package; import client.BuddylistEntry; import client.CardData; import client.CharacterNameAndId; import client.MapleCharacter; import client.MapleMarriage; import client.MapleQuestStatus; import client.MapleTrait.MapleTraitType; import client.MonsterFamiliar; import client.Skill; import client.SkillEntry; import client.anticheat.ReportType; import client.inventory.Item; import client.inventory.MapleImp; import client.inventory.MapleMount; import client.inventory.MaplePet; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import tools.Pair; public class CharacterTransfer implements Externalizable { public int characterid, accountid, fame, pvpExp, pvpPoints, hair, face, faceMarking, elf, mapid, honourexp, honourlevel, guildid, partyid, messengerid, ACash, nxCredit, MaplePoints, mount_itemid, mount_exp, points, vpoints, dpoints, epoints, marriageId, maxhp, maxmp, hp, mp, familyid, seniorid, junior1, junior2, currentrep, totalrep, battleshipHP, gachexp, guildContribution, totalWins, totalLosses; public byte channel, gender, gmLevel, guildrank, alliancerank, clonez, fairyExp, cardStack, buddysize, world, initialSpawnPoint, skinColor, mount_level, mount_Fatigue, subcategory; public long lastfametime, TranferTime, exp, meso; public String name, accountname, BlessOfFairy, BlessOfEmpress, chalkboard, tempIP; public short level, hpApUsed, job, fatigue; public Object inventorys, skillmacro, storage, cs, anticheat, innerSkills, azwanShopList; public int[] savedlocation, wishlist, rocks, remainingSp, remainingHSp, regrocks, hyperrocks; public byte[] petStore; public MapleImp[] imps; public Map<Integer, Integer> mbook; public Map<Byte, Integer> reports = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public List<Pair<Integer, Boolean>> stolenSkills; public Map<Integer, Pair<Byte, Integer>> keymap; public Map<Integer, MonsterFamiliar> familiars; public List<Integer> finishedAchievements = null, finishedMoonlightAchievements = null, famedcharacters = null, battledaccs = null, extendedSlots = null; public List<Item> rebuy = null; public final Map<MapleTraitType, Integer> traits = new EnumMap<>(MapleTraitType.class); public final Map<CharacterNameAndId, Boolean> buddies = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public final Map<Integer, Object> Quest = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Questid instead of MapleQuest, as it's huge. Cant be transporting public Map<Integer, String> InfoQuest; public final Map<Integer, SkillEntry> Skills = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Skillid instead of, as it's huge. Cant be transporting and public final Map<Integer, CardData> cardsInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public MapleMarriage marriage; /*Start of Custom Feature*/ /*All custom shit declare here*/ public int reborns, apstorage, str, dex, int_, luk, remainingAp; /*End of Custom Feature*/ public CharacterTransfer() { finishedAchievements = new ArrayList<>(); finishedMoonlightAchievements = new ArrayList<>(); famedcharacters = new ArrayList<>(); battledaccs = new ArrayList<>(); extendedSlots = new ArrayList<>(); rebuy = new ArrayList<>(); InfoQuest = new LinkedHashMap<>(); keymap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); familiars = new LinkedHashMap<>(); mbook = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } public CharacterTransfer(final MapleCharacter chr) { this.characterid = chr.getId(); this.accountid = chr.getAccountID(); this.accountname = chr.getClient().getAccountName(); = (byte) chr.getClient().getChannel(); this.nxCredit = chr.getCSPoints(1); this.ACash = chr.getCSPoints(4); this.MaplePoints = chr.getCSPoints(2); this.stolenSkills = chr.getStolenSkills(); this.vpoints = chr.getVPoints(); = chr.getName(); this.fame = chr.getFame(); this.gender = (byte) chr.getGender(); this.level = chr.getLevel(); this.str = chr.getStat().getStr(); this.dex = chr.getStat().getDex(); this.int_ = chr.getStat().getInt(); this.luk = chr.getStat().getLuk(); this.hp = chr.getStat().getHp(); = chr.getStat().getMp(); this.maxhp = chr.getStat().getMaxHp(); this.maxmp = chr.getStat().getMaxMp(); this.exp = chr.getExp(); this.hpApUsed = chr.getHpApUsed(); this.remainingAp = chr.getRemainingAp(); this.remainingSp = chr.getRemainingSps(); this.remainingHSp = chr.getRemainingHSps(); this.meso = chr.getMeso(); this.pvpExp = chr.getTotalBattleExp(); this.pvpPoints = chr.getBattlePoints(); /* * Start of Custom Feature */ this.reborns = chr.getReborns(); this.apstorage = chr.getAPS(); /* * End of Custom Feature */ this.skinColor = chr.getSkinColor(); this.job = chr.getJob(); = chr.getHair(); this.face = chr.getFace(); this.faceMarking = chr.getFaceMarking(); this.elf = chr.getElf(); this.mapid = chr.getMapId(); this.initialSpawnPoint = chr.getInitialSpawnpoint(); this.marriageId = chr.getMarriageId(); this.marriage = chr.getMarriage(); = chr.getWorld(); this.guildid = chr.getGuildId(); this.guildrank = (byte) chr.getGuildRank(); this.guildContribution = chr.getGuildContribution(); this.alliancerank = (byte) chr.getAllianceRank(); this.gmLevel = (byte) chr.getGMLevel(); this.points = chr.getPoints(); this.dpoints = chr.getDPoints(); this.epoints = chr.getEPoints(); this.fairyExp = chr.getFairyExp(); this.cardStack = chr.getCardStack(); this.clonez = chr.getNumClones(); this.petStore = chr.getPetStores(); this.subcategory = chr.getSubcategory(); this.imps = chr.getImps(); this.fatigue = (short) chr.getFatigue(); this.currentrep = chr.getCurrentRep(); this.totalrep = chr.getTotalRep(); this.familyid = chr.getFamilyId(); this.totalWins = chr.getTotalWins(); this.totalLosses = chr.getTotalLosses(); this.seniorid = chr.getSeniorId(); this.junior1 = chr.getJunior1(); this.junior2 = chr.getJunior2(); this.battleshipHP = chr.currentBattleshipHP(); this.gachexp = chr.getGachExp(); this.familiars = chr.getFamiliars(); chr.getCheatTracker().dispose(); this.anticheat = chr.getCheatTracker(); this.tempIP = chr.getClient().getTempIP(); this.rebuy = chr.getRebuy(); boolean uneq = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.petStore.length; i++) { final MaplePet pet = chr.getPet(i); if (this.petStore[i] == 0) { this.petStore[i] = (byte) -1; } if (pet != null) { uneq = true; this.petStore[i] = (byte) Math.max(this.petStore[i], pet.getInventoryPosition()); } } if (uneq) { chr.unequipAllPets(); } for (MapleTraitType t : MapleTraitType.values()) { this.traits.put(t, chr.getTrait(t).getTotalExp()); } for (final BuddylistEntry qs : chr.getBuddylist().getBuddies()) { this.buddies.put(new CharacterNameAndId(qs.getCharacterId(), qs.getName(), qs.getGroup()), qs.isVisible()); } for (final Entry<ReportType, Integer> ss : chr.getReports().entrySet()) { this.reports.put(ss.getKey().i, ss.getValue()); } this.buddysize = chr.getBuddyCapacity(); this.partyid = chr.getParty() == null ? -1 : chr.getParty().getId(); if (chr.getMessenger() != null) { this.messengerid = chr.getMessenger().getId(); } else { this.messengerid = 0; } this.finishedAchievements = chr.getFinishedAchievements(); this.finishedMoonlightAchievements = chr.getFinishedMoonlightAchievements(); this.InfoQuest = chr.getInfoQuest_Map(); for (final Map.Entry<MapleQuest, MapleQuestStatus> qs : chr.getQuest_Map().entrySet()) { this.Quest.put(qs.getKey().getId(), qs.getValue()); } this.mbook = chr.getMonsterBook().getCards(); this.inventorys = chr.getInventorys(); for (final Map.Entry<Skill, SkillEntry> qs : chr.getSkills().entrySet()) { this.Skills.put(qs.getKey().getId(), qs.getValue()); } for (final Map.Entry<Integer, CardData> ii : chr.getCharacterCard().getCards().entrySet()) { this.cardsInfo.put(ii.getKey(), ii.getValue()); } this.BlessOfFairy = chr.getBlessOfFairyOrigin(); this.BlessOfEmpress = chr.getBlessOfEmpressOrigin(); this.chalkboard = chr.getChalkboard(); this.skillmacro = chr.getMacros(); this.keymap = chr.getKeyLayout().Layout(); this.savedlocation = chr.getSavedLocations(); this.wishlist = chr.getWishlist(); = chr.getRocks(); this.regrocks = chr.getRegRocks(); this.hyperrocks = chr.getHyperRocks(); this.famedcharacters = chr.getFamedCharacters(); this.battledaccs = chr.getBattledCharacters(); this.lastfametime = chr.getLastFameTime(); = chr.getStorage(); this.cs = chr.getCashInventory(); this.extendedSlots = chr.getExtendedSlots(); this.honourexp = chr.getHonourExp(); this.honourlevel = chr.getHonorLevel(); this.innerSkills = chr.getInnerSkills(); this.azwanShopList = chr.getAzwanShop(); final MapleMount mount = chr.getMount(); this.mount_itemid = mount.getItemId(); this.mount_Fatigue = mount.getFatigue(); this.mount_level = mount.getLevel(); this.mount_exp = mount.getExp(); TranferTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public void readExternal(final ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { this.characterid = in.readInt(); this.accountid = in.readInt(); this.accountname = in.readUTF(); = in.readByte(); this.nxCredit = in.readInt(); this.ACash = in.readInt(); this.MaplePoints = in.readInt(); = in.readUTF(); this.fame = in.readInt(); this.gender = in.readByte(); this.level = in.readShort(); this.str = in.readShort(); this.dex = in.readShort(); this.int_ = in.readShort(); this.luk = in.readShort(); this.hp = in.readInt(); = in.readInt(); this.maxhp = in.readInt(); this.maxmp = in.readInt(); this.exp = in.readInt(); this.hpApUsed = in.readShort(); this.remainingAp = in.readShort(); this.remainingSp = new int[in.readByte()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingSp.length; i++) { this.remainingSp[i] = in.readInt(); } this.remainingHSp = new int[in.readByte()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingHSp.length; i++) { this.remainingHSp[i] = in.readInt(); } this.meso = in.readInt(); this.skinColor = in.readByte(); this.job = in.readShort(); = in.readInt(); this.face = in.readInt(); this.faceMarking = in.readInt(); this.elf = in.readInt(); this.mapid = in.readInt(); this.initialSpawnPoint = in.readByte(); = in.readByte(); this.guildid = in.readInt(); this.guildrank = in.readByte(); this.guildContribution = in.readInt(); this.alliancerank = in.readByte(); this.gmLevel = in.readByte(); this.points = in.readInt(); this.vpoints = in.readInt(); this.dpoints = in.readInt(); this.epoints = in.readInt(); if (in.readByte() == 1) { this.BlessOfFairy = in.readUTF(); } else { this.BlessOfFairy = null; } if (in.readByte() == 1) { this.BlessOfEmpress = in.readUTF(); } else { this.BlessOfEmpress = null; } if (in.readByte() == 1) { this.chalkboard = in.readUTF(); } else { this.chalkboard = null; } this.clonez = in.readByte(); this.skillmacro = in.readObject(); this.lastfametime = in.readLong(); = in.readObject(); this.cs = in.readObject(); this.mount_itemid = in.readInt(); this.mount_Fatigue = in.readByte(); this.mount_level = in.readByte(); this.mount_exp = in.readInt(); this.partyid = in.readInt(); this.messengerid = in.readInt(); this.inventorys = in.readObject(); this.fairyExp = in.readByte(); this.cardStack = in.readByte(); this.subcategory = in.readByte(); this.fatigue = in.readShort(); this.marriageId = in.readInt(); this.marriage = new MapleMarriage(in.readInt(), in.readInt(), in.readInt(), in.readInt(), in.readUTF(), in.readUTF()); this.familyid = in.readInt(); this.seniorid = in.readInt(); this.junior1 = in.readInt(); this.junior2 = in.readInt(); this.currentrep = in.readInt(); this.totalrep = in.readInt(); this.battleshipHP = in.readInt(); this.gachexp = in.readInt(); this.totalWins = in.readInt(); this.totalLosses = in.readInt(); this.anticheat = in.readObject(); this.tempIP = in.readUTF(); this.honourexp = in.readInt(); this.honourlevel = in.readInt(); this.innerSkills = in.readObject(); this.azwanShopList = in.readObject(); this.pvpExp = in.readInt(); this.pvpPoints = in.readInt(); /* * Start of Custom Feature */ this.reborns = in.readInt(); this.apstorage = in.readInt(); /* * End of Custom Feature */ final int mbooksize = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < mbooksize; i++) { this.mbook.put(in.readInt(), in.readInt()); } final int skillsize = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < skillsize; i++) { this.Skills.put(in.readInt(), new SkillEntry(in.readInt(), in.readByte(), in.readLong())); } final int cardsize = in.readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < cardsize; i++) { this.cardsInfo.put(in.readInt(), new CardData(in.readInt(), in.readShort(), in.readShort())); } this.buddysize = in.readByte(); final short addedbuddysize = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < addedbuddysize; i++) { buddies.put(new CharacterNameAndId(in.readInt(), in.readUTF(), in.readUTF()), in.readBoolean()); } final int questsize = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < questsize; i++) { this.Quest.put(in.readInt(), in.readObject()); } final int rzsize = in.readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < rzsize; i++) { this.reports.put(in.readByte(), in.readInt()); } final int achievesize = in.readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < achievesize; i++) { this.finishedAchievements.add(in.readInt()); } final int moonlightachievesize = in.readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < moonlightachievesize; i++) { this.finishedMoonlightAchievements.add(in.readInt()); } final int famesize = in.readByte(); //max 31 for (int i = 0; i < famesize; i++) { this.famedcharacters.add(in.readInt()); } final int battlesize = in.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < battlesize; i++) { this.battledaccs.add(in.readInt()); } final int esize = in.readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < esize; i++) { this.extendedSlots.add(in.readInt()); } final int savesize = in.readByte(); savedlocation = new int[savesize]; for (int i = 0; i < savesize; i++) { savedlocation[i] = in.readInt(); } final int wsize = in.readByte(); wishlist = new int[wsize]; for (int i = 0; i < wsize; i++) { wishlist[i] = in.readInt(); } final int rsize = in.readByte(); rocks = new int[rsize]; for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++) { rocks[i] = in.readInt(); } final int resize = in.readByte(); regrocks = new int[resize]; for (int i = 0; i < resize; i++) { regrocks[i] = in.readInt(); } final int hesize = in.readByte(); hyperrocks = new int[resize]; for (int i = 0; i < hesize; i++) { hyperrocks[i] = in.readInt(); } final int infosize = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < infosize; i++) { this.InfoQuest.put(in.readInt(), in.readUTF()); } final int keysize = in.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < keysize; i++) { this.keymap.put(in.readInt(), new Pair<>(in.readByte(), in.readInt())); } final int fsize = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < fsize; i++) { this.familiars.put(in.readInt(), new MonsterFamiliar(this.characterid, in.readInt(), in.readInt(), in.readLong(), in.readUTF(), in.readInt(), in.readByte())); } this.petStore = new byte[in.readByte()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.petStore.length; i++) { this.petStore[i] = in.readByte(); } final int rebsize = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < rebsize; i++) { this.rebuy.add((Item) in.readObject()); } this.imps = new MapleImp[in.readByte()]; for (int x = 0; x < this.imps.length; x++) { if (in.readByte() > 0) { MapleImp i = new