package org.mobicents.slee.sipevent.examples; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.slee.ActivityContextInterface; import javax.slee.ActivityEndEvent; import javax.slee.ChildRelation; import javax.slee.CreateException; import javax.slee.RolledBackContext; import javax.slee.SLEEException; import javax.slee.SbbContext; import javax.slee.TransactionRequiredLocalException; import javax.slee.facilities.TimerEvent; import javax.slee.facilities.TimerFacility; import javax.slee.facilities.TimerOptions; import javax.slee.facilities.TimerPreserveMissed; import javax.slee.serviceactivity.ServiceActivity; import javax.slee.serviceactivity.ServiceActivityContextInterfaceFactory; import javax.slee.serviceactivity.ServiceActivityFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mobicents.slee.sipevent.server.subscription.SubscriptionClientControlParentSbbLocalObject; import org.mobicents.slee.sipevent.server.subscription.SubscriptionClientControlSbbLocalObject; import org.mobicents.slee.sipevent.server.subscription.pojo.Subscription.Event; import org.mobicents.slee.sipevent.server.subscription.pojo.Subscription.Status; /** * Example of an application that uses * {@link SubscriptionClientControlSbbLocalObject} as a child sbb, and * implements {@link SubscriptionClientControlParentSbbLocalObject}, to * interact with the Mobicents SIP Event Subscription service. * * @author Eduardo Martins * */ public abstract class InternalSubscriberExampleSbb implements javax.slee.Sbb, SubscriptionClientControlParentSbbLocalObject { String presenceDomain = System.getProperty("bind.address",""); String subscriber = "sip:internal-subscriber@"+presenceDomain; String notifier = "sip:user@"+presenceDomain; String eventPackage = "presence"; int expires = 300; // --- INTERNAL CHILD SBB public abstract ChildRelation getSubscriptionControlChildRelation(); public abstract SubscriptionClientControlSbbLocalObject getSubscriptionControlChildSbbCMP(); public abstract void setSubscriptionControlChildSbbCMP( SubscriptionClientControlSbbLocalObject value); private SubscriptionClientControlSbbLocalObject getSubscriptionControlChildSbb() throws TransactionRequiredLocalException, SLEEException, CreateException { SubscriptionClientControlSbbLocalObject childSbb = getSubscriptionControlChildSbbCMP(); if (childSbb == null) { childSbb = (SubscriptionClientControlSbbLocalObject) getSubscriptionControlChildRelation() .create(); setSubscriptionControlChildSbbCMP(childSbb); childSbb .setParentSbb((SubscriptionClientControlParentSbbLocalObject) this.sbbContext .getSbbLocalObject()); } return childSbb; } // --- CMP public abstract void setSubscriptionId(String value); public abstract String getSubscriptionId(); /* * service activation event, create subscription */ public void onServiceStartedEvent( javax.slee.serviceactivity.ServiceStartedEvent event, ActivityContextInterface aci) { // check if it's my service that is starting if (serviceActivityFactory.getActivity().equals(aci.getActivity())) {"Service activated, subscribing state..."); try { // create sub id String subscriptionId = subscriber + ":" + notifier + ":" + eventPackage; // save subscription id in cmp setSubscriptionId(subscriptionId); // subscribe getSubscriptionControlChildSbb().subscribe(subscriber, "voyer", notifier, eventPackage, subscriptionId, expires, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error(e); } } else { // another service activated, we don't want to receive further // events on this activity aci.detach(sbbContext.getSbbLocalObject()); } } public void subscribeOk(String subscriber, String notifier, String eventPackage, String subscriptionId, int expires, int responseCode) {"subscribe ok: responseCode=" + responseCode + ",expires=" + expires); // let's set a periodic timer in the service activity, that originated // this sbb entity (onServiceStartedEvent()...), to refresh the // subscription TimerOptions timerOptions = new TimerOptions(); timerOptions.setPersistent(true); timerOptions.setPreserveMissed(TimerPreserveMissed.ALL); ServiceActivity serviceActivity = serviceActivityFactory.getActivity(); ActivityContextInterface aci = null; try { aci = serviceActivityContextInterfaceFactory .getActivityContextInterface(serviceActivity); } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error("Failed to retreive service activity aci", e); try { getSubscriptionControlChildSbb().unsubscribe(subscriber, notifier, eventPackage, subscriptionId); } catch (Exception f) { log4j.error("Dude, now I can't get the child sbb!!", f); } return; } timerFacility.setTimer(aci, null, System.currentTimeMillis() + expires * 1000, expires * 1000, 0, timerOptions); } public void subscribeError(String subscriber, String notifier, String eventPackage, String subscriptionId, int error) {"error on subscribe: error=" + error); } public void notifyEvent(String subscriber, String notifier, String eventPackage, String subscriptionId, Event terminationReason, Status status, String content, String contentType, String contentSubtype) { String notification = "\nNOTIFY EVENT:" + "\n+-- Subscriber: " + subscriber + "\n+-- Notifier: " + notifier + "\n+-- EventPackage: " + eventPackage + "\n+-- SubscriptionId: " + subscriptionId + "\n+-- Subscription status: " + status + "\n+-- Subscription terminationReason: " + terminationReason + "\n+-- Content Type: " + contentType + '/' + contentSubtype + "\n+-- Content:\n\n" + content;; } public void onTimerEvent(TimerEvent event, ActivityContextInterface aci) { // resubscribe try { getSubscriptionControlChildSbb().resubscribe(subscriber, notifier, eventPackage, getSubscriptionId(), expires); } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error(e); } } public void resubscribeOk(String subscriber, String notifier, String eventPackage, String subscriptionId, int expires) {"resubscribe Ok : expires=" + expires); } public void resubscribeError(String subscriber, String notifier, String eventPackage, String subscriptionId, int error) {"error on resubscribe: error=" + error); } /** * service deactivation, unsubscribe * * @param event * @param aci */ public void onActivityEndEvent(ActivityEndEvent event, ActivityContextInterface aci) { if (getSubscriptionId() != null) {"Service deactivated, removing subscription..."); try { getSubscriptionControlChildSbb().unsubscribe(subscriber, notifier, eventPackage, getSubscriptionId()); } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error(e); } } else {"Service deactivated, no subscription to remove."); } } public void unsubscribeOk(String subscriber, String notifier, String eventPackage, String subscriptionId) {"unsubscribe Ok"); } public void unsubscribeError(String subscriber, String notifier, String eventPackage, String subscriptionId, int error) {"error on unsubscribe: error=" + error); } // --- SBB OBJECT private SbbContext sbbContext = null; // This SBB's context private TimerFacility timerFacility = null; private ServiceActivityFactory serviceActivityFactory = null; private ServiceActivityContextInterfaceFactory serviceActivityContextInterfaceFactory = null; /** * Called when an sbb object is instantied and enters the pooled state. */ public void setSbbContext(SbbContext sbbContext) { this.sbbContext = sbbContext; try { Context context = (Context) new InitialContext() .lookup("java:comp/env"); timerFacility = (TimerFacility) context .lookup("slee/facilities/timer"); serviceActivityFactory = (ServiceActivityFactory) context .lookup("slee/serviceactivity/factory"); serviceActivityContextInterfaceFactory = (ServiceActivityContextInterfaceFactory) context .lookup("slee/serviceactivity/activitycontextinterfacefactory"); } catch (Exception e) { log4j.error("Unable to retrieve factories, facilities & providers", e); } } public void unsetSbbContext() {"unsetSbbContext()"); this.sbbContext = null; } public void sbbCreate() throws javax.slee.CreateException { } public void sbbPostCreate() throws javax.slee.CreateException { } public void sbbActivate() { } public void sbbPassivate() { } public void sbbRemove() { } public void sbbLoad() { } public void sbbStore() { } public void sbbExceptionThrown(Exception exception, Object event, ActivityContextInterface activity) { } public void sbbRolledBack(RolledBackContext sbbRolledBack) { } private static Logger log4j = Logger .getLogger(InternalSubscriberExampleSbb.class); }