package; import client.BuddyList; import client.BuddyList.BuddyAddResult; import client.BuddyList.BuddyOperation; import client.BuddylistEntry; import client.MapleBuffStat; import client.MapleCharacter; import client.MapleCoolDownValueHolder; import client.MapleDiseaseValueHolder; import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType; import client.inventory.MaplePet; import client.inventory.PetDataFactory; import client.MonsterStatusEffect; import constants.WorldConstants.WorldOption; import database.DatabaseConnection; import handling.cashshop.CashShopServer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import server.Timer.WorldTimer; import; import server.maps.MapleMap; import server.maps.MapleMapItem; import tools.CollectionUtil; import tools.packet.CField; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.AlliancePacket; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.BuddylistPacket; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.ExpeditionPacket; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.GuildPacket; import tools.packet.CWvsContext.PartyPacket; import tools.packet.PetPacket; public class World { //Touch everything... public static void init() { World.Find.findChannel(0); World.Alliance.lock.toString(); World.Messenger.getMessenger(0); World.Party.getParty(0); } public static String getStatus() { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); int totalUsers = 0; for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { ret.append("Channel "); ret.append(cs.getChannel()); ret.append(": "); int channelUsers = cs.getConnectedClients(); totalUsers += channelUsers; ret.append(channelUsers); ret.append(" users\n"); } ret.append("Total users online: "); ret.append(totalUsers); ret.append("\n"); return ret.toString(); } public static Map<Integer, Integer> getConnected() { Map<Integer, Integer> ret = new HashMap<>(); int total = 0; for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { int curConnected = cs.getConnectedClients(); ret.put(cs.getChannel(), curConnected); total += curConnected; } ret.put(0, total); return ret; } public static List<CheaterData> getCheaters() { List<CheaterData> allCheaters = new ArrayList<>(); for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { allCheaters.addAll(cs.getCheaters()); } Collections.sort(allCheaters); return CollectionUtil.copyFirst(allCheaters, 20); } public static List<CheaterData> getReports() { List<CheaterData> allCheaters = new ArrayList<>(); for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { allCheaters.addAll(cs.getReports()); } Collections.sort(allCheaters); return CollectionUtil.copyFirst(allCheaters, 20); } public static boolean isConnected(String charName) { return Find.findChannel(charName) > 0; } public static void toggleMegaphoneMuteState() { for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { cs.toggleMegaphoneMuteState(); } } public static void ChannelChange_Data(CharacterTransfer Data, int characterid, int toChannel) { getStorage(toChannel).registerPendingPlayer(Data, characterid); } public static boolean isCharacterListConnected(List<String> charName) { for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { for (final String c : charName) { if (cs.getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(c) != null) { return true; } } } return false; } public static boolean hasMerchant(int accountID, int characterID) { for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { if (cs.containsMerchant(accountID, characterID)) { return true; } } return false; } public static PlayerStorage getStorage(int channel) { if (channel == -10) { return CashShopServer.getPlayerStorage(); } else if (channel == -30) { return FarmServer.getPlayerStorage(); } return ChannelServer.getInstance(channel).getPlayerStorage(); } public static int getPendingCharacterSize() { int ret = CashShopServer.getPlayerStorage().pendingCharacterSize(); for (ChannelServer cserv : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { ret += cserv.getPlayerStorage().pendingCharacterSize(); } return ret; } public static boolean isChannelAvailable(final int ch, final int server) { if (ChannelServer.getInstance(ch) == null || ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage() == null) { return false; } if (WorldOption.getById(server).getChannelCount() < ch) { return false; } return ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getConnectedClients() < (ch == 1 ? 600 : 400); } public static class Party { private static final Map<Integer, MapleParty> parties = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<Integer, MapleExpedition> expeds = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<PartySearchType, List<PartySearch>> searches = new EnumMap<>(PartySearchType.class); private static final AtomicInteger runningPartyId = new AtomicInteger(1), runningExpedId = new AtomicInteger(1); static { try { try (PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET party = -1, fatigue = 0")) { ps.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } for (PartySearchType pst : PartySearchType.values()) { searches.put(pst, new ArrayList<PartySearch>()); //according to client, max 10, even though theres page numbers ?! } } public static void partyChat(int partyid, String chattext, String namefrom) { partyChat(partyid, chattext, namefrom, 1); } public static void expedChat(int expedId, String chattext, String namefrom) { MapleExpedition party = getExped(expedId); if (party == null) { return; } for (int i : party.getParties()) { partyChat(i, chattext, namefrom, 4); } } public static void expedPacket(int expedId, byte[] packet, MaplePartyCharacter exception) { MapleExpedition party = getExped(expedId); if (party == null) { return; } for (int i : party.getParties()) { partyPacket(i, packet, exception); } } public static void partyPacket(int partyid, byte[] packet, MaplePartyCharacter exception) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyid); if (party == null) { return; } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { int ch = Find.findChannel(partychar.getName()); if (ch > 0 && (exception == null || partychar.getId() != exception.getId())) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (chr != null) { //Extra check just in case chr.getClient().getSession().write(packet); } } } } public static void partyChat(int