/* * File Name : Utils.java * * The JAIN MGCP API implementaion. * * The source code contained in this file is in in the public domain. * It can be used in any project or product without prior permission, * license or royalty payments. There is NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, * AND DATA ACCURACY. We do not warrant or make any representations * regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including * but not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or * usefulness of the software. */ package org.mobicents.mgcp.stack.parser; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.Bandwidth; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.BearerInformation; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.CapabilityValue; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.CompressionAlgorithm; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.ConnectionIdentifier; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.ConnectionMode; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.ConnectionParm; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.DigitMap; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.EchoCancellation; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.EmbeddedRequest; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.EncryptionMethod; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.EndpointIdentifier; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.EventName; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.ExtendedConnectionParm; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.GainControl; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.InfoCode; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.LocalOptVal; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.LocalOptionExtension; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.LocalOptionValue; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.NotificationRequestParms; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.NotifiedEntity; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.PacketizationPeriod; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.ReasonCode; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.RegularConnectionParm; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.RequestedAction; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.RequestedEvent; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.ResourceReservation; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.RestartMethod; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.ReturnCode; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.SilenceSuppression; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.SupportedModes; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.SupportedPackages; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.TypeOfNetwork; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.parms.TypeOfService; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.pkg.MgcpEvent; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.pkg.PackageName; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mobicents.jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.pkg.AUMgcpEvent; import org.mobicents.jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.pkg.AUPackage; /** * * @author Oleg Kulikov * @author Pavel Mitrenko * @author Amit Bhayani */ public class Utils { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Utils.class); private static final char AMPERSAND = '@'; private static final String REGEX_EMBEDDED_COMMAND = "\\(E\\(.*\\)\\)"; private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(REGEX_EMBEDDED_COMMAND); private static final Pattern commaPattern = Pattern.compile(","); private static final Pattern equalsPattern = Pattern.compile("="); private static final Pattern colonPattern = Pattern.compile(":"); private static final Pattern semiColonPattern = Pattern.compile(";"); private static final Pattern dashPattern = Pattern.compile("-"); PackageName au = AUPackage.AU; MgcpEvent rfc2897pa = AUMgcpEvent.aupa; StringBuilder decdReqEveStrBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> decdEventName = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> decdReqtEventList = new ArrayList<String>(); /** Creates a new instance of Utils */ public Utils() { } public String[] splitStringBySpace(String value) { // return spacePattern.split(value, 0); try { String[] token = null; this.split(' ', value, decdEventName); token = new String[decdEventName.size()]; decdEventName.toArray(token); return token; } finally { decdEventName.clear(); } } /** * Create ConnectionMode object from given text value. * * @param mode * the text value of the connection mode. * @return the ConnectionMode object. */ public ConnectionMode decodeConnectionMode(String mode) { if (mode.equals("sendrecv")) { return ConnectionMode.SendRecv; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("sendonly")) { return ConnectionMode.SendOnly; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("recvonly")) { return ConnectionMode.RecvOnly; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("confrnce")) { return ConnectionMode.Confrnce; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("conttest")) { return ConnectionMode.Conttest; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("data")) { return ConnectionMode.Data; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("loopback")) { return ConnectionMode.Loopback; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("netwloop")) { return ConnectionMode.Netwloop; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("netwtest")) { return ConnectionMode.Netwtest; } return ConnectionMode.Inactive; } public String encodeBearerInformation(BearerInformation bearerInformation) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("e:"); if (BearerInformation.ENC_METHOD_A_LAW == bearerInformation.getEncodingMethod()) { s.append("A"); } else if (BearerInformation.ENC_METHOD_MU_LAW == bearerInformation.getEncodingMethod()) { s.append("mu"); } return s.toString(); } /** * Create BearerInformation object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the object. * @return BearerInformation object. */ public BearerInformation