MapleImp(in.readInt()); i.setFullness(in.readShort()); i.setCloseness(in.readShort()); i.setState(in.readByte()); i.setLevel(in.readByte()); this.imps[x] = i; } } for (MapleTraitType value : MapleTraitType.values()) { this.traits.put(MapleTraitType.values()[in.readByte()], in.readInt()); } TranferTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(this.characterid); out.writeInt(this.accountid); out.writeUTF(this.accountname); out.writeByte(; out.writeInt(this.nxCredit); out.writeInt(this.ACash); out.writeInt(this.MaplePoints); out.writeUTF(; out.writeInt(this.fame); out.writeByte(this.gender); out.writeShort(this.level); out.writeShort(this.str); out.writeShort(this.dex); out.writeShort(this.int_); out.writeShort(this.luk); out.writeInt(this.hp); out.writeInt(; out.writeInt(this.maxhp); out.writeInt(this.maxmp); out.writeLong(this.exp); out.writeShort(this.hpApUsed); out.writeShort(this.remainingAp); out.writeByte(this.remainingSp.length); for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingSp.length; i++) { out.writeInt(this.remainingSp[i]); } out.writeByte(this.remainingHSp.length); for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingHSp.length; i++) { out.writeInt(this.remainingHSp[i]); } out.writeLong(this.meso); out.writeByte(this.skinColor); out.writeShort(this.job); out.writeInt(; out.writeInt(this.face); out.writeInt(this.faceMarking); out.writeInt(this.elf); out.writeInt(this.mapid); out.writeByte(this.initialSpawnPoint); out.writeByte(; out.writeInt(this.guildid); out.writeByte(this.guildrank); out.writeInt(this.guildContribution); out.writeByte(this.alliancerank); out.writeByte(this.gmLevel); out.writeInt(this.points); out.writeInt(this.vpoints); out.writeInt(this.dpoints); out.writeInt(this.epoints); out.writeByte(this.BlessOfFairy == null ? 0 : 1); if (this.BlessOfFairy != null) { out.writeUTF(this.BlessOfFairy); } out.writeByte(this.BlessOfEmpress == null ? 0 : 1); if (this.BlessOfEmpress != null) { out.writeUTF(this.BlessOfEmpress); } out.writeByte(this.chalkboard == null ? 0 : 1); if (this.chalkboard != null) { out.writeUTF(this.chalkboard); } out.writeByte(this.clonez); out.writeObject(this.skillmacro); out.writeLong(this.lastfametime); out.writeObject(; out.writeObject(this.cs); out.writeInt(this.mount_itemid); out.writeByte(this.mount_Fatigue); out.writeByte(this.mount_level); out.writeInt(this.mount_exp); out.writeInt(this.partyid); out.writeInt(this.messengerid); out.writeObject(this.inventorys); out.writeByte(this.fairyExp); out.writeByte(this.cardStack); out.writeByte(this.subcategory); out.writeShort(this.fatigue); out.writeInt(this.marriageId); if (this.marriage == null) { out.writeInt(0); out.writeInt(0); out.writeInt(0); out.writeInt(0); out.writeUTF(""); out.writeUTF(""); } else { out.writeInt(marriage.getId()); out.writeInt(marriage.getRing()); out.writeInt(marriage.getHusbandId()); out.writeInt(marriage.getWifeId()); out.writeUTF(marriage.getHusbandName()); out.writeUTF(marriage.getWifeName()); } out.writeInt(this.familyid); out.writeInt(this.seniorid); out.writeInt(this.junior1); out.writeInt(this.junior2); out.writeInt(this.currentrep); out.writeInt(this.totalrep); out.writeInt(this.battleshipHP); out.writeInt(this.gachexp); out.writeInt(this.totalWins); out.writeInt(this.totalLosses); out.writeObject(this.anticheat); out.writeUTF(this.tempIP); out.writeInt(this.pvpExp); out.writeInt(this.pvpPoints); out.writeInt(this.honourexp); out.writeInt(this.honourlevel); out.writeObject(this.innerSkills); out.writeObject(this.azwanShopList); /*Start of Custom Feature*/ out.writeInt(this.reborns); out.writeInt(this.apstorage); /*End of Custom Feature*/ out.writeShort(this.mbook.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> ms : this.mbook.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(ms.getKey()); out.writeInt(ms.getValue()); } out.writeShort(this.Skills.size()); for (final Map.Entry<Integer, SkillEntry> qs : this.Skills.