package; import java.util.Map; import; import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContextHandle; /** * This is MBean interface that provides outside world with information about * activities. It also provides management methods to: * <ul> * <li>end null activities</li> * <li>modify time between automatic activities liveliness query</li> * <li>issue request for liveliness querry</li> * </ul> * * It also define multiple static values that desciibe structure of activity * context representation. Representation of AC is array. Those values are: <br> * <ul> * <li>{@link #AC_ID} </li> * <li>{@link #ACTIVITY_CLASS} </li> * <li>{@link #LAST_ACCESS_TIME}</li> * <li>{@link #RA}</li> * <li>{@link #SBB_ATTACHMENTS}</li> * <li>{@link #NAMES_BOUND_TO}</li> * <li>{@link #TIMERS_ATTACHED}</li> * <li>{@link #DATA_PROPERTIES}</li> * <li>{@link #ARRAY_SIZE}</li> * </ul> * * @author Bartosz Baranowski * @author Eduardo Martins */ public interface ActivityManagementMBeanImplMBean extends ServiceMBean { /** * Defines index of String field in Object[], this String is representation * of activity context ID field */ public final static int AC_ID = 0; /** * Defines index of String field in Object[], this field contains fully * qualified name of activity class that this ac activity context * represents, as getClass().getName() woudl return. */ public final static int ACTIVITY_CLASS = 1; /** * Defines index of String field in Object[], this field contains String * represenation of number in <b>long</b> format. This number is timestamp * of last access to activity context. */ public final static int LAST_ACCESS_TIME = 2; /** * Defines index of Stirng field in Object[], this field represents RA * entity name that created this activity context. <b>This can be null for * activities like NullActivities, ServiceAtivities</b> */ public final static int RA = 3; /** * Defines index of field in Object[]. If boolean flag <b>inDetails</b> is * set to false ({@link #listActivityContexts(boolean)}) its value is * String representation of number of attached sbbs. Otherwise it contains * String[] which holds in its cells Sbb Entities IDS of sbb that are * attached to AC. */ public final static int SBB_ATTACHMENTS = 4; /** * Defines index of field in Object[]. If boolean flag <b>inDetails</b> is * set to false ({@link #listActivityContexts(boolean)}) its value * represents (as String) number of names given to this ac. Otherwise it * contains String[] which holds names given to this ac */ public final static int NAMES_BOUND_TO = 5; /** * Defines index of field in Object[]. If boolean flag <b>inDetails</b> is * set to false ({@link #listActivityContexts(boolean)}) its value is * String representation of number of timers attached. Otherwise it contains * String[] which holds TimerIDs of attached timems. */ public final static int TIMERS_ATTACHED = 6; /** * Defines index of field in Object[]. If boolean flag <b>inDetails</b> is * set to false ({@link #listActivityContexts(boolean)}) its value is * String representation of number of data properties set for this ac. * Otherwise it contains String[] which holds data properties in its cells.<br> * Format of a cell is [keyOfProperty=valueOfProperrty] */ public final static int DATA_PROPERTIES = 7; /** * Defines ac array representation size, simply for ease modification - this * value is defined in one place. */ public final static int ARRAY_SIZE = 8; // --- STATICS FOR LISTING TYPES /** * Defines static value which indicates that all ac should be listed. */ public final static int LIST_BY_NO_CRITERIA = -1; /** * Defines static value which indicates that only ac that should be listed * are those which activity class name matches passed one. */ public final static int LIST_BY_ACTIVITY_CLASS = 0; /** * Defines static value which indicates that only ac that shoudl be listed * are those which raentity name matches passed one */ public final static int LIST_BY_RAENTITY = 1; /** * Defines static value which indicates that only ac that should be listed * are those which have attached sbb enityi with id matching one that has * been passed */ public final static int LIST_BY_SBBENTITY = 2; /** * Defines static value which indicates that only ac that should be listed * are those which have attached sbbs with id matching one that has been * passed */ public final static int LIST_BY_SBBID = 3; // ===== ATTRIBUTES ===== /** * Retreives the number of activity context in the container. */ public int getActivityContextCount(); /** * Retrieve the period between activity context liveness queries. * * @return the period between activity context liveness queries. */ public long getQueryActivityContextLivelinessPeriod(); /** * Sets the period between activity context liveness queries. Its lower * value should have boundry, after passing which MBean sets some default * value. * * @param new * value of period between liveliness queries */ public void setQueryActivityContextLivelinessPeriod(long set); /** * Set max time an activity context can be idle. Its value indicates how * long null ac can be idle before it will be removed. seting <b>"0"</b> * turns of automatic null ac ending. * * @param set * max time an activity context can be idle. */ public void setActivityContextMaxIdleTime(long set); /** * Retreives max time an activity context can be idle * * @return max time an activity context can be idle; */ public long getActivityContextMaxIdleTime(); /** * List all activity context with details. * * @return report = Object[[{@link #retrieveActivityContextDetails()}],[{@link #retrieveActivityContextDetails()}][....]]. * If boolean flag is set to <b>false</b> values with indexes: * <ul> * <li>{@link #SBB_ATTACHMENTS}</li> * <li>{@link #NAMES_BOUND_TO}</li> * <li>{@link #TIMERS_ATTACHED}</li> * <li>{@link #DATA_PROPERTIES}</li> * </ul> * will contain String represenation of integer number (which tells * how many of certain property there is - see description of * indexes) General description of return Object[] can be found here: * <b></b> * @param if * <b>true</b> output will have list of all properties(lie sbb attachemtn set, etc.), not just * number of them. */ public Object[] listActivityContexts(boolean inDetails); /** * Query activity liveness on all resource adaptors. Calls * {@link javax.slee.resource.ResoourceAdaptor.queryLiveliness(javax.slee.resource.ActivityHandle)}) * for each RA activity present in container. * */ public void queryActivityContextLiveness(); /** * Tries to end null activity * * @param nullACID - * activity context id of null activity to end. * * @throws ManagementException - * when passed ID does not exist or AC that it identifies is not * null AC. * */ public void endActivity(ActivityContextHandle nullACID) throws ManagementException; /** * * * * @return * */ public String[] listActivityContextsFactories(); /** * Retieves list of Activity Context Handles related with specified Activity * object class name * * @param fullQualifiedActivityClassName - * like javax.sip.ServerTransaction * @return * <ul> * <li>Object[] constaining Strings in each field representing * IDs of ACs</li> * <li>null - if no acs have been found for passed activity * class name</li> * </ul> */ public Object[] retrieveActivityContextIDByActivityType( String fullQualifiedActivityClassName); /** * Retrieves list of Activity Context IDs related with specified Resource * Adaptor entity name. * * @param entityName * the entity name of the Resource Adaptor * @return * <ul> * <li>Object[] constaining Strings in each field representing * IDs of ACs which have been created by ra entity with given * name</li> * <li>null - if no acs have been found for passed ra entity * name</li> * </ul> */ public Object[] retrieveActivityContextIDByResourceAdaptorEntityName( String entityName); /** * Retrieves list of Activity Context IDs related with specified SBB ID * * @param sbbID - * SbbID, it should look like "SbbName#SbbVendor#SbbVersion" * @return * <ul> * <li>Object[] constaining Strings in each field representing * IDs of ACs which have attached sbbs with given SbbID</li> * <li>null - if no acs have been found for passed SbbID</li> * </ul> */ public Object[] retrieveActivityContextIDBySbbID(String sbbID); /** * Retrieves list of Activity Context IDs related with specified SBB entity * ID * * @param sbbEID - sbb entity ID for which Activity contexts IDs will be returned * @return * <ul> * <li>Object[] constaining Strings in each field representing * IDs of ACs which have attached sbb wiht passed SbbEID</li> * <li>null - if no acs have been found for passed Sbb Entity ID</li> * </ul> */ public Object[] retrieveActivityContextIDBySbbEntityID(String sbbEID); /** * Retrieves details of the Activity Context with the specified ID. Lists * Sbbs attached, bound names etc - same as list listActivitContexts(true) * but for one, and returns it in array, which is more conveniant to parse * that String with tree. * * @return Object[] - its structure has been defined here <b></b>, also You can read static fields descritpiotn in MBean interface for this MbeanImpl * @throws ManagementException * if ac is not found */ public Object[] retrieveActivityContextDetails(ActivityContextHandle ach) throws ManagementException; /** * This method returns map containing name bindings of activity contexts. * @return Map containing mappings name->ach */ public Map retrieveNamesToActivityContextIDMappings(); }