/* * Mobicents, Communications Middleware * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.mobicents.slee.resources.diameter.tests.factories; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.AcctApplId; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.ApplicationId; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.Assembler; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.AuthApplId; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnDiameterURI; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnRealm; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnVendorID; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerName; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerRating; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerTable; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.RealmEntry; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.RealmTable; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.VendorId; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.CreditControlAnswer; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.CreditControlRequest; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.CcMoneyAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.CcUnitType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.CostInformationAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.FinalUnitActionType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.FinalUnitIndicationAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.GSUPoolReferenceAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.GrantedServiceUnitAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.MultipleServicesCreditControlAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.RedirectAddressType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.RedirectServerAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.RequestedServiceUnitAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.ServiceParameterInfoAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.SubscriptionIdAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.SubscriptionIdType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.UnitValueAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.UsedServiceUnitAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.UserEquipmentInfoAvp; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.cca.events.avp.UserEquipmentInfoType; import org.jdiameter.api.Stack; import org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.EmptyConfiguration; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.mobicents.diameter.dictionary.AvpDictionary; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.DiameterAvpFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.DiameterMessageFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.cca.CreditControlAVPFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.cca.CreditControlMessageFactoryImpl; /** * * CCAFactoriesTest.java * * <br>Project: mobicents * <br>2:42:08 PM Feb 27, 2009 * <br> * @author <a href="mailto:brainslog@gmail.com"> Alexandre Mendonca </a> * @author <a href="mailto:baranowb@gmail.com"> Bartosz Baranowski </a> */ public class CCAFactoriesTest { private static String clientHost = ""; private static String clientPort = "21812"; private static String clientURI = "aaa://" + clientHost + ":" + clientPort; private static String serverHost = "localhost"; private static String serverPort = "1812"; private static String serverURI = "aaa://" + serverHost + ":" + serverPort; private static String realmName = "mobicents.org"; private static CreditControlMessageFactoryImpl ccaMessageFactory; private static CreditControlAVPFactoryImpl ccaAvpFactory; static { Stack stack = new org.jdiameter.client.impl.StackImpl(); try { stack.init(new MyConfiguration()); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize the stack."); } DiameterMessageFactoryImpl baseFactory = new DiameterMessageFactoryImpl(stack); DiameterAvpFactoryImpl baseAvpFactory = new DiameterAvpFactoryImpl(); ccaAvpFactory = new CreditControlAVPFactoryImpl(baseAvpFactory); try { ccaMessageFactory = new CreditControlMessageFactoryImpl(baseFactory, stack.getSessionFactory().getNewSession(), stack, ccaAvpFactory); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { AvpDictionary.INSTANCE.parseDictionary( CCAFactoriesTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "dictionary.xml" ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse dictionary file."); } } @Test public void isRequestCCR() throws Exception { CreditControlRequest ccr = ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Credit-Control-Request is not set.", ccr.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersCCR() throws Exception { CreditControlRequest ccr = ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(ccr, CreditControlRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isAnswerCCA() throws Exception { CreditControlRequest ccr = ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlRequest(); CreditControlAnswer cca = ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlAnswer(ccr); assertFalse("Request Flag in Credit-Control-Answer is set.", cca.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersCCA() throws Exception { CreditControlAnswer cca = ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlAnswer(ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlRequest("582364567346578348")); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(cca, CreditControlAnswer.