package; import client.MapleCharacter; import client.MapleCharacterUtil; import client.MapleClient; import client.SkillFactory; import constants.GameConstants; import database.DatabaseConnection; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import server.MapleStatEffect; import; import tools.packet.CField; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.AlliancePacket; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.GuildPacket; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.InfoPacket; public class MapleGuild implements { private static enum BCOp { NONE, DISBAND, EMBELMCHANGE } public static final long serialVersionUID = 6322150443228168192L; private final List<MapleGuildCharacter> members = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private final Map<Integer, MapleGuildSkill> guildSkills = new HashMap<>(); private final String rankTitles[] = new String[5]; // 1 = master, 2 = jr, 5 = lowest member private String name, notice; private int id, gp, logo, logoColor, leader, capacity, logoBG, logoBGColor, signature, level; private boolean bDirty = true, proper = true; private int allianceid = 0, invitedid = 0; private final Map<Integer, MapleBBSThread> bbs = new HashMap<>(); private final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private boolean init = false, changed = false, changed_skills = false; public MapleGuild(final int guildid) { this(guildid, null); } public MapleGuild(final int guildid, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, MapleBBSReply>> replies) { super(); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, guildid); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (!rs.first()) { rs.close(); ps.close(); id = -1; return; } id = guildid; name = rs.getString("name"); gp = rs.getInt("GP"); logo = rs.getInt("logo"); logoColor = rs.getInt("logoColor"); logoBG = rs.getInt("logoBG"); logoBGColor = rs.getInt("logoBGColor"); capacity = rs.getInt("capacity"); rankTitles[0] = rs.getString("rank1title"); rankTitles[1] = rs.getString("rank2title"); rankTitles[2] = rs.getString("rank3title"); rankTitles[3] = rs.getString("rank4title"); rankTitles[4] = rs.getString("rank5title"); leader = rs.getInt("leader"); notice = rs.getString("notice"); signature = rs.getInt("signature"); allianceid = rs.getInt("alliance"); rs.close(); ps.close(); MapleGuildAlliance alliance = World.Alliance.getAlliance(allianceid); if (alliance == null) { allianceid = 0; } ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id, name, level, job, guildrank, guildContribution, alliancerank FROM characters WHERE guildid = ? ORDER BY guildrank ASC, name ASC", ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); ps.setInt(1, guildid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (!rs.first()) { System.err.println("No members in guild " + id + ". Impossible... guild is disbanding"); rs.close(); ps.close(); writeToDB(true); proper = false; return; } boolean leaderCheck = false; byte gFix = 0, aFix = 0; do { int cid = rs.getInt("id"); byte gRank = rs.getByte("guildrank"), aRank = rs.getByte("alliancerank"); if (cid == leader) { leaderCheck = true; if (gRank != 1) { //needs updating to 1 gRank = 1; gFix = 1; } if (alliance != null) { if (alliance.getLeaderId() == cid && aRank != 1) { aRank = 1; aFix = 1; } else if (alliance.getLeaderId() != cid && aRank != 2) { aRank = 2; aFix = 2; } } } else { if (gRank == 1) { gRank = 2; gFix = 2; } if (aRank < 3) { aRank = 3; aFix = 3; } } members.add(new MapleGuildCharacter(cid, rs.getShort("level"), rs.getString("name"), (byte) -1, rs.getInt("job"), gRank, rs.getInt("guildContribution"), aRank, guildid, false)); } while (; rs.close(); ps.close(); if (!leaderCheck) { System.err.println("Leader " + leader + " isn't in guild " + id + ". Impossible... guild is disbanding."); writeToDB(true); proper = false; return; } if (gFix > 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET guildrank = ? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setByte(1, gFix); ps.setInt(2, leader); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } if (aFix > 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET alliancerank = ? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setByte(1, aFix); ps.setInt(2, leader); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM bbs_threads WHERE guildid = ? ORDER BY localthreadid DESC"); ps.setInt(1, guildid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { final int tID = rs.getInt("localthreadid"); final MapleBBSThread thread = new MapleBBSThread(tID, rs.getString("name"), rs.getString("startpost"), rs.getLong("timestamp"), guildid, rs.getInt("postercid"), rs.getInt("icon")); if (replies != null && replies.containsKey(rs.getInt("threadid"))) { thread.replies.putAll(replies.get(rs.getInt("threadid"))); } bbs.put(tID, thread); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM guildskills WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, guildid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { int sid = rs.getInt("skillid"); if (sid < 91000000) { //hack rs.close(); ps.close(); System.err.println("Skill " + sid + " is in guild " + id + ". Impossible... guild is disbanding."); writeToDB(true); proper = false; return; } guildSkills.put(sid, new MapleGuildSkill(sid, rs.getInt("level"), rs.getLong("timestamp"), rs.getString("purchaser"), "")); //activators not saved } rs.close(); ps.close(); level = calculateLevel(); } catch (SQLException se) { System.err.println("unable to read guild information from sql"); } } public boolean isProper() { return proper; } public static final void loadAll() { Map<Integer, Map<Integer, MapleBBSReply>> replies = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM bbs_replies"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { final int tID = rs.getInt("threadid"); Map<Integer, MapleBBSReply> reply = replies.get(tID); if (reply == null) { reply = new HashMap<>(); replies.put(tID, reply); } reply.put(reply.size(), new MapleBBSReply(reply.size(), rs.getInt("postercid"), rs.getString("content"), rs.getLong("timestamp"))); } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT guildid FROM guilds"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { World.Guild.addLoadedGuild(new MapleGuild(rs.getInt("guildid"), replies)); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { System.err.println("unable to read guild information from sql"); } } public static final void loadAll(Object toNotify) { Map<Integer, Map<Integer, MapleBBSReply>> replies = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM bbs_replies"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { final int tID = rs.getInt("threadid"); Map<Integer, MapleBBSReply> reply = replies.get(tID); if (reply == null) { reply = new HashMap<>(); replies.put(tID, reply); } reply.put(reply.size(), new MapleBBSReply(reply.size(), rs.getInt("postercid"), rs.getString("content"), rs.getLong("timestamp"))); } rs.close(); ps.close(); boolean cont = false; ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT guildid FROM guilds"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { GuildLoad.QueueGuildForLoad(rs.getInt("guildid"), replies); cont = true; } rs.close(); ps.close(); if (!cont) { return; } } catch (SQLException se) { System.err.println("unable to read guild information from sql"); } AtomicInteger FinishedThreads = new AtomicInteger(0); GuildLoad.Execute(toNotify); synchronized (toNotify) { try { toNotify.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } while (FinishedThreads.incrementAndGet() != GuildLoad.NumSavingThreads) { synchronized (toNotify) { try { toNotify.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } } } public final void writeToDB(final boolean bDisband) { try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); if (!bDisband) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("UPDATE guilds SET GP = ?, logo = ?, logoColor = ?, logoBG = ?, logoBGColor = ?, "); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { buf.append("rank").append(i).append("title = ?, "); } buf.append("capacity = ?, notice = ?, alliance = ?, leader = ? WHERE guildid = ?"); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(buf.toString()); ps.setInt(1, gp); ps.setInt(2, logo); ps.setInt(3, logoColor); ps.setInt(4, logoBG); ps.setInt(5, logoBGColor); ps.setString(6, rankTitles[0]); ps.setString(7, rankTitles[1]); ps.setString(8, rankTitles[2]); ps.setString(9, rankTitles[3]); ps.setString(10, rankTitles[4]); ps.setInt(11, capacity); ps.setString(12, notice); ps.setInt(13, allianceid); ps.setInt(14, leader); ps.setInt(15, id); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); if (changed) { ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM bbs_threads WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM bbs_replies WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); try (PreparedStatement pse = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO bbs_replies (`threadid`, `postercid`, `timestamp`, `content`, `guildid`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO bbs_threads(`postercid`, `name`, `timestamp`, `icon`, `startpost`, `guildid`, `localthreadid`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", DatabaseConnection.