package org.jdiameter.client.impl.controller; /* * Copyright (c) 2006 jDiameter. * * * License: GPL v3 * * e-mail: * */ import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.ACCT_APPLICATION_ID; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.AUTH_APPLICATION_ID; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.DESTINATION_HOST; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.DESTINATION_REALM; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.DISCONNECT_CAUSE; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.ERROR_MESSAGE; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.FIRMWARE_REVISION; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.HOST_IP_ADDRESS; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.ORIGIN_HOST; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.ORIGIN_REALM; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.ORIGIN_STATE_ID; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.PRODUCT_NAME; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.RESULT_CODE; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.SUPPORTED_VENDOR_ID; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.VENDOR_ID; import static org.jdiameter.api.Avp.VENDOR_SPECIFIC_APPLICATION_ID; import static org.jdiameter.api.Message.CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_REQUEST; import static org.jdiameter.api.Message.DEVICE_WATCHDOG_REQUEST; import static org.jdiameter.api.Message.DISCONNECT_PEER_REQUEST; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.CEA_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.CER_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.CONNECT_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.DISCONNECT_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.DPA_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.DPR_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.DWA_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.DWR_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.INTERNAL_ERROR; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.RECEIVE_MSG_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes.STOP_EVENT; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.SecurityRef; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.UseUriAsFqdn; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import org.jdiameter.api.ApplicationId; import org.jdiameter.api.Avp; import org.jdiameter.api.AvpDataException; import org.jdiameter.api.AvpSet; import org.jdiameter.api.Configuration; import org.jdiameter.api.IllegalDiameterStateException; import org.jdiameter.api.InternalException; import org.jdiameter.api.Message; import org.jdiameter.api.NetworkReqListener; import org.jdiameter.api.OverloadException; import org.jdiameter.api.Peer; import org.jdiameter.api.PeerState; import org.jdiameter.api.PeerStateListener; import org.jdiameter.api.ResultCode; import org.jdiameter.api.RouteException; import org.jdiameter.api.URI; import; import org.jdiameter.client.api.IMessage; import org.jdiameter.client.api.IMetaData; import org.jdiameter.client.api.controller.IPeer; import org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.EventTypes; import org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.ExecutorFactory; import org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.FsmEvent; import org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.IContext; import org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.IFsmFactory; import org.jdiameter.client.api.fsm.IStateMachine; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jdiameter.client.api.parser.IMessageParser; import org.jdiameter.client.api.router.IRouter; import org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.UIDGenerator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class PeerImpl implements IPeer, Comparable<Peer> { public static final int INT_COMMON_APP_ID = 0xffffffff; protected static UIDGenerator uid = new UIDGenerator(); // Logger protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PeerImpl.class); // Properties protected URI uri; protected InetAddress[] addresses; protected String realmName; protected long vendorID; protected String productName; protected int firmWare; protected Set<ApplicationId> commonApplications = new HashSet<ApplicationId>(); protected long