package handling.login.handler; import client.LoginCrypto; import client.MapleCharacter; import client.MapleCharacterUtil; import client.MapleClient; import client.PartTimeJob; import client.Skill; import client.SkillEntry; import client.SkillFactory; import client.inventory.Item; import client.inventory.MapleInventory; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType; import constants.GameConstants; import constants.JobConstants; import constants.ServerConfig; import constants.ServerConstants; import constants.WorldConstants; import constants.WorldConstants.WorldOption; import constants.WorldConstants.TespiaWorldOption; import; import handling.login.LoginInformationProvider; import handling.login.LoginInformationProvider.JobType; import handling.login.LoginServer; import handling.login.LoginWorker; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import server.MapleItemInformationProvider; import; import tools.FileoutputUtil; import tools.Triple; import; import tools.packet.CField; import tools.packet.LoginPacket; import tools.packet.PacketHelper; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; public class CharLoginHandler { private static boolean loginFailCount(final MapleClient c) { c.loginAttempt++; return c.loginAttempt > 3; } public static void handleAuthRequest(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { //System.out.println("Sending response to client."); int request = slea.readInt(); int response; response = ((request >> 5) << 5) + (((((request & 0x1F) >> 3) ^ 2) << 3) + (7 - (request & 7))); response |= ((request >> 7) << 7); response -= 1; //-1 again on v143 c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.sendAuthResponse(response)); } public static void login(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { String pwd = c.isLocalhost() ? "admin" : slea.readMapleAsciiString(); String login = c.isLocalhost() ? "admin" : slea.readMapleAsciiString(); login = login.replace("NP12:auth06:5:0:", ""); System.out.println("Replaced username: " + login); // System.out.println("Replaced pw: " + pwd); final boolean ipBan = c.hasBannedIP(); final boolean macBan = c.hasBannedMac(); int loginok = 0; if (AutoRegister.autoRegister && !AutoRegister.getAccountExists(login) && (!c.hasBannedIP() || !c.hasBannedMac())) { if (pwd.equalsIgnoreCase("disconnect") || pwd.equalsIgnoreCase("fixme")) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(1, "This password is invalid.")); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(1)); //Shows no message, used for unstuck the login button return; } AutoRegister.createAccount(login, pwd, c.getSession().getRemoteAddress().toString()); if (AutoRegister.success) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(1, "Account has been successfully registered!\r\nPlease login again to enter your new account.")); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(1)); //Shows no message, used for unstuck the login button return; } } else if (pwd.equalsIgnoreCase("disconnect")) { for (WorldOption servers : WorldOption.values()) { if ( && servers.isAvailable()) { for (MapleCharacter chr : c.loadCharacters(servers.getWorld())) { for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { MapleCharacter victim = cs.getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(chr.getId()); if (victim != null) { victim.getClient().getSession().close(); victim.getClient().disconnect(true, false); } } } } } c.updateLoginState(MapleClient.LOGIN_NOTLOGGEDIN, c.getSessionIPAddress()); c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(1, "Your characters have been disconnected successfully.")); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(1)); //Shows no message, used for unstuck the login button return; } else { loginok = c.login(login, pwd, ipBan || macBan); } final Calendar tempbannedTill = c.getTempBanCalendar(); if (!c.isGm() && !c.isLocalhost() && ServerConstants.Use_Localhost) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(1, "We are sorry, but the server is under a maintenance, please check the forums for more information.")); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(1)); //Shows no message, used for unstuck the login button } if (loginok == 0 && (ipBan || macBan) && !c.isGm()) { loginok = 3; if (macBan) { // this is only an ipban o.O" - maybe we should refactor this a bit so it's more readable MapleCharacter.ban(c.getSession().getRemoteAddress().toString().split(":")[0], "Enforcing account ban, account " + login, false, 4, false); } } if (loginok != 0) { if (!loginFailCount(c)) { c.clearInformation(); if (loginok == 3) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(1, c.showBanReason(login, true))); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(1)); //Shows no message, used for unstuck the login button } else { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(loginok)); } } else { c.getSession().close(); } } else if (tempbannedTill.getTimeInMillis() != 0) { if (!loginFailCount(c)) { c.clearInformation(); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getTempBan(PacketHelper.getTime(tempbannedTill.getTimeInMillis()), c.getBanReason())); } else { c.getSession().close(); } } else { if (ServerConfig.logAccounts) { FileoutputUtil.logToFile("Accounts", "\r\nID: " + login + " Password: " + pwd); } c.loginAttempt = 0; LoginWorker.registerClient(c); } } public static void redirectorLogin(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { String username = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); String password = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); //this LOL int status = c.login(username, password, false); if(status == 0) { c.loginAttempt = 0; LoginWorker.registerClient(c); } } public static void ServerListRequest(final MapleClient c) { /* Random Demon Avenger Background */ List<Triple<String, Integer, Boolean>> backgrounds = new LinkedList<>(); //boolean for randomize //backgrounds.add(new Pair<>("xsub", 0)); //backgrounds.add(new Pair<>("xmain", 0)); //backgrounds.add(new Pair<>("dsub", server.Randomizer.nextInt(2))); //backgrounds.add(new Pair<>("dmain", 0)); backgrounds.addAll(Arrays.asList(ServerConstants.backgrounds)); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.changeBackground(backgrounds)); if (ServerConstants.TESPIA) { for (TespiaWorldOption tespiaservers : TespiaWorldOption.values()) { if (TespiaWorldOption.getById(tespiaservers.getWorld()).show() && TespiaWorldOption.getById(tespiaservers.getWorld()) != null) { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getServerList(Integer.parseInt(tespiaservers.getWorld().replace("t", "")), LoginServer.getLoad())); } } } else { for (WorldOption servers : WorldOption.values()) { if (WorldOption.getById(servers.getWorld()).show() && servers != null) { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getServerList(servers.getWorld(), LoginServer.getLoad())); } } } c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getEndOfServerList()); boolean hasCharacters = false; for (int world = 0; world < WorldOption.values().length; world++) { final List<MapleCharacter> chars = c.loadCharacters(world); if (chars != null) { hasCharacters = true; break; } } if (ServerConstants.TESPIA) { for (TespiaWorldOption value : TespiaWorldOption.values()) { String world = value.getWorld(); //final List<MapleCharacter> chars = c.loadTespiaCharacters(world); //if (chars != null) { // hasCharacters = true; // break; //} } } if (!hasCharacters) { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.enableRecommended(WorldOption.recommended)); } if (WorldOption.recommended >= 0) { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.sendRecommended(WorldOption.recommended, WorldOption.recommendedmsg)); } } public static void ServerStatusRequest(final MapleClient c) { // 0 = Select world normally // 1 = "Since there are many users, you may encounter some..." // 2 = "The concurrent users in this world have reached the max" final int numPlayer = LoginServer.getUsersOn(); final int userLimit = LoginServer.getUserLimit(); if (numPlayer >= userLimit) { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getServerStatus(2)); } else if (numPlayer * 2 >= userLimit) { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getServerStatus(1)); } else { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getServerStatus(0)); } } public static void CharlistRequest(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { if (!c.isLoggedIn()) { c.getSession().close(); return; } slea.readByte(); //2? final int server = slea.readByte(); final int channel = slea.readByte() + 1; if (!World.isChannelAvailable(channel, server) || !WorldOption.isExists(server)) { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(10)); //cannot process so many return; } if (!WorldOption.getById(server).isAvailable() && !