package; import javax.slee.resource.ConfigProperties; import org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.TextPropertyEditorSupport; /** * * Property Editor for {@link ConfigProperties}. Note that the editor considers * the string "null" to be null value, thus it is not possible to pass * properties with as value the strig null * * @author martins * */ public class ConfigPropertiesPropertyEditor extends TextPropertyEditorSupport { public void setAsText(String text) { try { ConfigProperties properties = new ConfigProperties(); String props = text; if (props.charAt(0) == '[') { props = props.substring(1); if (props.charAt(props.length()-1) == ']') { props = props.substring(0, props.length() - 1); // removed wrapping chars, now get properties String propString = null; String propType = null; String propValue = null; int propStart = -1; while ((propStart = props.indexOf('(')) != -1) { propString = props.substring(propStart + 1, props .indexOf(')')); int sep1 = propString.indexOf(':'); int sep2 = propString.indexOf('=', sep1); propType = propString.substring(sep1 + 1, sep2); propValue = propString.substring(sep2 + 1, propString .length()); properties.addProperty(new ConfigProperties.Property( propString.substring(0, sep1), propType, (propValue.equals("null") ? null : ConfigProperties.Property.toObject( propType, propValue)))); props = props.substring(propString.length() + 2); if (props.length() != 0) { // remove the next ',' props = props.substring(1); } else { break; } } this.setValue(properties); return; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "config properties must be passed as [(pName1:pType1=pValue1),(pName2:pType2=pValue2)], got " + text); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "config properties must be passed as [(pName1:pType1=pValue1),(pName2:pType2=pValue2)], got " + text, e); } } }