hopByHopId = uid.nextInt(); protected int rating; protected boolean stopping = false; // Members protected IMetaData metaData; protected PeerTableImpl table; // Facilities protected IRouter router; protected Map<String, NetworkReqListener> slc; protected Map<Long, IMessage> peerRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, IMessage>(); // FSM layer protected IStateMachine fsm; protected IMessageParser parser; // Feature protected boolean useUriAsFQDN = false; // Use URI as orign host name into CER command // Transport layer protected IConnection connection; protected IConnectionListener connListener = new IConnectionListener() { public void connectionOpened(String connKey) { logger.debug("Connection to {} is opened", uri); try { fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(CONNECT_EVENT, connKey) ); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "Can not run start procedure", e); } } public void connectionClosed(String connKey, List notSended) { logger.debug("Connection from {} is closed", uri); for (IMessage request: peerRequests.values()) { if (request.getState() == IMessage.STATE_SENT) { request.setReTransmitted(true); request.setState(IMessage.STATE_NOT_SENT); try { peerRequests.remove(request.getHopByHopIdentifier()); table.sendMessage(request); } catch(Throwable exc) { request.setReTransmitted(false); } } } try { fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(DISCONNECT_EVENT, connKey) ); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "Can not run stopping procedure", e); } } public void messageReceived(String connKey, IMessage message) { boolean req = message.isRequest(); try { int type = message.getCommandCode(); logger.debug("Receive message type {}", type); switch(type) { case CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_REQUEST: fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(req ? CER_EVENT : CEA_EVENT, message, connKey) ); break; case DEVICE_WATCHDOG_REQUEST: fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(req ? DWR_EVENT : DWA_EVENT, message, connKey) ); break; case DISCONNECT_PEER_REQUEST: fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(req ? DPR_EVENT : DPA_EVENT, message) ); break; default: fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(RECEIVE_MSG_EVENT, message) ); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Error during processing incomming message", e); if (req) { try { message.setRequest(false); message.setError(true); message.getAvps().addAvp(Avp.RESULT_CODE, ResultCode.TOO_BUSY, true); connection.sendMessage(message); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.debug("Can not send error answer", exc); } } } } public void internalError(String connKey, IMessage message, TransportException cause) { try { logger.debug("internalError ", cause); fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(INTERNAL_ERROR, message)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug( "Can not run internalError procedure", e); } } }; public PeerImpl(PeerTableImpl table, int rating, URI remotePeer, String ip, String portRange, IMetaData metaData, Configuration config, Configuration peerConfig, IFsmFactory fsmFactory, ITransportLayerFactory trFactory, IMessageParser parser) throws InternalException, TransportException { this(table, rating, remotePeer, ip, portRange, metaData, config, peerConfig, fsmFactory, trFactory, parser, null); } protected PeerImpl(final PeerTableImpl table, int rating, URI remotePeer, String ip, String portRange, IMetaData metaData, Configuration config, Configuration peerConfig, IFsmFactory fsmFactory, ITransportLayerFactory trFactory, IMessageParser parser, IConnection connection) throws InternalException, TransportException { this.table = table; this.rating = rating; this.router = table.router; this.metaData = metaData; this.slc = table.getSessionReqListeners(); this.uri = remotePeer; int port = remotePeer.getPort(); InetAddress remoteAddress; try { remoteAddress = InetAddress.getByName( ip != null ? ip : remotePeer.getFQDN()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new TransportException("Can not found host", TransportError.Internal, e); } IContext actionContext = getContext(); this.fsm = fsmFactory.createInstanceFsm(actionContext, new ExecutorFactory() { public ExecutorService getExecutor() { return