decodeBearerInformation(String text) throws ParseException { // BearerInformation =BearerAttribute 0*(","0*(WSP)BearerAttribute) // BearerAttribute =("e"":"BearerEncoding) // (BearerExtensionName [":"BearerExtensionValue ]) // BearerExtensionName =PackageLCOExtensionName // BearerExtensionValue =LocalOptionExtensionValue // BearerEncoding ="A"/"mu" text = text.toLowerCase(); if (!text.startsWith("e:")) { throw new ParseException("Bearer extensions not supported", 0); } text = text.substring(text.indexOf(":") + 1).trim(); if (text.equals("a")) { return BearerInformation.EncMethod_A_Law; } else if (text.equals("mu")) { return BearerInformation.EncMethod_mu_Law; } else { throw new ParseException("Unknown value for BearerInformation: " + text, 0); } } /** * Create local connection options from given text. * * @param text * the text value. * @return array of LocalOptionValue objects. */ public LocalOptionValue[] decodeLocalOptionValueList(String text) throws ParseException { // LocalConnectionOptions =LocalOptionValue 0*(WSP) // 0*(","0*(WSP)LocalOptionValue 0*(WSP)) String[] tokens = commaPattern.split(text, 0); LocalOptionValue[] options = new LocalOptionValue[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { options[i] = decodeLocalOptionValue(tokens[i]); } return options; } /** * Create local connection object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the LocalOptionValue object. * @return LocalOption object. */ public LocalOptionValue decodeLocalOptionValue(String text) throws ParseException { // LocalOptionValue =("p"":"packetizationPeriod) // /("a"":"compressionAlgorithm) // /("b"":"bandwidth) // /("e"":"echoCancellation) // /("gc"":"gainControl) // /("s"":"silenceSuppression) // /("t"":"typeOfService) // /("r"":"resourceReservation) // /("k"":"encryptiondata) // /("nt"":"(typeOfNetwork / // supportedTypeOfNetwork)) // /(LocalOptionExtensionName // [":"LocalOptionExtensionValue ]) int pos = text.indexOf(':'); if (pos < 0) { throw new ParseException("Could not parse local connection option: " + text, 0); } String name = text.substring(0, pos).trim(); String value = text.substring(pos + 1).trim(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { return decodeCompressionAlgorithm(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("p")) { return decodePacketizationPeriod(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("b")) { return decodeBandwidth(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("e")) { return decodeEchoCancellation(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("gc")) { return decodeGainControl(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("s")) { return decodeSilenceSuppression(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("t")) { return decodeTypeOfService(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("r")) { return decodeResourceReservation(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("k")) { return decodeEncryptionMethod(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("nt")) { return decodeTypeOfNetwork(value); } else { return new LocalOptionExtension(name, value); } } public String encodeLocalOptionVale(LocalOptionValue localOptionValue) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); switch (localOptionValue.getLocalOptionValueType()) { case LocalOptionValue.BANDWIDTH: Bandwidth b = (Bandwidth) localOptionValue; s.append("b:").append(encodeBandwidth(b)); break; case LocalOptionValue.COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM: CompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm = (CompressionAlgorithm) localOptionValue; s.append("a:").append(encodeCompressionAlgorithm(compressionAlgorithm)); break; case LocalOptionValue.ECHO_CANCELLATION: EchoCancellation echoCancellation = (EchoCancellation) localOptionValue; s.append("e:").append(encodeEchoCancellation(echoCancellation)); break; case LocalOptionValue.ENCRYPTION_METHOD: EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = (EncryptionMethod) localOptionValue; s.append("k:").append(encodeEncryptionMethod(encryptionMethod)); break; case LocalOptionValue.GAIN_CONTROL: GainControl gainControl = (GainControl) localOptionValue; s.append("gc:").append(encodeGainControl(gainControl)); break; case LocalOptionValue.LOCAL_OPTION_EXTENSION: LocalOptionExtension localOptionExtension = (LocalOptionExtension) localOptionValue; s.append(localOptionExtension.getLocalOptionExtensionName()).append(":").append( localOptionExtension.getLocalOptionExtensionValue()); break; case LocalOptionValue.PACKETIZATION_PERIOD: PacketizationPeriod packetizationPeriod = (PacketizationPeriod) localOptionValue; s.append("p:").append(encodePacketizationPeriod(packetizationPeriod)); break; case LocalOptionValue.RESOURCE_RESERVATION: s.append("r:"); ResourceReservation resourceReservation = (ResourceReservation) localOptionValue; s.append(encodeResourceReservation(resourceReservation)); break; case LocalOptionValue.SILENCE_SUPPRESSION: s.append("s:"); SilenceSuppression silenceSuppression = (SilenceSuppression) localOptionValue; s.append(encodeSilenceSuppression(silenceSuppression)); break; case LocalOptionValue.TYPE_OF_NETWORK: s.append("nt:"); TypeOfNetwork typeOfNetwork = (TypeOfNetwork) localOptionValue; s.append(encodeTypeOfNetwork(typeOfNetwork)); break; case LocalOptionValue.TYPE_OF_SERVICE: TypeOfService typeOfService = (TypeOfService) localOptionValue; s.append("t:").append(encodeTypeOfService(typeOfService)); break; default: logger.error("LocalOptionValue " + localOptionValue + " not identified"); break; } return s.toString(); } /** * Create CompressionAlgorithm object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the compression algoritm. * @return CompressionAlgorithm object. */ public CompressionAlgorithm decodeCompressionAlgorithm(String value) throws ParseException { // compressionAlgorithm =algorithmName 0*(";"algorithmName) return new CompressionAlgorithm(semiColonPattern.split(value, 0)); } public String encodeCompressionAlgorithm(CompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); String[] names = compressionAlgorithm.getCompressionAlgorithmNames(); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(";"); } s.append(names[i]); } return s.toString(); } /** * Create PacketizationPeriod