + ")"; //n(u(x/2)) } else { dddd = "n" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()); //n30+3*x } } else if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("=")) { //lol nexon and their mistakes dddd = dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()); } else if (dddd.contains("y")) { // AngelicBuster Exception dddd = "0"; } return (int) (new CaltechEval(dddd).evaluate()); } } public static int parseEval(String data, int level) { String variables = "x"; String dddd = data.replace(variables, String.valueOf(level)); if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("-")) { //-30+3*x if (dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("u") || dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("d")) { //-u(x/2) dddd = "n(" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()) + ")"; //n(u(x/2)) } else { dddd = "n" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()); //n30+3*x } } else if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("=")) { //lol nexon and their mistakes dddd = dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()); } return (int) (new CaltechEval(dddd).evaluate()); } private static MapleStatEffect loadFromData(final MapleData source, final int sourceid, final boolean skill, final boolean overTime, final int level, final String variables) { final MapleStatEffect ret = new MapleStatEffect(); ret.sourceid = sourceid; ret.skill = skill; ret.level = (byte) level; if (source == null) { return ret; } = new EnumMap<>(MapleStatInfo.class); for (final MapleStatInfo i : MapleStatInfo.values()) { if (i.isSpecial()) {, parseEval(, - 1), source, i.getDefault(), variables, level)); } else {, parseEval(, source, i.getDefault(), variables, level)); } } ret.hpR = parseEval("hpR", source, 0, variables, level) / 100.0; ret.mpR = parseEval("mpR", source, 0, variables, level) / 100.0; ret.ignoreMob = (short) parseEval("ignoreMobpdpR", source, 0, variables, level); ret.thaw = (short) parseEval("thaw", source, 0, variables, level); ret.interval = parseEval("interval", source, 0, variables, level); ret.expinc = parseEval("expinc", source, 0, variables, level); ret.exp = parseEval("exp", source, 0, variables, level); ret.morphId = parseEval("morph", source, 0, variables, level); ret.cp = parseEval("cp", source, 0, variables, level); ret.cosmetic = parseEval("cosmetic", source, 0, variables, level); ret.slotCount = (byte) parseEval("slotCount", source, 0, variables, level); ret.preventslip = (byte) parseEval("preventslip", source, 0, variables, level); ret.useLevel = (short) parseEval("useLevel", source, 0, variables, level); ret.nuffSkill = parseEval("nuffSkill", source, 0, variables, level); ret.familiarTarget = (byte) (parseEval("familiarPassiveSkillTarget", source, 0, variables, level) + 1); ret.immortal = (byte) parseEval("immortal", source, 0, variables, level); ret.type = (byte) parseEval("type", source, 0, variables, level); = (byte) parseEval("bs", source, 0, variables, level); ret.indiePdd = (short) parseEval("indiePdd", source, 0, variables, level); ret.indieMdd = (short) parseEval("indieMdd", source, 0, variables, level); ret.expBuff = parseEval("expBuff", source, 0, variables, level); ret.cashup = parseEval("cashBuff", source, 0, variables, level); ret.itemup = parseEval("itemupbyitem", source, 0, variables, level); ret.mesoup = parseEval("mesoupbyitem", source, 0, variables, level); ret.berserk = parseEval("berserk", source, 0, variables, level); ret.berserk2 = parseEval("berserk2", source, 0, variables, level); ret.booster = parseEval("booster", source, 0, variables, level); ret.lifeId = (short) parseEval("lifeId", source, 0, variables, level); ret.inflation = (short) parseEval("inflation", source, 0, variables, level); ret.imhp = (short) parseEval("imhp", source, 0, variables, level); ret.immp = (short) parseEval("immp", source, 0, variables, level); ret.illusion = parseEval("illusion", source, 0, variables, level); ret.consumeOnPickup = parseEval("consumeOnPickup", source, 0, variables, level); if (ret.consumeOnPickup == 1) { if (parseEval("party", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) { ret.consumeOnPickup = 2; } } ret.recipe = parseEval("recipe", source, 0, variables, level); ret.recipeUseCount = (byte) parseEval("recipeUseCount", source, 0, variables, level); ret.recipeValidDay = (byte) parseEval("recipeValidDay", source, 0, variables, level); ret.reqSkillLevel = (byte) parseEval("reqSkillLevel", source, 0, variables, level); ret.effectedOnAlly = (byte) parseEval("effectedOnAlly", source, 0, variables, level); ret.effectedOnEnemy = (byte) parseEval("effectedOnEnemy", source, 0, variables, level); ret.incPVPdamage = (short) parseEval("incPVPDamage", source, 0, variables, level); ret.moneyCon = parseEval("moneyCon", source, 0, variables, level); ret.moveTo = parseEval("moveTo", source, -1, variables, level); ret.charColor = 0; String cColor = MapleDataTool.getString("charColor", source, null); if (cColor != null) { ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(0, 2)); ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(2, 4) + "00"); ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(4, 6) + "0000"); ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(6, 8) + "000000"); } ret.traits = new EnumMap<>(MapleTraitType.class); for (MapleTraitType t : MapleTraitType.values()) { int expz = parseEval( + "EXP", source, 0, variables, level); if (expz != 0) { ret.traits.put(t, expz); } } List<MapleDisease> cure = new ArrayList<>(5); if (parseEval("poison", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) { cure.add(MapleDisease.POISON); } if (parseEval("seal", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) { cure.add(MapleDisease.SEAL); } if (parseEval("darkness", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) { cure.add(MapleDisease.DARKNESS); } if (parseEval("weakness", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) { cure.add(MapleDisease.WEAKEN); } if (parseEval("curse", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) { cure.add(MapleDisease.CURSE); } ret.cureDebuffs = cure; ret.petsCanConsume = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; true; i++) { final int dd = parseEval(String.valueOf(i), source, 0, variables, level); if (dd > 0) { ret.petsCanConsume.add(dd); } else { break; } } final MapleData mdd = source.getChildByPath("0"); if (mdd != null && mdd.getChildren().size() > 0) { ret.mobSkill = (short) parseEval("mobSkill", mdd, 0, variables, level); ret.mobSkillLevel = (short) parseEval("level", mdd, 0, variables, level); } else { ret.mobSkill = 0; ret.mobSkillLevel = 0; } final MapleData pd = source.getChildByPath("randomPickup"); if (pd != null) { ret.randomPickup = new ArrayList<>(); for (MapleData p : pd) { ret.randomPickup.add(MapleDataTool.getInt(p)); } } final MapleData ltd = source.getChildByPath("lt"); if (ltd != null) { = (Point) ltd.getData(); ret.rb = (Point) source.getChildByPath("rb").getData(); } final MapleData ltc = source.getChildByPath("con"); if (ltc != null) { ret.availableMap = new ArrayList<>(); for (MapleData ltb : ltc) { ret.availableMap.add(new Pair<>(MapleDataTool.getInt("sMap", ltb, 0), MapleDataTool.getInt("eMap", ltb, 999999999))); } } final MapleData ltb = source.getChildByPath("familiar"); if (ltb != null) { ret.fatigueChange = (short) (parseEval("incFatigue", ltb, 0, variables, level) - parseEval("decFatigue", ltb, 0, variables, level)); ret.familiarTarget = (byte) parseEval("target", ltb, 0, variables, level); final MapleData lta = ltb.getChildByPath("targetList"); if (lta != null) { ret.familiars = new ArrayList<>(); for (MapleData ltz : lta) { ret.familiars.add(MapleDataTool.getInt(ltz, 0)); } } } else { ret.fatigueChange = 0; } int totalprob = 0; final MapleData lta = source.getChildByPath("reward"); if (lta != null) { ret.rewardMeso = parseEval("meso", lta, 0, variables, level); final MapleData ltz = lta.getChildByPath("case"); if (ltz != null) { ret.rewardItem = new ArrayList<>(); for (MapleData lty : ltz) { ret.rewardItem.add(new Triple<>(MapleDataTool.getInt("id", lty, 0), MapleDataTool.getInt("count", lty, 0), MapleDataTool.getInt("prop", lty, 0))); // todo: period (in minutes) totalprob += MapleDataTool.getInt("prob", lty, 0); } } } else { ret.rewardMeso = 0; } ret.totalprob = totalprob; // start of server calculated stuffs if (ret.skill) { final int priceUnit =; // Guild skills if (priceUnit > 0) { final int price =; final int extendPrice =;, price * priceUnit);, extendPrice * priceUnit); } switch (sourceid) { case 1100002: case 1200002: case 1300002: case 3100001: case 3200001: case 11101002: case 51100002: case 13101002: case 2111007: case 2211007: case 2311007: case 32111010: case 22161005: case 12111007: case 33100009: case 22150004: case 22181004: //All Final Attack case 1120013: case 3120008: case 23100006: case 23120012:, 6); break; case 35121005: case 35111004: case 35121013: case 35121054: //reactive armor mech, 6);, 6); break; case 24121000:, 6); break; // case 36120045: // case 24120047: //, 2); //, +2); // break; case 24100003: // TODO: for now, or could it be card stack? (1 count) case 24120002:, 15); break; } if (GameConstants.isNoDelaySkill(sourceid)) {, 6); } } if (!ret.skill && > -1) { ret.overTime = true; } else {, ( * 1000)); // items have their times stored in ms, of course, ( * 1000)); ret.overTime = overTime || ret.isMorph() || ret.isPirateMorph() || ret.isFinalAttack() || ret.isAngel() || ret.getSummonMovementType() != null; } ret.monsterStatus = new EnumMap<>(MonsterStatus.class); ret.statups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); if (ret.overTime && ret.getSummonMovementType() == null && !ret.isEnergyCharge()) { addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.WATK,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.WDEF,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MATK,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MDEF,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ACC,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.SPEED, sourceid == 32120001 || sourceid == 32101003 ? :; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.JUMP,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MAXHP,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MAXMP,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, ret.booster); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_LOSS_GUARD, Integer.valueOf(ret.thaw)); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.EXPRATE, ret.expBuff); // EXP addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ACASH_RATE, ret.cashup); // custom addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.DROP_RATE, GameConstants.getModifier(ret.sourceid, ret.itemup)); // defaults to 2x addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MESO_RATE, GameConstants.getModifier(ret.sourceid, ret.mesoup)); // defaults to 2x addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.BERSERK_FURY, ret.berserk2); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ILLUSION, ret.illusion); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.PYRAMID_PQ, ret.berserk); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXHP,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXMP,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_WATK,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MATK,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_WDEF,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MDEF,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.GIANT_POTION, Integer.valueOf(ret.inflation)); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.STR,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.DEX,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INT,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.LUK,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST, Integer.valueOf(ret.imhp)); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST, Integer.valueOf(ret.immp)); //same one? lol addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST_PERCENT,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST_PERCENT,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.PVP_DAMAGE, Integer.valueOf(ret.incPVPdamage)); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_JUMP,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INDIE_SPEED,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_ACC,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_AVOID,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_STAT,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.PVP_ATTACK,; addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INVINCIBILITY, Integer.valueOf(ret.immortal)); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.NO_SLIP, Integer.valueOf(ret.preventslip)); addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.FAMILIAR_SHADOW, ret.charColor > 0 ? 1 : 0); if (sourceid == 5221006 || ret.isPirateMorph()) { //HACK: add stance :D and also this buffstat has to be the first one.. ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, 100); //100% :D:D:D } } if (ret.skill) { // hack because we can't get from the datafile... boolean found = false; for (CustomSkills skills : CustomSkills.values()) { if (skills.isBuff() && !skills.isStatInfoBuff() && skills.getId() == sourceid) { found = true; ret.statups.put(skills.getStat().getLeft(), skills.getStat().getRight()); } else if (skills.isBuff() && skills.isStatInfoBuff() && skills.getId() == sourceid) { found = true; ret.statups.put(skills.getStatInfo().getLeft(),; } } if (!found) { boolean handle = BuffClassFetcher.getHandleMethod(ret, sourceid); if (!handle) { switch (sourceid) { case 15111023: //seawall ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STATUS_RESIST,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_RESIST,; break; case 1321015: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOSS_DAMAGE,; break; case 15111024: //ironclad ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_ABSORBED,; break; case 2001002: // magic guard case 12001001: case 22111001: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_GUARD,; break; case 24111003://Bad Luck Ward ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXHP,;//indieMhpR/x ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXMP,;//indieMmpR/x // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,; // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_RESIST,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,;//x ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R,;//y break; case 2301003: // invincible ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INVINCIBLE,; break; case 35120000://Extreme proto case 35001002://mech proto, 2100000000); break; case 9101004: case 9001004: // hide, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT,; break; case 13101006: // Wind Walk ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.WIND_WALK,; break; case 4330001: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, (int) ret.level); break; case 4001003: // Dark Sight case 14001003: // cygnus ds case 20031211: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT,; // d break; case 4211003: // pickpocket, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PICKPOCKET,; break; case 4211005: // mesoguard case 4201011: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MESOGUARD,; break; case 4111001: // mesoup ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MESOUP,; break; case 14111000: // cygnus ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER,; // d break; case 4211008: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, (int) ret.level); break; case 11101002: // All Final attack case 51100002: case 13101002: case 13100022: case 13100027: case 13110022: case 13110027: case 13120003: case 13120010: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINALATTACK,; break; case 22161004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ONYX_SHROUD,; break; case 3101004: // soul arrow case 3201004: case 2311002: // mystic door - hacked buff icon case 35101005: case 13101003: case 13101024://new cyngus ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOULARROW,; break; case 2321010: case 2221009: case 2121009:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BUFF_MASTERY,; break; case 2320011: case 2220010: case 2120010:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MANY_USES,; break; case 1211006: // wk charges case 1211004: case 1211008: case 1221004: case 11111007: // case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge case 21101006: case 21111005: case 15101006: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF,; break; // case 51111004: // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,; // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R,; // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DEFENCE_BOOST_R,; // break; // case 51121006: // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF,; // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF,; // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF,; // break; case 2111008: case 2211008: case 12101005: case 22121001: // Elemental Reset ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_RESET,; break; case 3111000: case 3121008: case 13111001: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CONCENTRATE,; break; case 5110001: // Energy Charge case 15100004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE, 0); break; case 1101004: case 1201004: case 1301004: case 3101002: case 3201002: case 4101003: case 4201002: case 23101002: case 2111005: // spell booster, do these work the same? case 2211005: case 5101006: case 5201003: case 11101001: case 12101004: case 13101001: case 14101002: case 15101002: case 22141002: // Magic Booster case 2311006: // Magic Booster case 32101005: case 33001003: case 35101006: case 5301002: case 24101005: case 5701005: // case 51101003: //Mihile's sword booster case 27101004: //Luminous booster ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, * 2); break; case 21001003: // Aran - Pole Arm Booster ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER,; break; case 35111013: case 5111007: case 5211007: case 5811007: case 5911007: case 5311005: case 5320007: case 5120012: case 5220014: case 5711011: case 5720005: case 15111011: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, 0); break; case 5120011: case 5220012:,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_RATE, (int); //i think break; case 5121009: case 15111005: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED_INFUSION,; break; case 4321000: //tornado spin uses same buffstats, 1000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_SPEED, 100 +; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_JUMP,; //always 0 but its there break; case 5001005: // Dash case 15001003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_SPEED,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_JUMP,; break; case 1101007: // pguard case 1201007: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.POWERGUARD,; break; case 32111004: //conversion ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CONVERSION,; break; case 1301007: // hyper body case 9001008: case 9101008: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXHP,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXMP,; break; case 1111002: // combo case 11111001: // combo case 1101013: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, 1); // System.out.println("Combo just buff stat"); break; case 21120007: //combo barrier ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_BARRIER,; break; case 5211006: // Homing Beacon case 5220011: // Bullseye case 22151002: //killer wings, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOMING_BEACON,; break; case 1311015: // Cross Surge ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CROSS_SURGE,; break; case 21111009: //combo recharge case 1311006: //dragon roar case 1311005: //NOT A BUFF - Sacrifice ret.hpR = / 100.0; break; case 1211010: //NOT A BUFF - HP Recover ret.hpR = / 100.0; break; case 4341002:, 60 * 1000); ret.hpR = / 100.0; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINAL_CUT,; break; case 2111007: case 2211007: case 2311007: case 32111010: case 22161005: case 12111007:,;, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TELEPORT_MASTERY,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1); break; case 4331003:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.OWL_SPIRIT,; break; case 1311008: // dragon blood if (!GameConstants.GMS) { //TODO JUMP ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DRAGONBLOOD,; } break; case 5321005: case 1121000: // maple warrior, all classes case 5721000: case 1221000: case 1321000: case 2121000: case 2221000: case 2321000: case 3121000: case 3221000: case 4121000: case 4221000: case 5121000: case 5221000: case 21121000: // Aran - Maple Warrior case 32121007: case 35121007: case 23121005: case 24121008: // phantom case 100001268: // Zero // case 51121005: //Mihile's Maple Warrior ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAPLE_WARRIOR,; break; case 15111006: //spark ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPARK,; break; case 3121002: // sharp eyes bow master case 3221002: // sharp eyes marksmen ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHARP_EYES, ( << 8) +; break; case 22151003: //magic resistance ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_RESISTANCE,; break; case 2000007: case 12000006: case 22000002: case 32000012: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_WEAKEN,; break; case 21101003: // Body Pressure ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BODY_PRESSURE,; break; case 21000000: // Aran Combo ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ARAN_COMBO, 100); break; case 23101003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE,; break; case 24121054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_DRAIN,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE,;, Integer.valueOf(30000)); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,;//x // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R,;//y break; case 21100005: // Combo Drain case 32101004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_DRAIN,; break; case 41101003: // Military Might ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXHP,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXMP,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_WATK,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.JUMP,; break; case 15001022: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.LIGHTNING,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF,; break; case 41110008: case 41001001: // Battoujutsu Stance, Integer.valueOf(2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_DAMAGE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BATTOUJUTSU_STANCE, 1); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HAYATO_STANCE,; CWvsContext.enableActions(); break; case 41110009: // Warrior's Heart ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY,; break; case 42101020: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY,; break; case 23111004://Ignis Roar case 23121054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, (int); break; case 21111001: // Smart Knockback ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SMART_KNOCKBACK,; break; case 23121004://TODO LEGEND ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_RATE, (int); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXHP, (int); break; case 1211009: case 1111007: case 1311007: //magic crash case 51111005: //Mihile's magic crash ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MAGIC_CRASH, 1); break; case 1220013: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_SHIELD, + 1); break; case 1211011: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBAT_ORDERS,; break; case 23111005: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.WATER_SHIELD,; break; case 22131001: //magic shield ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_SHIELD,; break; case 27121005: // Dark Crescendo TODO: Count up GMS-Like, Integer.valueOf(180000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_CRESCENDO,; break; case 22181003: //soul stone ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOUL_STONE, 1); break; case 24111002: //Final Feint, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOUL_STONE, 1); break; case 32121003: //twister ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TORNADO,; break; case 2311009: //holy magic ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_MAGIC_SHELL,;,; ret.hpR = / 100.0; break; case 32111005: //body boost, 60000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST, (int) ret.level); //lots of variables break; case 22131002: case 22141003: // Slow ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SLOW,; break; case 4001002: // disorder case 14001002: // cygnus disorder ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WATK,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF,; break; case 5221009: // Mind Control ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.HYPNOTIZE, 1); break; case 4341003: // Monster Bomb ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MONSTER_BOMB, (int); break; case 1201006: // threaten ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WATK,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.DARKNESS,; break; case 22141001: case 1211002: // charged blow case 1111008: // shout case 4211002: // assaulter case 3101005: // arrow bomb case 1111005: // coma: sword case 4221007: // boomerang step case 5101002: // Backspin Blow case 5101003: // Double Uppercut case 5121004: // Demolition case 5121005: // Snatch case 5121007: // Barrage case 5201004: // pirate blank shot case 4121008: // Ninja Storm case 22151001: case 4201004: //steal, new case 33101001: case 33101002: case 32101001: case 32111011: case 32121004: case 33111002: case 33121002: case 35101003: case 35111015: case 5111002: //energy blast case 15101005: case 4331005: case 1121001: //magnet case 1221001: case 1321001: case 9001020: case 31111001: case 31101002: case 9101020: case 2211003: case 2311004: case 3120010: case 22181001: case 21110006: case 22131000: case 5301001: case 5311001: case 5311002: case 2221006: case 5310008: case 27121052: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1); break; case 90001004: case 4321002: case 1111003: case 11111002: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.DARKNESS,; break; case 4221003: case 4121003: case 33121005: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SHOWDOWN,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MDEF,; // removed for taunt ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF,; // removed for taunt break; case 31121003: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SHOWDOWN,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MDEF,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MATK,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WATK,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.ACC,; break; case 23121002: //not sure if negative ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF,; break; case 2201004: // cold beam case 2221003: case 2211002: // ice strike case 3211003: // blizzard case 2211006: // il elemental compo case 2221007: // Blizzard case 5211005: // Ice Splitter case 2121006: // Paralyze case 21120006: // Tempest case 22121000: case 90001006: case 2221001: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.FREEZE, 1);, * 2); // freezing skills are a little strange break; case 2101003: // fp slow case 2201003: // il slow case 12101001: case 90001002: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED,; break; case 5011002: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED,; break; case 1121010: //enrage ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENRAGE, * 100 +; break; case 23111002: //TODO LEGEND: damage increase? case 22161002: //phantom imprint ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.IMPRINT,; break; case 90001003: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.POISON, 1); break; case 4121004: // Ninja ambush case 4221004: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.NINJA_AMBUSH, (int); break; case 2311005: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.DOOM, 1); break; case 32111006: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.REAPER, 1); break; case 35121003:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1); break; case 35111001: case 35111010: case 35111009:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PUPPET, 1); break; case 80001155: // Terms and Conditions ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; break; case 4341006: case 3120012: case 3220012: case 3111002: // puppet ranger case 3211002: // puppet sniper case 13111004: // puppet cygnus case 13111024: // Emerald Flower case 5211001: // Pirate octopus summon case 5220002: // wrath of the octopi case 33111003: case 5321003: case 5211014: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PUPPET, 1); break; case 3120006: case 3220005: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, (int); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPIRIT_LINK, 1); break; case 5220019:, 120000); break; case 5211011: case 5211015: case 5211016: case 5711001: // turret case 2121005: // elquines case 3201007: case 3101007: case 3211005: // golden eagle case 3111005: // golden hawk case 33111005: case 35111002: case 3121006: // phoenix case 23111008: case 23111009: case 23111010: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1); ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1); break; case 3221005: // frostprey case 2221005: // ifrit ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1); ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.FREEZE, 1); break; case 35111005: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1); ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF,; break; case 1321007: // Beholder case 1301013: // Evil Eye case 1311013: // Evil Eye of Domination ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BEHOLDER, Integer.valueOf(ret.level)); break; case 2321003: // bahamut case 5211002: // Pirate bird summon case 11001004: case 12001004: case 12111004: // Itrit case 13001004: case 14001005: case 15001004: case 35111011: case 35121009: case 35121011: case 33101008: //summon - its raining mines case 4111007: //dark flare case 4211007: //dark flare case 14111010: //dark flare case 5321004: case 36121002: case 36121013: case 36121014: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1); break; case 65101002: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_ABSORBED,; break; case 65111004: // Iron Blossom ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE,; break; case 35121010:, 60000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF,; break; case 31121005: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, (int); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_METAMORPHOSIS, 6); // mob count break; case 2311003: // hs case 9001002: // GM hs case 9101002: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SYMBOL,; break; case 80001034: //virtue case 80001035: //virtue case 80001036: //virtue ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.VIRTUE_EFFECT, 1); break; case 2211004: // il seal case 2111004: // fp seal case 12111002: // cygnus seal case 90001005: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SEAL, 1); break; case 24121003:,;,;,; break; case 4111003: // shadow web case 14111001: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SHADOW_WEB, 1); break; case 4111009: // Shadow Stars case 5201008: case 14111007: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPIRIT_CLAW, 0); break; case 2121004: case 2221004: case 2321004: // Infinity ret.hpR = / 100.0; ret.mpR = / 100.0; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY,; if (GameConstants.GMS) { //TODO JUMP ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, (int); } break; case 22181004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ONYX_WILL, (int); //is this the right order ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, (int); break; case 1121002: case 1221002: case 1321002: // Stance // case 51121004: //Mihile's Stance case 50001214: case 80001140: case 21121003: // Aran - Freezing Posture case 32121005: case 5321010: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, (int); break; case 2121002: // mana reflection case 2221002: case 2321002: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MANA_REFLECTION, 1); break; case 2321005: // holy shield, TODO JUMP // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SHIELD, GameConstants.GMS ? (int) ret.level :; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SHIELD,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST,;//fix names ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST,; break; case 3121007: // Hamstring ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HAMSTRING,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED,; break; case 3221006: // Blind case 33111004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BLIND,; ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.ACC,; break; case 9101003: //customs for infinite dmg :D ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, Integer.MAX_VALUE); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, Integer.MAX_VALUE); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, 500000); case 2301004: case 9001003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BLESS, (int) ret.level); break; case 32120000:,;, 3); case 32001003: //dark aura case 32110007:, (sourceid == 32110007 ? 60000 : 2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) ret.level); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA,; break; case 32111012: //blue aura case 32110000: case 32110008:, (sourceid == 32110008 ? 60000 : 2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) ret.level); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, (int) ret.level); break; case 32120001: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED,; case 32101003: //yellow aura case 32110009:, (sourceid == 32110009 ? 