table.getPeerTaskExecutor(); } }, config); this.fsm.addStateChangeNotification( new StateChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(Enum oldState, Enum newState) { PeerState s = (PeerState) newState; if (PeerState.DOWN.equals(s)) { stopping = false; } } } ); if (connection == null) { String ref = peerConfig.getStringValue(SecurityRef.ordinal(), null); InetAddress localAddress = null; int localPort = 0; if (portRange != null) { try { Peer local = metaData.getLocalPeer(); if (local.getIPAddresses() != null && local.getIPAddresses().length > 0) { localAddress = local.getIPAddresses()[0]; } else { localAddress = InetAddress.getByName(metaData.getLocalPeer().getUri().getFQDN()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Can not get local address", e); } try { String[] rng = portRange.trim().split("-"); int strRange = Integer.parseInt(rng[0]); int endRange = Integer.parseInt(rng[1]); localPort = strRange + new Random().nextInt(endRange - strRange + 1); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.debug("Can not get local port", exc); } logger.debug("Create conn with localAddress={}; localPort={}", localAddress, localPort); } this.connection = trFactory.createConnection(remoteAddress, port, localAddress, localPort, connListener, ref); } else { this.connection = connection; this.connection.addConnectionListener(connListener); } this.parser = parser; this.addresses = new InetAddress[] {remoteAddress}; this.useUriAsFQDN = config.getBooleanValue(UseUriAsFqdn.ordinal(), (Boolean) UseUriAsFqdn.defValue()); } public IContext getContext() { return new ActionContext(); } private boolean isRedirectAnswer(Avp avpResCode, IMessage answer) { try { return (answer.getFlags() & 0x20) != 0 && avpResCode != null && avpResCode.getInteger32() == ResultCode.REDIRECT_INDICATION; } catch (AvpDataException e) { return false; } } public void addPeerStateListener(final PeerStateListener listener) { fsm.addStateChangeNotification(new StateChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(Enum oldState, Enum newState) { listener.stateChanged((PeerState) oldState, (PeerState) newState); } public int hashCode() { return listener.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { return listener.equals(obj); } }); } public void removePeerStateListener(final PeerStateListener listener) { if (listener != null) { fsm.remStateChangeNotification(new StateChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(Enum oldState, Enum newState) { listener.stateChanged((PeerState) oldState, (PeerState) newState); } public int hashCode() { return listener.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { return listener.equals(obj); } }); } } private IMessage processRedirectAnswer(IMessage answer) { int resultCode = 0; // Update redirect information try { router.updateRedirectInformation(answer); } catch (RouteException exc) { // Loop detected (may be stack must send error response to redirect host) resultCode = ResultCode.LOOP_DETECTED; } catch(Throwable exc) { // Incorrect redirect message resultCode = ResultCode.UNABLE_TO_DELIVER; } // Update destination avps if (resultCode == 0) { // Clear avps answer.getAvps().removeAvp(RESULT_CODE); // Update flags answer.setRequest(true); answer.setError(false); try { table.sendMessage(answer); answer = null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to deliver due to error", e); resultCode = ResultCode.UNABLE_TO_DELIVER; } } if (resultCode != 0) { // Restore answer flag answer.setRequest(false); answer.setError(true); answer.getAvps().removeAvp(RESULT_CODE); answer.getAvps().addAvp(RESULT_CODE, resultCode, true, false, true); } return answer; } public void connect() throws InternalException, IOException, IllegalDiameterStateException { if (getState(PeerState.class) != PeerState.DOWN) { throw new IllegalDiameterStateException("Invalid state:" + getState(PeerState.class)); } try { fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(EventTypes.START_EVENT) ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalException(e); } } public void disconnect() throws InternalException, IllegalDiameterStateException { if (getState(PeerState.class) != PeerState.DOWN) { stopping = true; try { fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(STOP_EVENT) ); } catch (OverloadException e) { stopping = false; logger.debug("Error