object from given text. * * @param text * the text view of the PacketizationPeriod object. * @return PacketizationPeriod object. */ public PacketizationPeriod decodePacketizationPeriod(String value) throws ParseException { // packetizationPeriod =1*4(DIGIT)["-"1*4(DIGIT)] int pos = value.indexOf('-'); if (pos < 0) { try { return new PacketizationPeriod(Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid packetization period:" + value, 0); } } else { String low = value.substring(0, pos).trim(); String hight = value.substring(pos + 1).trim(); try { return new PacketizationPeriod(Integer.parseInt(low), Integer.parseInt(hight)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid packetization period:" + value, 0); } } } public String encodePacketizationPeriod(PacketizationPeriod packetizationPeriod) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); if (packetizationPeriod.getPacketizationPeriodLowerBound() != packetizationPeriod .getPacketizationPeriodUpperBound()) { s.append(packetizationPeriod.getPacketizationPeriodLowerBound()).append("-").append( packetizationPeriod.getPacketizationPeriodUpperBound()); } else { s.append(packetizationPeriod.getPacketizationPeriodLowerBound()); } return s.toString(); } /** * Create Bandwidth object from given text. * * @param text * the text view of the Bandwidth object. * @return Bandwidth object. */ public Bandwidth decodeBandwidth(String value) throws ParseException { // bandwidth =1*4(DIGIT)["-"1*4(DIGIT)] int pos = value.indexOf('-'); if (pos < 0) { try { return new Bandwidth(Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid packetization period:" + value, 0); } } else { String low = value.substring(0, pos).trim(); String hight = value.substring(pos + 1).trim(); try { return new Bandwidth(Integer.parseInt(low), Integer.parseInt(hight)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid packetization period:" + value, 0); } } } public String encodeBandwidth(Bandwidth bandwidth) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); if (bandwidth.getBandwidthLowerBound() != bandwidth.getBandwidthUpperBound()) { s.append(bandwidth.getBandwidthLowerBound()).append("-").append(bandwidth.getBandwidthUpperBound()); } else { s.append(bandwidth.getBandwidthLowerBound()); } return s.toString(); } /** * Decode EchoCancellation object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the EchoCancellation. * @return EchoCancellation object. */ public EchoCancellation decodeEchoCancellation(String value) throws ParseException { // echoCancellation ="on"/"off" if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { return EchoCancellation.EchoCancellationOn; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("of")) { return EchoCancellation.EchoCancellationOff; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for EchoCancellation :" + value, 0); } } public String encodeEchoCancellation(EchoCancellation echoCancellation) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); if (echoCancellation.getEchoCancellation()) { s.append("on"); } else { s.append("off"); } return s.toString(); } /** * Decode GainControl object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the GainControl. * @return GainControl object. */ public GainControl decodeGainControl(String value) throws ParseException { // gainControl ="auto"/["-"] 1**4(DIGIT) if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) { return new GainControl(); } else { try { return new GainControl(Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for EchoCancellation :" + value, 0); } } } public String encodeGainControl(GainControl gainControl) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); if (gainControl.getGainControl() == 0) { s.append("auto"); } else { s.append(gainControl.getGainControl()); } return s.toString(); } /** * Decode SilenceSuppression object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the SilenceSuppression. * @return SilenceSuppression object. */ public SilenceSuppression decodeSilenceSuppression(String value) throws ParseException { // silenceSuppression ="on"/"off" if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { return SilenceSuppression.SilenceSuppressionOn; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) { return SilenceSuppression.SilenceSuppressionOff; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for SilenceSuppression :" + value, 0); } } public String encodeSilenceSuppression(SilenceSuppression silenceSuppression) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); if (silenceSuppression.getSilenceSuppression()) { s.append("on"); } else { s.append("off"); } return s.toString(); } /** * Decode TypeOfService object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the TypeOfService. * @return TypeOfService object. */ public TypeOfService decodeTypeOfService(String value) throws ParseException { // typeOfService =1*2(HEXDIG);1 hex only for capabilities try { return new TypeOfService((byte) Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for TypeOfService :" + value, 0); } } public String encodeTypeOfService(TypeOfService typeOfService) { String s = Integer.toString(typeOfService.getTypeOfService(), 16).toUpperCase(); return s; } /** * Decode ResourceReservation object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the ResourceReservation. * @return ResourceReservation object. */ public ResourceReservation decodeResourceReservation(String value) throws ParseException { // resourceReservation ="g"/"cl"/"be" if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("g")) { return ResourceReservation.Guaranteed; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("cl")) { return ResourceReservation.ControlledLoad; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("be")) { return ResourceReservation.BestEffort; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for EchoCancellation :" + value, 0); } } public String encodeResourceReservation(ResourceReservation resourceReservation) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); switch (resourceReservation.getResourceReservation()) { case ResourceReservation.BEST_EFFORT: s.append("be"); break; case ResourceReservation.CONTROLLED_LOAD: s.append("cl"); break; case ResourceReservation.GUARANTEED: s.append("g"); break; } return