package javax.megaco.pkg.BaseRootPkg; import javax.megaco.message.DescriptorType; import javax.megaco.pkg.MegacoPkg; import javax.megaco.pkg.ParamValueType; import javax.megaco.pkg.PkgPrptyItem; /** * The MEGACO MaxTermsPerCtxt property class extends the PkgPrptyItem class. * This is a final class. This class defines MaxTermsPerCtxt property of MEGACO * Root package. The methods shall define that this property item belongs to the * Root package. */ public final class RootMaxTermsPerCtxtPrpt extends PkgPrptyItem { /** * Identifies MaxTermsPerCtxt property of the MEGACO Base Root Package. Its * value shall be set equal to 0x0002. */ public static final int ROOT_MAX_TERMS_PER_CTXT_PRPT = 0x0002; protected int[] itemsDescriptorIds = null; public RootMaxTermsPerCtxtPrpt() { super(); super.propertyId = ROOT_MAX_TERMS_PER_CTXT_PRPT; super.itemId = ROOT_MAX_TERMS_PER_CTXT_PRPT; super.packageId = new BaseRootPkg(); super.itemValueType = ParamValueType.M_INTEGER; this.itemsDescriptorIds = new int[] { DescriptorType.M_TERMINATION_STATE_DESC }; } /** * This method is used to get the item identifier from an Item object. The * implementations of this method in this class returns the id of the * Maximum Terminations per Context property of ROOT Package. * * @return It shall return {@link ROOT_MAX_TERMS_PER_CTXT_PRPT} */ public int getItemId() { return super.itemId; } /** * The method can be used to get the type of the value as defined in the * MEGACO packages. These could be one of string or enumerated value or * integer or double value or boolean. * * @return It returns {@link INTEGER} indicating that the * parameter is a double. */ public int getItemValueType() { return super.itemValueType; } /** * This method is used to get the property identifier from an Property Item * object. The implementations of this method in this class returns the id * of the Maximum Termination per Context property of ROOT Package. * * @return It shall return {@link ROOT_MAX_TERMS_PER_CTXT_PRPT} */ public int getPropertyId() { return super.propertyId; } /** * This method gets the package id to which the item belongs. Since the * Maximum Termination per Context property is defined in the Base ROOT * Package of MEGACO protocol, this method returns the value * BASE_ROOT_PACKAGE constant. This constant is defined in the PkgConsts * class. * * @return The package id {@link BASE_ROOT_PACKAGE}. */ public MegacoPkg getItemsPkgId() { return this.packageId; } /** * The method can be used to get the descriptor ids corresponding to the * parameters to which the parameter can be set. * * @return This parameter can be present in Event descriptor. It shall thus * return a value {@link M_TERMINATION_STATE_DESC} as a part of * integer vector. */ public int[] getItemsDescriptorIds() { return itemsDescriptorIds; } }