package constants; import java.util.Calendar; import tools.Triple; public class ServerConstants { public static boolean TESPIA = false; // Used for activating GMST. public static String SQL_PORT = "3306", SQL_DATABASE = "v144", SQL_USER = "root", SQL_PASSWORD = ""; public static byte Class_Bonus_EXP(final int job) { switch (job) { case 501: case 530: case 531: case 532: case 2300: case 2310: case 2311: case 2312: case 3100: case 3110: case 3111: case 3112: case 800: case 900: case 910: return 10; } return 0; } public static boolean getEventTime() { int time = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); switch (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) { case 1: return time >= 1 && time <= 5; case 2: return time >= 4 && time <= 9; case 3: return time >= 7 && time <= 12; case 4: return time >= 10 && time <= 15; case 5: return time >= 13 && time <= 18; case 6: return time >= 16 && time <= 21; } return time >= 19 && time <= 24; } public static final short MAPLE_VERSION = (short) 144; public static final String ACCMASTER = "admin"; public static final String MAPLE_PATCH = "3"; public static final String SOURCE_REVISION = "29.1"; public static final boolean BLOCK_CS = false; //true = cash shop disabled public static final boolean Old_Maps = false; //example: it will use old maple event's henesys instead of current one public static final boolean Use_Localhost = false; //true = packets are logged, false = others can connect to server public static final boolean Redirector = true; //false = not using redirector public static final boolean LOG_SHARK = false; //true = enable shark to log public static boolean MultiLevel = true; //true = enable multi leveling public static final boolean AntiKS = false; public static final int miracleRate = 1; //cube tier up rate public static final byte SHOP_DISCOUNT = 0; //Discount Rate (%) Higher than 100 or lower than 1 means no discount // Login Backgrounds public static Triple<String, Integer, Boolean>[] backgrounds = new Triple[]{ //boolean for randomize new Triple<>("red3", 0, true), new Triple<>("red2", 0, true), // new Triple<>("red1", 0, false) }; public static enum PlayerGMRank { NORMAL('@', 0), INTERN('!', 1), GM('!', 2), SUPERGM('!', 3), ADMIN('!', 4); private final char commandPrefix; private final int level; PlayerGMRank(char ch, int level) { commandPrefix = ch; this.level = level; } public String getCommandPrefix() { return String.valueOf(commandPrefix); } public int getLevel() { return level; } } public static enum CommandType { NORMAL(0), TRADE(1); private final int level; CommandType(int level) { this.level = level; } public int getType() { return level; } } }