s.toString(); } /** * Decode EncryptionMethod object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the EncryptionMethod. * @return EncryptionMethod object. */ public EncryptionMethod decodeEncryptionMethod(String value) throws ParseException { // encryptiondata =("clear"":"encryptionKey ) // /("base64"":"encodedEncryptionKey ) // /("uri"":"URItoObtainKey ) // /("prompt");defined in SDP,not usable in MGCP! int pos = value.indexOf(':'); if (pos < 0) { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for EncryptionData: " + value, 0); } String method = value.substring(0, pos).trim(); String key = value.substring(pos + 1).trim(); if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) { return new EncryptionMethod(EncryptionMethod.CLEAR, key); } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("base64")) { return new EncryptionMethod(EncryptionMethod.BASE64, key); } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("uri")) { return new EncryptionMethod(EncryptionMethod.URI, key); } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for EncryptionData: " + method, 0); } } public String encodeEncryptionMethod(EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); switch (encryptionMethod.getEncryptionMethod()) { case EncryptionMethod.BASE64: s.append("base64:").append(encryptionMethod.getEncryptionKey()); break; case EncryptionMethod.CLEAR: s.append("clear:").append(encryptionMethod.getEncryptionKey()); break; case EncryptionMethod.URI: s.append("uri:").append(encryptionMethod.getEncryptionKey()); break; } return s.toString(); } /** * Decode TypeOfNetwork object from given text. * * @param text * the text value of the TypeOfNetwork. * @return TypeOfNetwork object. */ public TypeOfNetwork decodeTypeOfNetwork(String value) throws ParseException { // typeOfNetwork ="IN"/"ATM"/"LOCAL"/OtherTypeOfNetwork if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("in")) { return TypeOfNetwork.In; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("atm")) { return TypeOfNetwork.Atm; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("local")) { return TypeOfNetwork.Local; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for TypeOfNetwork :" + value, 0); } } public String encodeTypeOfNetwork(TypeOfNetwork typeOfNetwork) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); switch (typeOfNetwork.getTypeOfNetwork()) { case TypeOfNetwork.IN: s.append("in"); break; case TypeOfNetwork.ATM: s.append("atm"); break; case TypeOfNetwork.LOCAL: s.append("local"); break; } return s.toString(); } public RestartMethod decodeRestartMethod(String value) throws ParseException { // RestartMethod = "graceful" / "forced" / "restart" / "disconnected" // / "cancel-graceful" / extensionRestartMethod // extensionRestartMethod = PackageExtensionRM // PackageExtensionRM = packageName "/" 1*32(ALPHA / DIGIT / HYPHEN) if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("graceful")) { return RestartMethod.Graceful; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("forced")) { return RestartMethod.Forced; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("restart")) { return RestartMethod.Restart; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("disconnected")) { return RestartMethod.Disconnected; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel-grateful")) { return RestartMethod.CancelGraceful; } else { // TODO: Add support for extension restart method. throw new ParseException("Extension restarts not (yet) supported:" + value, 0); } } public RequestedEvent[] decodeRequestedEventList(String value) throws ParseException { // RequestedEvents =requestedEvent 0*(","0*(WSP)requestedEvent) // String[] tokens = commaPattern.split(value, 0); this.split(',', value, this.decdReqtEventList); try { int size = decdReqtEventList.size(); RequestedEvent[] events = new RequestedEvent[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { events[i] = decodeRequestedEvent(decdReqtEventList.get(i)); } return events; } finally { this.decdReqtEventList.clear(); } } public RequestedEvent decodeRequestedEvent(String value) throws ParseException { // requestedEvent =(eventName ["("requestedActions ")"]) // /(eventName "("requestedActions ")" "("eventParameters ")") // Replace all space, tabs // value = value.replaceAll("\\s", ""); // value = spacePattern.matcher(value).replaceAll(""); char[] valueChar = value.toCharArray(); for (char c : valueChar) { if (c != ' ') { decdReqEveStrBuilder.append(c); } } value = decdReqEveStrBuilder.toString(); decdReqEveStrBuilder.delete(0, valueChar.length); int pos1 = value.indexOf('('); // int pos2 = value.indexOf(')', pos1); // int pos3 = value.indexOf('(', pos2); // int pos4 = value.indexOf(')', pos3); if (pos1 == -1) { // no actions, no parameters // TODO: RFC3435 : :When no action is specified, the // default action is to notify the event. This should be taken care // by MGW or N action should be added here by default? return new RequestedEvent(decodeEventName(value, null), null); } String evtName = value.substring(0, pos1); value = value.substring(pos1, value.length()); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value); if ((matcher.find())) { // This is Embedded Notification Request // TODO : We assumed that Embedded Notification Request E will not // be // combined with any other Action N, A, D, S, I or K String embeddedNotificatonRequest = value.substring(3, value.length() - 2); EmbeddedRequest embeddedRequest = decodeEmbeddedRequest(embeddedNotificatonRequest); RequestedAction[] actions = new RequestedAction[] { new RequestedAction(embeddedRequest) }; return new RequestedEvent(decodeEventName(evtName, null), actions); } int pos2 = value.indexOf(')'); int pos3 = value.indexOf('(', pos2); if (pos3 == -1) { value = value.substring(1, pos2); return new RequestedEvent(decodeEventName(evtName, null), decodeRequestedActions(value)); } int pos4 = value.indexOf(')', pos3); String parms = value.substring(pos3 + 1, pos4); value = value.substring(1, pos2); return new RequestedEvent(decodeEventName(evtName, parms), decodeRequestedActions(value)); } private void split(char splitChar, String value, List<String> arryList) { char[] charValue = value.toCharArray(); int count = 0; for (char c : charValue) { count++; if (c == splitChar) { arryList.add(decdReqEveStrBuilder.toString()); decdReqEveStrBuilder.delete(0, count); count = 0; } else { decdReqEveStrBuilder.append(c); } } arryList.add(decdReqEveStrBuilder.toString()); decdReqEveStrBuilder.delete(0, count); } public EventName decodeEventName(String value, String param) throws ParseException { // eventName =[(packageName /"*")"/"] // (eventId /"all"/eventRange // /"*"/"#");for DTMF // ["@"(ConnectionId /"$"/"*")] this.split('/', value, this.decdEventName); // String tokens[] = forwardSlashPattern.split(value, 0); try { int size = decdEventName.size(); if (size == 1) { return new EventName(PackageName.AllPackages, MgcpEvent.factory(decdEventName.get(0)).withParm(param)); } else if (size == 2) { int pos = decdEventName.get(1).indexOf(AMPERSAND); if (pos > 0) { String cid = (decdEventName.get(1).substring(pos + 1)).trim(); ConnectionIdentifier connectionIdentifier = null; if ((ConnectionIdentifier.AnyConnection).toString().equals(cid)) { connectionIdentifier = ConnectionIdentifier.AnyConnection; } else if ((ConnectionIdentifier.AllConnections).toString().equals(cid)) { connectionIdentifier = ConnectionIdentifier.AllConnections; } else { connectionIdentifier = new ConnectionIdentifier(cid); } return new EventName(PackageName.factory(decdEventName.get(0)), MgcpEvent.factory( (decdEventName.get(1)).substring(0, pos)).withParm(param), connectionIdentifier); } else { return new EventName(PackageName.factory(decdEventName.get(0)), MgcpEvent.factory( decdEventName.get(1)).withParm(param)); } } else if (size == 3) { int pos = decdEventName.get(2).indexOf(AMPERSAND); if (pos < 0) { throw new ParseException("Invalid token " + decdEventName.get(2), 0); } String cid = (decdEventName.get(1)).substring(pos + 1); return new EventName(PackageName.factory(decdEventName.get(0)), MgcpEvent.factory( (decdEventName.get(1)).substring(0, pos)).withParm(param), new ConnectionIdentifier(cid)); } else { throw new ParseException("Unexpected event name " + value, 0); } } finally { decdEventName.clear(); } } public String encodeInfoCodeList(InfoCode[] infoCodes) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < infoCodes.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { msg.append(','); } InfoCode infoCode = infoCodes[i]; switch (infoCode.getInfoCode()) { case (InfoCode.BEARER_INFORMATION): msg.append("B"); break; case (InfoCode.CALL_IDENTIFIER): msg.append("C"); break; case (InfoCode.CONNECTION_IDENTIFIER): msg.append("I"); break; case (InfoCode.NOTIFIED_ENTITY): msg.append("N"); break; case (InfoCode.REQUEST_IDENTIFIER): msg.append("X"); break; case (InfoCode.LOCAL_CONNECTION_OPTIONS): msg.append("L"); break; case (InfoCode.CONNECTION_MODE): msg.append("M"); break; case (InfoCode.REQUESTED_EVENTS): msg.append("R"); break; case (InfoCode.SIGNAL_REQUESTS): msg.append("S"); break; case (InfoCode.DIGIT_MAP): msg.append("D"); break; case (InfoCode.OBSERVED_EVENTS): msg.append("O"); break; case (InfoCode.CONNECTION_PARAMETERS): msg.append("P"); break; case (InfoCode.REASON_CODE): msg.append("E"); break; case (InfoCode.SPECIFIC_ENDPOINT_ID): msg.append("Z"); break; case (InfoCode.QUARANTINE_HANDLING): msg.append("Q"); break; case (InfoCode.DETECT_EVENTS): msg.append("T"); break; case (InfoCode.REMOTE_CONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR): msg.append("RC"); break; case (InfoCode.LOCAL_CONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR): msg.append("LC"); break; case (InfoCode.CAPABILITIES): msg.append("A"); break; case (InfoCode.EVENT_STATES): msg.append("ES"); break; case (InfoCode.RESTART_METHOD): msg.append("RM"); break; case (InfoCode.RESTART_DELAY): msg.append("RD"); break; default: logger.error("The InfoCode " + infoCode + " is not supported"); break; } } return msg.toString(); } public InfoCode[] decodeInfoCodeList(String value) throws ParseException { String tokens[] = commaPattern.split(value.trim(), 0); InfoCode[] infoCodes = new InfoCode[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { infoCodes[i] = decodeInfoCode(tokens[i]); } return infoCodes; } private InfoCode decodeInfoCode(String value) throws ParseException { value = value.trim(); if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("B")) { return InfoCode.BearerInformation; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("C")) { return InfoCode.CallIdentifier; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("I")) { return InfoCode.ConnectionIdentifier; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { return InfoCode.NotifiedEntity; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) { return InfoCode.RequestIdentifier; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) { return InfoCode.LocalConnectionOptions; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { return InfoCode.ConnectionMode; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) { return InfoCode.RequestedEvents; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) { return InfoCode.SignalRequests; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("D")) { return InfoCode.DigitMap; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("O")) { return InfoCode.ObservedEvents; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("P")) { return InfoCode.ConnectionParameters; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("E")) { return InfoCode.ReasonCode; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("Z")) { return InfoCode.SpecificEndpointID; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) { return InfoCode.QuarantineHandling; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) { return InfoCode.DetectEvents; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("RC")) { return InfoCode.RemoteConnectionDescriptor; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("LC")) { return InfoCode.LocalConnectionDescriptor; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) { return InfoCode.Capabilities; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("ES")) { return InfoCode.EventStates; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("RM")) { return InfoCode.RestartMethod; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("RD")) { return InfoCode.RestartDelay; } else { throw new ParseException("Extension action not suported", 0); } } public