during stopping procedure", e); } } } public <E> E getState(Class<E> enumc) { return fsm.getState(enumc); } public URI getUri() { return uri; } public InetAddress[] getIPAddresses() { return addresses; } public String getRealmName() { return realmName; } public long getVendorId() { return vendorID; } public String getProductName() { return productName; } public long getFirmware() { return firmWare; } public Set<ApplicationId> getCommonApplications() { return commonApplications; } public long getHopByHopIdentifier() { return hopByHopId++; } public void addMessage(IMessage message) { peerRequests.put(message.getHopByHopIdentifier(), message); } public void remMessage(IMessage message) { peerRequests.remove(message.getHopByHopIdentifier()); } public IMessage[] remAllMessage() { IMessage[] m = peerRequests.values().toArray(new IMessage[0]); peerRequests.clear(); return m; } public boolean handleMessage(EventTypes type, IMessage message, String key) throws TransportException, OverloadException, InternalException { return !stopping && fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(type, message, key) ); } public boolean sendMessage(IMessage message) throws TransportException, OverloadException, InternalException { return !stopping && fsm.handleEvent( new FsmEvent(EventTypes.SEND_MSG_EVENT, message) ); } public boolean hasValidConnection() { return connection != null && connection.isConnected(); } public void setRealm(String realm) { realmName = realm; } public void addStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener listener) { fsm.addStateChangeNotification(listener); } public void remStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener listener) { fsm.remStateChangeNotification(listener); } public void addConnectionListener(IConnectionListener listener) { if (connection != null) { connection.addConnectionListener(listener); } } public void remConnectionListener(IConnectionListener listener) { if (connection != null) { connection.remConnectionListener(listener); } } public int getRaiting() { return rating; } public int compareTo(Peer o) { return uri.compareTo(o.getUri()); } public String toString() { return "Peer{" + "Uri=" + uri + "; State="+fsm.getState(PeerState.class).toString() + '}'; } protected void fillIPAddressTable(IMessage message) { AvpSet avps = message.getAvps().getAvps(HOST_IP_ADDRESS); if (avps != null) { ArrayList<InetAddress> t = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(); for (int i=0; i < avps.size(); i++) { try { t.add( avps.getAvpByIndex(i).getAddress() ); } catch (AvpDataException e) { logger.debug("Can not get ip address from HOST_IP_ADDRESS avp"); } } addresses = t.toArray(new InetAddress[t.size()]); } } protected Set<ApplicationId> getCommonApplicationIds(IMessage message) { Set<ApplicationId> newAppId = new HashSet<ApplicationId>(); Set<ApplicationId> locAppId = metaData.getLocalPeer().getCommonApplications(); Set<ApplicationId> remAppId = message.getApplicationIdAvps(); // check common application for (ApplicationId l : locAppId) { for (ApplicationId r : remAppId) { if (l.equals(r)) { newAppId.add(l); } else if (r.getAcctAppId() == INT_COMMON_APP_ID || r.getAuthAppId() == INT_COMMON_APP_ID || l.getAcctAppId() == INT_COMMON_APP_ID || l.getAuthAppId() == INT_COMMON_APP_ID) { newAppId.add(r); } } } return newAppId; } protected void preProcessRequest(IMessage answer) { } protected class ActionContext implements IContext { public void connect() throws InternalException, IOException, IllegalDiameterStateException { try { connection.connect(); logger.debug("Connected to peer {}", PeerImpl.this.getUri()); } catch (TransportException e) { switch(e.getCode()) { case NetWorkError: throw new IOException("Can not connect to " + connection.getKey() + " - " + e.getMessage()); case FailedSendMessage: throw new IllegalDiameterStateException(e); default: throw new InternalException(e); } } } public void disconnect() throws InternalException, IllegalDiameterStateException { if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); logger.debug("Disconnected from peer {}", PeerImpl.this.getUri()); } } public String getPeerDescription() { return PeerImpl.this.toString(); } public boolean isConnected() { return (connection != null) && connection.isConnected(); } public boolean sendMessage(IMessage message) throws