partyid, String chattext, String namefrom, int mode) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyid); if (party == null) { return; } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { int ch = Find.findChannel(partychar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (chr != null && !chr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(namefrom)) { //Extra check just in case chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.multiChat(namefrom, chattext, mode)); if (chr.getClient().isMonitored()) { World.Broadcast.broadcastGMMessage(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(6, "[GM Message] " + namefrom + " said to " + chr.getName() + " (Party): " + chattext)); } } } } } public static void partyMessage(int partyid, String chattext) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyid); if (party == null) { return; } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { int ch = Find.findChannel(partychar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (chr != null) { //Extra check just in case chr.dropMessage(5, chattext); } } } } public static void expedMessage(int expedId, String chattext) { MapleExpedition party = getExped(expedId); if (party == null) { return; } for (int i : party.getParties()) { partyMessage(i, chattext); } } public static void updateParty(int partyid, PartyOperation operation, MaplePartyCharacter target) { MapleParty party = getParty(partyid); if (party == null) { return; //Don't update, just return. And definitely don't throw a damn exception. //throw new IllegalArgumentException("no party with the specified partyid exists"); } final int oldExped = party.getExpeditionId(); int oldInd = -1; if (oldExped > 0) { MapleExpedition exped = getExped(oldExped); if (exped != null) { oldInd = exped.getIndex(partyid); } } switch (operation) { case JOIN: party.addMember(target); if (party.getMembers().size() >= 6) { PartySearch toRemove = getSearchByParty(partyid); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "The Party Listing was removed because the party is full."); } else if (party.getExpeditionId() > 0) { MapleExpedition exped = getExped(party.getExpeditionId()); if (exped != null && exped.getAllMembers() >= exped.getType().maxMembers) { toRemove = getSearchByExped(exped.getId()); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "The Party Listing was removed because the party is full."); } } } } break; case EXPEL: case LEAVE: party.removeMember(target); break; case DISBAND: disbandParty(partyid); break; case SILENT_UPDATE: case LOG_ONOFF: party.updateMember(target); break; case CHANGE_LEADER: case CHANGE_LEADER_DC: party.setLeader(target); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandeled updateParty operation " +; } if (operation == PartyOperation.LEAVE || operation == PartyOperation.EXPEL) { int chz = Find.findChannel(target.getName()); if (chz > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = getStorage(chz).getCharacterByName(target.getName()); if (chr != null) { chr.setParty(null); if (oldExped > 0) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(ExpeditionPacket.expeditionMessage(80)); } chr.getClient().getSession().write(PartyPacket.updateParty(chr.getClient().getChannel(), party, operation, target)); } } if (target.getId() == party.getLeader().getId() && party.getMembers().size() > 0) { //pass on lead MaplePartyCharacter lchr = null; for (MaplePartyCharacter pchr : party.getMembers()) { if (pchr != null && (lchr == null || lchr.getLevel() < pchr.getLevel())) { lchr = pchr; } } if (lchr != null) { updateParty(partyid, PartyOperation.CHANGE_LEADER_DC, lchr); } } } if (party.getMembers().size() <= 0) { //no members left, plz disband disbandParty(partyid); } for (MaplePartyCharacter partychar : party.getMembers()) { if (partychar == null) { continue; } int ch = Find.findChannel(partychar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = getStorage(ch).getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (chr != null) { if (operation == PartyOperation.DISBAND) { chr.setParty(null); if (oldExped > 0) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(ExpeditionPacket.expeditionMessage(79));//83 } } else { chr.setParty(party); } chr.getClient().getSession().write(PartyPacket.updateParty(chr.getClient().getChannel(), party, operation, target)); } } } if (oldExped > 0) { expedPacket(oldExped, ExpeditionPacket.expeditionUpdate(oldInd, party), operation == PartyOperation.LOG_ONOFF || operation == PartyOperation.SILENT_UPDATE ? target : null); } } public static MapleParty createParty(MaplePartyCharacter chrfor) { MapleParty party = new MapleParty(runningPartyId.getAndIncrement(), chrfor); parties.put(party.getId(), party); return party; } public static MapleParty createParty(MaplePartyCharacter chrfor, int expedId) { ExpeditionType ex = ExpeditionType.getById(expedId); MapleParty party = new MapleParty(runningPartyId.getAndIncrement(), chrfor, ex != null ? runningExpedId.getAndIncrement() : -1); parties.put(party.getId(), party); if (ex != null) { final MapleExpedition exp = new MapleExpedition(ex, chrfor.getId(), party.getExpeditionId()); exp.getParties().add(party.getId()); expeds.put(party.getExpeditionId(), exp); } return party; } public static MapleParty createPartyAndAdd(MaplePartyCharacter chrfor, int expedId) { MapleExpedition ex = getExped(expedId); if (ex == null) { return null; } MapleParty party = new MapleParty(runningPartyId.getAndIncrement(), chrfor, expedId); parties.put(party.getId(), party); ex.getParties().add(party.getId()); return party; } public static MapleParty getParty(int partyid) { return parties.get(partyid); } public static MapleExpedition getExped(int partyid) { return expeds.get(partyid); } public static MapleExpedition disbandExped(int partyid) { PartySearch toRemove = getSearchByExped(partyid); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "The Party Listing was removed because the party disbanded."); } final MapleExpedition ret = expeds.remove(partyid); if (ret != null) { for (int p : ret.getParties()) { MapleParty pp = getParty(p); if (pp != null) { updateParty(p, PartyOperation.DISBAND, pp.getLeader()); } } } return ret; } public static MapleParty disbandParty(int partyid) { PartySearch toRemove = getSearchByParty(partyid); if (toRemove != null) { removeSearch(toRemove, "The Party Listing