60000 : 2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) ret.level); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, (int) ret.level); break; case 33101004: //it's raining mines ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RAINING_MINES,; //x? break; case 35101007: //perfect armor, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR,; break; case 35121006: //satellite safety, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_PROC,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_ABSORB,; break; case 80001040: case 20021110: case 20031203: ret.moveTo =; break; case 5311004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BARREL_ROLL, 0); break; case 5121015: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF,; break; case 80001089: // Soaring, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOARING, 1); break; case 20031205: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PHANTOM_MOVE,; break; case 5211009:, 2100000000); break; case 35001001: //flame case 35101009:, 1000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, level); //ya wtf break; case 35121013: case 35111004: //siege //, 5000);, 2100000000); case 35121005: //missile, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, level); //ya wtf break; case 35111016: // overclock mech ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_MONSTER_DEF,; break; case 10001075: // Cygnus Echo case 50001075: // Mihile's Empress's Prayer ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ECHO_OF_HERO,; break; //START Novak added case 11001022: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1); break; case 11001021: break; case 11101024: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER,; break; case 11121006: break; case 11121054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE,; break; case 4111002: case 4331002: case 15121004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER,; break; case 15121054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; break; case 30021237: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.XENON_FLY, Integer.valueOf(1));, Integer.valueOf(180000)); break; case 2321054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ANGEL, 1); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE,; break; // case 4211008: case 36111006: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, Integer.valueOf(ret.level)); break; case 13111023: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ALBATROSS,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED,;//true? ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_PERCENT_UP,; break; case 13120008: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ALBATROSS,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED,;//true? ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_PERCENT_UP,; break; case 4311009: case 15101022: case 31201002: case 31001001: case 36101004: case 41101005: case 42101003: case 51101003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER,; break; case 41121003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R,; break; case 31211003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R,; break; case 36111008: // Emergency Resupply ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS,; break; case 27101202:, Integer.valueOf(2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PRESSURE_VOID, Integer.valueOf(; break; case 27111004:, Integer.valueOf(2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PRESSURE_VOID, Integer.valueOf(3)); break; case 27111006: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXMP, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer); break; case 30010242: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.LUNAR_TIDE, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; // case 27121052: // ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1)); // case 27121054: // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.LUMINOUS_GAUGE, Integer.valueOf(20040218)); // break; case 27121006: // Arcane Pitch ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINALATTACK,; break; case 24121053: case 21121053: case 22171053: case 23121053: case 27121053: //Heroic Memories ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; break; case 30020234: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; break; case 36000004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; break; case 36100007: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; break; case 36110004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; break; case 36120010: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; break; case 36120016: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; break; case 5721053: case 5321053: case 5121053: case 4341053: case 4221053: case 4121053: case 3221053: case 3121053: case 2321053: case 2221053: case 2121053: case 1321053: case 1221053: case 1121053: //Epic Adventure ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; break; case 31221053: case 31121053: case 32121053: case 33121053: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; break; case 5221053://epic Aventure corsair ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE,; break; case 51121053: //Queen of Tomorrow Mihile case 35121053://for liberty mechanic ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE,; break; case 61101004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer); break; case 61111003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer); break; case 60001216:, Integer.valueOf(2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MODE_CHANGE, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; case 60001217: // case 61100005:, Integer.valueOf(2100000000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MODE_CHANGE, Integer.valueOf(0)); break; case 61111004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; break; case 61111008: //Kaiser morph case 61120008: //Kaiser morph case 61121053: //Kaiser morph no gauge ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, -(; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, -(; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE, -(; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED,; break; case 61121054: //Kaiser's Majesty, #Novak ftw ret.statups.clear(); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MAJESTY3,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MAJESTY4,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, Integer.MAX_VALUE); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED,; break; case 4341054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ARIANT_COSS_IMU2, Integer.valueOf(1)); ret.overTime = true; break; case 4341052: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ASURA,; break; case 35120014: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, Integer.valueOf(0)); break; case 80001264:, Integer.valueOf(180000)); break; case 4121054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED_LEVEL, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; case 31211004: // Diabolic Recovery, Integer.valueOf(180000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DIABOLIC_RECOVERY,; // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY,; break; case 31221004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, 2); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, 2); break; case 36101003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MP_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_R,;, Integer.valueOf(180000)); break; case 4341000: case 22171000: case 13121000: case 11121000: case 15121000: case 31221008: case 27121009: case 31121004: case 33121007: case 36121008: case 41121005: case 42121006: case 51121005: case 61121014: case 65121009: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAPLE_WARRIOR,; break; case 13121005: case 33121004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHARP_EYES, Integer.valueOf((((Integer) << 8) + ((Integer); break; case 5321054: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_COUNT,; break; case 51111007: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; case 61111002: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, Integer.valueOf(1)); ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; // case 36121002: // TEST HYPO // case 36121013: // TEST HYPO // case 36121014: // TEST HYPO case 42100010: case 22171052: case 42101021: case 42121021: case 42101001: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; case 42111003:, Integer.valueOf(60000)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; case 33111006: case 33111007: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_BUFF,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FELINE_BERSERK,; break; case 13121004:// Touch of the Wind //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID,; //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ACC,; //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST_PERCENT,; //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ALBATROSS,; //statups.add(new Triple<MapleBuffStats, Integer, Boolean>(MapleBuffStats.WN_BISS, ret.effects.getStats("prop"), false)); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TOUCH_OF_THE_WIND2,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HAMSTRING,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TOUCH_OF_THE_WIND1,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_R,; break; case 31101003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR,; break; case 51121006: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF,; break; case 51111003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF,; break; case 31121007: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOUNDLESS_RAGE, Integer.valueOf(1)); break; case 31111004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DEFENCE_BOOST_R,; break; //END OF Novak added default: break; } } } if (GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000)) { switch (sourceid % 10000) { case 1087:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 10); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 10); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, 1); break; case 1085: case 1090:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 5); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 5); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, 1); break; case 1179:, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 12); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 12); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, 1); break; // if (GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000)) { // switch (sourceid % 10000) { // //angelic blessing: HACK, we're actually supposed to use the passives for atk/matk buff // case 1087: //, 2100000000); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 10); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 10); // break; // case 1085: // case 1090: //, 2100000000); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 5); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 5); // break; // case 1179: // case 1154: //, 2100000000); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 12); // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 12); // break; case 1105: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ICE_SKILL, 1);, 2100000000); break; case 93: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HIDDEN_POTENTIAL, 1); break; case 8001: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOULARROW,; break; case 1005: // Echo of Hero ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ECHO_OF_HERO,; break; case 1011: // Berserk fury ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BERSERK_FURY,; break; case 1010: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_BODY, 1); break; case 1001: if (sourceid / 10000 == 3001 || sourceid / 10000 == 3000) { //resistance is diff ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INFILTRATE,; } else { ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY,; } break; case 8003: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXHP,; ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXMP,; break; case 8004: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBAT_ORDERS,; break; // case 36121054: // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS, Integer.valueOf(16)); // break; case 8005: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SHIELD, 1); break; case 8006: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED_INFUSION,; break; case 103: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1); break; case 99: case 104: ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.FREEZE, 1);, * 2); // freezing skills are a little strange break; case 8002: ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHARP_EYES, ( << 8) + +; break; case 1026: // Soaring case 1142: // Soaring, 2100000000); ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOARING, 1); break; } } } else { switch (sourceid) { case 2022746: //angel bless case 2022747: //d.angel bless case 2022823: ret.statups.clear(); //no atk/matk ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PYRAMID_PQ, 1); //ITEM_EFFECT buff break; } } if (ret.isPoison()) { ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.POISON, 1); } if (ret.isMorph() || ret.isPirateMorph()) { ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, ret.getMorph()); } return ret; } /** * @param applyto * @param obj */ public final void applyPassive(final MapleCharacter applyto, final MapleMapObject obj) { if (makeChanceResult() && !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) { // demon can't heal mp switch (sourceid) { // MP eater case 2100000: case 2200000: case 2300000: if (obj == null || obj.getType() != MapleMapObjectType.MONSTER) { return; } final MapleMonster mob = (MapleMonster) obj; // x is absorb percentage if (!mob.getStats().isBoss()) { final int absorbMp = Math.min((int) (mob.getMobMaxMp() * (getX() / 100.0)), mob.getMp()); if (absorbMp > 0) { mob.setMp(mob.getMp() - absorbMp); applyto.getStat().setMp(applyto.getStat().getMp() + absorbMp, applyto); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level), false); } } break; } } } public final boolean applyTo(MapleCharacter chr) { return applyTo(chr, chr, true, null, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time)); } public final boolean applyTo(MapleCharacter chr, Point pos) { return applyTo(chr, chr, true, pos, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time)); } public final boolean applyTo(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final MapleCharacter applyto, final boolean primary, final Point pos, int newDuration) { if (isHeal() && (applyfrom.getMapId() == 749040100 || applyto.getMapId() == 749040100)) { applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; //z } else if ((isSoaring_Mount() && applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING) == null) || (isSoaring_Normal() && !applyfrom.getMap().canSoar())) { applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } else if (sourceid == 4341006 && applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER) == null) { applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } else if (sourceid == 33101008 && (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.RAINING_MINES) == null || applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON) != null || !applyfrom.canSummon())) { applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } else if (isShadow() && applyfrom.getJob() / 100 % 10 != 4) { //pirate/shadow = dc applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } else if (sourceid == 33101004 && applyfrom.getMap().isTown()) { applyfrom.dropMessage(5, "You may not use this skill in towns."); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } int hpchange = calcHPChange(applyfrom, primary); int mpchange = calcMPChange(applyfrom, primary); int powerchange = calcPowerChange(applyfrom); final PlayerStats stat = applyto.getStat(); if (primary) { if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo) != 0 && !applyto.isClone() && !applyto.inPVP()) { if (!applyto.haveItem(info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo), false, true)) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(applyto.getClient(), GameConstants.getInventoryType(info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon)), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo), false, true); } } else if (!primary && isResurrection()) { hpchange = stat.getMaxHp(); applyto.setStance(0); //TODO fix death bug, player doesnt spawn on other screen } if (isDispel() && makeChanceResult()) { applyto.dispelDebuffs(); } else if (isHeroWill()) { applyto.dispelDebuffs(); } else if (cureDebuffs.size() > 0) { for (final MapleDisease debuff : cureDebuffs) { applyfrom.dispelDebuff(debuff); } } else if (isMPRecovery()) { final int toDecreaseHP = ((stat.getMaxHp() / 100) * 10); if (stat.getHp() > toDecreaseHP) { hpchange += -toDecreaseHP; // -10% of max HP mpchange += ((toDecreaseHP / 100) * getY()); } else { hpchange = stat.getHp() == 1 ? 0 : stat.getHp() - 1; } } final Map<MapleStat, Long> hpmpupdate = new EnumMap<>(MapleStat.class); if (hpchange != 0) { if (hpchange < 0 && (-hpchange) > stat.getHp() && !applyto.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY)) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } stat.setHp(stat.getHp() + hpchange, applyto); } if (mpchange != 0) { if (mpchange < 0 && (-mpchange) > stat.getMp()) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return false; } //short converting needs math.min cuz of overflow if ((mpchange < 0 && GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) || !