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void hasDestinationHostCCA() throws Exception { CreditControlAnswer cca = ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlAnswer(ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlRequest("582364567346578348")); assertNull("The Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST NOT be present in the answer message. [RFC3588/6.2]", cca.getDestinationHost()); } @Test public void hasDestinationRealmCCA() throws Exception { CreditControlAnswer cca = ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlAnswer(ccaMessageFactory.createCreditControlRequest("582364567346578348")); assertNull("The Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST NOT be present in the answer message. [RFC3588/6.2]", cca.getDestinationRealm()); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateCcMoney() throws Exception { String avpName = "CC-Money"; // Create AVP with mandatory values CcMoneyAvp ccmAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createCcMoney(ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(12345L)); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", ccmAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor CcMoneyAvp ccmAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createCcMoney(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Unit-Value AVP.", ccmAvp2.hasUnitValue()); // Set mandatory values ccmAvp2.setUnitValue(ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(12345L)); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", ccmAvp1, ccmAvp2); // Make new copy ccmAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createCcMoney(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(ccmAvp2); // Create empty... CcMoneyAvp ccmAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createCcMoney(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ccmAvp3, false); // Set all previous values ccmAvp3.setExtensionAvps(ccmAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ccmAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(ccmAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", ccmAvp2, ccmAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateCostInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "Cost-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values CostInformationAvp ciAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createCostInformation(ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(12345L), 3L); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", ciAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor CostInformationAvp ciAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createCostInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Unit-Value AVP.", ciAvp2.hasUnitValue()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Currency-Code AVP.", ciAvp2.hasCurrencyCode()); // Set mandatory values ciAvp2.setUnitValue(ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(12345L)); ciAvp2.setCurrencyCode(3L); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", ciAvp1, ciAvp2); // Make new copy ciAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createCostInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(ciAvp2); // Create empty... CostInformationAvp ciAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createCostInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ciAvp3, false); // Set all previous values ciAvp3.setExtensionAvps(ciAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ciAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(ciAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", ciAvp2, ciAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateFinalUnitIndication() throws Exception { String avpName = "Final-Unit-Indication"; // Create AVP with mandatory values FinalUnitIndicationAvp fuiAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createFinalUnitIndication(FinalUnitActionType.RESTRICT_ACCESS); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", fuiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor FinalUnitIndicationAvp fuiAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createFinalUnitIndication(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Final-Unit-Action AVP.", fuiAvp2.hasFinalUnitAction()); // Set mandatory values fuiAvp2.setFinalUnitAction(FinalUnitActionType.RESTRICT_ACCESS); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", fuiAvp1, fuiAvp2); // Make new copy fuiAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createFinalUnitIndication(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(fuiAvp2); // Create empty... FinalUnitIndicationAvp fuiAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createFinalUnitIndication(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(fuiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values fuiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(fuiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(fuiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(fuiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", fuiAvp2, fuiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateGSUPoolReference() throws Exception { String avpName = "G-S-U-Pool-Reference"; // Create AVP with mandatory values GSUPoolReferenceAvp gsuprAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createGSUPoolReference( 12345L, CcUnitType.TIME, ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(67890L) ); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", gsuprAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor GSUPoolReferenceAvp gsuprAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createGSUPoolReference(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have G-S-U-Pool-Identifier AVP.", gsuprAvp2.hasGSUPoolIdentifier()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have CC-Unit-Type AVP.", gsuprAvp2.hasCreditControlUnitType()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Unit-Value AVP.", gsuprAvp2.hasUnitValue()); // Set mandatory values gsuprAvp2.setGSUPoolIdentifier(12345L); gsuprAvp2.setCreditControlUnitType(CcUnitType.TIME); gsuprAvp2.setUnitValue(ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(67890L)); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", gsuprAvp1, gsuprAvp2); // Make new copy gsuprAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createGSUPoolReference(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(gsuprAvp2); // Create empty... GSUPoolReferenceAvp gsuprAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createGSUPoolReference(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(gsuprAvp3, false); // Set all previous values gsuprAvp3.setExtensionAvps(gsuprAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(gsuprAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(gsuprAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", gsuprAvp2, gsuprAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateGrantedServiceUnit() throws Exception { String avpName = "Granted-Service-Unit"; // Create AVP with mandatory values GrantedServiceUnitAvp gsuAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createGrantedServiceUnit(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", gsuAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor GrantedServiceUnitAvp gsuAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createGrantedServiceUnit(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", gsuAvp1, gsuAvp2); // Make new copy gsuAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createGrantedServiceUnit(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(gsuAvp2); // Create empty... GrantedServiceUnitAvp gsuAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createGrantedServiceUnit(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(gsuAvp3, false); // Set all previous values gsuAvp3.setExtensionAvps(gsuAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(gsuAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(gsuAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", gsuAvp2, gsuAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateMultipleServicesCreditControl() throws Exception { String avpName = "Multiple-Services-Credit-Control"; // Create AVP with mandatory values MultipleServicesCreditControlAvp msccAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createMultipleServicesCreditControl(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", msccAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor MultipleServicesCreditControlAvp msccAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createMultipleServicesCreditControl(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", msccAvp1, msccAvp2); // Make new copy msccAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createMultipleServicesCreditControl(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(msccAvp2); // Create empty... MultipleServicesCreditControlAvp msccAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createMultipleServicesCreditControl(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(msccAvp3, false); // Set all previous values msccAvp3.setExtensionAvps(msccAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(msccAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(msccAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", msccAvp2, msccAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateRedirectServer() throws Exception { String avpName = "Redirect-Server"; // Create AVP with mandatory values RedirectServerAvp rsAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createRedirectServer(RedirectAddressType.IPv4_Address, ""); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", rsAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor RedirectServerAvp rsAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createRedirectServer(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Redirect-Address-Type AVP.", rsAvp2.hasRedirectAddressType()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Redirect-Server-Address AVP.", rsAvp2.hasRedirectServerAddress()); // Set mandatory values rsAvp2.setRedirectAddressType(RedirectAddressType.IPv4_Address); rsAvp2.setRedirectServerAddress(""); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", rsAvp1, rsAvp2); // Make new copy rsAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createRedirectServer(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(rsAvp2); // Create empty... RedirectServerAvp rsAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createRedirectServer(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(rsAvp3, false); // Set all previous values rsAvp3.setExtensionAvps(rsAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(rsAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(rsAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", rsAvp2, rsAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateRequestedServiceUnit() throws Exception { String avpName = "Requested-Service-Unit"; // Create AVP with mandatory values RequestedServiceUnitAvp rsuAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createRequestedServiceUnit(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", rsuAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor RequestedServiceUnitAvp rsuAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createRequestedServiceUnit(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", rsuAvp1, rsuAvp2); // Make new copy rsuAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createRequestedServiceUnit(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(rsuAvp2); // Create empty... RequestedServiceUnitAvp rsuAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createRequestedServiceUnit(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(rsuAvp3, false); // Set all previous values rsuAvp3.setExtensionAvps(rsuAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(rsuAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(rsuAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", rsuAvp2, rsuAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateServiceParameterInfo() throws Exception { String avpName = "Service-Parameter-Info"; // Create AVP with mandatory values ServiceParameterInfoAvp spiAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createServiceParameterInfo(55555L, "mobicents diameter".getBytes()); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", spiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor ServiceParameterInfoAvp spiAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createServiceParameterInfo(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Service-Parameter-Type AVP.", spiAvp2.hasServiceParameterType()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Service-Parameter-Value AVP.", spiAvp2.hasServiceParameterValue()); // Set mandatory values spiAvp2.setServiceParameterType(55555L); spiAvp2.setServiceParameterValue("mobicents diameter".getBytes()); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", spiAvp1, spiAvp2); // Make new copy spiAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createServiceParameterInfo(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(spiAvp2); // Create empty... ServiceParameterInfoAvp spiAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createServiceParameterInfo(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(spiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values spiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(spiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(spiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(spiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", spiAvp2, spiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateSubscriptionId() throws Exception { String avpName = "Subscription-Id"; // Create AVP with mandatory values SubscriptionIdAvp sidAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createSubscriptionId(SubscriptionIdType.END_USER_SIP_URI, "sip:alexandre@mobicents.org"); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", sidAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor SubscriptionIdAvp sidAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createSubscriptionId(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Subscription-Id-Type AVP.", sidAvp2.hasSubscriptionIdType()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Subscription-Id-Data AVP.", sidAvp2.hasSubscriptionIdData()); // Set mandatory values sidAvp2.setSubscriptionIdType(SubscriptionIdType.END_USER_SIP_URI); sidAvp2.setSubscriptionIdData("sip:alexandre@mobicents.org"); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", sidAvp1, sidAvp2); // Make new copy sidAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createSubscriptionId(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(sidAvp2); // Create empty... SubscriptionIdAvp sidAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createSubscriptionId(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(sidAvp3, false); // Set all previous values sidAvp3.setExtensionAvps(sidAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(sidAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(sidAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", sidAvp2, sidAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateUnitValue() throws Exception { String avpName = "Unit-Value"; // Create AVP with mandatory values UnitValueAvp uvAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(19191L); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created Unit-Value AVP from objects should not be null.", uvAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor UnitValueAvp uvAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Value-Digits AVP.", uvAvp2.hasValueDigits()); // Set mandatory values uvAvp2.setValueDigits(19191L); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", uvAvp1, uvAvp2); // Make new copy uvAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(uvAvp2); // Create empty... UnitValueAvp uvAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createUnitValue(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(uvAvp3, false); // Set all previous values uvAvp3.setExtensionAvps(uvAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(uvAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(uvAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", uvAvp2, uvAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateUsedServiceUnit() throws Exception { String avpName = "Used-Service-Unit"; // Create AVP with mandatory values UsedServiceUnitAvp usuAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createUsedServiceUnit(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created Unit-Value AVP from objects should not be null.", usuAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor UsedServiceUnitAvp usuAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createUsedServiceUnit(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", usuAvp1, usuAvp2); // Make new copy usuAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createUsedServiceUnit(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(usuAvp2); // Create empty... UsedServiceUnitAvp usuAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createUsedServiceUnit(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(usuAvp3, false); // Set all previous values usuAvp3.setExtensionAvps(usuAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(usuAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(usuAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", usuAvp2, usuAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateUserEquipmentInfo() throws Exception { String avpName = "User-Equipment-Info"; // Create AVP with mandatory values UserEquipmentInfoAvp ueiAvp1 = ccaAvpFactory.createUserEquipmentInfo(UserEquipmentInfoType.MAC, "00:11:22:33:44:55".getBytes()); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", ueiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor UserEquipmentInfoAvp ueiAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createUserEquipmentInfo(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have User-Equipment-Info-Type AVP.", ueiAvp2.hasUserEquipmentInfoType()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have User-Equipment-Info-Value AVP.", ueiAvp2.hasUserEquipmentInfoValue()); // Set mandatory values ueiAvp2.setUserEquipmentInfoType(UserEquipmentInfoType.MAC); ueiAvp2.setUserEquipmentInfoValue("00:11:22:33:44:55".getBytes()); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", ueiAvp1, ueiAvp2); // Make new copy ueiAvp2 = ccaAvpFactory.createUserEquipmentInfo(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(ueiAvp2); // Create empty... UserEquipmentInfoAvp ueiAvp3 = ccaAvpFactory.createUserEquipmentInfo(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ueiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values ueiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(ueiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ueiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(ueiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", ueiAvp2, ueiAvp3); } /** * Class representing the Diameter Configuration */ public static class MyConfiguration extends EmptyConfiguration { public MyConfiguration() { super(); add(Assembler, Assembler.defValue()); add(OwnDiameterURI, clientURI); add(OwnRealm, realmName); add(OwnVendorID, 193L); // Set Ericsson SDK feature //add(UseUriAsFqdn, true); // Set Common Applications add(ApplicationId, // AppId 1 getInstance(). add(VendorId, 193L). add(AuthApplId, 0L). add(AcctApplId, 19302L) ); // Set peer table add(PeerTable, // Peer 1 getInstance(). add(PeerRating, 1). add(PeerName, serverURI)); // Set realm table add(RealmTable, // Realm 1 getInstance(). add(RealmEntry, realmName + ":" + clientHost + "," + serverHost) ); } } }