CapabilityValue[] decodeCapabilityList(String value) throws ParseException { String tokens[] = commaPattern.split(value.trim(), 0); CapabilityValue[] capabilityValues = new CapabilityValue[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { capabilityValues[i] = decodeCapability(tokens[i]); } return capabilityValues; } public String encodeCapabilityList(CapabilityValue[] c) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(","); } s.append(encodeCapability(c[i])); } return s.toString(); } public String encodeCapability(CapabilityValue c) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); switch (c.getCapabilityValueType()) { case CapabilityValue.LOCAL_OPTION_VALUE: LocalOptVal localOptVal = (LocalOptVal) c; LocalOptionValue localOptionValue = localOptVal.getLocalOptionValue(); s.append(encodeLocalOptionVale(localOptionValue)); break; case CapabilityValue.SUPPORTED_PACKAGES: s.append("v:"); SupportedPackages supportedPackages = (SupportedPackages) c; PackageName[] packageNameList = supportedPackages.getSupportedPackageNames(); s.append(encodePackageNameList(packageNameList)); break; case CapabilityValue.SUPPORTED_MODES: s.append("m:"); SupportedModes supportedModes = (SupportedModes) c; ConnectionMode[] connectionModeList = supportedModes.getSupportedModes(); s.append(encodeConnectionModeList(connectionModeList)); break; } return s.toString(); } public String encodeConnectionModeList(ConnectionMode[] connectionModeList) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < connectionModeList.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(";"); } s.append(connectionModeList[i].toString()); } return s.toString(); } public String encodePackageNameList(PackageName[] packageNameList) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < packageNameList.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(";"); } s.append(packageNameList[i].toString()); } return s.toString(); } public PackageName[] decodePackageNameList(String value) { String[] packages = semiColonPattern.split(value, 0); PackageName[] supportedPackageNames = new PackageName[packages.length]; for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++) { PackageName p = PackageName.factory(packages[i]); supportedPackageNames[i] = p; } return supportedPackageNames; } public CapabilityValue decodeCapability(String value) throws ParseException { CapabilityValue capabilityValue = null; int pos = value.indexOf(':'); if (pos < 0) { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for EncryptionData: " + value, 0); } String key = value.substring(0, pos).trim(); String capability = value.substring(pos + 1).trim(); if ("a".equals(key)) { String[] codecs = semiColonPattern.split(capability, 0); CompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm = new CompressionAlgorithm(codecs); capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(compressionAlgorithm); } else if ("b".equals(key)) { String[] bandwidthRange = dashPattern.split(capability, 0); int lower = Integer.parseInt(bandwidthRange[0]); int upper = lower; if (bandwidthRange.length == 2) { upper = Integer.parseInt(bandwidthRange[1]); } Bandwidth bandwidth = new Bandwidth(lower, upper); capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(bandwidth); } else if ("p".equals(key)) { String[] packetizationRange = dashPattern.split(capability, 0); int lower = Integer.parseInt(packetizationRange[0]); int upper = lower; if (packetizationRange.length == 2) { upper = Integer.parseInt(packetizationRange[1]); } PacketizationPeriod packetizationPeriod = new PacketizationPeriod(lower, upper); capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(packetizationPeriod); } else if ("e".equals(key)) { if ("on".equals(capability)) { capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(EchoCancellation.EchoCancellationOn); } else { capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(EchoCancellation.EchoCancellationOff); } } else if ("s".equals(key)) { if ("on".equals(capability)) { capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(SilenceSuppression.SilenceSuppressionOn); } else { capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(SilenceSuppression.SilenceSuppressionOff); } } else if ("gc".equals(key)) { int gainControl = 0; try { gainControl = Integer.parseInt(capability); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { // Ignore } capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(new GainControl(gainControl)); } else if ("t".equals(key)) { byte typeOfService = 0; try { typeOfService = Byte.parseByte(capability); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { // Ignore } capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(new TypeOfService(typeOfService)); } else if ("r".equals(key)) { if ("g".equals(capability)) { capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(ResourceReservation.Guaranteed); } else if ("cl".equals(capability)) { capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(ResourceReservation.ControlledLoad); } else if ("be".equals(capability)) { capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(ResourceReservation.BestEffort); } } else if ("k".equals(key)) { EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = decodeEncryptionMethod(capability); capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(encryptionMethod); } else if ("nt".equals(key)) { TypeOfNetwork typeOfNetwork = decodeTypeOfNetwork(capability); capabilityValue = new LocalOptVal(typeOfNetwork); } else if ("v".equals(key)) { PackageName[] supportedPackageNames = decodePackageNameList(capability); capabilityValue = new SupportedPackages(supportedPackageNames); } else if ("m".equals(key)) { String[] modes = semiColonPattern.split(capability, 0); ConnectionMode[] supportedConnectionModes = new ConnectionMode[modes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { ConnectionMode c = decodeConnectionMode(modes[i]); supportedConnectionModes[i] = c; } capabilityValue = new SupportedModes(supportedConnectionModes); } return capabilityValue; } public RequestedAction[] decodeRequestedActions(String value) throws ParseException { // requestedActions =requestedAction 0*(","0*(WSP)requestedAction) String tokens[] = commaPattern.split(value, 0); RequestedAction[] actions = new