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) { // heal stat.setMp(stat.getMp() + mpchange, applyto); } hpmpupdate.put(MapleStat.MP, Long.valueOf(stat.getMp())); } hpmpupdate.put(MapleStat.HP, Long.valueOf(stat.getHp())); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(hpmpupdate, true, applyto)); if (powerchange != 0) { if (applyto.getXenonSurplus() - powerchange < 0) { return false; } applyto.gainXenonSurplus((short) -powerchange); } if (expinc != 0) { applyto.gainExp(expinc, true, true, false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showForeignEffect(20)); } else if (sourceid / 10000 == 238) { final MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); final int mobid = ii.getCardMobId(sourceid); if (mobid > 0) { final boolean done = applyto.getMonsterBook().monsterCaught(applyto.getClient(), mobid, MapleLifeFactory.getMonsterStats(mobid).getName()); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.getCard(done ? sourceid : 0, 1)); } } else if (isReturnScroll()) { applyReturnScroll(applyto); } else if (useLevel > 0 && !skill) { applyto.setExtractor(new MapleExtractor(applyto, sourceid, useLevel * 50, 1440)); //no clue about time left applyto.getMap().spawnExtractor(applyto.getExtractor()); } else if (isMistEruption()) { int i = info.get(MapleStatInfo.y); for (MapleMist m : applyto.getMap().getAllMistsThreadsafe()) { if (m.getOwnerId() == applyto.getId() && m.getSourceSkill().getId() == 2111003) { if (m.getSchedule() != null) { m.getSchedule().cancel(false); m.setSchedule(null); } if (m.getPoisonSchedule() != null) { m.getPoisonSchedule().cancel(false); m.setPoisonSchedule(null); } applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.removeMist(m.getObjectId(), true)); applyto.getMap().removeMapObject(m); i--; if (i <= 0) { break; } } } } else if (cosmetic > 0) { if (cosmetic >= 30000) { applyto.setHair(cosmetic); applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.HAIR, cosmetic); } else if (cosmetic >= 20000) { applyto.setFace(cosmetic); applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.FACE, cosmetic); } else if (cosmetic < 100) { applyto.setSkinColor((byte) cosmetic); applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.SKIN, cosmetic); } applyto.equipChanged(); } else if (bs > 0) { if (!applyto.inPVP()) { return false; } final int x = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty(String.valueOf(applyto.getId()))); applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty(String.valueOf(applyto.getId()), String.valueOf(x + bs)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.getPVPScore(x + bs, false)); } else if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon) > 0) { if (!applyto.inPVP()) { return false; } final int x = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("icegage")); if (x < info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)) { return false; } applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("icegage", String.valueOf(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon))); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.getPVPIceGage(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon))); applyto.applyIceGage(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)); } else if (recipe > 0) { if (applyto.getSkillLevel(recipe) > 0 || applyto.getProfessionLevel((recipe / 10000) * 10000) < reqSkillLevel) { return false; } applyto.changeSingleSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getCraft(recipe), Integer.MAX_VALUE, recipeUseCount, recipeValidDay > 0 ? (System.currentTimeMillis() + recipeValidDay * 24L * 60 * 60 * 1000) : -1L); } else if (isComboRecharge()) { applyto.setCombo((short) Math.min(30000, applyto.getCombo() + info.get(MapleStatInfo.y))); applyto.setLastCombo(System.currentTimeMillis()); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.rechargeCombo(applyto.getCombo())); SkillFactory.getSkill(21000000).getEffect(10).applyComboBuff(applyto, applyto.getCombo()); } else if (isDragonBlink()) { final MaplePortal portal = applyto.getMap().getPortal(Randomizer.nextInt(applyto.getMap().getPortals().size())); if (portal != null) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.dragonBlink(portal.getId())); applyto.getMap().movePlayer(applyto, portal.getPosition()); applyto.checkFollow(); } } else if (isSpiritClaw() && !applyto.isClone()) { MapleInventory use = applyto.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE); boolean itemz = false; for (int i = 0; i < use.getSlotLimit(); i++) { // impose order... Item item = use.getItem((byte) i); if (item != null) { if (GameConstants.isRechargable(item.getItemId()) && item.getQuantity() >= 100) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(applyto.getClient(), MapleInventoryType.USE, (short) i, (short) 100, false, true); itemz = true; break; } } } if (!itemz) { return false; } } else if (isSpiritBlast() && !applyto.isClone()) { MapleInventory use = applyto.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE); boolean itemz = false; for (int i = 0; i < use.getSlotLimit(); i++) { // impose order... Item item = use.getItem((byte) i); if (item != null) { if (GameConstants.isBullet(item.getItemId()) && item.getQuantity() >= 100) { MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(applyto.getClient(), MapleInventoryType.USE, (short) i, (short) 100, false, true); itemz = true; break; } } } if (!itemz) { return false; } } else if (cp != 0 && applyto.getCarnivalParty() != null) { applyto.getCarnivalParty().addCP(applyto, cp); applyto.CPUpdate(false, applyto.getAvailableCP(), applyto.getTotalCP(), 0); for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { chr.CPUpdate(true, applyto.getCarnivalParty().getAvailableCP(), applyto.getCarnivalParty().getTotalCP(), applyto.getCarnivalParty().getTeam()); } } else if (nuffSkill != 0 && applyto.getParty() != null) { final MCSkill skil = MapleCarnivalFactory.getInstance().getSkill(nuffSkill); if (skil != null) { final MapleDisease dis = skil.getDisease(); for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { if (applyto.getParty() == null || chr.getParty() == null || (chr.getParty().getId() != applyto.getParty().getId())) { if (skil.targetsAll || Randomizer.nextBoolean()) { if (dis == null) { chr.dispel(); } else if (skil.getSkill() == null) { chr.giveDebuff(dis, 1, 30000, dis.getDisease(), 1); } else { chr.giveDebuff(dis, skil.getSkill()); } if (!skil.targetsAll) { break; } } } } } } else if ((effectedOnEnemy > 0 || effectedOnAlly > 0) && primary && applyto.inPVP()) { final int eventType = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("type")); if (eventType > 0 || effectedOnEnemy > 0) { for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { if (chr.getId() != applyto.getId() && (effectedOnAlly > 0 ? (chr.getTeam() == applyto.getTeam()) : (chr.getTeam() != applyto.getTeam() || eventType == 0))) { applyTo(applyto, chr, false, pos, newDuration); } } } } else if (mobSkill > 0 && mobSkillLevel > 0 && primary && applyto.inPVP()) { if (effectedOnEnemy > 0) { final int eventType = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("type")); for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { if (chr.getId() != applyto.getId() && (chr.getTeam() != applyto.getTeam() || eventType == 0)) { chr.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel); } } } else { if (sourceid == 2910000 || sourceid == 2910001) { //red flag applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 13, applyto.getLevel(), level)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, 13, applyto.getLevel(), level), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Effect", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 0, 0)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Effect", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 0, 0), false); if (applyto.getTeam() == (sourceid - 2910000)) { //restore duh flag if (sourceid == 2910000) { applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Red Team's flag has been restored."); } else { applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Blue Team's flag has been restored."); } applyto.getMap().spawnAutoDrop(sourceid, applyto.getMap().getGuardians().get(sourceid - 2910000).left); } else { applyto.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel); if (sourceid == 2910000) { applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("redflag", String.valueOf(applyto.getId())); applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Red Team's flag has been captured!"); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Red", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Red", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0), false); } else { applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("blueflag", String.valueOf(applyto.getId())); applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Blue Team's flag has been captured!"); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Blue", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Blue", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0), false); } } } else { applyto.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel); } } } else if (randomPickup != null && randomPickup.size() > 0) { MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getItemEffect(randomPickup.get(Randomizer.nextInt(randomPickup.size()))).applyTo(applyto); } else if (sourceid == 20031203 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 80001040) { //TODO: make them gms like applyto.changeMap(sourceid == 20031203 ? 150000000 : sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 80001040 ? 101050000 : 100000000, 0); } for (Entry<MapleTraitType, Integer> t : traits.entrySet()) { applyto.getTrait(t.getKey()).addExp(t.getValue(), applyto); } final SummonMovementType summonMovementType = getSummonMovementType(); if (summonMovementType != null && (sourceid != 32111006 || (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.REAPER) != null && !primary)) && !applyto.isClone()) { int summId = sourceid; if (sourceid == 3111002) { final Skill elite = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120012); if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite) > 0) { return elite.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite)).applyTo(applyfrom, applyto, primary, pos, newDuration); } } else if (sourceid == 3211002) { final Skill elite = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220012); if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite) > 0) { return elite.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite)).applyTo(applyfrom, applyto, primary, pos, newDuration); } } final MapleSummon tosummon = new MapleSummon(applyfrom, summId, getLevel(), new Point(pos == null ? applyfrom.getTruePosition() : pos), summonMovementType); if (!tosummon.isPuppet()) { applyfrom.getCheatTracker().resetSummonAttack(); } applyfrom.cancelEffect(this, true, -1, statups); applyfrom.getMap().spawnSummon(tosummon); applyfrom.addSummon(tosummon); tosummon.addHP(info.get(MapleStatInfo.x).shortValue()); if (isBeholder()) { tosummon.addHP((short) 1); } else if (sourceid == 4341006) { applyfrom.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER); } else if (sourceid == 32111006) { return true; //no buff } else if (sourceid == 35111002) { List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<>(); final List<MapleSummon> ss = applyfrom.getSummonsReadLock(); try { for (MapleSummon s : ss) { if (s.getSkill() == sourceid) { count.add(s.getObjectId()); } } } finally { applyfrom.unlockSummonsReadLock(); } if (count.size() != 3) { return true; //no buff until 3 } applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(sourceid, getCooldown(applyfrom))); applyfrom.addCooldown(sourceid, System.currentTimeMillis(), getCooldown(applyfrom) * 1000); applyfrom.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.teslaTriangle(applyfrom.getId(), count.get(0), count.get(1), count.get(2))); } else if (sourceid == 35121003) { applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); //doubt we need this at all } } else if (isMechDoor()) { int newId = 0; boolean applyBuff = false; if (applyto.getMechDoors().size() >= 2) { final MechDoor remove = applyto.getMechDoors().remove(0); newId = remove.getId(); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.removeMechDoor(remove, true)); applyto.getMap().removeMapObject(remove); } else { for (MechDoor d : applyto.getMechDoors()) { if (d.getId() == newId) { applyBuff = true; newId = 1; break; } } } final MechDoor door = new MechDoor(applyto, new Point(pos == null ? applyto.getTruePosition() : pos), newId); applyto.getMap().spawnMechDoor(door); applyto.addMechDoor(door); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.mechPortal(door.getTruePosition())); if (!applyBuff) { return true; //do not apply buff until 2 doors spawned } } if (primary && availableMap != null) { for (Pair<Integer, Integer> e : availableMap) { if (applyto.getMapId() < e.left || applyto.getMapId() > e.right) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); return true; } } } if (overTime && !isEnergyCharge()) { applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); } if (skill) { removeMonsterBuff(applyfrom); } if (primary) { if ((overTime || isHeal()) && !isEnergyCharge()) { applyBuff(applyfrom, newDuration); } if (isMonsterBuff()) { applyMonsterBuff(applyfrom); } } if (isMagicDoor()) { // Magic Door MapleDoor door = new MapleDoor(applyto, new Point(pos == null ? applyto.getTruePosition() : pos), sourceid); // Current Map door if (door.getTownPortal() != null) { applyto.getMap().spawnDoor(door); applyto.addDoor(door); MapleDoor townDoor = new MapleDoor(door); // Town door applyto.addDoor(townDoor); door.getTown().spawnDoor(townDoor); if (applyto.getParty() != null) { // update town doors applyto.silentPartyUpdate(); } } else { applyto.dropMessage(5, "You may not spawn a door because all doors in the town are taken."); } } else if (isMist()) { final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(pos != null ? pos : applyfrom.getPosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft()); final MapleMist mist = new MapleMist(bounds, applyfrom, this); applyfrom.getMap().spawnMist(mist, getDuration(), false); } else if (isTimeLeap()) { // Time Leap for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder i : applyto.getCooldowns()) { if (i.skillId != 5121010) { applyto.removeCooldown(i.skillId); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(i.skillId, 0)); } } } else { for (WeakReference<MapleCharacter> chrz : applyto.getClones()) { if (chrz.get() != null) { applyTo(chrz.get(), chrz.get(), primary, pos, newDuration); } } } if (applyto.getJob() == 132) { if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF) != 1); { //Sacrifice is the only skill Dark Knights have that give Ignore Def hacky but works applyto.cancelBuffStats(MapleBuffStat.BEHOLDER); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(1321013, getCooldown(applyfrom) * 0)); applyto.addCooldown(1321013, System.currentTimeMillis(), getCooldown(applyfrom)); applyto.removeCooldown(1321013); } } if (GameConstants.isLuminous(applyto.getJob())) { if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.LUMINOUS_GAUGE) != 1); { //Sacrifice is the only skill Dark Knights have that give Ignore Def hacky but works World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Light?.", (short) 8)); } } if (fatigueChange != 0 && applyto.getSummonedFamiliar() != null && (familiars == null || familiars.contains(applyto.getSummonedFamiliar().getFamiliar()))) { applyto.getSummonedFamiliar().addFatigue(applyto, fatigueChange); } if (rewardMeso != 0) { applyto.gainMeso(rewardMeso, false); } if (rewardItem != null && totalprob > 0) { for (Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer> reward : rewardItem) { if (MapleInventoryManipulator.checkSpace(applyto.getClient(), reward.left, reward.mid, "") && reward.right > 0 && Randomizer.nextInt(totalprob) < reward.right) { // Total prob if (GameConstants.getInventoryType(reward.left) == MapleInventoryType.EQUIP) { final Item item = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getEquipById(reward.left); item.setGMLog("Reward item (effect): " + sourceid + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date()); MapleInventoryManipulator.addbyItem(applyto.getClient(), item); } else { MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(applyto.getClient(), reward.left, reward.mid.shortValue(), "Reward item (effect): " + sourceid + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date()); } } } } if (familiarTarget == 2 && applyfrom.getParty() != null && primary) { //to party for (MaplePartyCharacter mpc : applyfrom.getParty().getMembers()) { if (mpc.getId() != applyfrom.getId() && mpc.getChannel() == applyfrom.getClient().getChannel() && mpc.getMapid() == applyfrom.getMapId() && mpc.isOnline()) { MapleCharacter mc = applyfrom.getMap().getCharacterById(mpc.getId()); if (mc != null) { applyTo(applyfrom, mc, false, null, newDuration); } } } } else if (familiarTarget == 3 && primary) { for (MapleCharacter mc : applyfrom.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { if (mc.getId() != applyfrom.getId()) { applyTo(applyfrom, mc, false, null, newDuration); } } } if (GameConstants.isTownSkill(sourceid)) { applyto.changeMap(info.get(MapleStatInfo.x), 0); } return true; } public final boolean applyReturnScroll(final MapleCharacter applyto) { if (moveTo != -1) { if (applyto.getMap().getReturnMapId() != applyto.getMapId() || sourceid == 2031010 || sourceid == 2030021 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 2030028 || sourceid == 20031203) { MapleMap target; if (moveTo == 999999999) { target = applyto.getMap().getReturnMap(); } else if (sourceid == 2030028 && moveTo == 103020000) { target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo); } else if (sourceid == 20031203 && moveTo == 150000000) { target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo); } else { target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo); if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 60 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 61) { if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 21 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 20) { if (target.getId() / 10000000 != applyto.getMapId() / 10000000) { applyto.dropMessage(5, "You can not teleport there as it is on a different continent."); return false; } } } } applyto.changeMap(target, target.getPortal(0)); return true; } System.out.println(applyto.getMap().getReturnMapId() + " / " + applyto.getMapId()); } return false; } /* public final boolean applyReturnScroll(final MapleCharacter applyto) { if (moveTo != -1) { if (applyto.getMap().getReturnMapId() != applyto.getMapId() || sourceid == 2031010 || sourceid == 2030021 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 2030028 || sourceid == 20031203) { MapleMap target; if (moveTo == 999999999) { target = applyto.getMap().getReturnMap(); } else { target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo); if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 60 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 61) { if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 21 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 20) { if (target.getId() / 10000000 != applyto.getMapId() / 10000000) { return false; } } } } applyto.changeMap(target, target.getPortal(0)); return true; } } return false; } */ private boolean isSoulStone() { return skill && sourceid == 22181003 || sourceid == 24111002; } private void applyBuff(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, int newDuration) { if (isSoulStone() && sourceid != 24111002) { if (applyfrom.getParty() != null) { int membrs = 0; for (MapleCharacter chr : applyfrom.