TransportException, OverloadException { // Check message if (message.isTimeOut()) { logger.debug( "Message {} skipped (timeout)", message); return false; } if (message.getState() == IMessage.STATE_SENT) { logger.debug( "Message {} already sent", message); return false; } // Remove destionation information from answer messages if ( !message.isRequest() ) { message.getAvps().removeAvp(DESTINATION_HOST); message.getAvps().removeAvp(DESTINATION_REALM); } // Send to network message.setState(IMessage.STATE_SENT); connection.sendMessage(message); logger.debug("Send message {} to peer {}", message, PeerImpl.this.getUri()); return true; } public void sendCerMessage() throws TransportException, OverloadException { logger.debug("Send CER message"); IMessage message = parser.createEmptyMessage(CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_REQUEST, 0); message.setRequest(true); message.setHopByHopIdentifier(getHopByHopIdentifier()); if (useUriAsFQDN) { message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_HOST, metaData.getLocalPeer().getUri().toString(), true, false, true); } else { message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_HOST, metaData.getLocalPeer().getUri().getFQDN(), true, false, true); } message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_REALM, metaData.getLocalPeer().getRealmName(), true, false, true); for (InetAddress ia : metaData.getLocalPeer().getIPAddresses()) { message.getAvps().addAvp(HOST_IP_ADDRESS, ia, true, false); } message.getAvps().addAvp(VENDOR_ID, metaData.getLocalPeer().getVendorId(), true, false, true); message.getAvps().addAvp(PRODUCT_NAME, metaData.getLocalPeer().getProductName(), false); for (ApplicationId appId: metaData.getLocalPeer().getCommonApplications()) { addAppId(appId, message); } message.getAvps().addAvp(FIRMWARE_REVISION, metaData.getLocalPeer().getFirmware(), true ); message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_STATE_ID, metaData.getLocalHostStateId(), true, false, true); sendMessage(message); } public void sendCeaMessage(int resultCode, Message cer, String errMessage) throws TransportException, OverloadException { } public void sendDwrMessage() throws TransportException, OverloadException { logger.debug("Send DWR message"); IMessage message = parser.createEmptyMessage( DEVICE_WATCHDOG_REQUEST, 0 ); message.setRequest(true); message.setHopByHopIdentifier(getHopByHopIdentifier()); // Set content message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_HOST, metaData.getLocalPeer().getUri().getFQDN(), true, false, true); message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_REALM, metaData.getLocalPeer().getRealmName(), true, false, true); message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_STATE_ID, metaData.getLocalHostStateId(), true, false, true); // Remove trash avp message.getAvps().removeAvp(DESTINATION_HOST); message.getAvps().removeAvp(DESTINATION_REALM); // Send sendMessage(message); } public void sendDwaMessage(IMessage dwr, int resultCode, String errorMessage) throws TransportException, OverloadException { logger.debug("Send DWA message"); IMessage message = parser.createEmptyMessage(dwr); message.setRequest(false); message.setHopByHopIdentifier(dwr.getHopByHopIdentifier()); message.setEndToEndIdentifier(dwr.getEndToEndIdentifier()); // Set content message.getAvps().addAvp(RESULT_CODE, resultCode, true, false, true); if (errorMessage != null) { message.getAvps().addAvp(ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage, false); } // Remove trash avp message.getAvps().removeAvp(DESTINATION_HOST); message.getAvps().removeAvp(DESTINATION_REALM); // Send sendMessage(message); } public boolean isRestoreConnection() { return true; } public void sendDprMessage(int disconnectCause) throws TransportException, OverloadException { logger.debug("Send DPR message"); IMessage message = parser.createEmptyMessage(DISCONNECT_PEER_REQUEST, 0 ); message.setRequest(true); message.setHopByHopIdentifier(getHopByHopIdentifier()); message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_HOST, metaData.getLocalPeer().getUri().getFQDN(), true, false, true); message.getAvps().addAvp(ORIGIN_REALM, metaData.getLocalPeer().getRealmName(), true, false, true); message.getAvps().addAvp(DISCONNECT_CAUSE, disconnectCause, true, false ); sendMessage(message); } public void sendDpaMessage(IMessage dpr, int resultCode, String errorMessage) throws TransportException, OverloadException { logger.debug("Send DPA message"); IMessage message = parser.createEmptyMessage(dpr); message.setRequest(false); message.setHopByHopIdentifier(dpr.getHopByHopIdentifier()); message.setEndToEndIdentifier(dpr.getEndToEndIdentifier()); message.getAvps().addAvp(RESULT_CODE, resultCode, true, false, true); if (errorMessage != null) { message.getAvps().addAvp(ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage, false); } sendMessage(message); } public int processCerMessage(String key, IMessage message) { return 0; } public boolean processCeaMessage(String key, IMessage message) { boolean rc = true; try { Avp origHost = message.getAvps().getAvp(ORIGIN_HOST); Avp origRealm = message.getAvps().getAvp(ORIGIN_REALM); Avp vendorId = message.getAvps().getAvp(VENDOR_ID); Avp prdName = message.getAvps().getAvp(PRODUCT_NAME); Avp resCode = message.getAvps().getAvp(RESULT_CODE); Avp frmId = message.getAvps().getAvp(FIRMWARE_REVISION); if (origHost == null || origRealm == null || vendorId == null) { logger.debug("Incorrect CEA message (missing mandatory AVPs)"); } else { if (realmName == null) { realmName = origRealm.getOctetString(); } if (vendorID == 0) { vendorID = vendorId.getUnsigned32(); } fillIPAddressTable(message); if (productName == null && prdName != null) { productName = prdName.getUTF8String(); } if (resCode != null) { int mrc = resCode.getInteger32(); if (mrc != ResultCode.SUCCESS) { logger.debug("Result code value {}", mrc); return false; } } Set<ApplicationId> cai = getCommonApplicationIds(message); if (cai.size() > 0) { commonApplications.clear(); commonApplications.addAll(cai); } else { logger.debug("CEA did not containe appId, therefore set local appids to common-appid field"); commonApplications.clear(); commonApplications.addAll(metaData.getLocalPeer().getCommonApplications()); } if (firmWare == 0 && frmId != null) { firmWare = frmId.getInteger32(); } } } catch(Exception exc) { logger.debug("Incorrect CEA message", exc); rc = false; } return rc; } public boolean receiveMessage(IMessage message) { boolean isProcessed = false; if ( !message.isRequest() ) { IMessage request = peerRequests.remove( message.getHopByHopIdentifier() ); if ( request != null && !request.isTimeOut()) { request.clearTimer(); request.setState(IMessage.STATE_ANSWERED); Avp avpResCode = message.getAvps().getAvp( RESULT_CODE ); if (isRedirectAnswer(avpResCode, message)) { message.setListener(request.getEventListener()); message = processRedirectAnswer( message ); isProcessed = message == null; } if (message != null) { request.getEventListener().receivedSuccessMessage( request, message ); isProcessed = true; } } } else { // Server request String avpSessionId = message.getSessionId(); if (avpSessionId != null) { NetworkReqListener listener = slc.get(avpSessionId); if (listener != null) { router.registerRequestRouteInfo( message ); preProcessRequest(message); IMessage answer = (IMessage) listener.processRequest(message); if (answer != null) { try { sendMessage(answer); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Can not send immediate answer {}", answer); } } isProcessed = true; } } } return isProcessed; } public int processDwrMessage(IMessage iMessage) { return ResultCode.SUCCESS; } public int processDprMessage(IMessage iMessage) { return ResultCode.SUCCESS; } protected void addAppId(ApplicationId appId, IMessage message) { // todo duplicate code look SessionImpl 225 line if (appId.getVendorId() == 0) { if (appId.getAuthAppId() != 0) { message.getAvps().addAvp( AUTH_APPLICATION_ID, appId.getAuthAppId(), true, false, true ); } else if (appId.getAcctAppId() != 0) { message.getAvps().addAvp( ACCT_APPLICATION_ID, appId.getAcctAppId(), true, false, true ); } } else { message.getAvps().addAvp( SUPPORTED_VENDOR_ID, appId.getVendorId(), true, false, true); AvpSet vendorApp = message.getAvps().addGroupedAvp(VENDOR_SPECIFIC_APPLICATION_ID, true, false ); vendorApp.addAvp(VENDOR_ID, appId.getVendorId(), true, false, true ); if (appId.getAuthAppId() != 0) { vendorApp.addAvp( AUTH_APPLICATION_ID, appId.getAuthAppId(), true, false, true ); } if (appId.getAcctAppId() != 0) { vendorApp.addAvp( ACCT_APPLICATION_ID, appId.getAcctAppId(), true, false, true ); } } } } }