RequestedAction[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { actions[i] = decodeRequestedAction(tokens[i]); } return actions; } public RequestedAction decodeRequestedAction(String value) throws ParseException { // requestedAction ="N"/"A"/"D"/"S"/"I"/"K" // /"E""("EmbeddedRequest ")" // /ExtensionAction value = value.trim(); if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { return RequestedAction.NotifyImmediately; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) { return RequestedAction.Accumulate; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) { return RequestedAction.Swap; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("I")) { return RequestedAction.Ignore; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("K")) { return RequestedAction.KeepSignalsActive; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("D")) { return RequestedAction.TreatAccordingToDigitMap; } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("E")) { return new RequestedAction(decodeEmbeddedRequest(value)); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) { // X is RequestIdentifier and we have already taken care of this. // Ignore here return RequestedAction.Ignore; } else { throw new ParseException("Extension action not suported", 0); } } private String getEvent(String s) { char[] c = s.toCharArray(); String command = ""; int start = 0; int end = 0; int paraenthisis = 0; boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (c[i] == '(') { paraenthisis++; if (first) { first = false; start = i; command = String.valueOf(c[i - 1]); } } else if (c[i] == ')') { paraenthisis--; } if (!first && paraenthisis == 0) { end = i + 1; break; // command ends } } // System.out.println("Command = " + command + " Start = " + start + " // end = " + end); return s.substring(0, end); } public String encodeEmbeddedRequest(EmbeddedRequest embeddedRequest) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; RequestedEvent[] requestedEventList = embeddedRequest.getEmbeddedRequestList(); if (requestedEventList != null) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(","); } s.append("R(").append(encodeRequestedEvents(requestedEventList)).append(")"); } EventName[] eventNameList = embeddedRequest.getEmbeddedSignalRequest(); if (eventNameList != null) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(","); } s.append("S(").append(encodeEventNames(eventNameList)).append(")"); } DigitMap digitMap = embeddedRequest.getEmbeddedDigitMap(); if (digitMap != null) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(","); } s.append("D(").append(digitMap.toString()).append(")"); } return s.toString(); } public EmbeddedRequest decodeEmbeddedRequest(String value) throws ParseException { // EmbeddedRequest =("R""("EmbeddedRequestList ")" // [","0*(WSP)"S""("EmbeddedSignalRequest ")"] // [","0*(WSP)"D""("EmbeddedDigitMap ")"]) // /("S""("EmbeddedSignalRequest ")" // [","0*(WSP)"D""("EmbeddedDigitMap ")"]) // /("D""("EmbeddedDigitMap ")") RequestedEvent[] requestedEvents = null; EventName[] signalEvents = null; DigitMap digitMap = null; while (value.length() > 0) { String temp = this.getEvent(value); value = value.substring(temp.length(), value.length()); if (temp.startsWith(",")) { temp = temp.substring(1, temp.length()); } if (temp.startsWith("R")) { temp = temp.substring(2, temp.length() - 1); requestedEvents = decodeRequestedEventList(temp); } else if (temp.startsWith("S")) { temp = temp.substring(2, temp.length() - 1); signalEvents = decodeEventNames(temp); } else if (temp.startsWith("D")) { temp = temp.substring(2, temp.length() - 1); digitMap = new DigitMap(temp); } } return new EmbeddedRequest(requestedEvents, signalEvents, digitMap); } public EventName[] decodeEventNames(String value) throws ParseException { String tokens[] = commaPattern.split(value, 0); EventName[] events = new EventName[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { String name = null; String parm = null; int pos = tokens[i].indexOf('('); if (pos > 0) { name = tokens[i].substring(0, pos); parm = tokens[i].substring(pos + 1, tokens[i].length() - 1); } else { name = tokens[i]; } events[i] = decodeEventName(name, parm); } return events; } public String encodeEventNames(EventName[] events) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; for (EventName e : events) { if (first) { first = false; } else { s.append(','); } s.append(encodeEventName(e)); } return s.toString(); } public String encodeEventName(EventName e) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); s.append(e.getPackageName().toString()).append('/').append(e.getEventIdentifier().getName()); if (e.getConnectionIdentifier() != null) { s.append(AMPERSAND).append(e.getConnectionIdentifier().toString()); } if (e.getEventIdentifier().getParms() != null) { s.append('(').append(e.getEventIdentifier().getParms()).append(')'); } return s.toString(); } /** * Creates EndpointIdentifier object from givent endpont's name. * * @param name * the name of the given endpoint. * @return EdnpointIdentifier object. */ public EndpointIdentifier decodeEndpointIdentifier(String name) { try { this.split(AMPERSAND, name, list); String[] s = new String[list.size()]; list.toArray(s); return new EndpointIdentifier(s[0], s[1]); } finally { list.clear(); } } public String encodeEndpointIdentifier(EndpointIdentifier e) { String s = e.getLocalEndpointName(); if (e.getDomainName() != null) { s += "@" + e.getDomainName(); } return s; } public EndpointIdentifier[] decodeEndpointIdentifiers(String name) { String[] s = commaPattern.split(name, 0); EndpointIdentifier[] endpointIdentifiers = new EndpointIdentifier[s.length]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { endpointIdentifiers[i] = decodeEndpointIdentifier(s[i]); } return endpointIdentifiers; } public String encodeEndpointIdentifiers(EndpointIdentifier[] endpointIdentifierList) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < endpointIdentifierList.