was removed because the party disbanded."); } final MapleParty ret = parties.remove(partyid); if (ret == null) { return null; } if (ret.getExpeditionId() > 0) { MapleExpedition me = getExped(ret.getExpeditionId()); if (me != null) { final int ind = me.getIndex(partyid); if (ind >= 0) { me.getParties().remove(ind); expedPacket(me.getId(), ExpeditionPacket.expeditionUpdate(ind, null), null); } } } ret.disband(); return ret; } public static List<PartySearch> searchParty(PartySearchType pst) { return searches.get(pst); } public static void removeSearch(PartySearch ps, String text) { List<PartySearch> ss = searches.get(ps.getType()); if (ss.contains(ps)) { ss.remove(ps); ps.cancelRemoval(); if (ps.getType().exped) { expedMessage(ps.getId(), text); } else { partyMessage(ps.getId(), text); } } } public static void addSearch(PartySearch ps) { searches.get(ps.getType()).add(ps); } public static PartySearch getSearch(MapleParty party) { for (List<PartySearch> ps : searches.values()) { for (PartySearch p : ps) { if ((p.getId() == party.getId() && !p.getType().exped) || (p.getId() == party.getExpeditionId() && p.getType().exped)) { return p; } } } return null; } public static PartySearch getSearch(MapleExpedition exped) { for (List<PartySearch> ps : searches.values()) { for (PartySearch p : ps) { if (p.getId() == exped.getId() && p.getType().exped) { return p; } } } return null; } public static PartySearch getSearchByParty(int partyId) { for (List<PartySearch> ps : searches.values()) { for (PartySearch p : ps) { if (p.getId() == partyId && !p.getType().exped) { return p; } } } return null; } public static PartySearch getSearchByExped(int partyId) { for (List<PartySearch> ps : searches.values()) { for (PartySearch p : ps) { if (p.getId() == partyId && p.getType().exped) { return p; } } } return null; } public static boolean partyListed(MapleParty party) { return getSearchByParty(party.getId()) != null; } } public static class Buddy { public static void buddyChat(int[] recipientCharacterIds, int cidFrom, String nameFrom, String chattext) { for (int characterId : recipientCharacterIds) { int ch = Find.findChannel(characterId); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(characterId); if (chr != null && chr.getBuddylist().containsVisible(cidFrom)) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.multiChat(nameFrom, chattext, 0)); if (chr.getClient().isMonitored()) { World.Broadcast.broadcastGMMessage(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(6, "[GM Message] " + nameFrom + " said to " + chr.getName() + " (Buddy): " + chattext)); } } } } } private static void updateBuddies(int characterId, int channel, int[] buddies, boolean offline) { for (int buddy : buddies) { int ch = Find.findChannel(buddy); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(buddy); if (chr != null) { BuddylistEntry ble = chr.getBuddylist().get(characterId); if (ble != null && ble.isVisible()) { int mcChannel; if (offline) { ble.setChannel(-1); mcChannel = -1; } else { ble.setChannel(channel); mcChannel = channel - 1; } chr.getClient().getSession().write(BuddylistPacket.updateBuddyChannel(ble.getCharacterId(), mcChannel)); } } } } } public static void buddyChanged(int cid, int cidFrom, String name, int channel, BuddyOperation operation, String group) { int ch = Find.findChannel(cid); if (ch > 0) { final MapleCharacter addChar = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(cid); if (addChar != null) { final BuddyList buddylist = addChar.getBuddylist(); switch (operation) { case ADDED: if (buddylist.contains(cidFrom)) { buddylist.put(new BuddylistEntry(name, cidFrom, group, channel, true)); addChar.getClient().getSession().write(BuddylistPacket.updateBuddyChannel(cidFrom, channel - 1)); } break; case DELETED: if (buddylist.contains(cidFrom)) { buddylist.put(new BuddylistEntry(name, cidFrom, group, -1, buddylist.get(cidFrom).isVisible())); addChar.getClient().getSession().write(BuddylistPacket.updateBuddyChannel(cidFrom, -1)); } break; } } } } public static BuddyAddResult requestBuddyAdd(String addName, int channelFrom, int cidFrom, String nameFrom, int levelFrom, int jobFrom) { int ch = Find.findChannel(cidFrom); if (ch > 0) { final MapleCharacter addChar = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(addName); if (addChar != null) { final BuddyList buddylist = addChar.getBuddylist(); if (buddylist.isFull()) { return BuddyAddResult.BUDDYLIST_FULL; } if (!buddylist.contains(cidFrom)) { buddylist.addBuddyRequest(addChar.getClient(), cidFrom, nameFrom, channelFrom, levelFrom, jobFrom); } else { if (buddylist.containsVisible(cidFrom)) { return BuddyAddResult.ALREADY_ON_LIST; } } } } return BuddyAddResult.OK; } public static void loggedOn(String name, int characterId, int channel, int[] buddies) { updateBuddies(characterId, channel, buddies, false); } public static void loggedOff(String name, int characterId, int channel, int[] buddies) { updateBuddies(characterId, channel, buddies, true); } } public static class Messenger { private static final Map<Integer, MapleMessenger> messengers = new HashMap<>(); private static final AtomicInteger runningMessengerId = new AtomicInteger(); static { runningMessengerId.set(7); } public static MapleMessenger createMessenger(MapleMessengerCharacter chrfor) { int messengerid = runningMessengerId.getAndIncrement(); MapleMessenger messenger = new MapleMessenger(messengerid, chrfor); messengers.put(messenger.getId(), messenger); return messenger; } public static void declineChat(String target, String namefrom) { int ch = Find.findChannel(target); if (ch > 0) { ChannelServer cs = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch); MapleCharacter chr = cs.getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(target); if (chr != null) { MapleMessenger messenger = chr.getMessenger(); if (messenger != null) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.messengerNote(namefrom, 5, 0)); } } } } public static MapleMessenger getMessenger(int messengerid) { return messengers.get(messengerid); } public static void leaveMessenger(int messengerid, MapleMessengerCharacter target) { MapleMessenger messenger = getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } int position = messenger.getPositionByName(target.getName()); messenger.removeMember(target); for (MapleMessengerCharacter mmc : messenger.getMembers()) { if (mmc != null) { int ch = Find.findChannel(mmc.getId()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(mmc.getName()); if (chr != null) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.removeMessengerPlayer(position)); } } } } } public static void silentLeaveMessenger(int messengerid, MapleMessengerCharacter target) { MapleMessenger messenger = getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } messenger.silentRemoveMember(target); } public static void silentJoinMessenger(int messengerid, MapleMessengerCharacter target) { MapleMessenger messenger = getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } messenger.silentAddMember(target); } public static void updateMessenger(int messengerid, String namefrom, int fromchannel) { MapleMessenger messenger = getMessenger(messengerid); int position = messenger.getPositionByName(namefrom); for (MapleMessengerCharacter messengerchar : messenger.getMembers()) { if (messengerchar != null && !messengerchar.getName().equals(namefrom)) { int ch = Find.findChannel(messengerchar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(messengerchar.getName()); if (chr != null) { MapleCharacter from = ChannelServer.getInstance(fromchannel).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(namefrom); chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.updateMessengerPlayer(namefrom, from, position, fromchannel - 1)); } } } } } public static void joinMessenger(int messengerid, MapleMessengerCharacter target, String from, int fromchannel) { MapleMessenger messenger = getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } messenger.addMember(target); int position = messenger.getPositionByName(target.getName()); for (MapleMessengerCharacter messengerchar : messenger.getMembers()) { if (messengerchar != null) { int mposition = messenger.getPositionByName(messengerchar.getName()); int ch = Find.findChannel(messengerchar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(messengerchar.getName()); if (chr != null) { if (!messengerchar.getName().equals(from)) { MapleCharacter fromCh = ChannelServer.getInstance(fromchannel).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(from); if (fromCh != null) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.addMessengerPlayer(from, fromCh, position, fromchannel - 1)); fromCh.getClient().getSession().write(CField.addMessengerPlayer(chr.getName(), chr, mposition, messengerchar.getChannel() - 1)); } } else { chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.joinMessenger(mposition)); } } } } } } public static void messengerChat(int messengerid, String charname, String text, String namefrom) { MapleMessenger messenger = getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } for (MapleMessengerCharacter messengerchar : messenger.getMembers()) { if (messengerchar != null && !messengerchar.getName().equals(namefrom)) { int ch = Find.findChannel(messengerchar.getName()); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter chr = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(messengerchar.getName()); if (chr != null) { chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.messengerChat(charname, text)); } } } } } public static void messengerInvite(String sender, int messengerid, String target, int fromchannel, boolean gm) { if (isConnected(target)) { int ch = Find.findChannel(target); if (ch > 0) { MapleCharacter from = ChannelServer.getInstance(fromchannel).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(sender); MapleCharacter targeter = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(target); if (targeter != null && targeter.getMessenger() == null) { if (!targeter.isIntern() || gm) { targeter.getClient().getSession().write(CField.messengerInvite(sender, messengerid)); from.getClient().getSession().write(CField.messengerNote(target, 4, 1)); } else { from.getClient().getSession().write(CField.messengerNote(target, 4, 0)); } } else { from.getClient().getSession().write(CField.messengerChat(sender, " : " + target + " is already using Maple Messenger")); } } } } } public static class Guild { private static final Map<Integer, MapleGuild> guilds = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); public static void addLoadedGuild(MapleGuild f) { if (f.isProper()) { guilds.put(f.getId(), f); } } public static int createGuild(int leaderId, String name) { return MapleGuild.createGuild(leaderId, name); } public static MapleGuild getGuild(int id) { MapleGuild ret = null; lock.readLock().lock(); try { ret = guilds.get(id); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } if (ret == null) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { ret = new MapleGuild(id); if (ret == null || ret.getId() <= 0 || !ret.isProper()) { //failed to load return null; } guilds.put(id, ret); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } return ret; //Guild doesn't exist? } public static MapleGuild getGuildByName(String guildName) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { for (MapleGuild g : guilds.values()) { if (g.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(guildName)) { return g; } } return null; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public static MapleGuild getGuild(MapleCharacter mc) { return getGuild(mc.getGuildId()); } public static void setGuildMemberOnline(MapleGuildCharacter mc, boolean bOnline, int channel) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(mc.getGuildId()); if (g != null) { g.setOnline(mc.getId(), bOnline, channel); } } public static void guildPacket(int gid, byte[] message) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.broadcast(message); } } public static int addGuildMember(MapleGuildCharacter mc) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(mc.getGuildId()); if (g != null) { return g.addGuildMember(mc); } return 0; } public static void leaveGuild(MapleGuildCharacter mc) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(mc.getGuildId()); if (g != null) { g.leaveGuild(mc); } } public static void guildChat(int gid, String name, int cid, String msg) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.guildChat(name, cid, msg); } } public static void changeRank(int gid, int cid, int newRank) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.changeRank(cid, newRank); } } public static void expelMember(MapleGuildCharacter