package org.mobicents.slee.resources.diameter.tests.factories; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.AcctApplId; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.Assembler; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.AuthApplId; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnDiameterURI; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnRealm; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnVendorID; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerName; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerRating; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerTable; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.RealmEntry; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.RealmTable; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.VendorId; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jdiameter.api.Stack; import org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.EmptyConfiguration; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.mobicents.diameter.dictionary.AvpDictionary; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.DiameterAvpFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.DiameterMessageFactoryImpl; import; import; import; import; /** * * * * <br>Project: mobicents * <br>6:39:33 PM Feb 27, 2009 * <br> * @author <a href=""> Alexandre Mendonca </a> * @author <a href=""> Bartosz Baranowski </a> */ public class ShClientFactoriesTest { private static String clientHost = ""; private static String clientPort = "21812"; private static String clientURI = "aaa://" + clientHost + ":" + clientPort; private static String serverHost = "localhost"; private static String serverPort = "1812"; private static String serverURI = "aaa://" + serverHost + ":" + serverPort; private static String realmName = ""; private static ShClientMessageFactoryImpl shClientFactory; private static ShServerMessageFactoryImpl shServerFactory; private static DiameterShAvpFactoryImpl shAvpFactory; private static Stack stack; static { stack = new org.jdiameter.client.impl.StackImpl(); try { stack.init(new MyConfiguration()); AvpDictionary.INSTANCE.parseDictionary( ShClientFactoriesTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "dictionary.xml" ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize the stack."); } DiameterMessageFactoryImpl baseMessageFactory = new DiameterMessageFactoryImpl(stack); shClientFactory = new ShClientMessageFactoryImpl(stack); shServerFactory = new ShServerMessageFactoryImpl(baseMessageFactory, null, stack, shAvpFactory); shAvpFactory = new DiameterShAvpFactoryImpl(new DiameterAvpFactoryImpl()); } @Test public void isRequestPUR() throws Exception { ProfileUpdateRequest pur = shClientFactory.createProfileUpdateRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Profile-Update-Request is not set.", pur.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersPUR() throws Exception { ProfileUpdateRequest pur = shClientFactory.createProfileUpdateRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(pur, ProfileUpdateRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isAnswerPNA() throws Exception { PushNotificationAnswer pna = shClientFactory.createPushNotificationAnswer(shServerFactory.createPushNotificationRequest()); assertFalse("Request Flag in Push-Notification-Answer is set.", pna.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersPNA() throws Exception { PushNotificationAnswer pna = shClientFactory.createPushNotificationAnswer(shServerFactory.createPushNotificationRequest()); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(pna, PushNotificationAnswer.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void hasDestinationHostPNA() throws Exception { PushNotificationAnswer pna = shClientFactory.createPushNotificationAnswer(shServerFactory.createPushNotificationRequest()); assertNull("The Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST NOT be present in the answer message. [RFC3588/6.2]", pna.getDestinationHost()); } @Test public void hasDestinationRealmPNA() throws Exception { PushNotificationAnswer pna = shClientFactory.createPushNotificationAnswer(shServerFactory.createPushNotificationRequest()); assertNull("The Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST NOT be present in the answer message. [RFC3588/6.2]", pna.getDestinationRealm()); } /** * Test for Issue #665 (Diameter Experimental Result AVP is Nested) * * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void isExperimentalResultCorrectlySetPNA() throws Exception { long originalValue = 5001; PushNotificationAnswer pna = shClientFactory.createPushNotificationAnswer(shServerFactory.createPushNotificationRequest(), originalValue, true ); long obtainedValue = pna.getExperimentalResult().getExperimentalResultCode(); assertTrue("Experimental-Result-Code in PNA should be " + originalValue +" and is " + obtainedValue + ".", originalValue == obtainedValue); } @Test public void isRequestSNR() throws Exception { SubscribeNotificationsRequest snr = shClientFactory.createSubscribeNotificationsRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Subscribe-Notifications-Request is not set.", snr.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersSNR() throws Exception { SubscribeNotificationsRequest snr = shClientFactory.createSubscribeNotificationsRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(snr, SubscribeNotificationsRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isRequestUDR() throws Exception { UserDataRequest udr = shClientFactory.createUserDataRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in User-Data-Request is not set.", udr.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersUDR() throws Exception { UserDataRequest udr = shClientFactory.createUserDataRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(udr, UserDataRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isUDRPublicIdentityAccessibleTwice() throws Exception { String originalValue = ""; UserIdentityAvpImpl uiAvp = new UserIdentityAvpImpl(DiameterShAvpCodes.USER_IDENTITY, 10415L, 1, 0, new byte[]{}); uiAvp.setPublicIdentity( originalValue ); UserDataRequest udr = shClientFactory.createUserDataRequest( uiAvp, DataReferenceType.IMS_PUBLIC_IDENTITY ); String obtainedValue1 = udr.getUserIdentity().getPublicIdentity(); String obtainedValue2 = udr.getUserIdentity().getPublicIdentity(); assertTrue("Obtained value for Public-Identity AVP differs from original.", obtainedValue1.equals( originalValue )); assertTrue("Obtained #1 value for Public-Identity AVP differs from Obtained #2.", obtainedValue1.equals( obtainedValue2 )); } @Test public void isPURPublicIdentityAccessibleTwice() throws Exception { String originalValue = ""; UserIdentityAvpImpl uiAvp = new UserIdentityAvpImpl(DiameterShAvpCodes.USER_IDENTITY, 10415L, 1, 0, new byte[]{}); uiAvp.setPublicIdentity( originalValue ); ProfileUpdateRequest udr = shClientFactory.createProfileUpdateRequest( uiAvp, DataReferenceType.IMS_PUBLIC_IDENTITY, new byte[1] ); String obtainedValue1 = udr.getUserIdentity().getPublicIdentity(); String obtainedValue2 = udr.getUserIdentity().getPublicIdentity(); assertTrue("Obtained value for Public-Identity AVP differs from original.", obtainedValue1.equals( originalValue )); assertTrue("Obtained #1 value for Public-Identity AVP differs from Obtained #2.", obtainedValue1.equals( obtainedValue2 )); } @Test public void isSNRPublicIdentityAccessibleTwice() throws Exception { String originalValue = ""; UserIdentityAvpImpl uiAvp = new UserIdentityAvpImpl(DiameterShAvpCodes.USER_IDENTITY, 10415L, 1, 0, new byte[]{}); uiAvp.setPublicIdentity( originalValue ); SubscribeNotificationsRequest udr = shClientFactory.createSubscribeNotificationsRequest( uiAvp, DataReferenceType.IMS_PUBLIC_IDENTITY,SubsReqType.SUBSCRIBE ); String obtainedValue1 = udr.getUserIdentity().getPublicIdentity(); String obtainedValue2 = udr.getUserIdentity().getPublicIdentity(); assertTrue("Obtained value for Public-Identity AVP differs from original.", obtainedValue1.equals( originalValue )); assertTrue("Obtained #1 value for Public-Identity AVP differs from Obtained #2.", obtainedValue1.equals( obtainedValue2 )); } // AVP Factory Testing @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateSupportedApplications() throws Exception { String avpName = "Supported-Applications"; // Create AVP with mandatory values SupportedApplicationsAvp saAvp1 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedApplications( 123L, 456L, shAvpFactory.getBaseFactory().createVendorSpecificApplicationId(999L)); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", saAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor SupportedApplicationsAvp saAvp2 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedApplications(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values saAvp2.setAuthApplicationId(123L); saAvp2.setAcctApplicationId(456L); saAvp2.setVendorSpecificApplicationId(shAvpFactory.getBaseFactory().createVendorSpecificApplicationId(999L)); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", saAvp1, saAvp2); // Make new copy saAvp2 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedApplications(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(saAvp2); // Create empty... SupportedApplicationsAvp saAvp3 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedApplications(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(saAvp3, false); // Set all previous values saAvp3.setExtensionAvps(saAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(saAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(saAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", saAvp2, saAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateSupportedFeatures() throws Exception { String avpName = "Supported-Features"; // Create AVP with mandatory values SupportedFeaturesAvp sfAvp1 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedFeatures(123L, 456L, 789L); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", sfAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor SupportedFeaturesAvp sfAvp2 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedFeatures(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Vendor-Id AVP.", sfAvp2.hasVendorId()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Feature-List-Id AVP.", sfAvp2.hasFeatureListId()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Feature-List AVP.", sfAvp2.hasFeatureList()); // Set mandatory values sfAvp2.setVendorId(123L); sfAvp2.setFeatureListId(456L); sfAvp2.setFeatureList(789L); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", sfAvp1, sfAvp2); // Make new copy sfAvp2 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedFeatures(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(sfAvp2); // Create empty... SupportedFeaturesAvp sfAvp3 = shAvpFactory.createSupportedFeatures(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(sfAvp3, false); // Set all previous values sfAvp3.setExtensionAvps(sfAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(sfAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(sfAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", sfAvp2, sfAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateUserIdentity() throws Exception { String avpName = "User-Identity"; // Create AVP with mandatory values UserIdentityAvp uiAvp1 = shAvpFactory.createUserIdentity(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", uiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor UserIdentityAvp uiAvp2 = shAvpFactory.createUserIdentity(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", uiAvp1, uiAvp2); // Make new copy uiAvp2 = shAvpFactory.createUserIdentity(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(uiAvp2); // Create empty... UserIdentityAvp uiAvp3 = shAvpFactory.createUserIdentity(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(uiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values uiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(uiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(uiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(uiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", uiAvp2, uiAvp3); } /** * Class representing the Diameter Configuration */ public static class MyConfiguration extends EmptyConfiguration { public MyConfiguration() { super(); add(Assembler, Assembler.defValue()); add(OwnDiameterURI, clientURI); add(OwnRealm, realmName); add(OwnVendorID, 193L); // Set Ericsson SDK feature //add(UseUriAsFqdn, true); // Set Common Applications add(org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.ApplicationId, // AppId 1 getInstance(). add(VendorId, 193L). add(AuthApplId, 0L). add(AcctApplId, 19302L) ); // Set peer table add(PeerTable, // Peer 1 getInstance(). add(PeerRating, 1). add(PeerName, serverURI)); // Set realm table add(RealmTable, // Realm 1 getInstance(). add(RealmEntry, realmName + ":" + clientHost + "," + serverHost) ); } } }