(c.isGm() && server == WorldConstants.gmserver)) { c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(1, "We are sorry, but " + WorldConstants.getNameById(server) + " is currently not available. \r\nPlease try another world.")); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getLoginFailed(1)); //Shows no message, but it is used to unstuck return; } //System.out.println("Client " + c.getSession().getRemoteAddress().toString().split(":")[0] + " is connecting to server " + server + " channel " + channel + ""); final List<MapleCharacter> chars = c.loadCharacters(server); if (chars != null && ChannelServer.getInstance(channel) != null) { c.setWorld(server); c.setChannel(channel); //this shit aint needed. c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getSecondAuthSuccess(c)); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.getCharList(c.getSecondPassword(), chars, c.getCharacterSlots())); } else { c.getSession().close(); } } public static void updateCCards(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { if (slea.available() != 24 || !c.isLoggedIn()) { c.getSession().close(); return; } final Map<Integer, Integer> cids = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { // 6 chars final int charId = slea.readInt(); if ((!c.login_Auth(charId) && charId != 0) || ChannelServer.getInstance(c.getChannel()) == null || !WorldOption.isExists(c.getWorld())) { c.getSession().close(); return; } cids.put(i, charId); } c.updateCharacterCards(cids); } public static void CheckCharName(final String name, final MapleClient c) { LoginInformationProvider li = LoginInformationProvider.getInstance(); boolean nameUsed = true; if (MapleCharacterUtil.canCreateChar(name, c.isGm())) { nameUsed = false; } if (li.isForbiddenName(name) && !c.isGm()) { nameUsed = false; } c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.charNameResponse(name, nameUsed)); } public static void CreateChar(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { String name; byte gender, skin, unk; short subcategory; int face, hair, hairColor = -1, hat = -1, top, bottom = -1, shoes, weapon, cape = -1, faceMark = -1, shield = -1; JobType job; name = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); if (!MapleCharacterUtil.canCreateChar(name, false)) { System.out.println("char name hack: " + name); return; } slea.readInt(); //-1 int job_type = slea.readInt(); job = JobType.getByType(job_type); if (job == null) { System.out.println("New job type found: " + job_type); return; } for (JobConstants.LoginJob j : JobConstants.LoginJob.values()) { if (j.getJobType() == job_type) { if (j.getFlag() != JobConstants.LoginJob.JobFlag.ENABLED.getFlag()) { System.out.println("job was tried to be created while not enabled"); return; } } } subcategory = slea.readShort(); gender = slea.readByte(); skin = slea.readByte(); unk = slea.readByte(); //6/7/8 face = slea.readInt(); hair = slea.readInt(); if (job.hairColor) { hairColor = slea.readInt(); } if (job.skinColor) { slea.readInt(); } if (job.faceMark) { faceMark = slea.readInt(); } if (job.hat) { hat = slea.readInt(); } top = slea.readInt(); if (job.bottom) { bottom = slea.readInt(); } if (job.cape) { cape = slea.readInt(); } shoes = slea.readInt(); weapon = slea.readInt(); if (slea.available() >= 4) { shield = slea.readInt(); } int index = 0; boolean noSkin = job == JobType.Demon || job == JobType.Mercedes || job == JobType.Jett; int[] items = new int[]{face, hair, hairColor, noSkin ? -1 : skin, faceMark, hat, top, bottom, cape, shoes, weapon, shield}; for (int i : items) { if (i > -1) { if (!LoginInformationProvider.getInstance().isEligibleItem(gender, index, job.type, i)) { System.out.println(gender + " | " + index + " | " + job.type + " | " + i); return; } index++; } } MapleCharacter newchar = MapleCharacter.getDefault(c, job); newchar.setWorld((byte) c.getWorld()); newchar.setFace(face); newchar.setSecondFace(face); if (hairColor < 0) { hairColor = 0; } if (job != JobType.Mihile) { hair += hairColor; } newchar.setHair(hair); newchar.setSecondHair(hair); if (job == JobType.AngelicBuster) { newchar.setSecondFace(21173); newchar.setSecondHair(37141); newchar.setLevel((short) 10); newchar.getStat().int_ = 4; newchar.getStat().dex = 57; newchar.getStat().maxhp = 1500; newchar.getStat().hp = 1500; newchar.getStat().maxmp = 1500; newchar.getStat().mp = 1500; newchar.setRemainingSp(3); } else if (job == JobType.Zero) { newchar.setSecondFace(21290); newchar.setSecondHair(37623); } newchar.setGender(gender); newchar.setName(name); newchar.setSkinColor(skin); if (faceMark < 0) { faceMark = 0; } newchar.setFaceMarking(faceMark); final MapleItemInformationProvider li = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); final MapleInventory equip = newchar.