package client; import constants.GameConstants; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import provider.MapleData; import provider.MapleDataTool; import server.MapleStatEffect; import server.Randomizer; import; import tools.Pair; public class Skill implements Comparator<Skill> { private String name = "", psdDamR = "", targetPlus = ""; private final List<MapleStatEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>(); private List<MapleStatEffect> pvpEffects = null; private List<Integer> animation = null; private final List<Pair<String, Integer>> requiredSkill = new ArrayList<>(); private Element element = Element.NEUTRAL; private int id, animationTime = 0, masterLevel = 0, maxLevel = 0, delay = 0, trueMax = 0, eventTamingMob = 0, skillTamingMob = 0, skillType = 0, psd = 0, psdSkill = 0; //4 is alert private boolean invisible = false, chargeskill = false, timeLimited = false, combatOrders = false, pvpDisabled = false, magic = false, casterMove = false, pushTarget = false, pullTarget = false; private int hyper = 0; public Skill(final int id) { super(); = id; } public void setName(final String name) { = name; } public int getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } public static Skill loadFromData(final int id, final MapleData data, final MapleData delayData) { Skill ret = new Skill(id); boolean isBuff; final int skillType = MapleDataTool.getInt("skillType", data, -1); final String elem = MapleDataTool.getString("elemAttr", data, null); if (elem != null) { ret.element = Element.getFromChar(elem.charAt(0)); } ret.skillType = skillType; ret.invisible = MapleDataTool.getInt("invisible", data, 0) > 0; ret.timeLimited = MapleDataTool.getInt("timeLimited", data, 0) > 0; ret.combatOrders = MapleDataTool.getInt("combatOrders", data, 0) > 0; ret.hyper = MapleDataTool.getInt("hyper", data, 0); ret.masterLevel = MapleDataTool.getInt("masterLevel", data, 0); ret.psd = MapleDataTool.getInt("psd", data, 0); if(ret.psd == 1){ final MapleData psdskill = data.getChildByPath("psdSkill"); if (psdskill != null) { ret.psdSkill = Integer.parseInt(data.getChildByPath("psdSkill").getChildren().get(0).getName()); } } if ((id == 22111001 || id == 22140000 || id == 22141002)) { ret.masterLevel = 5; //hack } ret.eventTamingMob = MapleDataTool.getInt("eventTamingMob", data, 0); ret.skillTamingMob = MapleDataTool.getInt("skillTamingMob", data, 0); final MapleData inf = data.getChildByPath("info"); if (inf != null) { ret.pvpDisabled = MapleDataTool.getInt("pvp", inf, 1) <= 0; ret.magic = MapleDataTool.getInt("magicDamage", inf, 0) > 0; ret.casterMove = MapleDataTool.getInt("casterMove", inf, 0) > 0; ret.pushTarget = MapleDataTool.getInt("pushTarget", inf, 0) > 0; ret.pullTarget = MapleDataTool.getInt("pullTarget", inf, 0) > 0; } final MapleData effect = data.getChildByPath("effect"); if (skillType == 2) { isBuff = true; } else if (skillType == 3) { //final attack ret.animation = new ArrayList<>(); ret.animation.add(0); isBuff = effect != null; } else { MapleData action_ = data.getChildByPath("action"); final MapleData hit = data.getChildByPath("hit"); final MapleData ball = data.getChildByPath("ball"); boolean action = false; if (action_ == null) { if (data.getChildByPath("prepare/action") != null) { action_ = data.getChildByPath("prepare/action"); action = true; } } isBuff = effect != null && hit == null && ball == null; if (action_ != null) { String d; if (action) { //prepare d = MapleDataTool.getString(action_, null); } else { d = MapleDataTool.getString("0", action_, null); } if (d != null) { isBuff |= d.equals("alert2"); final MapleData dd = delayData.getChildByPath(d); if (dd != null) { for (MapleData del : dd) { ret.delay += Math.abs(MapleDataTool.getInt("delay", del, 0)); } if (ret.delay > 30) { ret.delay = (int) Math.round(ret.delay * 11.0 / 16.0); ret.delay -= (ret.delay % 30); } } if (SkillFactory.getDelay(d) != null) { //this should return true always ret.animation = new ArrayList<>(); ret.animation.add(SkillFactory.getDelay(d)); if (!action) { for (MapleData ddc : action_) { if (!MapleDataTool.getString(ddc, d).equals(d)) { String c = MapleDataTool.getString(ddc); if (SkillFactory.getDelay(c) != null) { ret.animation.add(SkillFactory.getDelay(c)); } } } } } } } switch (id) { case 1076: case 11076: case 2111002: case 2111003: case 2121001: case 2221001: case 2301002: case 2321001: case 4211001: case 12111005: case 22161003: isBuff = false; break; case 93: case 1004: case 4121054: case 1026: case 1111002: case 65111100: case 1111007: case 1211009: case 4341054: case 1220013: case 5321054: case 1311007: case 1320009: case 2120010: case 2121009: case 4341052: case 31201002: case 31001001: case 2220010: case 2221009: case 2311006: case 2320011: case 2321010: case 3120006: case 3121002: case 3220005: case 3221002: case 4111001: case 4111009: case 4211003: case 4221013: case 4321000: case 4331003: case 4341002: case 5110001: case 5111005: case 5111007: case 5120011: case 5120012: case 5121003: case 5121009: case 5121015: case 5211001: case 5211002: case 5211006: case 5211007: case 5211009: case 5220002: case 5220011: case 5220012: case 5311004: case 5311005: case 5320007: case 5321003: case 5321004: case 5701005: case 5711001: case 5711011: case 5720005: case 5721002: case 9001004: case 9101004: case 10000093: case 10001004: case 10001026: case 13111005: case 14111007: case 15100004: case 15101006: case 15111002: case 15111005: case 15111006: case 15111011: case 20000093: case 20001004: case 20001026: case 20010093: case 20011004: case 20011026: case 20020093: case 20021026: case 20031209: case 20031210: case 21000000: case 21101003: case 22121001: case 22131001: case 22131002: case 22141002: case 22151002: case 22151003: case 22161002: case 22161004: case 22171000: case 22171004: case 22181000: case 22181003: case 22181004: case 24101005: case 24111002: case 24121008: case 24121009: case 27101202: case 27110007: case 30000093: case 30001026: case 30010093: case 30011026: case 31121005: case 32001003: case 32101003: case 32110000: case 32110007: case 32110008: case 32110009: case 32111005: case 32111006: case 32111012: case 32120000: case 32120001: case 32121003: case 33101006: case 33111003: case 35001001: case 35001002: case 35101005: case 35101007: case 35101009: case 35111001: case 35111002: case 35111004: case 35111005: case 35111009: case 35111010: case 35111011: case 35111013: case 35120000: case 35120014: case 35121003: case 35121005: case 35121006: case 35121009: case 35121010: case 35121013: case 36111006: case 41001001: case 41121003: case 42100010: case 42101002: case 42101004: case 42111006: case 42121008: case 50001214: case 51101003: case 51111003: case 51111004: case 51121004: case 51121005: case 60001216: case 61100005: case 60001217: case 61101002: case 61111008://Kaiser mode case 61120007: case 61120008://Kaiser mode case 61121053://Kaiser Hyper Mode case 61121054://Kaiser's Majesty case 61120011: case 80001000: case 80001089: case 31211003: case 31221004: case 32121054: case 2121054: case 11101021: case 13111024: case 2321054: case 11101022: //polling moon case 11111022: case 36121054: case 31011001: case 31211004: case 32121006: case 3101004: case 3201004: case 5001005: case 5220014://dice2 cosair case 15001003: case 5111010: case 80001079: case 80001080: case 80001081: // case 33001001: case 1101013: case 36121003: case 33111006: case 35111016: case 33111007: case 61111004: case 24121054: case 80001155: case 31221054: case 5721054: case 5721052: // case 27121005: case 27001004: // 익스텐드 마나 case 27100003: // 블레스 오브 다크니스 // case 27101202: // 보이드 프레셔 case 27111004: // 안티 매직쉘 case 27111005: // 라이트쉐도우 가드 case 27111006: // 포틱 메디테이션 // case 27110007: // 라이프 타이달 case 27121006: // 다크니스 소서리 case 27111202: // 녹스피어 case 27121202: // 아포칼립스 case 27101100: // 실피드 랜서 case 27111100: // 스펙트럴 라이트 case 27121100: // 라이트 리플렉션 case 27111303: // 데스 사이드 case 27121303: // 앱솔루트 킬 case 27121054: // 메모라이즈 case 42101020: case 42101021: case 42101022: case 42101023: case 36121013: case 36121014: case 36121002: // case 15001022: // case 1301013: case 1321015: case 20041239: isBuff = true; } if (GameConstants.isAngel(id)/* || GameConstants.isSummon(id)*/) { isBuff = false; } } ret.chargeskill = data.getChildByPath("keydown") != null; final MapleData level = data.getChildByPath("common"); if (level != null) { ret.maxLevel = MapleDataTool.getInt("maxLevel", level, 1); //10 just a failsafe, shouldn't actually happens ret.psdDamR = MapleDataTool.getString("damR", level, ""); //for the psdSkill tag ret.targetPlus = MapleDataTool.getString("targetPlus", level, ""); ret.trueMax = ret.maxLevel + (ret.combatOrders ? 2 : 0); for (int i = 1; i <= ret.trueMax; i++) { ret.effects.add(MapleStatEffect.loadSkillEffectFromData(level, id, isBuff, i, "x")); } } else { for (final MapleData leve : data.getChildByPath("level")) { ret.effects.add(MapleStatEffect.loadSkillEffectFromData(leve, id, isBuff, Byte.parseByte(leve.getName()), null)); } ret.maxLevel = ret.effects.size(); ret.trueMax = ret.effects.size(); } final MapleData level2 = data.getChildByPath("PVPcommon"); if (level2 != null) { ret.pvpEffects = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= ret.trueMax; i++) { ret.pvpEffects.add(MapleStatEffect.loadSkillEffectFromData(level2, id, isBuff, i, "x")); } } final MapleData reqDataRoot = data.getChildByPath("req"); if (reqDataRoot != null) { for (final MapleData reqData : reqDataRoot.getChildren()) { ret.requiredSkill.add(new Pair<>(reqData.getName(), MapleDataTool.getInt(reqData, 1))); } } ret.animationTime = 0; if (effect != null) { for (final MapleData effectEntry : effect) { ret.animationTime += MapleDataTool.getIntConvert("delay", effectEntry, 0); } } return ret; } public MapleStatEffect getEffect(final int level) { if (effects.size() < level) { if (effects.size() > 0) { //incAllskill return effects.get(effects.size() - 1); } return null; } else if (level <= 0) { return effects.get(0); } return effects.get(level - 1); } public MapleStatEffect getPVPEffect(final int level) { if (pvpEffects == null) { return getEffect(level); } if (pvpEffects.size() < level) { if (pvpEffects.size() > 0) { //incAllskill return pvpEffects.get(pvpEffects.size() - 1); } return null; } else if (level <= 0) { return pvpEffects.get(0); } return pvpEffects.get(level - 1); } public int getSkillType() { return skillType; } public List<Integer> getAllAnimation() { return animation; } public int getAnimation() { if (animation == null) { return -1; } return (animation.get(Randomizer.nextInt(animation.size()))).intValue(); } public boolean isPVPDisabled() { return pvpDisabled; } public boolean isChargeSkill() { return chargeskill; } public boolean isInvisible() { return invisible; } public boolean hasRequiredSkill() { return requiredSkill.size() > 0; } public int getPsdSkill(){ return psdSkill; } public int getPsd(){ return psd; } public String getPsdDamR(){ return psdDamR; } public String getPsdtarget() { return targetPlus; } public List<Pair<String, Integer>> getRequiredSkills() { return requiredSkill; } public int getMaxLevel() { return maxLevel; } public int getTrueMax() { return trueMax; } public boolean combatOrders() { return combatOrders; } public boolean canBeLearnedBy(int job) { //test // if (GameConstants.getBeginnerJob((short) (id / 10000)) == GameConstants.getBeginnerJob((short) job)) // return true; int jid = job; int skillForJob = id / 10000; if (skillForJob == 2001) { return GameConstants.isEvan(job); //special exception for beginner -.- } else if (skillForJob == 0) { return GameConstants.isAdventurer(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 1000) { return GameConstants.isKOC(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 2000) { return GameConstants.isAran(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 3000) { return GameConstants.isResistance(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 1) { return GameConstants.isCannon(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 3001) { return GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(job) || GameConstants.isDemonAvenger(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 2002) { return GameConstants.isMercedes(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 508) { return GameConstants.isJett(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 2003) { return GameConstants.isPhantom(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 5000) { return GameConstants.isMihile(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 2004) { return GameConstants.isLuminous(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 6000) { return GameConstants.isKaiser(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 6001) { return GameConstants.isAngelicBuster(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (skillForJob == 3002) { return GameConstants.isXenon(job); //special exception for beginner }else if (skillForJob == 10000) { return GameConstants.isZero(job); //special exception for beginner } else if (jid / 100 != skillForJob / 100) { // wrong job return false; } else if (jid / 1000 != skillForJob / 1000) { // wrong job return false; } else if (GameConstants.isDemonAvenger(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isDemonAvenger(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isXenon(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isXenon(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isZero(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isZero(job)) { return false; //} else if (GameConstants.isBeastTamer(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isBeastTamer(job)) { // return false; } else if (GameConstants.isAngelicBuster(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isAngelicBuster(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isKaiser(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isKaiser(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isMihile(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isMihile(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isLuminous(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isLuminous(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isPhantom(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isPhantom(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isJett(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isJett(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isCannon(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isCannon(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isAdventurer(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isAdventurer(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isKOC(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isKOC(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isAran(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isAran(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isEvan(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isEvan(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isMercedes(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isMercedes(job)) { return false; } else if (GameConstants.isResistance(skillForJob) && !GameConstants.isResistance(job)) { return false; } else if ((job / 10) % 10 == 0 && (skillForJob / 10) % 10 > (job / 10) % 10) { // wrong 2nd job return false; } else if ((skillForJob / 10) % 10 != 0 && (skillForJob / 10) % 10 != (job / 10) % 10) { //wrong 2nd job return false; } else if (skillForJob % 10 > job % 10) { // wrong 3rd/4th job return false; } return true; } public boolean isTimeLimited() { return timeLimited; } public boolean isFourthJobSkill(int skillid) { switch (skillid / 10000) { case 112: case 122: case 132: case 212: case 222: case 232: case 312: case 322: case 412: case 422: case 512: case 522: return true; } return false; } public boolean isThirdJobSkill(int skillid) { switch (skillid / 10000) { case 111: case 121: case 131: case 211: case 221: case 231: case 311: case 321: case 411: case 421: case 511: case 521: return true; } return false; } public boolean isSecondJobSkill(int skillid) { switch (skillid / 10000) { case 110: case 120: case 130: case 210: case 220: case 230: case 310: case 320: case 410: case 420: case 510: case 520: return true; } return false; } public boolean isFourthJob() { switch (id) { // I guess imma make an sql table to store these, so that we could max them all out. case 3120011: case 3220010: case 4320005: case 4340010: case 5120012: case 5211009: case 5220014: case 5320007: case 5321006: case 5720008: case 21120011: case 22181004: case 23120011: case 23121008: case 33120010: case 33121005: case 1001008: return false; } if (isHyper()) { return true; } if (( / 10000 == 2312) || ( / 10000 == 2712) || ( / 10000 == 6112) || ( / 10000 == 6512)) { return true; } if (( == 24121009) || ( == 24121010)) { return true; } if (( / 10000 == 3612) && (getMasterLevel() >= 10)) { return true; } if ((getMaxLevel() <= 15 && !invisible && getMasterLevel() <= 0)) { return false; } if (id / 10000 >= 2210 && id / 10000 < 3000) { //evan skill return ((id / 10000) % 10) >= 7 || getMasterLevel() > 0; } if (id / 10000 >= 430 && id / 10000 <= 434) { //db skill return ((id / 10000) % 10) == 4 || getMasterLevel() > 0; } if (id / 10000 >= 400 && id / 10000 <= 412) { //nl skill return ((id / 10000) % 10) == 4 || getMasterLevel() > 0; } return ((id / 10000) % 10) == 2 && id < 90000000 && !isBeginnerSkill(); } public Element getElement() { return element; } public int getAnimationTime() { return animationTime; } public int getMasterLevel() { return masterLevel; } public int getDelay() { return delay; } public int getTamingMob() { return eventTamingMob; } public int getSkillTamingMob() { return eventTamingMob; } public boolean isBeginnerSkill() { int jobId = id / 10000; return GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(jobId); } public boolean isMagic() { return magic; } public boolean isHyper() { return hyper > 0; } public int getHyper() { return hyper; } public boolean isMovement() { return casterMove; } public boolean isPush() { return pushTarget; } public boolean isPull() { return pullTarget; } public boolean isSpecialSkill() { int jobId = id / 10000; return jobId == 900 || jobId == 800 || jobId == 9000 || jobId == 9200 || jobId == 9201 || jobId == 9202 || jobId == 9203 || jobId == 9204; } @Override public int compare(Skill o1, Skill o2) { return (Integer.valueOf(o1.getId()).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(o2.getId()))); } }