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(qs.getKey()); // Questid instead of Skill, as it's huge :( out.writeInt(qs.getValue().skillevel); out.writeByte(qs.getValue().masterlevel); out.writeLong(qs.getValue().expiration); // Bless of fairy is transported here too. } out.writeByte(this.cardsInfo.size()); for (final Map.Entry<Integer, CardData> qs : this.cardsInfo.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(qs.getKey()); out.writeInt(qs.getValue().cid); out.writeShort(qs.getValue().level); out.writeShort(qs.getValue().job); } out.writeByte(this.buddysize); out.writeShort(this.buddies.size()); for (final Map.Entry<CharacterNameAndId, Boolean> qs : this.buddies.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(qs.getKey().getId()); out.writeUTF(qs.getKey().getName()); out.writeUTF(qs.getKey().getGroup()); out.writeBoolean(qs.getValue()); } out.writeShort(this.Quest.size()); for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Object> qs : this.Quest.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(qs.getKey()); // Questid instead of MapleQuest, as it's huge :( out.writeObject(qs.getValue()); } out.writeByte(this.reports.size()); for (Entry<Byte, Integer> ss : reports.entrySet()) { out.writeByte(ss.getKey()); out.writeInt(ss.getValue()); } out.writeByte(this.finishedAchievements.size()); for (final Integer zz : finishedAchievements) { out.writeInt(zz.intValue()); } out.writeByte(this.finishedMoonlightAchievements.size()); for (final Integer zz : finishedMoonlightAchievements) { out.writeInt(zz.intValue()); } out.writeByte(this.famedcharacters.size()); for (final Integer zz : famedcharacters) { out.writeInt(zz.intValue()); } out.writeInt(this.battledaccs.size()); for (final Integer zz : battledaccs) { out.writeInt(zz.intValue()); } out.writeByte(this.extendedSlots.size()); for (final Integer zz : extendedSlots) { out.writeInt(zz.intValue()); } out.writeByte(this.savedlocation.length); for (int zz : savedlocation) { out.writeInt(zz); } out.writeByte(this.wishlist.length); for (int zz : wishlist) { out.writeInt(zz); } out.writeByte(; for (int zz : rocks) { out.writeInt(zz); } out.writeByte(this.regrocks.length); for (int zz : regrocks) { out.writeInt(zz); } out.writeByte(this.hyperrocks.length); for (int zz : hyperrocks) { out.writeInt(zz); } out.writeShort(this.InfoQuest.size()); for (final Map.Entry<Integer, String> qs : this.InfoQuest.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(qs.getKey()); out.writeUTF(qs.getValue()); } out.writeInt(this.keymap.size()); for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Pair<Byte, Integer>> qs : this.keymap.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(qs.getKey()); out.writeByte(qs.getValue().left); out.writeInt(qs.getValue().right); } out.writeShort(this.familiars.size()); for (final Map.Entry<Integer, MonsterFamiliar> qs : this.familiars.entrySet()) { out.writeInt(qs.getKey()); final MonsterFamiliar f = qs.getValue(); out.writeInt(f.getId()); out.writeInt(f.getFamiliar()); out.writeLong(f.getExpiry()); out.writeUTF(f.getName()); out.writeInt(f.getFatigue()); out.writeByte(f.getVitality()); } out.writeByte(petStore.length); for (int i = 0; i < petStore.length; i++) { out.writeByte(petStore[i]); } out.writeShort(rebuy.size()); for (int i = 0; i < rebuy.size(); i++) { out.writeObject(rebuy.get(i)); } out.writeByte(this.imps.length); for (MapleImp imp : this.imps) { if (imp != null) { out.writeByte(1); out.writeInt(imp.getItemId()); out.writeShort(imp.getFullness()); out.writeShort(imp.getCloseness()); out.writeByte(imp.getState()); out.writeByte(imp.getLevel()); } else { out.writeByte(0); } } for (Entry<MapleTraitType, Integer> ts : this.traits.entrySet()) { out.writeByte(ts.getKey().ordinal()); out.writeInt(ts.getValue()); } } }