initiator, String name, int cid) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(initiator.getGuildId()); if (g != null) { g.expelMember(initiator, name, cid); } } public static void setGuildNotice(int gid, String notice) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.setGuildNotice(notice); } } public static void setGuildLeader(int gid, int cid) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.changeGuildLeader(cid); } } public static int getSkillLevel(int gid, int sid) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { return g.getSkillLevel(sid); } return 0; } public static boolean purchaseSkill(int gid, int sid, String name, int cid) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { return g.purchaseSkill(sid, name, cid); } return false; } public static boolean activateSkill(int gid, int sid, String name) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { return g.activateSkill(sid, name); } return false; } public static void memberLevelJobUpdate(MapleGuildCharacter mc) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(mc.getGuildId()); if (g != null) { g.memberLevelJobUpdate(mc); } } public static void changeRankTitle(int gid, String[] ranks) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.changeRankTitle(ranks); } } public static void setGuildEmblem(int gid, short bg, byte bgcolor, short logo, byte logocolor) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.setGuildEmblem(bg, bgcolor, logo, logocolor); } } public static void disbandGuild(int gid) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); lock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (g != null) { g.disbandGuild(); guilds.remove(gid); } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public static void deleteGuildCharacter(int guildid, int charid) { //ensure it's loaded on world server //setGuildMemberOnline(mc, false, -1); MapleGuild g = getGuild(guildid); if (g != null) { MapleGuildCharacter mc = g.getMGC(charid); if (mc != null) { if (mc.getGuildRank() > 1) //not leader { g.leaveGuild(mc); } else { g.disbandGuild(); } } } } public static boolean increaseGuildCapacity(int gid, boolean b) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { return g.increaseCapacity(b); } return false; } public static void gainGP(int gid, int amount) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.gainGP(amount); } } public static void gainGP(int gid, int amount, int cid) { MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.gainGP(amount, false, cid); } } public static int getGP(final int gid) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { return g.getGP(); } return 0; } public static int getInvitedId(final int gid) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { return g.getInvitedId(); } return 0; } public static void setInvitedId(final int gid, final int inviteid) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { g.setInvitedId(inviteid); } } public static int getGuildLeader(final int guildName) { final MapleGuild mga = getGuild(guildName); if (mga != null) { return mga.getLeaderId(); } return 0; } public static int getGuildLeader(final String guildName) { final MapleGuild mga = getGuildByName(guildName); if (mga != null) { return mga.getLeaderId(); } return 0; } public static void save() { System.out.println("Saving guilds..."); lock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (MapleGuild a : guilds.values()) { a.writeToDB(false); } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public static List<MapleBBSThread> getBBS(final int gid) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { return g.getBBS(); } return null; } public static int addBBSThread(final int guildid, final String title, final String text, final int icon, final boolean bNotice, final int posterID) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(guildid); if (g != null) { return g.addBBSThread(title, text, icon, bNotice, posterID); } return -1; } public static final void editBBSThread(final int guildid, final int localthreadid, final String title, final String text, final int icon, final int posterID, final int guildRank) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(guildid); if (g != null) { g.editBBSThread(localthreadid, title, text, icon, posterID, guildRank); } } public static final void deleteBBSThread(final int guildid, final int localthreadid, final int posterID, final int guildRank) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(guildid); if (g != null) { g.deleteBBSThread(localthreadid, posterID, guildRank); } } public static final void addBBSReply(final int guildid, final int localthreadid, final String text, final int posterID) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(guildid); if (g != null) { g.addBBSReply(localthreadid, text, posterID); } } public static final void deleteBBSReply(final int guildid, final int localthreadid, final int replyid, final int posterID, final int guildRank) { final MapleGuild g = getGuild(guildid); if (g != null) { g.deleteBBSReply(localthreadid, replyid, posterID, guildRank); } } public static void changeEmblem(int gid, int affectedPlayers, MapleGuild mgs) { Broadcast.sendGuildPacket(affectedPlayers, GuildPacket.guildEmblemChange(gid, (short) mgs.getLogoBG(), (byte) mgs.getLogoBGColor(), (short) mgs.getLogo(), (byte) mgs.getLogoColor()), -1, gid); setGuildAndRank(affectedPlayers, -1, -1, -1, -1); //respawn player } public static void setGuildAndRank(int cid, int guildid, int rank, int contribution, int alliancerank) { int ch = Find.findChannel(cid); if (ch == -1) { // System.out.println("ERROR: cannot find player in given channel"); return; } MapleCharacter mc = getStorage(ch).getCharacterById(cid); if (mc == null) { return; } boolean bDifferentGuild; if (guildid == -1 && rank == -1) { //just need a respawn bDifferentGuild = true; } else { bDifferentGuild = guildid != mc.getGuildId(); mc.setGuildId(guildid); mc.setGuildRank((byte) rank); mc.setGuildContribution(contribution); mc.setAllianceRank((byte) alliancerank); mc.saveGuildStatus(); } if (bDifferentGuild && ch > 0) { mc.getMap().broadcastMessage(mc, CField.loadGuildName(mc), false); mc.getMap().broadcastMessage(mc, CField.loadGuildIcon(mc), false); } } } public static class Broadcast { public static void broadcastSmega(byte[] message) { for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { cs.broadcastSmega(message); } } public static void broadcastGMMessage(byte[] message) { for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { cs.broadcastGMMessage(message); } } public static void broadcastMessage(byte[] message) { for (ChannelServer cs : ChannelServer.getAllInstances()) { cs.broadcastMessage(message); } } public static void sendPacket(List<Integer> targetIds, byte[] packet, int exception) { MapleCharacter c; for (int i : targetIds) { if (i == exception) { continue; } int ch = Find.findChannel(i); if (ch < 0) { continue; } c = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(i); if (c != null) { c.getClient().getSession().write(packet); } } } public static void sendPacket(int targetId, byte[] packet) { int ch = Find.findChannel(targetId); if (ch < 0) { return; } final MapleCharacter c = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(targetId); if (c != null) { c.getClient().getSession().write(packet); } } public static void sendGuildPacket(int targetIds, byte[] packet, int exception, int guildid) { if (targetIds == exception) { return; } int ch = Find.findChannel(targetIds); if (ch < 0) { return; } final MapleCharacter c = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(targetIds); if (c != null && c.getGuildId() == guildid) { c.getClient().getSession().write(packet); } } public static void sendFamilyPacket(int targetIds, byte[] packet, int exception, int guildid) { if (targetIds == exception) { return; } int ch = Find.findChannel(targetIds); if (ch < 0) { return; } final MapleCharacter c = ChannelServer.getInstance(ch).getPlayerStorage().getCharacterById(targetIds); if (c != null && c.getFamilyId() == guildid) { c.getClient().getSession().write(packet); } } } public static class Find { private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private static final HashMap<Integer, Integer> idToChannel = new HashMap<>(); private static final HashMap<String, Integer> nameToChannel = new HashMap<>(); public static void register(int id, String name, int channel) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { idToChannel.put(id, channel); nameToChannel.put(name.toLowerCase(), channel); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } //System.out.println("Char added: " + id + " " + name + " to channel " + channel); } public static void forceDeregister(int id) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { idToChannel.remove(id); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } //System.out.println("Char removed: " + id); } public static void forceDeregister(String id) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { nameToChannel.remove(id.toLowerCase()); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } //System.out.println("Char removed: " + id); } public static void forceDeregister(int id, String name) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { idToChannel.remove(id); nameToChannel.remove(name.toLowerCase()); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } //System.out.println("Char removed: " + id + " " + name); } public static int findChannel(int id) { Integer ret; lock.readLock().lock(); try { ret = idToChannel.get(id); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } if (ret != null) { if (ret != -10 && ret != -20 && ChannelServer.getInstance(ret) == null) { //wha forceDeregister(id); return -1; } return ret; } return -1; } public static int findChannel(String st) { Integer ret; lock.readLock().lock(); try { ret = nameToChannel.get(st.toLowerCase()); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } if (ret != null) { if (ret != -10 && ret != -20 && ChannelServer.getInstance(ret) == null) { //wha forceDeregister(st); return -1; } return ret; } return -1; } public static CharacterIdChannelPair[] multiBuddyFind(int charIdFrom, int[] characterIds) { List<CharacterIdChannelPair> foundsChars = new ArrayList<>(characterIds.length); for (int i : characterIds) { int channel = findChannel(i); if (channel > 0) { foundsChars.add(new CharacterIdChannelPair(i, channel)); } } Collections.sort(foundsChars); return foundsChars.toArray(new CharacterIdChannelPair[foundsChars.size()]); } } public static class Alliance { private static final Map<Integer, MapleGuildAlliance> alliances = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); static { Collection<MapleGuildAlliance> allGuilds = MapleGuildAlliance.loadAll(); for (MapleGuildAlliance g : allGuilds) { alliances.put(g.getId(), g); } } public static MapleGuildAlliance getAlliance(final int allianceid) { MapleGuildAlliance ret = null; lock.readLock().lock(); try { ret = alliances.get(allianceid); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } if (ret == null) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { ret = new MapleGuildAlliance(allianceid); if (ret == null || ret.getId() <= 0) { //failed to load return null; } alliances.put(allianceid, ret); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } return ret; } public static int getAllianceLeader(final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.getLeaderId(); } return 0; } public static void updateAllianceRanks(final int allianceid, final String[] ranks) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { mga.setRank(ranks); } } public static void updateAllianceNotice(final int allianceid, final String notice) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { mga.setNotice(notice); } } public static boolean canInvite(final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.getCapacity() > mga.getNoGuilds(); } return false; } public static boolean changeAllianceLeader(final int allianceid, final int cid) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.setLeaderId(cid); } return false; } public static boolean changeAllianceLeader(final int allianceid, final int cid, final boolean sameGuild) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.setLeaderId(cid, sameGuild); } return false; } public static boolean changeAllianceRank(final int allianceid, final int cid, final int change) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.changeAllianceRank(cid, change); } return false; } public static boolean changeAllianceCapacity(final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.setCapacity(); } return false; } public static boolean disbandAlliance(final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.disband(); } return