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { if (!chr.isClone() && chr.getParty() != null && chr.getParty().getId() == applyfrom.getParty().getId() && chr.isAlive()) { membrs++; } } List<MapleCharacter> awarded = new ArrayList<>(); while (awarded.size() < Math.min(membrs, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y))) { for (MapleCharacter chr : applyfrom.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) { if (chr != null && !chr.isClone() && chr.isAlive() && chr.getParty() != null && chr.getParty().getId() == applyfrom.getParty().getId() && !awarded.contains(chr) && Randomizer.nextInt(info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)) == 0) { awarded.add(chr); } } } for (MapleCharacter chr : awarded) { applyTo(applyfrom, chr, false, null, newDuration); chr.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level)); chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(chr, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(chr.getId(), sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level), false); } } } else if (isPartyBuff() && (applyfrom.getParty() != null || isGmBuff() || applyfrom.inPVP())) { final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft()); final List<MapleMapObject> affecteds = applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRect(bounds, Arrays.asList(MapleMapObjectType.PLAYER)); for (final MapleMapObject affectedmo : affecteds) { final MapleCharacter affected = (MapleCharacter) affectedmo; if (affected.getId() != applyfrom.getId() && (isGmBuff() || (applyfrom.inPVP() && affected.getTeam() == applyfrom.getTeam() && Integer.parseInt(applyfrom.getEventInstance().getProperty("type")) != 0) || (applyfrom.getParty() != null && affected.getParty() != null && applyfrom.getParty().getId() == affected.getParty().getId()))) { if ((isResurrection() && !affected.isAlive()) || (!isResurrection() && affected.isAlive())) { applyTo(applyfrom, affected, false, null, newDuration); affected.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level)); affected.getMap().broadcastMessage(affected, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(affected.getId(), sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level), false); } if (isTimeLeap()) { for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder i : affected.getCooldowns()) { if (i.skillId != 5121010) { affected.removeCooldown(i.skillId); affected.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(i.skillId, 0)); } } } } } } } private void removeMonsterBuff(final MapleCharacter applyfrom) { List<MonsterStatus> cancel = new ArrayList<>(); switch (sourceid) { case 1111007: case 51111005: //Mihile's magic crash case 1211009: case 1311007: cancel.add(MonsterStatus.WEAPON_DEFENSE_UP); cancel.add(MonsterStatus.MAGIC_DEFENSE_UP); cancel.add(MonsterStatus.WEAPON_ATTACK_UP); cancel.add(MonsterStatus.MAGIC_ATTACK_UP); break; default: return; } final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft()); final List<MapleMapObject> affected = applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRect(bounds, Arrays.asList(MapleMapObjectType.MONSTER)); int i = 0; for (final MapleMapObject mo : affected) { if (makeChanceResult()) { for (MonsterStatus stat : cancel) { ((MapleMonster) mo).cancelStatus(stat); } } i++; if (i >= info.get(MapleStatInfo.mobCount)) { break; } } } public final void applyMonsterBuff(final MapleCharacter applyfrom) { final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft()); final boolean pvp = applyfrom.inPVP(); final MapleMapObjectType objType = pvp ? MapleMapObjectType.PLAYER : MapleMapObjectType.MONSTER; final List<MapleMapObject> affected = sourceid == 35111005 ? applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRange(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Arrays.asList(objType)) : applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRect(bounds, Arrays.asList(objType)); int i = 0; for (final MapleMapObject mo : affected) { if (makeChanceResult()) { for (Map.Entry<MonsterStatus, Integer> stat : getMonsterStati().entrySet()) { if (pvp) { MapleCharacter chr = (MapleCharacter) mo; MapleDisease d = MonsterStatus.getLinkedDisease(stat.getKey()); if (d != null) { chr.giveDebuff(d, stat.getValue(), getDuration(), d.getDisease(), 1); } } else { MapleMonster mons = (MapleMonster) mo; if (sourceid == 35111005 && mons.getStats().isBoss()) { break; } mons.applyStatus(applyfrom, new MonsterStatusEffect(stat.getKey(), stat.getValue(), sourceid, null, false), isPoison(), isSubTime(sourceid) ? getSubTime() : getDuration(), true, this); } } if (pvp && skill) { MapleCharacter chr = (MapleCharacter) mo; handleExtraPVP(applyfrom, chr); } } i++; if (i >= info.get(MapleStatInfo.mobCount) && sourceid != 35111005) { break; } } } public final boolean isSubTime(final int source) { switch (source) { case 1201006: // threaten case 23111008: // spirits case 23111009: case 23111010: case 31101003: case 31121003: case 31121005: // case 1301013: return true;//u there? } return false; } public final void handleExtraPVP(MapleCharacter applyfrom, MapleCharacter chr) { if (sourceid == 2311005 || sourceid == 5121005 || sourceid == 1201006 || (GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 104)) { //doom, threaten, snatch final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int localsourceid = sourceid == 5121005 ? 90002000 : sourceid; final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); if (sourceid == 2311005) { localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, 7); } else if (sourceid == 1201006) { localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.THREATEN_PVP, (int) level); } else if (sourceid == 5121005) { localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.SNATCH, 1); } else { localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); } chr.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(localsourceid, getDuration(), localstatups, this)); chr.registerEffect(this, starttime, BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(new CancelEffectAction(chr, this, starttime, localstatups), isSubTime(sourceid) ? getSubTime() : getDuration()), localstatups, false, getDuration(), applyfrom.getId()); } } public final Rectangle calculateBoundingBox(final Point posFrom, final boolean facingLeft) { return calculateBoundingBox(posFrom, facingLeft, lt, rb, info.get(MapleStatInfo.range)); } public final Rectangle calculateBoundingBox(final Point posFrom, final boolean facingLeft, int addedRange) { return calculateBoundingBox(posFrom, facingLeft, lt, rb, info.get(MapleStatInfo.range) + addedRange); } public static Rectangle calculateBoundingBox(final Point posFrom, final boolean facingLeft, final Point lt, final Point rb, final int range) { if (lt == null || rb == null) { return new Rectangle((facingLeft ? (-200 - range) : 0) + posFrom.x, (-100 - range) + posFrom.y, 200 + range, 100 + range); } Point mylt; Point myrb; if (facingLeft) { mylt = new Point(lt.x + posFrom.x - range, lt.y + posFrom.y); myrb = new Point(rb.x + posFrom.x, rb.y + posFrom.y); } else { myrb = new Point(lt.x * -1 + posFrom.x + range, rb.y + posFrom.y); mylt = new Point(rb.x * -1 + posFrom.x, lt.y + posFrom.y); } return new Rectangle(mylt.x, mylt.y, myrb.x - mylt.x, myrb.y - mylt.y); } public final double getMaxDistanceSq() { //lt = infront of you, rb = behind you; not gonna distanceSq the two points since this is in relative to player position which is (0,0) and not both directions, just one final int maxX = Math.max(Math.abs(lt == null ? 0 : lt.x), Math.abs(rb == null ? 0 : rb.x)); final int maxY = Math.max(Math.abs(lt == null ? 0 : lt.y), Math.abs(rb == null ? 0 : rb.y)); return (maxX * maxX) + (maxY * maxY); } public final void setDuration(int d) {, d); } public final void silentApplyBuff(final MapleCharacter chr, final long starttime, final int localDuration, final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statup, final int cid) { chr.registerEffect(this, starttime, BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(new CancelEffectAction(chr, this, starttime, statup), ((starttime + localDuration) - System.currentTimeMillis())), statup, true, localDuration, cid); final SummonMovementType summonMovementType = getSummonMovementType(); if (summonMovementType != null) { final MapleSummon tosummon = new MapleSummon(chr, this, chr.getTruePosition(), summonMovementType); if (!tosummon.isPuppet()) { chr.getCheatTracker().resetSummonAttack(); chr.getMap().spawnSummon(tosummon); chr.addSummon(tosummon); tosummon.addHP(info.get(MapleStatInfo.x).shortValue()); if (isBeholder()) { tosummon.addHP((short) 1); } } } } public final void applyKaiser_Combo(MapleCharacter applyto, short combo) { EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_COMBO, (int) combo); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(0, 99999, stat, this)); } public final void applyXenon_Combo(MapleCharacter applyto, int combo) { EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS, combo); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(0, 99999, stat, this)); } public final void applyComboBuff(MapleCharacter applyto, short combo) { EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ARAN_COMBO, (int) combo); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, 99999, stat, this)); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, null, applyto.getId()); } public final void applyBlackBlessingBuff(MapleCharacter applyto, int combo) { EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.BLACK_BLESSING, combo); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, 99999, stat, this)); } public final void applyLunarTideBuff(MapleCharacter applyto) { EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); double hpx = applyto.getStat().getMaxHp() / applyto.getStat().getHp(); double mpx = applyto.getStat().getMaxMp() / applyto.getStat().getMp(); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.LUNAR_TIDE, hpx >= mpx ? 2 : 1); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, 99999999, stat, this)); } public final void applyEnergyBuff(final MapleCharacter applyto, final boolean infinity, int targets) { final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (infinity) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveEnergyChargeTest(0, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) / 1000, targets)); applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, null, applyto.getId()); } else { final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE, 10000); applyto.cancelEffect(this, true, -1, stat); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveEnergyChargeTest(applyto.getId(), 10000, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) / 1000), false); final CancelEffectAction cancelAction = new CancelEffectAction(applyto, this, starttime, stat); final ScheduledFuture<?> schedule = BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(cancelAction, ((starttime + info.get(MapleStatInfo.time)) - System.currentTimeMillis())); applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, schedule, stat, false, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time), applyto.getId()); } } public void applyBuffEffect(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final MapleCharacter applyto, final boolean primary, final int newDuration) { int localDuration = newDuration; if (primary) { localDuration = Math.max(newDuration, alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, localDuration, false)); } Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> localstatups = statups, maskedStatups = null; boolean normal = true, showEffect = primary; int maskedDuration = 0; switch (sourceid) { case 61101002: case 61120007: if (applyfrom.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11) == null) { normal = false; } else { this.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TEMPEST_BLADES, applyfrom.getSkillLevel(61101002)); this.weapon = applyfrom.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11).getItemId(); maskedStatups = new EnumMap(localstatups); maskedStatups.clear(); maskedStatups.put(MapleBuffStat.TEMPEST_BLADES, applyfrom.getSkillLevel(61101002)); } break; case 42101002: if (applyto.getHaku() != null) { applyto.getHaku().sendStats(); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.spawnHaku_change0(applyto.getId()), true); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.spawnHaku_change1(applyto.getHaku()), true); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.spawnHaku_bianshen(applyto.getId(), applyto.getHaku().getObjectId(), applyto.getHaku().getStats()), true); } break; case 13121004: //Touch of the Wind applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.WindArcherPacket.giveWindArcherBuff(this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this, applyto)); normal= false; break; case 13120008: case 13111023: applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.WindArcherPacket.giveWindArcherBuff(sourceid, nuffSkill, localstatups, this, applyto)); normal = false; break; case 60001216: case 60001217: case 61100005: if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MODE_CHANGE) == null) { break; } applyfrom.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MODE_CHANGE); break; case 2121054: ///xenon emergency by @Mally { localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.FIRE_AURA, 1); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); break; } case 31221004: { // Overwhelming Power localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); // normal = false; break; } case 36121003: { // Ooparts Code localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); break; } case 27121005: { // statups.clear(); applyto.acaneAim = applyto.acaneAim == 0 ? 1 : applyto.acaneAim; localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_CRESCENDO, applyto.acaneAim); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); // (MapleStatInfo.x, applyto.acaneAim); break; } case 15001022://LIGHTNING Elemental ThunderBreaker { if (applyto.acaneAim > 0) { statups.clear(); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF,info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) * applyto.acaneAim); applyto.acaneAim = info.get(MapleStatInfo.x); localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), localstatups, this), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); // System.out.println("Show LIGHTNING_BUFF " +getV()); } break; } case 36111008: ///xenon emergency by @Mally { localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); applyto.gainXenonSurplus((short) 10); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); break; } case 36121054: { localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); // applyto.gainXenonSurplus((short) 10); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); // applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS, 0); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.AMARANTH_GENERATOR, 0); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.XenonPacket.giveAmaranthGenerator()); break; } case 27110007: localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); double hpx = applyfrom.getStat().getMaxHp() / applyfrom.getStat().getHp(); double mpx = applyfrom.getStat().getMaxMp() / applyfrom.getStat().getMp(); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.LUNAR_TIDE, hpx >= mpx ? 2 : 1); break; case 4221013: { localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) + (info.get( * applyfrom.currentBattleshipHP())); applyfrom.setBattleshipHP(0); applyfrom.refreshBattleshipHP(); break; } case 20041239: { // World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Change2Light.", (short) 8)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040220, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 10000)); Timer.WorldTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { applyto.dispelBuff(20040220); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040216, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 2000000000)); // SkillFactory.getSkill(20040216).getEffect(1).applyto; } }, 10000); break; } case 27001100: // case 27101100: case 27121100: { if (applyto.getLuminousState() == 20040216) { applyto.dropMessage(-6, "You are allready in light mode."); } else { // World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("attemptedlight.", (short) 8)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040216, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 2000000000)); break; } } case 27121054: { // World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Equalize.", (short) 8)); applyto.runningLight += Randomizer.nextInt(1) + 1; applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040220, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 10000)); Timer.WorldTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { applyto.dispelBuff(20040220); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040216, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 2000000000)); // SkillFactory.getSkill(20040216).getEffect(1).applyto; } }, 10000); break; } case 5311004: { final int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(4) + 1; applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, zz, -1, level), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(sourceid, zz, -1, level)); localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.BARREL_ROLL, zz); break; } case 5211011: case 5211015: case 5211016: { if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(5220019) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(5220019).