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setInt(6, id); for (MapleBBSThread bb : bbs.values()) { ps.setInt(1, bb.ownerID); ps.setString(2,; ps.setLong(3, bb.timestamp); ps.setInt(4, bb.icon); ps.setString(5, bb.text); ps.setInt(7, bb.localthreadID); ps.execute(); final int ourId; try (ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys()) { if (! { rs.close(); continue; } ourId = rs.getInt(1); } pse.setInt(5, id); for (MapleBBSReply r : bb.replies.values()) { pse.setInt(1, ourId); pse.setInt(2, r.ownerID); pse.setLong(3, r.timestamp); pse.setString(4, r.content); pse.addBatch(); } } pse.executeBatch(); } ps.close(); } if (changed_skills) { ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM guildskills WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO guildskills(`guildid`, `skillid`, `level`, `timestamp`, `purchaser`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setInt(1, id); for (MapleGuildSkill i : guildSkills.values()) { ps.setInt(2, i.skillID); ps.setByte(3, (byte) i.level); ps.setLong(4, i.timestamp); ps.setString(5, i.purchaser); ps.execute(); } ps.close(); } changed_skills = false; changed = false; } else { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM bbs_threads WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM bbs_replies WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM guildskills WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM guilds WHERE guildid = ?"); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); if (allianceid > 0) { final MapleGuildAlliance alliance = World.Alliance.getAlliance(allianceid); if (alliance != null) { alliance.removeGuild(id, false); } } broadcast(GuildPacket.guildDisband(id)); } } catch (SQLException se) { System.err.println("Error saving guild to SQL"); } } public final int getId() { return id; } public final int getLeaderId() { return leader; } public final MapleCharacter getLeader(final MapleClient c) { return c.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(leader); } public final int getGP() { return gp; } public final int getLogo() { return logo; } public final void setLogo(final int l) { logo = l; } public final int getLogoColor() { return logoColor; } public final void setLogoColor(final int c) { logoColor = c; } public final int getLogoBG() { return logoBG; } public final void setLogoBG(final int bg) { logoBG = bg; } public final int getLogoBGColor() { return logoBGColor; } public final void setLogoBGColor(final int c) { logoBGColor = c; } public final String getNotice() { if (notice == null) { return ""; } return notice; } public final String getName() { return name; } public final int getCapacity() { return capacity; } public final int getSignature() { return signature; } public final void broadcast(final byte[] packet) { broadcast(packet, -1, BCOp.NONE); } public final void broadcast(final byte[] packet, final int exception) { broadcast(packet, exception, BCOp.NONE); } // multi-purpose function that reaches every member of guild (except the character with exceptionId) in all channels with as little access to rmi as possible public final void broadcast(final byte[] packet, final int exceptionId, final BCOp bcop) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { buildNotifications(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } lock.readLock().lock(); try { for (MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { if (bcop == BCOp.DISBAND) { if (mgc.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(mgc.getId(), 0, 5, 0, 5); } else { setOfflineGuildStatus(0, (byte) 5, 0, (byte) 5, mgc.getId()); } } else if (mgc.isOnline() && mgc.getId() != exceptionId) { if (bcop == BCOp.EMBELMCHANGE) { World.Guild.changeEmblem(id, mgc.getId(), this); } else { World.Broadcast.sendGuildPacket(mgc.getId(), packet, exceptionId, id); } } } } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } private void buildNotifications() { if (!bDirty) { return; } final List<Integer> mem = new LinkedList<>(); final Iterator<MapleGuildCharacter> toRemove = members.iterator(); while (toRemove.hasNext()) { MapleGuildCharacter mgc =; if (!mgc.isOnline()) { continue; } if (mem.contains(mgc.getId()) || mgc.getGuildId() != id) { members.remove(mgc); continue; } mem.add(mgc.getId()); } bDirty = false; } public final void setOnline(final int cid, final boolean online, final int channel) { boolean bBroadcast = true; for (MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { if (mgc.getGuildId() == id && mgc.getId() == cid) { if (mgc.isOnline() == online) { bBroadcast = false; } mgc.setOnline(online); mgc.setChannel((byte) channel); break; } } if (bBroadcast) { broadcast(GuildPacket.guildMemberOnline(id, cid, online), cid); if (allianceid > 0) { World.Alliance.sendGuild(AlliancePacket.allianceMemberOnline(allianceid, id, cid, online), id, allianceid); } } bDirty = true; // member formation has changed, update notifications init = true; } public final void guildChat(final String name, final int cid, final String msg) { broadcast(CField.multiChat(name, msg, 2), cid); } public final void allianceChat(final String name, final int cid, final String msg) { broadcast(CField.multiChat(name, msg, 3), cid); } public final String getRankTitle(final int rank) { return rankTitles[rank - 1]; } public int getAllianceId() { //return alliance.getId(); return this.allianceid; } public int getInvitedId() { return this.invitedid; } public void setInvitedId(int iid) { this.invitedid = iid; } public void setAllianceId(int a) { this.allianceid = a; try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE guilds SET alliance = ? WHERE guildid = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, a); ps.setInt(2, id); ps.execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Saving allianceid ERROR" + e); } } // function to create guild, returns the guild id if successful, 0 if not public static final int createGuild(final int leaderId, final String name) { if (name.length() > 12) { return 0; } try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT guildid FROM guilds WHERE name = ?"); ps.setString(1, name); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.first()) {// name taken rs.close(); ps.close(); return 0; } ps.close(); rs.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO guilds (`leader`, `name`, `signature`, `alliance`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 0)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setInt(1, leaderId); ps.setString(2, name); ps.setInt(3, (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.executeUpdate(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); int ret = 0; if ( { ret = rs.getInt(1); } rs.close(); ps.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException se) { System.err.println("SQL THROW"); return 0; } } public final int addGuildMember(final MapleGuildCharacter mgc) { // first of all, insert it into the members keeping alphabetical order of lowest ranks ;) lock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (members.size() >= capacity) { return 0; } for (int i = members.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (members.get(i).getGuildRank() < 5 || members.get(i).getName().compareTo(mgc.getName()) < 0) { members.add(i + 1, mgc); bDirty = true; break; } } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } gainGP(500, true, mgc.getId()); broadcast(GuildPacket.newGuildMember(mgc)); if (allianceid > 0) { World.Alliance.sendGuild(allianceid); } return 1; } public final void leaveGuild(final MapleGuildCharacter mgc) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { final Iterator<MapleGuildCharacter> itr = members.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { final MapleGuildCharacter mgcc =; if (mgcc.getId() == mgc.getId()) { broadcast(GuildPacket.memberLeft(mgcc, true)); bDirty = true; gainGP(mgcc.getGuildContribution() > 0 ? -mgcc.getGuildContribution() : -50); members.remove(mgcc); if (mgc.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(mgcc.getId(), 0, 5, 0, 5); } else { setOfflineGuildStatus((short) 0, (byte) 5, 0, (byte) 5, mgcc.getId()); } break; } } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } if (bDirty && allianceid > 0) { World.Alliance.sendGuild(allianceid); } } public final void expelMember(final MapleGuildCharacter initiator, final String name, final int cid) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { final Iterator<MapleGuildCharacter> itr = members.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { final MapleGuildCharacter mgc =; if (mgc.getId() == cid && initiator.getGuildRank() < mgc.getGuildRank()) { broadcast(GuildPacket.memberLeft(mgc, true)); bDirty = true; gainGP(mgc.getGuildContribution() > 0 ? -mgc.getGuildContribution() : -50); if (mgc.