false; } public static boolean addGuildToAlliance(final int allianceid, final int gid) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.addGuild(gid); } return false; } public static boolean removeGuildFromAlliance(final int allianceid, final int gid, final boolean expelled) { final MapleGuildAlliance mga = getAlliance(allianceid); if (mga != null) { return mga.removeGuild(gid, expelled); } return false; } public static void sendGuild(final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance alliance = getAlliance(allianceid); if (alliance != null) { sendGuild(AlliancePacket.getAllianceUpdate(alliance), -1, allianceid); sendGuild(AlliancePacket.getGuildAlliance(alliance), -1, allianceid); } } public static void sendGuild(final byte[] packet, final int exceptionId, final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance alliance = getAlliance(allianceid); if (alliance != null) { for (int i = 0; i < alliance.getNoGuilds(); i++) { int gid = alliance.getGuildId(i); if (gid > 0 && gid != exceptionId) { Guild.guildPacket(gid, packet); } } } } public static boolean createAlliance(final String alliancename, final int cid, final int cid2, final int gid, final int gid2) { final int allianceid = MapleGuildAlliance.createToDb(cid, alliancename, gid, gid2); if (allianceid <= 0) { return false; } final MapleGuild g = Guild.getGuild(gid), g_ = Guild.getGuild(gid2); g.setAllianceId(allianceid); g_.setAllianceId(allianceid); g.changeARank(true); g_.changeARank(false); final MapleGuildAlliance alliance = getAlliance(allianceid); sendGuild(AlliancePacket.createGuildAlliance(alliance), -1, allianceid); sendGuild(AlliancePacket.getAllianceInfo(alliance), -1, allianceid); sendGuild(AlliancePacket.getGuildAlliance(alliance), -1, allianceid); sendGuild(AlliancePacket.changeAlliance(alliance, true), -1, allianceid); return true; } public static void allianceChat(final int gid, final String name, final int cid, final String msg) { final MapleGuild g = Guild.getGuild(gid); if (g != null) { final MapleGuildAlliance ga = getAlliance(g.getAllianceId()); if (ga != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ga.getNoGuilds(); i++) { final MapleGuild g_ = Guild.getGuild(ga.getGuildId(i)); if (g_ != null) { g_.allianceChat(name, cid, msg); } } } } } public static void setNewAlliance(final int gid, final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance alliance = getAlliance(allianceid); final MapleGuild guild = Guild.getGuild(gid); if (alliance != null && guild != null) { for (int i = 0; i < alliance.getNoGuilds(); i++) { if (gid == alliance.getGuildId(i)) { guild.setAllianceId(allianceid); guild.broadcast(AlliancePacket.getAllianceInfo(alliance)); guild.broadcast(AlliancePacket.getGuildAlliance(alliance)); guild.broadcast(AlliancePacket.changeAlliance(alliance, true)); guild.changeARank(); guild.writeToDB(false); } else { final MapleGuild g_ = Guild.getGuild(alliance.getGuildId(i)); if (g_ != null) { g_.broadcast(AlliancePacket.addGuildToAlliance(alliance, guild)); g_.broadcast(AlliancePacket.changeGuildInAlliance(alliance, guild, true)); } } } } } public static void setOldAlliance(final int gid, final boolean expelled, final int allianceid) { final MapleGuildAlliance alliance = getAlliance(allianceid); final MapleGuild g_ = Guild.getGuild(gid); if (alliance != null) { for (int i = 0; i < alliance.getNoGuilds(); i++) { final MapleGuild guild = Guild.getGuild(alliance.getGuildId(i)); if (guild == null) { if (gid != alliance.getGuildId(i)) { alliance.removeGuild(gid, false, true); } continue; //just skip } if (g_ == null || gid == alliance.getGuildId(i)) { guild.changeARank(5); guild.setAllianceId(0); guild.broadcast(AlliancePacket.disbandAlliance(allianceid)); } else if (g_ != null) { guild.broadcast(CWvsContext.broadcastMsg(5, "[" + g_.getName() + "] Guild has left the alliance.")); guild.broadcast(AlliancePacket.changeGuildInAlliance(alliance, g_, false)); guild.broadcast(AlliancePacket.removeGuildFromAlliance(alliance, g_, expelled)); } } } if (gid == -1) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { alliances.remove(allianceid); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } } public static List<byte[]> getAllianceInfo(final int allianceid, final boolean start) { List<byte[]> ret = new ArrayList<>(); final MapleGuildAlliance alliance = getAlliance(allianceid); if (alliance != null) { if (start) { ret.add(AlliancePacket.getAllianceInfo(alliance)); ret.add(AlliancePacket.getGuildAlliance(alliance)); } ret.add(AlliancePacket.getAllianceUpdate(alliance)); } return ret; } public static void save() { System.out.println("Saving alliances..."); lock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (MapleGuildAlliance a : alliances.values()) { a.saveToDb(); } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } } public static class Family { private static final Map<Integer, MapleFamily> families = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); public static void addLoadedFamily(MapleFamily f) { if (f.isProper()) { families.put(f.getId(), f); } } public static MapleFamily getFamily(int id) { MapleFamily ret = null; lock.readLock().lock(); try { ret = families.get(id); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } if (ret == null) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { ret = new MapleFamily(id); if (ret == null || ret.getId() <= 0 || !ret.isProper()) { //failed to load return null; } families.put(id, ret); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } return ret; } public static void memberFamilyUpdate(MapleFamilyCharacter mfc, MapleCharacter mc) { MapleFamily f = getFamily(mfc.getFamilyId()); if (f != null) { f.memberLevelJobUpdate(mc); } } public static void setFamilyMemberOnline(MapleFamilyCharacter mfc, boolean bOnline, int channel) { MapleFamily f = getFamily(mfc.getFamilyId()); if (f != null) { f.setOnline(mfc.getId(), bOnline, channel); } } public static int setRep(int fid, int cid, int addrep, int oldLevel, String oldName) { MapleFamily f = getFamily(fid); if (f != null) { return f.setRep(cid, addrep, oldLevel, oldName); } return 0; } public static void save() { System.out.println("Saving families..."); lock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (MapleFamily a : families.values()) { a.writeToDB(false); } } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public