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(5220019)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); } break; } case 42101001: SkillFactory.getSkill(42100010).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(42101001)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); normal = false; break; case 35111013: case 15111011: case 5111007: case 5811007: case 5911007: case 5311005: case 5711011: case 5211007: {//dice final int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1; applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, zz, -1, level), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(sourceid, zz, -1, level)); if (zz <= 1) { return; } localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, zz); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveDice(zz, sourceid, localDuration, localstatups)); normal = false; showEffect = false; break; } case 5720005: case 5120012: case 5220014: case 5320007: {//dice final int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1; final int zz2 = makeChanceResult() ? (Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1) : 0; applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, level), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, level)); if (zz <= 1 && zz2 <= 1) { return; } final int buffid = zz == zz2 ? (zz * 100) : (zz <= 1 ? zz2 : (zz2 <= 1 ? zz : (zz * 10 + zz2))); if (buffid >= 100) { //just because of animation lol applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled a Double Down! (" + (buffid / 100) + ")"); } else if (buffid >= 10) { applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled two dice. (" + (buffid / 10) + " and " + (buffid % 10) + ")"); } localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, buffid); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveDice(zz, sourceid, localDuration, localstatups)); normal = false; showEffect = false; break; } case 20031209: case 20031210: int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(this.sourceid == 20031209 ? 2 : 5) + 1; int skillid = 24100003; if (applyto.getSkillLevel(24120002) > 0) { skillid = 24120002; } applyto.setCardStack((byte) 0); applyto.resetRunningStack(); applyto.addRunningStack(skillid == 24100003 ? 5 : 10); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, PhantomPacket.gainCardStack(applyto.getId(), applyto.getRunningStack(), skillid == 24120002 ? 2 : 1, skillid, 0, skillid == 24100003 ? 5 : 10), true); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), this.sourceid, zz, -1, this.level), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(this.sourceid, zz, -1, this.level)); localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.JUDGMENT_DRAW, zz); if (zz == 5) { localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABSORB_DAMAGE_HP,; } applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); normal = false; showEffect = false; break; case 33101006: {//jaguar oshi applyto.clearLinkMid(); MapleBuffStat theBuff = null; int theStat = info.get(MapleStatInfo.y); switch (Randomizer.nextInt(6)) { case 0: theBuff = MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF; break; case 1: theBuff = MapleBuffStat.MP_BUFF; break; case 2: theBuff = MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_TAKEN_BUFF; theStat = info.get(MapleStatInfo.x); break; case 3: theBuff = MapleBuffStat.DODGE_CHANGE_BUFF; theStat = info.get(MapleStatInfo.x); break; case 4: theBuff = MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF; break; case 5: theBuff = MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_BUFF; break; } localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(theBuff, theStat); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); normal = false; break; } case 8006: case 10008006: case 20008006: case 20018006: case 20028006: case 30008006: case 30018006: case 5121009: // Speed Infusion case 15111005: case 5001005: // Dash case 4321000: //tornado spin case 15001003: { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.givePirate(statups, localDuration / 1000, sourceid)); if (!applyto.isHidden()) { applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignPirate(statups, localDuration / 1000, applyto.getId(), sourceid), false); } normal = false; break; } case 24121004: localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_RATE,; localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF,; break; case 5211006: // Homing Beacon case 22151002: //killer wings case 5220011: {// Bullseye if (applyto.getFirstLinkMid() > 0) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.cancelHoming()); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveHoming(sourceid, applyto.getFirstLinkMid(), 1)); } else { return; } normal = false; break; } case 112000000: case 112100000: case 112110003: { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.HOMING_BEACON, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); break; } case 2120010: case 2220010: case 2320011: //arcane aim if (applyto.getFirstLinkMid() > 0) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveArcane(sourceid, applyto.getAllLinkMid())); } else { return; } normal = false; break; case 30011001: case 30001001: { // Wind Walk if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.INFILTRATE, 0); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 13101006: { // Wind Walk if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, 1); // HACK.. applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 4001003: { if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(4330001) > 0 && ((applyfrom.getJob() >= 430 && applyfrom.getJob() <= 434) || (applyfrom.getJob() == 400 && applyfrom.getSubcategory() == 1))) { SkillFactory.getSkill(4330001).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(4330001)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); return; } //fallthrough intended } case 4330001: case 20031211: case 14001003: { // Dark Sight if (applyto.isHidden()) { return; //don't even apply the buff } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, 0); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 23111005: { final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.WATER_SHIELD, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 23101003: { final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_R, info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage)); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } //case 22131001: {//magic shield //final List<Pair<MapleBuffStat, Integer>> stat = Collections.singletonList(new Pair<MapleBuffStat, Integer>(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_SHIELD, x)); //applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); //break; //} case 32121003: { //twister if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.TORNADO, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 32111005: { //body boost applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST); Pair<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt; int sourcez = 0; if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA) != null) { sourcez = 32001003; statt = new Pair<>(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, level + 10 + applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(sourcez)); //i think } else if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA) != null) { sourcez = 32101003; statt = new Pair<>(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(sourcez)); } else if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA) != null) { sourcez = 32111012; localDuration = 10000; statt = new Pair<>(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(sourcez)); } else { return; } localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST, (int) level); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); localstatups.put(statt.left, statt.right); final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(statt.left, statt.right); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourcez, localDuration, stat, this)); normal = false; break; } /* ID: 110001501 NAME: Bear Mode ID: 110001502 NAME: Snow Leopard Mode ID: 110001503 NAME: Hawk Mode ID: 110001504 NAME: Cat Mode */ case 110001501: case 110001502: case 110001503: case 110001504: { //applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.ANIMAL_SELECT); final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); //stat.clear(); //stat.clear(); //applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, 2147483647, stat, this)); // stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ANIMAL_SELECT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); System.out.println("You chose "+sourceid); break; } case 32001003: {//dark aura if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120000) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(32120000).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120000)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); return; } } case 32110007: case 32120000: { // adv dark aura applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST); final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); //statt.put(sourceid == 32110007 ? MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST : MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) (sourceid == 32120000 ? applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32001003) : level)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid == 32120000 ? 32001003 : sourceid, localDuration, statt, this)); statt.clear(); statt.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, statt, this)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), statt, this), false); normal = false; break; } case 32111012: { // blue aura if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32110000) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(32110000).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32110000)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); return; } } case 32110008: { localDuration = 10000; } case 32110000: { // advanced blue aura applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST); final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); //statt.put(sourceid == 32110008 ? MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST : MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) (sourceid == 32110000 ? applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32111012) : level)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid == 32110000 ? 32111012 : sourceid, localDuration, statt, this)); statt.clear(); statt.put(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, (int) level); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, statt, this)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), statt, this), false); normal = false; break; } case 32101003: { // yellow aura if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120001) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(32120001).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120001)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); return; } } case 32110009: case 32120001: { // advanced yellow aura applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, applyfrom.getId()); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST); final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); //statt.put(sourceid == 32110009 ? MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST : MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) (sourceid == 32120001 ? applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32101003) : level)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid == 32120001 ? 32101003 : sourceid, localDuration, statt, this)); statt.clear(); statt.put(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, (int) level); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, statt, this)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), statt, this), false); normal = false; break; } case 1211008: { //lightning if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE) != null && applyto.getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE) != sourceid) { localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.LIGHTNING_CHARGE, 1); } else if (!applyto.isHidden()) { final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); normal = false; break; } case 35111004: {//siege if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE) != null && applyto.getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE) == 35121005) { //SkillFactory.getSkill(35121013).getEffect(level).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); normal = false; SkillFactory.getSkill(35121013).getEffect(level).applyTo(applyto); //return; } if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 35121013: { //adv siege normal = false; SkillFactory.getSkill(35121013).getEffect(applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(35111004)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); break; } case 35001001: //flame case 35101009: case 35121005: { //missile if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 1220013: { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_SHIELD, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 1111002: case 1101013: case 11111001: { // Combo if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, 1); System.out.println("Show foreignBuff Combo"); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 3101004: case 3201004: case 13101024://new cyngus case 13101003: { // Soul Arrow if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SOULARROW, 0); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 2321005: //holy shield if (GameConstants.GMS) { //TODO JUMP applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLESS); } break; case 4211008: case 4331002: case 4111002: case 14111000: { // Shadow Partner if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 15111006: { // Spark localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPARK, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); normal = false; break; } case 4341002: { // Final Cut localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINAL_CUT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); normal = false; break; } case 4341052: // Asura By Mixtamal6 localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.ASURA, 1); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(4341052, 60000, statups, SkillFactory.getSkill(4341052).getEffect(1))); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(this.sourceid, statups, SkillFactory.getSkill(4341052).getEffect(1))); normal = false; break; case 61111008: // 3job kaiser By Mixtamal6 case 61120008: // 4job kaiser case 61121053: // hyper kaiser { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); applyto.resetKaiserCombo(); //Gets rid of Morph gauge <3 #MallyPower localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, info.get(MapleStatInfo.morph)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), localstatups, this), false);//Novak fixed dis lel applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); normal = false; break; } case 33111007: //Feline bersek by Mixtamal localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_BUFF, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); normal = false; break; case 3211005: {// golden eagle if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3220005) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(3220005).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3220005)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); } break; } case 3111005: {// golden hawk if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3120006) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(3120006).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3120006)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); } break; } case 1211006: // wk charges case 1211004: case 1221004: case 11111007: case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge case 21101006: case 21111005: case 15101006: { // Soul Arrow if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 3120006: case 3220005: { // Spirit Link if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SPIRIT_LINK, 0); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); break; } case 31121005: { // Dark Metamorphosis if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_METAMORPHOSIS, 6); // mob count applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); break; } case 2121004: case 2221004: case 2321004: { //Infinity maskedDuration = alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, 4000, false); break; } case 4331003: { // Owl Spirit localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.OWL_SPIRIT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this)); applyto.setBattleshipHP(info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); //a variable that wouldnt' be used by a db normal = false; break; } case 1121010: // Enrage applyto.handleOrbconsume(10); break; case 2022746: //angel bless case 2022747: //d.angel bless case 2022823: if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), maskedStatups == null ? localstatups : maskedStatups, this), false); break; case 31011001: { // set exceed to 0 applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.AvengerPacket.cancelExceed()); applyto.setExceed((short) 0); applyto.addHP((int) ((applyto.