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(cid, 0, 5, 0, 5); } else { MapleCharacterUtil.sendNote(mgc.getName(), initiator.getName(), "You have been expelled from the guild.", 0); setOfflineGuildStatus((short) 0, (byte) 5, 0, (byte) 5, cid); } members.remove(mgc); break; } } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } if (bDirty && allianceid > 0) { World.Alliance.sendGuild(allianceid); } } public final void changeARank() { changeARank(false); } public final void changeARank(final boolean leader) { if (allianceid <= 0) { return; } for (final MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { byte newRank = 3; if (this.leader == mgc.getId()) { newRank = (byte) (leader ? 1 : 2); } if (mgc.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(mgc.getId(),, mgc.getGuildRank(), mgc.getGuildContribution(), newRank); } else { setOfflineGuildStatus(, (byte) mgc.getGuildRank(), mgc.getGuildContribution(), (byte) newRank, mgc.getId()); } mgc.setAllianceRank((byte) newRank); } World.Alliance.sendGuild(allianceid); } public final void changeARank(final int newRank) { if (allianceid <= 0) { return; } for (final MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { if (mgc.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(mgc.getId(),, mgc.getGuildRank(), mgc.getGuildContribution(), newRank); } else { setOfflineGuildStatus(, (byte) mgc.getGuildRank(), mgc.getGuildContribution(), (byte) newRank, mgc.getId()); } mgc.setAllianceRank((byte) newRank); } World.Alliance.sendGuild(allianceid); } public final boolean changeARank(final int cid, final int newRank) { if (allianceid <= 0) { return false; } for (final MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { if (cid == mgc.getId()) { if (mgc.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(cid,, mgc.getGuildRank(), mgc.getGuildContribution(), newRank); } else { setOfflineGuildStatus(, (byte) mgc.getGuildRank(), mgc.getGuildContribution(), (byte) newRank, cid); } mgc.setAllianceRank((byte) newRank); World.Alliance.sendGuild(allianceid); return true; } } return false; } public final void changeGuildLeader(final int cid) { if (changeRank(cid, 1) && changeRank(leader, 2)) { if (allianceid > 0) { int aRank = getMGC(leader).getAllianceRank(); if (aRank == 1) { World.Alliance.changeAllianceLeader(allianceid, cid, true); } else { changeARank(cid, aRank); } changeARank(leader, 3); } broadcast(GuildPacket.guildLeaderChanged(id, leader, cid, allianceid)); this.leader = cid; try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE guilds SET leader = ? WHERE guildid = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, cid); ps.setInt(2, id); ps.execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Saving leaderid ERROR" + e); } } } public final boolean changeRank(final int cid, final int newRank) { for (final MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { if (cid == mgc.getId()) { if (mgc.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(cid,, newRank, mgc.getGuildContribution(), mgc.getAllianceRank()); } else { setOfflineGuildStatus(, (byte) newRank, mgc.getGuildContribution(), (byte) mgc.getAllianceRank(), cid); } mgc.setGuildRank((byte) newRank); broadcast(GuildPacket.changeRank(mgc)); return true; } } // it should never get to this point unless cid was incorrect o_O return false; } public final void setGuildNotice(final String notice) { this.notice = notice; broadcast(GuildPacket.guildNotice(id, notice)); } public final void memberLevelJobUpdate(final MapleGuildCharacter mgc) { for (final MapleGuildCharacter member : members) { if (member.getId() == mgc.getId()) { int old_level = member.getLevel(); int old_job = member.getJobId(); member.setJobId(mgc.getJobId()); member.setLevel((short) mgc.getLevel()); if (mgc.getLevel() > old_level) { gainGP((mgc.getLevel() - old_level) * mgc.getLevel(), false, mgc.getId()); //aftershock: formula changes (below 100 = 40, above 100 = 80) (12000 max) but i prefer level (21100 max), add guildContribution, do setGuildAndRank or just get the MapleCharacter object } if (old_level != mgc.getLevel()) { this.broadcast(CWvsContext.sendLevelup(false, mgc.getLevel(), mgc.getName()), mgc.getId()); } if (old_job != mgc.getJobId()) { this.broadcast(CWvsContext.sendJobup(false, mgc.getJobId(), mgc.getName()), mgc.getId()); } broadcast(GuildPacket.guildMemberLevelJobUpdate(mgc)); if (allianceid > 0) { World.Alliance.sendGuild(AlliancePacket.updateAlliance(mgc, allianceid), id, allianceid); } break; } } } public final void changeRankTitle(final String[] ranks) { System.arraycopy(ranks, 0, rankTitles, 0, 5); broadcast(GuildPacket.rankTitleChange(id, ranks)); } public final void disbandGuild() { writeToDB(true); broadcast(null, -1, BCOp.DISBAND); } public final void setGuildEmblem(final short bg, final byte bgcolor, final short logo, final byte logocolor) { this.logoBG = bg; this.logoBGColor = bgcolor; this.logo = logo; this.logoColor = logocolor; broadcast(null, -1, BCOp.EMBELMCHANGE); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE guilds SET logo = ?, logoColor = ?, logoBG = ?, logoBGColor = ? WHERE guildid = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, logo); ps.setInt(2, logoColor); ps.setInt(3, logoBG); ps.setInt(4, logoBGColor); ps.setInt(5, id); ps.execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Saving guild logo / BG colo ERROR"); } } public final MapleGuildCharacter getMGC(final int cid) { for (final MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { if (mgc.getId() == cid) { return mgc; } } return null; } public final boolean increaseCapacity(boolean trueMax) { if (capacity >= (trueMax ? 200 : 100) || ((capacity + 5) > (trueMax ? 200 : 100))) { return false; } if (trueMax && gp < 25000) { return false; } if (trueMax && gp - 25000 < GameConstants.getGuildExpNeededForLevel(getLevel() - 1)) { return false; } capacity += 5; broadcast(GuildPacket.guildCapacityChange(, this.capacity)); try { Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE guilds SET capacity = ? WHERE guildid = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, this.capacity); ps.setInt(2,; ps.execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Saving guild capacity ERROR"); } return true; } public final void gainGP(final int amount) { gainGP(amount, true, -1); } public final void gainGP(int amount, final boolean broadcast) { gainGP(amount, broadcast, -1); } public final void gainGP(int amount, final boolean broadcast, final int cid) { if (amount == 0) { //no change, no broadcast and no sql. return; } if (amount + gp < 0) { amount = -gp; } //0 lowest if (cid > 0 && amount > 0) { final MapleGuildCharacter mg = getMGC(cid); if (mg != null) { mg.setGuildContribution(mg.getGuildContribution() + amount); if (mg.isOnline()) { World.Guild.setGuildAndRank(cid,, mg.getGuildRank(), mg.getGuildContribution(), mg.getAllianceRank()); } else { setOfflineGuildStatus(, (byte) mg.getGuildRank(), mg.getGuildContribution(), (byte) mg.getAllianceRank(), cid); } broadcast(GuildPacket.guildContribution(id, cid, mg.getGuildContribution())); } } gp += amount; level = calculateLevel(); broadcast(GuildPacket.updateGP(id, gp, level)); if (broadcast) { broadcast(InfoPacket.getGPMsg(amount)); } } public Collection<MapleGuildSkill> getSkills() { return guildSkills.values(); } public int getSkillLevel(int sid) { if (!guildSkills.containsKey(sid)) { return 0; } return guildSkills.get(sid).level; } public boolean activateSkill(int skill, String name) { if (!guildSkills.containsKey(skill)) { return false; } final MapleGuildSkill ourSkill = guildSkills.get(skill); final MapleStatEffect skillid = SkillFactory.getSkill(skill).getEffect(ourSkill.level); if (ourSkill.timestamp > System.currentTimeMillis() || skillid.getPeriod() <= 0) { return false; } ourSkill.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + (skillid.getPeriod() * 60000L); ourSkill.activator = name; broadcast(GuildPacket.guildSkillPurchased(id, skill, ourSkill.level, ourSkill.timestamp, ourSkill.purchaser, name)); return true; } public boolean purchaseSkill(int skill, String name, int cid) { final MapleStatEffect skillid = SkillFactory.getSkill(skill).getEffect(getSkillLevel(skill) + 1); if (skillid.getReqGuildLevel() > getLevel() || skillid.getLevel() <= getSkillLevel(skill)) { return false; } MapleGuildSkill ourSkill = guildSkills.get(skill); if (ourSkill == null) { ourSkill = new MapleGuildSkill(skill, skillid.getLevel(), 0, name, name); guildSkills.put(skill, ourSkill); } else { ourSkill.level = skillid.getLevel(); ourSkill.purchaser = name; ourSkill.activator = name; } if (skillid.getPeriod() <= 0) { ourSkill.timestamp = -1L; } else { ourSkill.