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED); Item item; //-1 Hat | -2 Face | -3 Eye acc | -4 Ear acc | -5 Topwear //-6 Bottom | -7 Shoes | -9 Cape | -10 Shield | -11 Weapon //todo check zero's beta weapon slot int[][] equips = new int[][]{{hat, -1}, {top, -5}, {bottom, -6}, {cape, -9}, {shoes, -7}, {weapon, -11}, {shield, -10}}; for (int[] i : equips) { if (i[0] > 0) { item = li.getEquipById(i[0]); item.setPosition((byte) i[1]); item.setGMLog("Character Creation"); equip.addFromDB(item); } } // Additional skills for all first job classes. Some skills are not added by default, // so adding the skill ID here between the {}, will give the skills you entered to the desired job. int[][] skills = new int[][]{ {80001152},//Resistance {80001152, 1281},//Explorer {10001244, 10000252, 80001152},//Cygnus {20000194},//Aran {20010022, 20010194},//Evan {20020109, 20021110, 20020111, 20020112}, //Mercedes {30010112, 30010110, 30010111, 30010185},//Demon {20031251, 20030204, 20030206, 20031208, 20031207, 20031203},//Phantom {80001152, 1281},//Dualblade {50001214},//Mihile // {},//Luminous {20040216, 20040217, 20040218, 20040219, 20040220, 20040221, 20041222, 27001100, 27000207, 27001201},//Luminous {},//Kaiser {60011216, 60010217, 60011218, 60011219, 60011220, 60011221, 60011222},//AngelicBuster {},//Cannoneer {30020232, 30020233, 30020234, 30020240, 30021238},//Xenon {100000279, 100000282, 100001262, 100001263, 100001264, 100001265, 100001266, 100001268},//Zero {228, 80001151},//Jett {},//Hayato {40020000, 40020001, 40020002, 40021023, 40020109}//Kanna }; if (skills[job.type].length > 0) { final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss = new HashMap<>(); Skill s; for (int i : skills[job.type]) { s = SkillFactory.getSkill(i); int maxLevel = s.getMaxLevel(); if (maxLevel < 1) { maxLevel = s.getMasterLevel(); } ss.put(s, new SkillEntry((byte) 1, (byte) maxLevel, -1)); } if (job == JobType.Zero) { ss.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(101000103), new SkillEntry((byte) 8, (byte) 10, -1)); ss.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(101000203), new SkillEntry((byte) 8, (byte) 10, -1)); } newchar.changeSkillLevel_Skip(ss, false); } int[][] guidebooks = new int[][]{{4161001, 0}, {4161047, 1}, {4161048, 2000}, {4161052, 2001}, {4161054, 3}, {4161079, 2002}}; int guidebook = 0; for (int[] i : guidebooks) { if (newchar.getJob() == i[1]) { guidebook = i[0]; } else if (newchar.getJob() / 1000 == i[1]) { guidebook = i[0]; } } if (guidebook > 0) { newchar.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.ETC).addItem(new Item(guidebook, (byte) 0, (short) 1, (byte) 0)); } if (job == JobType.Zero) { newchar.setLevel((short) 100); newchar.getStat().str = 518; newchar.getStat().maxhp = 6910; newchar.getStat().hp = 6910; newchar.getStat().maxmp = 100; newchar.getStat().mp = 100; newchar.setRemainingSp(3, 0); //alpha newchar.setRemainingSp(3, 1); //beta } if (job == JobType.Luminous) { newchar.setJob((short) 2700); newchar.setLevel((short) 10); newchar.getStat().str = 4; newchar.getStat().int_ = 57; newchar.getStat().maxhp = 500; newchar.getStat().hp = 500; newchar.getStat().maxmp = 1000; newchar.getStat().mp = 1000; newchar.setRemainingSp(3); } if (MapleCharacterUtil.canCreateChar(name, c.isGm()) && (!LoginInformationProvider.getInstance().isForbiddenName(name) || c.isGm()) && (c.isGm() || c.canMakeCharacter(c.getWorld()))) { MapleCharacter.saveNewCharToDB(newchar, job, subcategory); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.addNewCharEntry(newchar, true)); c.createdChar(newchar.getId()); //newchar.newCharRewards(); } else { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.addNewCharEntry(newchar, false)); } } public static void CreateUltimate(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { if (!c.getPlayer().isGM() && (!c.isLoggedIn() || c.getPlayer() == null || c.getPlayer().getLevel() < 120 || c.getPlayer().getMapId() != 130000000 || c.getPlayer().getQuestStatus(20734) != 0 || c.getPlayer().getQuestStatus(20616) != 2 || !GameConstants.isKOC(c.getPlayer().getJob()) || !c.canMakeCharacter(c.getPlayer().getWorld()))) { c.getSession().write(CField.createUltimate(2)); //Character slots are full. Please purchase another slot from the Cash Shop. return; } //System.out.println(slea.toString()); final String name = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); final int job = slea.readInt(); //job ID final int face = slea.readInt(); final int hair = slea.readInt(); //No idea what are these used for: final int hat = slea.readInt(); final int top = slea.readInt(); final int glove = slea.readInt(); final int shoes = slea.readInt(); final int weapon = slea.readInt(); final byte gender = c.getPlayer().getGender(); //JobType errorCheck = JobType.Adventurer; //if (!LoginInformationProvider.getInstance().isEligibleItem(gender, 0, errorCheck.type, face)) { // c.getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); // return; //} JobType jobType = JobType.UltimateAdventurer; MapleCharacter newchar = MapleCharacter.getDefault(c, jobType); newchar.setJob(job); newchar.setWorld((byte) c.getPlayer().getWorld()); newchar.setFace(face); newchar.setHair(hair); newchar.setGender(gender); newchar.setName(name); newchar.setSkinColor((byte) 3); //troll newchar.setLevel((short) 50); newchar.getStat().str = (short) 4; newchar.getStat().dex = (short) 4; newchar.getStat().int_ = (short) 4; newchar.getStat().luk = (short) 4; newchar.setRemainingAp((short) 254); //49*5 + 25 - 16 newchar.setRemainingSp(job / 100 == 2 ? 128 : 122); //2 from job advancements. 120 from leveling. (mages get +6) newchar.getStat().maxhp += 150; //Beginner 10 levels newchar.getStat().maxmp += 125; switch (job) { case 110: case 120: case 130: newchar.getStat().maxhp += 600; //Job Advancement newchar.getStat().maxhp += 2000; //Levelup 40 times newchar.getStat().maxmp += 200; break; case 210: case 220: case 230: newchar.getStat().maxmp += 600; newchar.getStat().maxhp += 500; //Levelup 40 times newchar.getStat().maxmp += 2000; break; case 310: case 320: case 410: case 420: case 520: newchar.getStat().maxhp += 500; newchar.getStat().maxmp += 250; newchar.getStat().maxhp += 900; //Levelup 40 times newchar.getStat().maxmp += 600; break; case 510: newchar.getStat().maxhp += 500; newchar.getStat().maxmp += 250; newchar.getStat().maxhp += 450; //Levelup 20 times newchar.getStat().maxmp += 300; newchar.getStat().maxhp += 800; //Levelup 20 times newchar.getStat().maxmp += 400; break; default: return; } //TODO: Make this GMS - Like for (int i = 2490; i < 2507; i++) { newchar.setQuestAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(i), (byte) 2, null); } newchar.setQuestAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(29947), (byte) 2, null); newchar.setQuestAdd(MapleQuest.getInstance(GameConstants.ULT_EXPLORER), (byte) 0, c.getPlayer().getName()); final Map<Skill, SkillEntry> ss = new HashMap<>(); ss.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(1074 + (job / 100)), new SkillEntry((byte) 5, (byte) 5, -1)); ss.put(SkillFactory.getSkill(80), new SkillEntry((byte) 1, (byte) 1, -1)); newchar.changeSkillLevel_Skip(ss, false); final MapleItemInformationProvider li = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance(); //TODO: Make this GMS - Like int[] items = new int[]{1142257, hat, top, shoes, glove, weapon, hat + 1, top + 1, shoes + 1, glove + 1, weapon + 1}; //brilliant = fine+1 for (byte i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { Item item = li.getEquipById(items[i]); item.setPosition((byte) (i + 1)); newchar.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).addFromDB(item); } newchar.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE).addItem(new Item(2000004, (byte) 0, (short) 200, (byte) 0)); if (MapleCharacterUtil.canCreateChar(name, c.isGm()) && (!LoginInformationProvider.getInstance().isForbiddenName(name) || c.isGm())) { MapleCharacter.saveNewCharToDB(newchar, jobType, (short) 0); MapleQuest.getInstance(20734).forceComplete(c.getPlayer(), 1101000); c.getSession().write(CField.createUltimate(0)); } else if (!LoginInformationProvider.getInstance().isForbiddenName(name) || c.isGm()) { c.getSession().write(CField.createUltimate(3)); //"You cannot use this name." } else { c.getSession().write(CField.createUltimate(1)); } } public static void DeleteChar(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { String Secondpw_Client = GameConstants.GMS ? slea.readMapleAsciiString() : null; if (Secondpw_Client == null) { if (slea.readByte() > 0) { // Specific if user have second password or not Secondpw_Client = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); } slea.readMapleAsciiString(); } final int Character_ID = slea.readInt(); if (!c.login_Auth(Character_ID) || !c.isLoggedIn() || loginFailCount(c)) { c.getSession().close(); return; // Attempting to delete other character } byte state = 0; if (c.getSecondPassword() != null) { // On the server, there's a second password if (Secondpw_Client == null) { // Client's hacking c.getSession().close(); return; } else { if (!c.CheckSecondPassword(Secondpw_Client)) { // Wrong Password state = 20; } } } if (state == 0) { state = (byte) c.deleteCharacter(Character_ID); } c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.deleteCharResponse(Character_ID, state)); } public static void