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp() * (level / 100.0D)) * (getX() / 100.0D))); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); break; } case 1321015: { //Sacrifice info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 40000); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF, info.get(MapleStatInfo.ignoreMobpdpR)); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOSS_DAMAGE, info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBDR)); System.out.println("Sacrifice attempted"); World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Sacrifice.", (short) 5)); applyto.addHP((int) ((applyto.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp() * (level / 100.0D)) * (getX() / 100.0D))); applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); break; } case 35001002: if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(35120000) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(35120000).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(35120000)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); return; } break; case 41001001: if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(41110008) > 0) { SkillFactory.getSkill(41110008).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(41110008)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration); return; } break; // START Novak added case 35120014: if (applyto.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL) != null) { applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL); } zz = Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1; int zz2 = makeChanceResult() ? Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1 : 0; applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), this.sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, this.level), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(this.sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, this.level)); if ((zz <= 1) && (zz2 <= 1)) { return; } int buffid = zz2 <= 1 ? zz : zz <= 1 ? zz2 : zz == zz2 ? zz * 100 : zz * 10 + zz2; if (buffid >= 100) { applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled a Double Down! (" + buffid / 100 + ")"); } else if (buffid >= 10) { applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled two dice. (" + buffid / 10 + " and " + buffid % 10 + ")"); } localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, Integer.valueOf(buffid)); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveDice(zz, this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups)); normal = false; showEffect = false; break; // END novak added //fallthrough intended default: if (isPirateMorph()) { final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, getMorph(applyto)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, stat, this)); maskedStatups = new EnumMap<>(localstatups); maskedStatups.remove(MapleBuffStat.MORPH); normal = false; } else if (isMorph()) { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } if (isIceKnight()) { //odd final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ICE_KNIGHT, 2); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(0, localDuration, stat, this)); } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, getMorph(applyto)); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } else if (isInflation()) { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.GIANT_POTION, (int) inflation); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } else if (charColor > 0) { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.FAMILIAR_SHADOW, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } else if (isMonsterRiding()) { localDuration = 2100000000; localstatups = new EnumMap(this.statups); // PlayerStats stat = applyto.getStat(); // stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING, Integer.valueOf(1)); int mountid = parseMountInfo(applyto, this.sourceid); int mountid2 = parseMountInfo_Pure(applyto, this.sourceid); if ((mountid != 0) && (mountid2 != 0)) { final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); // stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING, Integer.valueOf(0)); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.POWERGUARD); applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.MANA_REFLECTION); applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveMount(mountid, sourceid, stat)); // applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.showMonsterRiding(applyto.getId(), mountid, sourceid), false); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.showMonsterRiding(applyto.getId(), stat, mountid, this.sourceid), false); } else { return; } normal = false; } else if (isSoaring()) { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SOARING, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } else if (berserk > 0) { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.PYRAMID_PQ, 0); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } else if (isBerserkFury() || berserk2 > 0) { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.BERSERK_FURY, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } else if (isDivineBody()) { if (applyto.isHidden()) { break; } final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class); stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_BODY, 1); applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false); } break; } if (showEffect && !applyto.isHidden()) { applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level), false); } if (isMechPassive()) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid - 1000, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level, (byte) 1)); } if (!isMonsterRiding() && !isMechDoor() && getSummonMovementType() == null) { applyto.cancelEffect(this, true, -1, localstatups); } // Broadcast effect to self if (normal && localstatups.size() > 0) { applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff((skill ? sourceid : -sourceid), localDuration, maskedStatups == null ? localstatups : maskedStatups, this)); } final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final CancelEffectAction cancelAction = new CancelEffectAction(applyto, this, starttime, localstatups); final ScheduledFuture<?> schedule = BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(cancelAction, maskedDuration > 0 ? maskedDuration : localDuration); applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, schedule, localstatups, false, localDuration, applyfrom.getId()); } public static int parseMountInfo(final MapleCharacter player, final int skillid) { switch (skillid) { case 80001000: case 1004: // Monster riding case 11004: // Monster riding case 10001004: case 20001004: case 20011004: case 20021004: if (player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -118) != null && player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -119) != null) { return player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -118).getItemId(); } return parseMountInfo_Pure(player, skillid); default: return GameConstants.getMountItem(skillid, player); } } public static int parseMountInfo_Pure(final MapleCharacter player, final int skillid) { switch (skillid) { case 80001000: case 1004: // Monster riding case 11004: // Monster riding case 10001004: case 20001004: case 20011004: case 20021004: if (player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -18) != null && player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -19) != null) { return player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -18).getItemId(); } return 0; default: return GameConstants.getMountItem(skillid, player); } } private int calcHPChange(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final boolean primary) { int hpchange = 0; if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp) != 0) { if (!skill) { if (primary) { hpchange += alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp), true); } else { hpchange += info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp); } if (applyfrom.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY)) { hpchange /= 2; } } else { // assumption: this is heal hpchange += makeHealHP(info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp) / 100.0, applyfrom.getStat().getTotalMagic(), 3, 5); if (applyfrom.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY)) { hpchange = -hpchange; } } } if (hpR != 0) { hpchange += (int) (applyfrom.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp() * hpR) / (applyfrom.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY) ? 2 : 1); } // actually receivers probably never get any hp when it's not heal but whatever if (primary) { if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.hpCon) != 0) { hpchange -= info.get(MapleStatInfo.hpCon); } } switch (this.sourceid) { case 4211001: // Chakra final PlayerStats stat = applyfrom.getStat(); int v42 = getY() + 100; int v38 = Randomizer.rand(1, 100) + 100; hpchange = (int) ((v38 * stat.getLuk() * 0.033 + stat.getDex()) * v42 * 0.002); hpchange += makeHealHP(getY() / 100.0, applyfrom.getStat().getTotalLuk(), 2.3, 3.5); break; } return hpchange; } private static int makeHealHP(double rate, double stat, double lowerfactor, double upperfactor) { return (int) ((Math.random() * ((int) (stat * upperfactor * rate) - (int) (stat * lowerfactor * rate) + 1)) + (int) (stat * lowerfactor * rate)); } private int calcMPChange(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final boolean primary) { int mpchange = 0; if (info.get( != 0) { if (primary) { mpchange += alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, info.get(, false); // recovery up doesn't apply for mp } else { mpchange += info.get(; } } if (mpR != 0) { mpchange += (int) (applyfrom.getStat().getCurrentMaxMp(applyfrom.getJob()) * mpR); } if (GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyfrom.getJob())) { mpchange = 0; } if (primary) { if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpCon) != 0 && !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyfrom.getJob())) { boolean free = false; if (applyfrom.getJob() == 411 || applyfrom.getJob() == 412) { final Skill expert = SkillFactory.getSkill(4110012); if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(expert) > 0) { final MapleStatEffect eff = expert.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(expert)); if (eff.makeChanceResult()) { free = true; } } } if (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY) != null) { mpchange = 0; } else if (!free) { mpchange -= (info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpCon) - (info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpCon) * applyfrom.getStat().mpconReduce / 100)) * (applyfrom.getStat().mpconPercent / 100.0); } } else if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.forceCon) != 0) { if (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.BOUNDLESS_RAGE) != null) { mpchange = 0; } else { mpchange -= info.get(MapleStatInfo.forceCon); } } } return mpchange; } public final int alchemistModifyVal(final MapleCharacter chr, final int val, final boolean withX) { if (!skill) { // RecoveryUP only used for hp items and skills return (val * (100 + (withX ? chr.getStat().RecoveryUP : chr.getStat().BuffUP)) / 100); } return (val * (100 + (withX ? chr.getStat().RecoveryUP : (chr.getStat().BuffUP_Skill + (getSummonMovementType() == null ? 0 : chr.getStat().BuffUP_Summon)))) / 100); } public final int calcPowerChange(final MapleCharacter applyfrom) { int powerchange = 0; if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.powerCon) != 0 && GameConstants.isXenon(applyfrom.getJob())) { //if (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.AMARANTH_GENERATOR) != null) { // powerchange = 0; //} else { powerchange = info.get(MapleStatInfo.powerCon); //} } return powerchange; } public final void setSourceId(final int newid) { sourceid = newid; } public final boolean isGmBuff() { switch (sourceid) { case 10001075: //Empress Prayer case 9001000: // GM dispel case 9001001: // GM haste case 9001002: // GM Holy Symbol case 9001003: // GM Bless case 9001005: // GM resurrection case 9001008: // GM Hyper body case 9101000: case 9101001: case 9101002: case 9101003: case 9101005: case 9101008: return true; default: return GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1005; } } public final boolean isInflation() { return inflation > 0; } public final int getInflation() { return inflation; } public final boolean isEnergyCharge() { return skill && (sourceid == 5110001 || sourceid == 15100004); } public boolean isMonsterBuff() { switch (sourceid) { case 1211013: // Threaten case 1201006: // threaten case 2101003: // fp slow case 2201003: // il slow case 5011002: case 12101001: // cygnus slow case 2211004: // il seal case 2111004: // fp seal case 12111002: // cygnus seal case 2311005: // doom case 4111003: // shadow web case 14111001: // cygnus web case 4121004: // Ninja ambush case 4221004: // Ninja ambush case 22151001: case 22121000: case 22161002: case 4321002: case 4341003: case 90001002: case 90001003: case 90001004: case 90001005: case 90001006: case 1111007: case 51111005: //Mihile's magic crash case 1211009: case 1311007: case 35111005: case 32120000: case 32120001: return skill; } return false; } public final void setPartyBuff(boolean pb) { this.partyBuff = pb; } private boolean isPartyBuff() { if (lt == null || rb == null || !partyBuff) { return isSoulStone() && sourceid != 24111002; } switch (sourceid) { case 1211003: case 1211004: case 1211005: case 1211006: case 1211007: case 1211008: case 1221003: case 1221004: case 11111007: case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge case 12101005: case 4311001: case 4331003: case 4341002: case 35121005: case 3111000: case 3211000: case 4341054: case 13111001: case 33111009: case 3201004: return false; } return !GameConstants.isNoDelaySkill(sourceid); } public final boolean isArcane() { return skill && (sourceid == 2320011 || sourceid == 2220010 || sourceid == 2120010); } public final boolean isHayatoStance() { return skill && (sourceid == 41001001 || sourceid == 41110008); } public final boolean isHeal() { return skill && (sourceid == 2301002 || sourceid == 9101000 || sourceid == 9001000); } public final boolean isResurrection() { return skill && (sourceid == 9001005 || sourceid == 9101005 || sourceid == 2321006); } public final boolean isTimeLeap() { return skill && sourceid == 5121010; } public final int getHp() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp); } public final int getMp() { return info.get(; } public final int getDOTStack() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dotSuperpos); } public final double getHpR() { return hpR; } public final double getMpR() { return mpR; } public final int getMastery() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mastery); } public final int getWatk() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pad); } public final int getMatk() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mad); } public final int getWdef() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pdd); } public final int getMdef() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mdd); } public final int getAcc() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.acc); } public final int getAccR() { return info.get(; } public final int getAvoid() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.eva); } public final int getSpeed() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.speed); } public final int getJump() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.jump); } public final int gettargetPlus() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.targetPlus); } public final int getSpeedMax() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.speedMax); } public final int getPassiveSpeed() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.psdSpeed); } public final int getPassiveJump() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.psdJump); } public final int getDuration() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.time); } public final int getSubTime() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.subTime); } public final boolean isOverTime() { return overTime; } public final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> getStatups() { return statups; } public final boolean sameSource(final MapleStatEffect effect) { boolean sameSrc = this.sourceid == effect.sourceid; switch (this.sourceid) { // All these are passive skills, will have to cast the normal ones. case 32120000: // Advanced Dark Aura sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 32001003; break; case 32110000: // Advanced Blue Aura sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 32111012; break; case 32120001: // Advanced Yellow Aura sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 32101003; break; case 35120000: // Extreme Mech sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 35001002; break; case 41110008: sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 41001001; break; case 35121013: // Mech: Siege Mode sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 35111004; break; } return effect != null && sameSrc && this.skill == effect.skill; } public final int getCr() { return info.get(; } public final int getT() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.t); } public final int getU() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.u); } public final int getV() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.v); } public final int getW() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.w); } public final int getX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.x); } public final int getY() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.y); } public final int getZ() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.z); } public final int getS() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.s); } public final int getDamage() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage); } public final int getPVPDamage() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.PVPdamage); } public final int getAttackCount() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.attackCount); } public final int getBulletCount() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bulletCount); } public final int getBulletConsume() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bulletConsume); } public final int getOnActive() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.onActive); } public final int getMobCount() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mobCount); } public final int getMoneyCon() { return moneyCon; } public final int getCooltimeReduceR() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.coolTimeR); } public final int getMesoAcquisition() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mesoR); } public final int getCooldown(final MapleCharacter chra) { if (chra.getStat().coolTimeR > 0) { return Math.max(0, ((info.get(MapleStatInfo.cooltime) * (100 - (chra.getStat().coolTimeR / 100))) - chra.getStat().reduceCooltime)); } return Math.max(0, (info.get(MapleStatInfo.cooltime) - chra.getStat().reduceCooltime)); } public final Map<MonsterStatus, Integer> getMonsterStati() { return monsterStatus; } public final int getBerserk() { return berserk; } public final boolean isHide() { return skill && (sourceid == 9001004 || sourceid == 9101004); } public final boolean isDragonBlood() { return skill && sourceid == 1311008; } public final boolean isRecovery() { return skill && (sourceid == 1001 || sourceid == 10001001 || sourceid == 20001001 || sourceid == 20011001 || sourceid == 20021001 || sourceid == 11001 || sourceid == 35121005); } public final boolean isBerserk() { return skill && sourceid == 1320006; } public final boolean isBeholder() { return skill && sourceid == 1321007 || sourceid == 1301013 || sourceid == 1311013; } public final boolean isMPRecovery() { return skill && sourceid == 5101005; } public final boolean isInfinity() { return skill && (sourceid == 2121004 || sourceid == 2221004 || sourceid == 2321004); } public final boolean isMonsterRiding_() { return skill && (sourceid == 1004 || sourceid == 10001004 || sourceid == 20001004 || sourceid == 20011004 || sourceid == 30001004 && (sourceid >= 80001000 && sourceid <= 80001033) || sourceid == 80001037 || sourceid == 80001038 || sourceid == 80001039 || sourceid == 80001044 || (sourceid >= 80001082 && sourceid <= 80001090) || sourceid == 30011159 || sourceid == 30011109 || sourceid == 33001001 || sourceid == 35001002); } public final boolean isMonsterRiding() { return skill && (isMonsterRiding_() || GameConstants.getMountItem(sourceid, null) != 0 || GameConstants.checkMountItem(sourceid) != 0); } public final boolean isMagicDoor() { return skill && (sourceid == 2311002 || sourceid % 10000 == 8001); } public final boolean isMesoGuard() { return skill && sourceid == 4211005; } public final boolean isMechDoor() { return skill && sourceid == 35101005; } public final boolean isComboRecharge() { return skill && sourceid == 21111009; } public final boolean isDragonBlink() { return skill && sourceid == 22141004; } public final boolean isCharge() { switch (sourceid) { case 1211003: case 1211008: case 11111007: case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge case 12101005: case 15101006: case 21111005: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isPoison() { return info.get( > 0 && info.get(MapleStatInfo.dotTime) > 0; } public boolean isMist() { return skill && (sourceid == 2111003 || sourceid == 4221006 || sourceid == 12111005 || sourceid == 14111006 || sourceid == 22161003 || sourceid == 32121006 || sourceid == 1076 || sourceid == 11076 || sourceid == 2311011 || sourceid == 4121015 || sourceid == 42111004 || sourceid == 42121005); // poison mist, smokescreen and flame gear, recovery aura } private boolean isSpiritClaw() { return skill && sourceid == 4111009 || sourceid == 14111007 || sourceid == 5201008; } private boolean isSpiritBlast() { return skill && sourceid == 5201008; } private boolean isDispel() { return skill && (sourceid == 2311001 || sourceid == 9001000 || sourceid == 9101000); } private boolean isHeroWill() { switch (sourceid) { case 1121011: case 1221012: case 1321010: case 2121008: case 2221008: case 2321009: case 3121009: case 3221008: case 4121009: case 4221008: case 5121008: case 5221010: case 21121008: case 22171004: case 4341008: case 32121008: case 33121008: case 35121008: case 5321008: case 23121008: case 24121009: case 5721002: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isAranCombo() { return sourceid == 21000000; } public final boolean isCombo() { switch (sourceid) { case 1111002: case 11111001: // Combo case 1101013: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isPirateMorph() { switch (sourceid) { case 13111005: case 15111002: case 5111005: case 5121003: case 1203: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isMorph() { return morphId > 0; } public final int getMorph() { switch (sourceid) { case 15111002: case 5111005: return 1000; case 5121003: case 1203: return 1001; case 5101007: return 1002; case 13111005: return 1003; case 61111008: //Kaiser morph case 61120008: //Kaiser morph return 1200;//Base mode case 61121053: //Kaiser morph hyper return 1201; //Gold mode } return morphId; } public final boolean isDivineBody() { return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1010; } public final boolean isDivineShield() { switch (sourceid) { case 1220013: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isBerserkFury() { return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1011; } public final int getMorph(final MapleCharacter chr) { final int morph = getMorph(); switch (morph) { case 1000: case 1001: case 1003: return morph + (chr.getGender() == 1 ? 100 : 0); } return morph; } public final byte getLevel() { return level; } public final SummonMovementType getSummonMovementType() { if (!skill) { return null; } switch (sourceid) { case 3211002: // puppet sniper case 3111002: // puppet ranger case 33111003: case 13111024: // Emerald Flower case 13111004: // puppet cygnus case 5211001: // octopus - pirate case 5220002: // advanced octopus - pirate case 4341006: case 35111002: case 35111005: case 35111011: case 35121009: case 35121010: case 35121011: case 4111007: //dark flare case 4211007: //dark flare case 14111010: //dark flare case 33101008: case 35121003: case 3120012: case 3220012: case 5321003: case 5321004: case 5320011: case 5211014: case 5711001: // turret case 42100010: case 61111002: //Stone Dragon case 3121013: case 36121002: case 36121013: case 36121014: case 42111003: return SummonMovementType.STATIONARY; case 3211005: // golden eagle case 3111005: // golden hawk case 3101007: case 3201007: case 33111005: case 3221005: // frostprey case 3121006: // phoenix case 23111008: case 23111009: case 23111010: return SummonMovementType.CIRCLE_FOLLOW; case 5211002: // bird - pirate return SummonMovementType.CIRCLE_STATIONARY; case 32111006: //reaper case 5211011: case 5211015: case 5211016: return SummonMovementType.WALK_STATIONARY; case 1321007: // beholder case 1301013: // Evil Eye case 1311013: // Evil Eye of Domination case 2121005: // elquines case 2221005: // ifrit case 2321003: // bahamut case 12111004: // Ifrit case 11001004: // soul case 12001004: // flame case 13001004: // storm case 14001005: // darkness case 15001004: // lightning case 35111001: case 35111010://satelite 2 case 35111009: // satellite 1 case 42101021: // Foxfire case 42121021: // Foxfire return SummonMovementType.FOLLOW; } if (isAngel()) { return SummonMovementType.FOLLOW; } return null; } public final boolean isAngel() { return GameConstants.isAngel(sourceid); } public final boolean isSkill() { return skill; } public final int getSourceId() { return sourceid; } public final boolean isIceKnight() { return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1105; } public final boolean isSoaring() { return isSoaring_Normal() || isSoaring_Mount(); } public final boolean isSoaring_Normal() { return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1026; } public final boolean isSoaring_Mount() { return skill && ((GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1142) || sourceid == 80001089); } public final boolean isFinalAttack() { switch (sourceid) { case 13101002: case 11101002: case 51100002: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isMistEruption() { switch (sourceid) { case 2121003: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isShadow() { switch (sourceid) { case 4111002: // shadowpartner case 14111000: // cygnus case 4211008: case 4331002:// Mirror Image return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isMechPassive() { switch (sourceid) { //case 35121005: case 35121013: return true; } return false; } /** * * @return true if the effect should happen based on it's probablity, false * otherwise */ public final boolean makeChanceResult() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop) >= 100 || Randomizer.nextInt(100) < info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop); } public final int getProb() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop); } public final short getIgnoreMob() { return ignoreMob; } public final int getEnhancedHP() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emhp); } public final int getEnhancedMP() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emmp); } public final int getEnhancedWatk() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.epad); } public final int getEnhancedWdef() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pdd); } public final int getEnhancedMatk() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emad); } public final int getEnhancedMdef() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emdd); } public final int getDOT() { return info.get(; } public final int getDOTTime() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dotTime); } public final int getCriticalMax() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMax); } public final int getCriticalMin() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMin); } public final int getASRRate() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.asrR); } public final int getTERRate() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR); } public final int getDAMRate() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.damR); } public final int getHpToDamage() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mhp2damX); } public final int getMpToDamage() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mmp2damX); } public final int getLevelToDamage() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lv2damX); } public final int getLevelToWatk() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lv2pdX); } public final int getLevelToMatk() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lv2mdX); } public final int getEXPLossRate() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.expLossReduceR); } public final int getBuffTimeRate() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bufftimeR); } public final int getSuddenDeathR() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.suddenDeathR); } public final int getPercentAcc() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.accR); } public final int getPercentAvoid() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.evaR); } public final int getSummonTimeInc() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.summonTimeR); } public final int getMPConsumeEff() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpConEff); } public final short getMesoRate() { return mesoR; } public final int getEXP() { return exp; } public final int getAttackX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.padX); } public final int getMagicX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.madX); } public final int getPercentHP() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mhpR); } public final int getPercentMP() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mmpR); } public final int getConsume() { return consumeOnPickup; } public final int getSelfDestruction() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.selfDestruction); } public final int getCharColor() { return charColor; } public final List<Integer> getPetsCanConsume() { return petsCanConsume; } public final boolean isReturnScroll() { return skill && (sourceid == 80001040 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 20031203); } public final boolean isMechChange() { switch (sourceid) { case 35121054: case 35111004: //siege case 35001001: //flame case 35101009: case 35121013: case 35121005: case 35100008: return skill; } return false; } public final boolean isAnimalMode() { return skill && (sourceid == 110001501 || sourceid == 110001502 || sourceid == 110001503 || sourceid == 110001504); } public final int getRange() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.range); } public final int getER() { return info.get(; } public final int getPrice() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.price); } public final int getExtendPrice() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.extendPrice); } public final int getPeriod() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.period); } public final int getReqGuildLevel() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.reqGuildLevel); } public final byte getEXPRate() { return expR; } public final short getLifeID() { return lifeId; } public final short getUseLevel() { return useLevel; } public final byte getSlotCount() { return slotCount; } public final int getStr() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.str); } public final int getStrX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.strX); } public final int getDex() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dex); } public final int getDexX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dexX); } public final int getInt() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.int_); } public final int getIntX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.intX); } public final int getLuk() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.luk); } public final int getLukX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lukX); } public final int getMaxHpX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mhpX); } public final int getMaxMpX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mmpX); } public final int getMaxDemonFury() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.MDF); } public final int getAccX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.accX); } public final int getMPConReduce() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpConReduce); } public final int getIndieMHp() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhp); } public final int getIndieMMp() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMmp); } public final int getIndieAllStat() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieAllStat); } public final byte getType() { return type; } public int getBossDamage() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bdR); } public int getInterval() { return interval; } public ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> getAvailableMaps() { return availableMap; } public int getWDEFX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pddX); } public int getMDEFX() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mddX); } public int getWDEFRate() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pddR); } public int getMDEFRate() { return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mddR); } public int getWeapon() { return weapon; } public static class CancelEffectAction implements Runnable { private final MapleStatEffect effect; private final WeakReference<MapleCharacter> target; private final long startTime; private final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statup; public CancelEffectAction(final MapleCharacter target, final MapleStatEffect effect, final long startTime, final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statup) { this.effect = effect; = new WeakReference<>(target); this.startTime = startTime; this.statup = statup; } @Override public void run() { final MapleCharacter realTarget = target.get(); if (realTarget != null && !realTarget.isClone()) { realTarget.cancelEffect(effect, false, startTime, statup); } } } public final boolean isUnstealable() { for (MapleBuffStat b : statups.keySet()) { if (b == MapleBuffStat.MAPLE_WARRIOR) { return true; } } return sourceid == 4221013; } }