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + (skillid.getPeriod() * 60000L); } changed_skills = true; gainGP(1000, true, cid); broadcast(GuildPacket.guildSkillPurchased(id, skill, ourSkill.level, ourSkill.timestamp, name, name)); return true; } public int getLevel() { return level; } public final int calculateLevel() { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if (gp < GameConstants.getGuildExpNeededForLevel(i)) { return i; } } return 10; } public final void addMemberData(final MaplePacketLittleEndianWriter mplew) { mplew.write(members.size()); for (final MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { mplew.writeInt(mgc.getId()); } for (final MapleGuildCharacter mgc : members) { mplew.writeAsciiString(mgc.getName(), 13); mplew.writeInt(mgc.getJobId()); //-1 = ?? mplew.writeInt(mgc.getLevel()); //-1 = ?? mplew.writeInt(mgc.getGuildRank()); mplew.writeInt(mgc.isOnline() ? 1 : 0); mplew.writeInt(mgc.getAllianceRank()); mplew.writeInt(mgc.getGuildContribution()); } } // null indicates successful invitation being sent // keep in mind that this will be called by a handler most of the time // so this will be running mostly on a channel server, unlike the rest // of the class public static final MapleGuildResponse sendInvite(final MapleClient c, final String targetName) { final MapleCharacter mc = c.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(targetName); if (mc == null) { return MapleGuildResponse.NOT_IN_CHANNEL; } if (mc.getGuildId() > 0) { return MapleGuildResponse.ALREADY_IN_GUILD; } mc.getClient().getSession().write(GuildPacket.guildInvite(c.getPlayer().getGuildId(), c.getPlayer().getName(), c.getPlayer().getLevel(), c.getPlayer().getJob())); return null; } public java.util.Collection<MapleGuildCharacter> getMembers() { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableCollection(members); } public final boolean isInit() { return init; } public final List<MapleBBSThread> getBBS() { final List<MapleBBSThread> ret = new ArrayList<>(bbs.values()); Collections.sort(ret, new MapleBBSThread.ThreadComparator()); return ret; } public final int addBBSThread(final String title, final String text, final int icon, final boolean bNotice, final int posterID) { final int add = bbs.get(0) == null ? 1 : 0; //add 1 if no notice changed = true; final int ret = bNotice ? 0 : Math.max(1, bbs.size() + add); bbs.put(ret, new MapleBBSThread(ret, title, text, System.currentTimeMillis(),, posterID, icon)); return ret; } public final void editBBSThread(final int localthreadid, final String title, final String text, final int icon, final int posterID, final int guildRank) { final MapleBBSThread thread = bbs.get(localthreadid); if (thread != null && (thread.ownerID == posterID || guildRank <= 2)) { changed = true; bbs.put(localthreadid, new MapleBBSThread(localthreadid, title, text, System.currentTimeMillis(),, thread.ownerID, icon)); } } public final void deleteBBSThread(final int localthreadid, final int posterID, final int guildRank) { final MapleBBSThread thread = bbs.get(localthreadid); if (thread != null && (thread.ownerID == posterID || guildRank <= 2)) { changed = true; bbs.remove(localthreadid); } } public final void addBBSReply(final int localthreadid, final String text, final int posterID) { final MapleBBSThread thread = bbs.get(localthreadid); if (thread != null) { changed = true; thread.replies.put(thread.replies.size(), new MapleBBSReply(thread.replies.size(), posterID, text, System.currentTimeMillis())); } } public final void deleteBBSReply(final int localthreadid, final int replyid, final int posterID, final int guildRank) { final MapleBBSThread thread = bbs.get(localthreadid); if (thread != null) { final MapleBBSReply reply = thread.replies.get(replyid); if (reply != null && (reply.ownerID == posterID || guildRank <= 2)) { changed = true; thread.replies.remove(replyid); } } } public boolean hasSkill(int id) { return guildSkills.containsKey(id); } public static void setOfflineGuildStatus(int guildid, byte guildrank, int contribution, byte alliancerank, int cid) { try { java.sql.Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); try (java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET guildid = ?, guildrank = ?, guildContribution = ?, alliancerank = ? WHERE id = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, guildid); ps.setInt(2, guildrank); ps.setInt(3, contribution); ps.setInt(4, alliancerank); ps.setInt(5, cid); ps.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("SQLException: " + se.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }