package org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbbentity; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import javax.slee.ActivityContextInterface; import javax.slee.EventContext; import javax.slee.EventTypeID; import javax.slee.RolledBackContext; import javax.slee.SLEEException; import javax.slee.SbbID; import javax.slee.SbbLocalObject; import javax.slee.ServiceID; import javax.slee.TransactionRequiredLocalException; import javax.slee.UnrecognizedEventException; import javax.slee.profile.ProfileLocalObject; import javax.slee.profile.UnrecognizedProfileTableNameException; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.TransactionRequiredException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mobicents.slee.container.LogMessageFactory; import org.mobicents.slee.container.SleeContainer; import org.mobicents.slee.container.component.SbbComponent; import org.mobicents.slee.container.component.SbbComponent.EventHandlerMethod; import org.mobicents.slee.container.component.deployment.jaxb.descriptors.sbb.MEventEntry; import org.mobicents.slee.container.component.deployment.jaxb.descriptors.sbb.MGetChildRelationMethod; import org.mobicents.slee.container.component.deployment.jaxb.descriptors.sbb.MSbbCMPField; import org.mobicents.slee.container.profile.ProfileLocalObjectImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.container.profile.ProfileTableImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.container.service.Service; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContext; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContextHandle; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContextInterfaceImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.eventrouter.DeferredEvent; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.eventrouter.EventContextID; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.eventrouter.EventContextImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.eventrouter.EventRouterActivity; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.eventrouter.EventRouterThreadLocals; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.eventrouter.routingtask.EventRoutingTransactionData; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbb.SbbConcrete; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbb.SbbLocalObjectImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbb.SbbObject; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbb.SbbObjectPool; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbb.SbbObjectState; /** * * This class is the Sbb Entity as defined in the Spec The SbbEntity class holds * the persistent state of the SbbEntity All the fields that are not transient * in this class they will be cached * * @author F. Moggia * @author M. Ranganathan * @author Tim * @author Ralf Siedow - bug fixes * @author eduardomartins * */ public class SbbEntity { static private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SbbEntity.class); static private final SleeContainer sleeContainer = SleeContainer .lookupFromJndi(); private final String sbbeId; // This is the primary key of the SbbEntity. private final SbbComponent sbbComponent; private SbbObject sbbObject; private final SbbObjectPool pool; // cache data protected SbbEntityCacheData cacheData; private boolean removed; private final boolean created; // this is in cache data but we need to have it here also, to rebuild an sbb entity that was never really created due to tx rollback private transient SbbEntityImmutableData sbbEntityImmutableData; /** * Call this constructor when there's no cached image and the Sbb entity is * being created for the first time. * * @param container * @param sbbeId * @param sbbID * @param convergenceName * @param svcId */ SbbEntity(String sbbEntityId, SbbEntityImmutableData sbbEntityImmutableData) throws Exception { this.sbbeId = sbbEntityId; cacheData = new SbbEntityCacheData(sbbEntityId,sleeContainer.getCluster().getMobicentsCache()); cacheData.create(); cacheData.setSbbEntityImmutableData(sbbEntityImmutableData); this.sbbEntityImmutableData = sbbEntityImmutableData; this.pool = sleeContainer.getSbbPoolManagement().getObjectPool( sbbEntityImmutableData.getServiceID(), sbbEntityImmutableData.getSbbID()); this.sbbComponent = sleeContainer.getComponentRepositoryImpl() .getComponentByID(sbbEntityImmutableData.getSbbID()); this.created = true; } /** * Constructors an already existing sbb entity from the treecache given it's * id. Note that we do not add a transactional action for this constructor. * * @param sbbeId * @throws RuntimeException * if recreation from cache is not possible, i.e., does not * exists */ SbbEntity(String sbbEntityId) { if (sbbEntityId == null) throw new NullPointerException( "SbbEntity cannot be instantiated for sbbeId == null"); this.sbbeId = sbbEntityId; cacheData = new SbbEntityCacheData(sbbEntityId,sleeContainer.getCluster().getMobicentsCache()); if (cacheData.exists()) { this.sbbEntityImmutableData = (SbbEntityImmutableData) cacheData.getSbbEntityImmutableData(); this.pool = sleeContainer.getSbbPoolManagement().getObjectPool( getServiceId(), getSbbId()); this.sbbComponent = sleeContainer.getComponentRepositoryImpl() .getComponentByID(getSbbId()); this.created = false; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Sbb entity " + sbbEntityId + " not found"); } } public ServiceID getServiceId() { return sbbEntityImmutableData.getServiceID(); } public String getServiceConvergenceName() { return sbbEntityImmutableData.getConvergenceName(); } /** * Debugging printf of cached state of a node. * */ public void printNode() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("\n SbbEntity.printNode() { " + "\nsbbEntityID = " + this.sbbeId + "\nsbbID = " + getSbbId() + "\nattachmentCount = " + getAttachmentCount() + "\nrootSbbId = " + this.getRootSbbId() + "\nserviceID = " + getServiceId() + "\nactivityContexts = " + this.getActivityContexts() + "\nconvergenceName = " + getServiceConvergenceName() + "\n}"); } } /** * The generated code to access CMP Fields needs to call this method. * * @param cmpField * @return * @throws TransactionRequiredLocalException * @throws SystemException */ public Object getCMPField(String cmpFieldName) throws TransactionRequiredLocalException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getCMPField() " + cmpFieldName); } sleeContainer.getTransactionManager().mandateTransaction(); CmpWrapper cmpWrapper = (CmpWrapper) cacheData .getCmpField(cmpFieldName); if (cmpWrapper != null) { switch (cmpWrapper.getType()) { case sbblo: // it's a sbbLocalObject cmp String sbbEntityId = (String) cmpWrapper.getValue(); SbbEntity sbbEntity = null; try { sbbEntity = SbbEntityFactory.getSbbEntity(sbbEntityId); } catch (Exception ex) { // Maybe the sbb entity has been removed already. } if (sbbEntity == null) return null; else if (sbbEntity.isRemoved()) return null; else { return sbbEntity.createSbbLocalObject(); } case aci: final ActivityContext ac = sleeContainer .getActivityContextFactory().getActivityContext( (ActivityContextHandle) cmpWrapper.getValue()); if (ac != null) { return new ActivityContextInterfaceImpl(ac); } else { return null; } case eventctx: final EventContextID eventContextID = (EventContextID) cmpWrapper .getValue(); final EventRouterActivity eventRouterActivity = sleeContainer .getEventRouter().getEventRouterActivity( eventContextID.getActivityContextHandle()); if (eventRouterActivity != null) { EventContextImpl eventContextImpl = eventRouterActivity .getCurrentEventContext(); if (eventContextImpl != null) { if (eventContextID.getEventObject().equals( eventContextImpl.getEventContextID() .getEventObject())) { return eventContextImpl; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } else { return null; } case profilelo: ProfileLocalObjectCmpValue profileLocalObjectCmpValue = (ProfileLocalObjectCmpValue) cmpWrapper .getValue(); try { ProfileTableImpl profileTable = sleeContainer .getSleeProfileTableManager().getProfileTable( profileLocalObjectCmpValue .getProfileTableName()); ProfileLocalObjectImpl ploc = (ProfileLocalObjectImpl) profileTable .find(profileLocalObjectCmpValue.getProfileName()); return ploc; } catch (UnrecognizedProfileTableNameException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Profile table does not exist anymore: " + profileLocalObjectCmpValue .getProfileTableName(), e); } return null; } case normal: if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getCMPField() value = " + cmpWrapper.getValue()); } return cmpWrapper.getValue(); default: throw new SLEEException( "invalid cmp type retrieved from cache " + cmpWrapper.getType()); } } else { return null; } } public void setCMPField(String cmpFieldName, Object object) throws TransactionRequiredLocalException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("putCMPField(): putting cmp field : " + cmpFieldName + "/" + " object = " + object); } sleeContainer.getTransactionManager().mandateTransaction(); CmpType cmpType = null; Object cmpValue = null; // TODO optimize by adding the cmp type to the generated setter method? if (object instanceof SbbLocalObject) { SbbLocalObjectImpl sbbLocalObjectImpl = null; try { sbbLocalObjectImpl = (SbbLocalObjectImpl) object; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CMP value being set (" + object + ") is an unknown SbbLocalObject implementation"); } MSbbCMPField field = sbbComponent.getDescriptor().getCmpFields() .get(cmpFieldName); if (field.getSbbRef() != null && !field.getSbbRef().equals( sbbLocalObjectImpl.getSbbEntity().getSbbComponent() .getSbbID())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CMP value being set (" + sbbLocalObjectImpl.getSbbEntity().getSbbComponent() .getSbbID() + ") is for a different sbb then the one expected (" + field.getSbbRef() + ")"); } cmpType = CmpType.sbblo; cmpValue = sbbLocalObjectImpl.getSbbEntityId(); } else if (object instanceof ActivityContextInterface) { org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContextInterface activityContextInterfaceImpl = null; try { activityContextInterfaceImpl = (org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContextInterface) object; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CMP value being set (" + object + ") is an unknown ActivityContextInterface implementation"); } cmpType = CmpType.aci; cmpValue = activityContextInterfaceImpl.getActivityContext().getActivityContextHandle(); } else if (object instanceof EventContext) { EventContextImpl eventContextImpl = null; try { eventContextImpl = (EventContextImpl) object; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CMP value being set (" + object + ") is an unknown EventContext implementation"); } cmpType = CmpType.eventctx; cmpValue = eventContextImpl.getEventContextID(); } else if (object instanceof ProfileLocalObject) { ProfileLocalObjectImpl profileLocalObjectConcreteImpl = null; try { profileLocalObjectConcreteImpl = (ProfileLocalObjectImpl) object; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CMP value being set (" + object + ") is an unknown ProfileLocalObject implementation"); } cmpType = CmpType.profilelo; cmpValue = new ProfileLocalObjectCmpValue(profileLocalObjectConcreteImpl .getProfileTableName(), profileLocalObjectConcreteImpl.getProfileName()); } else { cmpType = CmpType.normal; cmpValue = object; } CmpWrapper cmpWrapper = new CmpWrapper(cmpFieldName, cmpType, cmpValue); cacheData.setCmpField(cmpFieldName, cmpWrapper); } public void afterACAttach(ActivityContextHandle ach) { // add to cache cacheData.attachActivityContext(ach); // update event mask Set<EventTypeID> maskedEvents = sbbComponent.getDescriptor().getDefaultEventMask(); if (maskedEvents != null && !maskedEvents.isEmpty()) { cacheData.updateEventMask(ach, new HashSet<EventTypeID>(maskedEvents)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("attached sbb entity " + sbbeId + " to ac " + ach + " , events added to current mask " + maskedEvents); } } public void afterACDetach(ActivityContextHandle ach) { // remove from cache cacheData.detachActivityContext(ach); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("detached sbb entity " + sbbeId + " to ac " + ach); } } public Set getMaskedEventTypes(ActivityContextHandle ach) { return cacheData.getMaskedEventTypes(ach); } public void setEventMask(ActivityContextHandle ach, String[] eventMask) throws UnrecognizedEventException { HashSet<EventTypeID> maskedEvents = new HashSet<EventTypeID>(); if (eventMask != null && eventMask.length != 0) { EventTypeID eventTypeID = null; MEventEntry sbbEventEntry = null; for (int i = 0; i < eventMask.length; i++) { eventTypeID = sbbComponent.getDescriptor().getEventTypeID(eventMask[i]); if (eventTypeID == null) throw new UnrecognizedEventException( "Event is not known by this SBB."); sbbEventEntry = sbbComponent.getDescriptor() .getEventEntries().get(eventTypeID); if (sbbEventEntry.isReceived()) { maskedEvents.add(eventTypeID); } else { throw new UnrecognizedEventException("Event " + eventMask[i] + " has no receive direction for this SBB."); } } } cacheData.setEventMask(ach, maskedEvents); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(LogMessageFactory.newLogMessage(ach, sbbeId,"New event mask = " + maskedEvents)); } } public Set<ActivityContextHandle> getActivityContexts() { return cacheData.getActivityContexts(); } private static final String[] emptyStringArray = {}; public String[] getEventMask(ActivityContextHandle ach) { Set<EventTypeID> maskedEvents = cacheData.getMaskedEventTypes(ach); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(LogMessageFactory.newLogMessage(ach, sbbeId,"Current event mask = " + maskedEvents)); } if (maskedEvents == null || maskedEvents.isEmpty()) { return emptyStringArray; } else { String[] events = new String[maskedEvents.size()]; Iterator<EventTypeID> evMaskIt = maskedEvents.iterator(); for (int i = 0; evMaskIt.hasNext(); i++) { EventTypeID eventTypeId =; events[i] = sbbComponent.getDescriptor().getEventEntries().get( eventTypeId).getEventName(); } return events; } } public String getRootSbbId() { return sbbEntityImmutableData.getRootSbbEntityID(); } public boolean isRootSbbEntity() { return getParentSbbEntityId() == null; } public int getAttachmentCount() { int attachmentCount = getActivityContexts().size(); // needs to add all children attachement counts too for (MGetChildRelationMethod getChildRelationMethod : this.sbbComponent .getDescriptor().getGetChildRelationMethodsCollection()) { // (re)create child relation obj ChildRelationImpl childRelationImpl = new ChildRelationImpl( getChildRelationMethod, this); // iterate all sbb entities in this child relation for (String childSbbEntityID : childRelationImpl.getSbbEntitySet()) { // recreated the sbb entity SbbEntity childSbbEntity = SbbEntityFactory .getSbbEntityWithoutLock(childSbbEntityID); attachmentCount += childSbbEntity.getAttachmentCount(); } } return attachmentCount; } public byte getPriority() { return cacheData.getPriority().byteValue(); } public void setPriority(byte priority) { cacheData.setPriority(Byte.valueOf(priority)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("set sbb entity " + sbbeId + " priority to " + priority); } } /** * Remove the SbbEntity (Spec. 5.5.4) It detaches the SBB entity from all * Activity Contexts. It invokes the appropriate life cycle methods (see * Section 6.3) of an SBB object that caches the SBB entity�s state. It * removes the SBB entity from the ChildRelation object that the SBB entity * belongs to. It removes the persistent representation of the SBB entity. * * @param removeFromParent * indicates if the entity should be removed from it's parent or * not * @throws TransactionRequiredException * @throws SystemException */ protected void remove(boolean removeFromParent) throws TransactionRequiredException, SystemException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SbbEntity.remove(): Removing entity with id:" + this.getSbbEntityId()); } if (removeFromParent) { removeFromParent(); } removeEntityTree(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("REMOVED SBB ENTITY " + this.sbbeId); } } /** * Removes the entity tree from this entity, that is, all sbb entities on * it's child relations. * * @throws TransactionRequiredException * @throws SystemException */ private void removeEntityTree() throws TransactionRequiredException, SystemException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("removing entity tree for sbbeid " + this.sbbeId); } // removes the SBB entity from all Activity Contexts. for (Iterator<ActivityContextHandle> i = this.getActivityContexts().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ActivityContextHandle ach =; // get ac ActivityContext ac = sleeContainer.getActivityContextFactory().getActivityContext(ach); // remove the sbb entity from the attachment set. if (ac != null && !ac.isEnding()) { ac.detachSbbEntity(this.sbbeId); } // no need to remove ac from entity because the entity is being // removed } // It invokes the appropriate life cycle methods (see Section 6.3) of an // SBB object that caches the SBB entity state. boolean invokingServiceSet = EventRouterThreadLocals .getInvokingService() != null; if (!invokingServiceSet) { EventRouterThreadLocals.setInvokingService(getServiceId()); } try { if (this.sbbObject == null) { this.assignSbbObject(); } sbbObject.sbbStore(); removeAndReleaseSbbObject(); } catch (Exception e) { try { sleeContainer.getTransactionManager().setRollbackOnly(); this.trashObject(); } catch (Exception e2) { throw new RuntimeException("Transaction Failure.", e2); } } finally { if (!invokingServiceSet) { EventRouterThreadLocals.setInvokingService(null); } } // gather all entities in child relations from cache Set<String> childSbbEntities = cacheData.getAllChildSbbEntities(); // remove this entity data from cache removeFromCache(); // now remove children for (Object childSbbEntityId : childSbbEntities) { // recreated the sbb entity and remove it SbbEntityFactory.removeSbbEntity((String) childSbbEntityId, false); } } public void trashObject() { try { // FIXME shouldn't just return the object to the pool? this.pool.returnObject(sbbObject); this.sbbObject = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception ", e); } } public void sbbRolledBack(RolledBackContext context) { if (sbbObject != null) { sbbObject.sbbRolledBack(context); sbbObject.sbbStore(); sbbObject.sbbPassivate(); } else { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Unexpected case. Check it!"); // CHECKME } } public String getSbbEntityId() { return this.sbbeId; } public SbbID getSbbId() { return sbbEntityImmutableData.getSbbID(); } /** * Actually invoke the event handler. * */ public void invokeEventHandler(DeferredEvent sleeEvent, ActivityContext ac, EventContextImpl eventContextImpl) throws Exception { // get event handler method final EventHandlerMethod eventHandlerMethod = sbbComponent .getEventHandlerMethods().get(sleeEvent.getEventTypeId()); // build aci ActivityContextInterfaceImpl aciImpl = new ActivityContextInterfaceImpl( ac); ActivityContextInterface activityContextInterface = null; if (eventHandlerMethod.getHasCustomACIParam()) { try { activityContextInterface = (ActivityContextInterface) this .getSbbComponent() .getActivityContextInterfaceConcreteClass() .getConstructor( new Class[] { aciImpl.getClass(), SbbComponent.class }).newInstance( new Object[] { aciImpl, sbbComponent }); } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Could not create Custom ACI!"; // log.error(s, e); throw new SLEEException(s, e); } } else { activityContextInterface = aciImpl; } // now build the param array final Object[] parameters ; if (eventHandlerMethod.getHasEventContextParam()) { parameters = new Object[] { sleeEvent.getEvent(), activityContextInterface, eventContextImpl }; } else { parameters = new Object[] { sleeEvent.getEvent(), activityContextInterface }; } // store some info about the invocation in the tx context EventRoutingTransactionData data = new EventRoutingTransactionData( sleeEvent, activityContextInterface); data.getInvokedSbbEntities().add(sbbeId); data.putInTransactionContext(); // invoke method try { //This is required. Since domain chain may indicate RA for instance, or SLEE deployer. If we dont do that test: tests/runtime/security/Test1112012Test.xml and second one, w //will fail because domain of SLEE tck ra is too restrictive (or we have bad desgin taht allows this to happen?) if(System.getSecurityManager()!=null) { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction(){ public Object run() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{ eventHandlerMethod.getEventHandlerMethod().invoke( sbbObject.getSbbConcrete(), parameters); return null; }}); }else { eventHandlerMethod.getEventHandlerMethod().invoke( sbbObject.getSbbConcrete(), parameters); } } catch(PrivilegedActionException pae) { Throwable cause = pae.getException(); if(cause instanceof IllegalAccessException) { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } else if(cause instanceof InvocationTargetException ) { // Remember the actual exception is hidden inside the // InvocationTarget exception when you use reflection! Throwable realException = cause.getCause(); if (realException instanceof RuntimeException) { RuntimeException re = (RuntimeException) realException; throw re; } else if (realException instanceof Error) { Error re = (Error) realException; throw re; } else if (realException instanceof Exception) { Exception re = (Exception) realException; throw re; } }else { pae.printStackTrace(); } }catch(IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new RuntimeException(iae); }catch(InvocationTargetException ite) { Throwable realException = ite.getCause(); if (realException instanceof RuntimeException) { RuntimeException re = (RuntimeException) realException; throw re; } else if (realException instanceof Error) { Error re = (Error) realException; throw re; } else if (realException instanceof Exception) { Exception re = (Exception) realException; throw re; } }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // remove data from tx context data.removeFromTransactionContext(); } /** * Invoke sbbPassivate() and then release the sbb object from the entity * * @throws Exception */ public void passivateAndReleaseSbbObject() throws Exception { this.sbbObject.sbbPassivate(); this.sbbObject.setState(SbbObjectState.POOLED); this.sbbObject.setSbbEntity(null); this.pool.returnObject(this.sbbObject); this.sbbObject = null; for (Iterator<SbbEntity> i = childsWithSbbObjects.iterator(); i .hasNext();) { SbbEntity childSbbEntity =; if (childSbbEntity.getSbbObject() != null) { childSbbEntity.passivateAndReleaseSbbObject(); } i.remove(); } } /** * Invoke sbbRemove() and then release the sbb object from the entity * * @throws Exception */ public void removeAndReleaseSbbObject() throws Exception { this.sbbObject.sbbRemove(); this.sbbObject.setState(SbbObjectState.POOLED); this.sbbObject.setSbbEntity(null); this.pool.returnObject(this.sbbObject); this.sbbObject = null; for (Iterator<SbbEntity> i = childsWithSbbObjects.iterator(); i .hasNext();) { SbbEntity childSbbEntity =; if (childSbbEntity.getSbbObject() != null) { childSbbEntity.removeAndReleaseSbbObject(); } i.remove(); } } public SbbObjectPool getObjectPool() { return this.pool; } public SbbObject getSbbObject() { return this.sbbObject; } public boolean isAttached(ActivityContextHandle ach) { return this.getActivityContexts().contains(ach); } public SbbComponent getSbbComponent() { return this.sbbComponent; } /** * Retrieves the child relation impl with the specified name, if it's a * valid name for this sbb component. * * @param accessorName * @return null if it's an invalid name for this sbb component. */ public ChildRelationImpl getChildRelation(String accessorName) { MGetChildRelationMethod getChildRelationMethod = null; // get the child relation metod from the sbb component if ((getChildRelationMethod = this.sbbComponent.getDescriptor() .getGetChildRelationMethodsMap().get(accessorName)) != null) { // this is a valid name of a child relation for this entity return new ChildRelationImpl(getChildRelationMethod, this); } else { // invalid child relation name log .warn("Sbb entity " + this.getSbbEntityId() + " can't get the child relation named " + accessorName + ". Does not exist such a relation in sbb component with id " + this.getSbbId()); return null; } } public void asSbbActivityContextInterface(ActivityContextInterface aci) { try { ActivityContextInterfaceImpl aciImpl = (ActivityContextInterfaceImpl) aci; Class<?> aciclass = this.getSbbComponent() .getActivityContextInterfaceConcreteClass(); if (aciclass != null) { Class<?>[] argTypes = new Class[] { aciImpl.getClass(), SbbComponent.class }; Constructor<?> cons = aciclass.getConstructor(argTypes); Object retval = cons.newInstance(new Object[] { aciImpl, this.getSbbComponent() }); SbbConcrete sbbConcrete = (SbbConcrete) this.getSbbObject() .getSbbConcrete(); sbbConcrete.sbbSetActivityContextInterface(retval); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj != null && obj.getClass() == this.getClass()) { return ((SbbEntity) obj).sbbeId.equals(this.sbbeId); } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return sbbeId.hashCode(); } public void checkReEntrant() throws SLEEException { if ((!this.getSbbComponent().getDescriptor().getSbbAbstractClass() .isReentrant()) && EventRoutingTransactionData.getFromTransactionContext() .getInvokedSbbEntities().contains(sbbeId)) throw new SLEEException(" re-entrancy not allowed "); } public SbbLocalObjectImpl createSbbLocalObject() { Class<?> sbbLocalClass; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("createSbbLocalObject " + this.getSbbComponent()); // The concrete class generated in ConcreteLocalObjectGenerator if ((sbbLocalClass = sbbComponent.getSbbLocalInterfaceConcreteClass()) != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("creatingCustom local class " + sbbLocalClass.getName()); Object[] objs = { this }; Class<?>[] types = { SbbEntity.class }; try { return (SbbLocalObjectImpl) sbbLocalClass.getConstructor(types) .newInstance(objs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to create Sbb Local Interface.", e); } } else { return new SbbLocalObjectImpl(this); } } /** * * Returns true if the SbbEntity is in the process of being removed * * @return Returns the isRemoved. */ public boolean isRemoved() { return removed; } /** * Remove entity from cache. */ private void removeFromCache() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("removing sbb entity " + sbbeId + " from cache"); } cacheData.remove(); removed = true; } /** * Retreives the name of the child relation of the parent this sbb entity * belongs. * * @return */ public String getParentChildRelation() { return sbbEntityImmutableData.getParentChildRelationName(); } /** * Retreives the id of the parent sbb entity. * * @return */ public String getParentSbbEntityId() { return sbbEntityImmutableData.getParentSbbEntityID(); } // It removes the SBB entity from the ChildRelation object that the SBB // entity belongs // to. private void removeFromParent() throws TransactionRequiredException, SystemException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removing sbb entity " + this.getSbbEntityId() + " from parent " + this.getParentSbbEntityId()); } if (this.getParentSbbEntityId() != null) { SbbEntityFactory.getSbbEntity(this.getParentSbbEntityId()) .getChildRelation(getParentChildRelation()).removeChild( this.getSbbEntityId()); } else { // it's a root sbb entity, remove from service try { Service service = sleeContainer.getServiceManagement() .getService(this.getServiceId()); service.removeConvergenceName(this.getServiceConvergenceName()); } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to remove the root sbb entity " + this.sbbeId + " with convergence name " + this.getServiceConvergenceName() + " from the service " + this.getServiceId(), e); } } } private HashSet<SbbEntity> childsWithSbbObjects = new HashSet<SbbEntity>(); protected void addChildWithSbbObject(SbbEntity childSbbEntity) { childsWithSbbObjects.add(childSbbEntity); } @Override public String toString() { return "SbbEntity:"+sbbeId; } /** * Assigns an sbb object to this sbb entity. * * @throws Exception */ public void assignSbbObject() throws Exception { try { // get one object from the pool this.sbbObject = (SbbObject) this.pool.borrowObject(); // invoke the appropriate sbb life-cycle methods this.sbbObject.setSbbEntity(this); if (created) { this.sbbObject.sbbCreate(); this.sbbObject.setState(SbbObjectState.READY); this.sbbObject.sbbPostCreate(); } else { this.sbbObject.sbbActivate(); this.sbbObject.setState(SbbObjectState.READY); } // TODO turn this on and remove elsewhere the method is used // sbbObject.sbbLoad(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to assign and create sbb object", e); if (created) { removeFromCache(); } throw e; } } public boolean isCreated() { return created; } }