/* * Mobicents, Communications Middleware * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party * contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.mobicents.media.server.impl.resource.ss7; /** * * @author kulikov */ public class FastHDLC { public final static int RETURN_COMPLETE_FLAG = 0x1000; public final static int RETURN_DISCARD_FLAG = 0x2000; public final static int RETURN_EMPTY_FLAG = 0x4000; /* Unlike most HDLC implementations, we define only two states, when we are in a valid frame, and when we are searching for a frame header */ public final static int FRAME_SEARCH = 0; public final static int PROCESS_FRAME = 1; /* HDLC Search State table -- Look for a frame header. The return value of this table is as follows: |---8---|---7---|---6---|---5---|---4---|---3---|---2---|---1---| | Z E R O E S | Next | Bits Consumed | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| The indexes for this table are the state (0 or 1) and the next 8 bits of the stream. Note that this table is only used for state 0 and 1. The user should discard the top "bits consumed" bits of data before the next call. "Next state" represents the actual next state for decoding. */ private int[] hdlc_search = new int[256]; /* HDLC Data Table The indexes to this table are the number of one's we've seen so far (0-5) and the next 10 bits of input (which is enough to guarantee us that we will retrieve at least one byte of data (or frame or whatever). The format for the return value is: Bits 15: Status (1=Valid Data, 0=Control Frame (see bits 7-0 for type)) Bits 14-12: Number of ones in a row, so far Bits 11-8: The number of bits consumed (0-10) Bits 7-0: The return data (if appropriate) The next state is simply bit #15 */ public final static int CONTROL_COMPLETE = 1; public final static int CONTROL_ABORT = 2; public final static int STATUS_MASK = (1 << 15); public final static int STATUS_VALID = (1 << 15); public final static int STATUS_CONTROL = (0 << 15); public final static int STATE_MASK = (1 << 15); public final static int ONES_MASK = (7 << 12); public final static int DATA_MASK = (0xff); private int[][] hdlc_frame = new int[6][1024]; private int minbits[] = new int[]{8, 10}; /* Last, but not least, we have the encoder table. It takes as its indices the number of ones so far and a byte of data and returns an int composed of the following fields: Bots 31-22: Actual Data Bits 21-16: Unused Bits 15-8: Number of ones Bits 3-0: Number of bits of output (13-4) to use Of course we could optimize by reducing to two tables, but I don't really think it's worth the trouble at this point. */ private int[][] hdlc_encode = new int[6][256]; private int hdlc_search_precalc(int c) { int x, p = 0; /* Look for a flag. If this isn't a flag, line us up for the next possible shot at a flag */ /* If it's a flag, we go to state 1, and have consumed 8 bits */ if (c == 0x7e) { return 0x10 | 8; /* If it's an abort, we stay in the same state and have consumed 8 bits */ } if (c == 0x7f) { return 0x00 | 8; /* If it's all 1's, we state in the same state and have consumed 8 bits */ } if (c == 0xff) { return 0x00 | 8; /* If we get here, we must have at least one zero in us but we're not the flag. So, start at the end (LSB) and work our way to the top (MSB) looking for a zero. The position of that 0 is most optimistic start of a real frame header */ } x = 1; p = 7; while ((p != 0) && ((c & x) != 0)) { x <<= 1; p--; } return p; } private int HFP(int status, int ones, int bits, int data) { return ((status) | ((ones) << 12) | ((bits) << 8) | (data)); } private int hdlc_frame_precalc(int x, int c) { /* Assume we have seen 'x' one's so far, and have read the bottom 10 bytes of c (MSB first). Now, we HAVE to have a byte of data or a frame or something. We are assumed to be at the beginning of a byte of data or something */ int ones = x; int data = 0; int bits = 0; int consumed = 0; while (bits < 8) { data >>>= 1; consumed++; if (ones == 5) { /* We've seen five ones */ if ((c & 0x0200) != 0) { /* Another one -- Some sort of signal frame */ if ((!((c & 0x0100) != 0)) && (bits == 6)) { /* This is a frame terminator (10) */ return HFP(0, 0, 8, CONTROL_COMPLETE); } else { /* Yuck! It's something else... Abort this entire frame, and start looking for a good frame */ return HFP(0, 0, consumed + 1, CONTROL_ABORT); } } else { /* It's an inserted zero, just skip it */ ones = 0; data <<= 1; } } else { /* Add it to our bit list, LSB to MSB */ if ((c & 0x0200) != 0) { data |= 0x80; ones++; } else { ones = 0; } bits++; } c <<= 1; } /* Consume the extra 0 now rather than later. */ if (ones == 5) { ones = 0; consumed++; } return HFP(STATUS_VALID, ones, consumed, data); } private int hdlc_encode_precalc(int x, int y) { int bits = 0; int ones = x; int data = 0; int z; for (z = 0; z < 8; z++) { /* Zero-stuff if needed */ if (ones == 5) { /* Stuff a zero */ data <<= 1; ones = 0; bits++; } if ((y & 0x01) != 0) { /* There's a one */ data <<= 1; data |= 0x1; ones++; bits++; } else { data <<= 1; ones = 0; bits++; } y >>= 1; } /* Special case -- Stuff the zero at the end if appropriate */ if (ones == 5) { /* Stuff a zero */ data <<= 1; ones = 0; bits++; } data <<= (10 - bits); return (data << 22) | (ones << 8) | (bits); } public void fasthdlc_precalc() { int x; int y; /* First the easy part -- the searching */ for (x = 0; x < 256; x++) { hdlc_search[x] = hdlc_search_precalc(x); } /* Now the hard part -- the frame tables */ for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) { /* Given the # of preceeding ones, process the next byte of input (up to 10 actual bits) */ for (y = 0; y < 1024; y++) { hdlc_frame[x][y] = hdlc_frame_precalc(x, y); } } /* Now another not-so-hard part, the encoding table */ for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) { for (y = 0; y < 256; y++) { hdlc_encode[x][y] = hdlc_encode_precalc(x, y); } } } public void fasthdlc_init(HdlcState h) { /* Initializes all states appropriately */ h.state = 0; h.bits = 0; h.data = 0; h.ones = 0; } public int fasthdlc_tx_load_nocheck(HdlcState h, int c) { int res; res = hdlc_encode[h.ones][c]; h.ones = ((res & 0xf00) >> 8); h.data |= ((res & 0xffc00000) >>> h.bits); h.bits += (res & 0xf); return 0; } public int fasthdlc_tx_load(HdlcState h, int c) { /* Gotta have at least 10 bits left */ if (h.bits > 22) { return -1; } return fasthdlc_tx_load_nocheck(h, c); } public int fasthdlc_tx_frame_nocheck(HdlcState h) { h.ones = 0; h.data |= (0x7e000000 >> h.bits); h.bits += 8; return 0; } public int fasthdlc_tx_frame(HdlcState h) { if (h.bits > 24) { return -1; } return fasthdlc_tx_frame_nocheck(h); } public int fasthdlc_tx_run_nocheck(HdlcState h) { int b; b = h.data >> 24; h.bits -= 8; h.data <<= 8; return b; } public int fasthdlc_tx_run(HdlcState h) { if (h.bits < 8) { return -1; } return fasthdlc_tx_run_nocheck(h); } public int fasthdlc_rx_load_nocheck(HdlcState h, int b) { /* Put the new byte in the data stream */ h.data |= b << (24 - h.bits); h.bits += 8; return 0; } public int fasthdlc_rx_load(HdlcState h, int b) { /* Make sure we have enough space */ if (h.bits > 24) { return -1; } return fasthdlc_rx_load_nocheck(h, b); } /* Returns a data character if available, logical OR'd with zero or more of RETURN_COMPLETE_FLAG, RETURN_DISCARD_FLAG, and RETURN_EMPTY_FLAG, signifying a complete frame, a discarded frame, or there is nothing to return. */ public int fasthdlc_rx_run(HdlcState h) { int next; int retval = RETURN_EMPTY_FLAG; while ((h.bits >= minbits[h.state]) && (retval == RETURN_EMPTY_FLAG)) { /* Run until we can no longer be assured that we will have enough bits to continue */ switch (h.state) { case FRAME_SEARCH: /* Look for an HDLC frame, keying from the top byte. */ next = hdlc_search[(h.data >> 24) & 0xff]; h.bits -= next & 0x0f; h.data <<= next & 0x0f; h.state = (next >> 4) & 0xff; h.ones = 0; break; case PROCESS_FRAME: /* Process as much as the next ten bits */ next = hdlc_frame[h.ones][(h.data >>> 22)& 0x3ff]; // Must be 10 bits here, not 8, that's all //next = hdlc_frame_precalc(h.ones, (h.data >> 22)& 0x3ff); h.bits -= (((next & 0x0f00) >> 8)& 0xff); h.data <<= (((next & 0x0f00) >> 8)& 0xff); h.state = ((next & STATE_MASK) >> 15)& 0xff; h.ones = (((next & ONES_MASK) >> 12)& 0xff); switch (next & STATUS_MASK) { case STATUS_CONTROL: if ((next & CONTROL_COMPLETE) != 0) { /* A complete, valid frame received */ retval = (RETURN_COMPLETE_FLAG); /* Stay in this state */ h.state = 1; } else { /* An abort (either out of sync of explicit) */ retval = (RETURN_DISCARD_FLAG); } break; case STATUS_VALID: retval = (next & DATA_MASK); } } } return retval; } }