Character_WithoutSecondPassword(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c, final boolean haspic, final boolean view) { slea.readByte(); // 1? slea.readByte(); // 1? final int charId = slea.readInt(); if (view) { c.setChannel(1); c.setWorld(slea.readInt()); } final String currentpw = c.getSecondPassword(); if (!c.isLoggedIn() || loginFailCount(c) || (currentpw != null && (!currentpw.equals("") || haspic)) || !c.login_Auth(charId) || ChannelServer.getInstance(c.getChannel()) == null || !WorldOption.isExists(c.getWorld())) { c.getSession().close(); return; } c.updateMacs(slea.readMapleAsciiString()); slea.readMapleAsciiString(); if (slea.available() != 0) { final String setpassword = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); if (setpassword.length() >= 6 && setpassword.length() <= 16) { c.setSecondPassword(setpassword); c.updateSecondPassword(); } else { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.secondPwError((byte) 0x14)); return; } } else if (haspic) { return; } if (c.getIdleTask() != null) { c.getIdleTask().cancel(true); } final String s = c.getSessionIPAddress(); LoginServer.putLoginAuth(charId, s.substring(s.indexOf('/') + 1, s.length()), c.getTempIP(), c.getChannel()); c.updateLoginState(MapleClient.LOGIN_SERVER_TRANSITION, s); c.getSession().write(CField.getServerIP(c, Integer.parseInt(ChannelServer.getInstance(c.getChannel()).getIP().split(":")[1]), charId)); } public static void Character_WithSecondPassword(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c, final boolean view) { final String password = slea.readMapleAsciiString(); final int charId = slea.readInt(); if (view) { c.setChannel(1); c.setWorld(slea.readInt()); } if (!c.isLoggedIn() || loginFailCount(c) || c.getSecondPassword() == null || !c.login_Auth(charId) || ChannelServer.getInstance(c.getChannel()) == null || !WorldOption.isExists(c.getWorld())) { c.getSession().close(); return; } c.updateMacs(slea.readMapleAsciiString()); if (c.CheckSecondPassword(password) && password.length() >= 6 && password.length() <= 16 || c.isGm() || c.isLocalhost()) { FileoutputUtil.logToFile("Secondary Passwords", "\r\nID: " + c.getAccountName() + " PIC: " + password); if (c.getIdleTask() != null) { c.getIdleTask().cancel(true); } final String s = c.getSessionIPAddress(); LoginServer.putLoginAuth(charId, s.substring(s.indexOf('/') + 1, s.length()), c.getTempIP(), c.getChannel()); c.updateLoginState(MapleClient.LOGIN_SERVER_TRANSITION, s); c.getSession().write(CField.getServerIP(c, Integer.parseInt(ChannelServer.getInstance(c.getChannel()).getIP().split(":")[1]), charId)); } else { c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.secondPwError((byte) 0x14)); } } public static void partTimeJob(final LittleEndianAccessor slea, final MapleClient c) { System.out.println("[Part Time Job] data: " + slea); byte mode = slea.readByte(); //1 = start 2 = end int cid = slea.readInt(); //character id byte job = slea.readByte(); //part time job if (mode == 0) { LoginPacket.partTimeJob(cid, (byte) 0, System.currentTimeMillis()); } else if (mode == 1) { LoginPacket.partTimeJob(cid, job, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } public static void PartJob(LittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c) { if (c.getPlayer() != null || !c.isLoggedIn()) { c.getSession().close(); return; } final byte mode = slea.readByte(); final int cid = slea.readInt(); if (mode == 1) { final PartTimeJob partTime = MapleCharacter.getPartTime(cid); final byte job = slea.readByte(); if (/*chr.getLevel() < 30 || */job < 0 || job > 5 || partTime.getReward() > 0 || (partTime.getJob() > 0 && partTime.getJob() <= 5)) { c.getSession().close(); return; } partTime.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); partTime.setJob(job); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.updatePartTimeJob(partTime)); MapleCharacter.removePartTime(cid); MapleCharacter.addPartTime(partTime); } else if (mode == 2) { final PartTimeJob partTime = MapleCharacter.getPartTime(cid); if (/*chr.getLevel() < 30 || */partTime.getReward() > 0 || partTime.getJob() < 0 || partTime.getJob() > 5) { c.getSession().close(); return; } final long distance = (System.currentTimeMillis() - partTime.getTime()) / (60 * 60 * 1000L); if (distance > 1) { partTime.setReward((int) (((partTime.getJob() + 1) * 1000L) + distance)); } else { partTime.setJob((byte) 0); partTime.setReward(0); } partTime.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); MapleCharacter.removePartTime(cid); MapleCharacter.addPartTime(partTime); c.getSession().write(LoginPacket.updatePartTimeJob(partTime)); } } }