static void setFamily(int familyid, int seniorid, int junior1, int junior2, int currentrep, int totalrep, int cid) { int ch = Find.findChannel(cid); if (ch == -1) { // System.out.println("ERROR: cannot find player in given channel"); return; } MapleCharacter mc = getStorage(ch).getCharacterById(cid); if (mc == null) { return; } boolean bDifferent = mc.getFamilyId() != familyid || mc.getSeniorId() != seniorid || mc.getJunior1() != junior1 || mc.getJunior2() != junior2; mc.setFamily(familyid, seniorid, junior1, junior2); mc.setCurrentRep(currentrep); mc.setTotalRep(totalrep); if (bDifferent) { mc.saveFamilyStatus(); } } public static void familyPacket(int gid, byte[] message, int cid) { MapleFamily f = getFamily(gid); if (f != null) { f.broadcast(message, -1, f.getMFC(cid).getPedigree()); } } public static void disbandFamily(int gid) { MapleFamily g = getFamily(gid); if (g != null) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { families.remove(gid); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } g.disbandFamily(); } } } private final static int CHANNELS_PER_THREAD = 3; public static void registerRespawn() { Integer[] chs = ChannelServer.getAllInstance().toArray(new Integer[0]); for (int i = 0; i < chs.length; i += CHANNELS_PER_THREAD) { WorldTimer.getInstance().register(new Respawn(chs, i), 2500); //divisible by 9000 if possible. } //3000 good or bad? ive no idea >_> //buffs can also be done, but eh } public static class Respawn implements Runnable { //is putting it here a good idea? private int numTimes = 0; private final List<ChannelServer> cservs = new ArrayList<>(CHANNELS_PER_THREAD); public Respawn(Integer[] chs, int c) { //StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("Respawn Worker is registered for channels "); for (int i = 1; i <= CHANNELS_PER_THREAD && chs.length >= (c + i); i++) { cservs.add(ChannelServer.getInstance(c + i)); //s.append(c + i).append(" "); } //s.append("."); //System.out.println(s.toString()); } @Override public void run() { numTimes++; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (ChannelServer cserv : cservs) { if (!cserv.hasFinishedShutdown()) { for (MapleMap map : cserv.getMapFactory().getAllLoadedMaps()) { //iterating through each map o_x handleMap(map, numTimes, map.getCharactersSize(), now); } } } } } public static void handleMap(final MapleMap map, final int numTimes, final int size, final long now) { //TODO: test the achievement reset if (getHour() == 0 && getMinute() >= 0 && getMinute() <= 1) { //not sure if put it here Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps; try { ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `moonlightachievements` where achievementid > 0;"); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { } } if (map.getItemsSize() > 0) { for (MapleMapItem item : map.getAllItemsThreadsafe()) { if (item.shouldExpire(now)) { item.expire(map); } else if (item.shouldFFA(now)) { item.setDropType((byte) 2); } } } if (map.characterSize() > 0 || map.getId() == 931000500) { //jaira hack if (map.canSpawn(now)) { map.respawn(false, now); } boolean hurt = map.canHurt(now); for (MapleCharacter chr : map.getCharactersThreadsafe()) { handleCooldowns(chr, numTimes, hurt, now); } if (map.getMobsSize() > 0) { for (MapleMonster mons : map.getAllMonstersThreadsafe()) { if (mons.isAlive() && mons.shouldKill(now)) { map.killMonster(mons); } else if (mons.isAlive() && mons.shouldDrop(now)) { mons.doDropItem(now); } else if (mons.isAlive() && mons.getStatiSize() > 0) { for (MonsterStatusEffect mse : mons.getAllBuffs()) { if (mse.shouldCancel(now)) { mons.cancelSingleStatus(mse); } } } } } } } public static void handleCooldowns(final MapleCharacter chr, final int numTimes, final boolean hurt, final long now) { //is putting it here a good idea? expensive? if (chr.getCooldownSize() > 0) { for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder m : chr.getCooldowns()) { if (m.startTime + m.length < now) { final int skil = m.skillId; chr.removeCooldown(skil); chr.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(skil, 0)); } } } if (chr.isAlive()) { if (chr.getJob() == 131 || chr.getJob() == 132) { if (chr.canBlood(now)) { chr.doDragonBlood(); } } if (chr.canRecover(now)) { chr.doRecovery(); } if (chr.canHPRecover(now)) { chr.addHP((int) chr.getStat().getHealHP()); } if (chr.canMPRecover(now)) { chr.addMP((int) chr.getStat().getHealMP()); } if (chr.canFairy(now)) { chr.doFairy(); } if (chr.canFish(now)) { chr.doFish(now); } if (chr.canDOT(now)) { chr.doDOT(); } } if (chr.getDiseaseSize() > 0) { for (MapleDiseaseValueHolder m : chr.getAllDiseases()) { if (m != null && m.startTime + m.length < now) { chr.dispelDebuff(m.disease); } } } if (numTimes % 7 == 0 && chr.getMount() != null && chr.getMount().canTire(now)) { chr.getMount().increaseFatigue(); } if (numTimes % 13 == 0) { //we're parsing through the characters anyway (: chr.doFamiliarSchedule(now); for (MaplePet pet : chr.getSummonedPets()) { if (pet.getPetItemId() == 5000054 && pet.getSecondsLeft() > 0) { pet.setSecondsLeft(pet.getSecondsLeft() - 1); if (pet.getSecondsLeft() <= 0) { chr.unequipPet(pet, true, true); return; } } int newFullness = pet.getFullness() - PetDataFactory.getHunger(pet.getPetItemId()); if (newFullness <= 5) { pet.setFullness(15); chr.unequipPet(pet, true, true); } else { pet.setFullness(newFullness); chr.getClient().getSession().write(PetPacket.updatePet(pet, chr.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH).getItem(pet.getInventoryPosition()), true)); } } } if (hurt && chr.isAlive()) { if (chr.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).findById(chr.getMap().getHPDecProtect()) == null) { if (chr.getMapId() == 749040100 && chr.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH).findById(5451000) == null) { //minidungeon chr.addHP(-chr.getMap().getHPDec()); } else if (chr.getMapId() != 749040100) { chr.addHP(-(chr.getMap().getHPDec() - (chr.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.HP_LOSS_GUARD) == null ? 0 : chr.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.HP_LOSS_GUARD).intValue()))); } } } } public static final int getHour() { return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); } public static final int getMinute() { return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE); } }