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { msg.append(","); } msg.append(encodeEndpointIdentifier(endpointIdentifierList[i])); } return msg.toString(); } public ReturnCode decodeReturnCode(int code) throws ParseException { switch (code) { case ReturnCode.CAS_SIGNALING_PROTOCOL_ERROR: return ReturnCode.CAS_Signaling_Protocol_Error; case ReturnCode.CONNECTION_WAS_DELETED: return ReturnCode.Connection_Was_Deleted; case ReturnCode.ENDPOINT_HAS_NO_DIGIT_MAP: return ReturnCode.Endpoint_Has_No_Digit_Map; case ReturnCode.ENDPOINT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: return ReturnCode.Endpoint_Insufficient_Resources; case ReturnCode.ENDPOINT_IS_RESTARTING: return ReturnCode.Endpoint_Is_Restarting; case ReturnCode.ENDPOINT_NOT_READY: return ReturnCode.Endpoint_Not_Ready; case ReturnCode.ENDPOINT_REDIRECTED: return ReturnCode.Endpoint_Redirected; case ReturnCode.ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN: return ReturnCode.Endpoint_Unknown; case ReturnCode.GATEWAY_CANNOT_DETECT_REQUESTED_EVENT: return ReturnCode.Gateway_Cannot_Detect_Requested_Event; case ReturnCode.GATEWAY_CANNOT_GENERATE_REQUESTED_SIGNAL: return ReturnCode.Gateway_Cannot_Generate_Requested_Signal; case ReturnCode.GATEWAY_CANNOT_SEND_SPECIFIED_ANNOUNCEMENT: return ReturnCode.Gateway_Cannot_Send_Specified_Announcement; case ReturnCode.INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: return ReturnCode.Incompatible_Protocol_Version; case ReturnCode.INCORRECT_CONNECTION_ID: return ReturnCode.Incorrect_Connection_ID; case ReturnCode.INSUFFICIENT_BANDWIDTH: return ReturnCode.Insufficient_Bandwidth; case ReturnCode.INSUFFICIENT_BANDWIDTH_NOW: return ReturnCode.Insufficient_Bandwidth_Now; case ReturnCode.INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_NOW: return ReturnCode.Insufficient_Resources_Now; case ReturnCode.INTERNAL_HARDWARE_FAILURE: return ReturnCode.Internal_Hardware_Failure; case ReturnCode.INTERNAL_INCONSISTENCY_IN_LOCALCONNECTIONOPTIONS: return ReturnCode.Internal_Inconsistency_In_LocalConnectionOptions; case ReturnCode.MISSING_REMOTECONNECTIONDESCRIPTOR: return ReturnCode.Missing_RemoteConnectionDescriptor; case ReturnCode.NO_SUCH_EVENT_OR_SIGNAL: return ReturnCode.No_Such_Event_Or_Signal; case ReturnCode.PHONE_OFF_HOOK: return ReturnCode.Phone_Off_Hook; case ReturnCode.PHONE_ON_HOOK: return ReturnCode.Phone_On_Hook; case ReturnCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR: return ReturnCode.Protocol_Error; case ReturnCode.TRANSACTION_BEING_EXECUTED: return ReturnCode.Transaction_Being_Executed; case ReturnCode.TRANSACTION_EXECUTED_NORMALLY: return ReturnCode.Transaction_Executed_Normally; case ReturnCode.TRANSIENT_ERROR: return ReturnCode.Transient_Error; case ReturnCode.TRUNK_GROUP_FAILURE: return ReturnCode.Trunk_Group_Failure; case ReturnCode.UNKNOWN_CALL_ID: return ReturnCode.Unknown_Call_ID; case ReturnCode.UNKNOWN_EXTENSION_IN_LOCALCONNECTIONOPTIONS: return ReturnCode.Unknown_Extension_In_LocalConnectionOptions; case ReturnCode.UNKNOWN_OR_ILLEGAL_COMBINATION_OF_ACTIONS: return ReturnCode.Unknown_Or_Illegal_Combination_Of_Actions; case ReturnCode.UNRECOGNIZED_EXTENSION: return ReturnCode.Unrecognized_Extension; case ReturnCode.UNSUPPORTED_OR_INVALID_MODE: return ReturnCode.Unsupported_Or_Invalid_Mode; case ReturnCode.UNSUPPORTED_OR_UNKNOWN_PACKAGE: return ReturnCode.Unsupported_Or_Unknown_Package; default: // TODO: 0xx should be treated as response acknowledgement. if ((code > 99) && (code < 200)) return (ReturnCode.Transaction_Being_Executed); else if ((code > 199) && code < 300) return (ReturnCode.Transaction_Executed_Normally); else if ((code > 299) && code < 400) return (ReturnCode.Endpoint_Redirected); else if ((code > 399) && (code > 500)) return (ReturnCode.Transient_Error); else if ((code > 499) && (code < 1000)) return (ReturnCode.Protocol_Error); else throw new ParseException("unknown response code: " + code, 0); } } public String encodeLocalOptionValueList(LocalOptionValue[] options) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { msg.append(","); } String s = options[i].toString(); if (s.indexOf("\n") != -1) { s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("\n")); } msg.append(s); } return msg.toString(); } public String encodeNotificationRequestParms(NotificationRequestParms parms) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("X:").append(parms.getRequestIdentifier()).append("\n"); if (parms.getSignalRequests() != null) { msg.append("S:").append(encodeEventNames(parms.getSignalRequests())).append("\n"); } if (parms.getRequestedEvents() != null) { msg.append("R:").append(encodeRequestedEvents(parms.getRequestedEvents())).append("\n"); } if (parms.getDetectEvents() != null) { msg.append("T:").append(encodeEventNames(parms.getDetectEvents())).append("\n"); } if (parms.getDigitMap() != null) { msg.append("D:").append(parms.getDigitMap()).append("\n"); } return msg.toString(); } public String encodeRequestedEvent(RequestedEvent evt) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer((evt.getEventName().getPackageName()).toString()).append("/").append( evt.getEventName().getEventIdentifier().getName()); if (evt.getEventName().getConnectionIdentifier() != null) { s.append(AMPERSAND).append(evt.getEventName().getConnectionIdentifier().toString()); } String parms = evt.getEventName().getEventIdentifier().getParms(); RequestedAction[] actions = evt.getRequestedActions(); if (actions != null) { String ac = encodeRequestedActions(actions); s.append(" (").append(ac).append(")"); } if (parms != null) { s.append(" (").append(parms).append(")"); } return s.toString(); } public String encodeRequestedEvents(RequestedEvent[] evts) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); for (int i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) { s.append(encodeRequestedEvent(evts[i])); if (i != evts.length - 1) { s.append(','); } } return s.toString(); } public String encodeRequestedActions(RequestedAction[] actions) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); String d = ""; for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { d = i == 0 ? "" : ","; s.append(d).append(encodeRequestedAction(actions[i])); } return s.toString(); } public String encodeRequestedAction(RequestedAction action) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); if (RequestedAction.EMBEDDED_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST != action.getRequestedAction()) { return action.toString(); } else { EmbeddedRequest embeddedRequest = action.getEmbeddedRequest(); s.append("E(").append(encodeEmbeddedRequest(embeddedRequest)).append(")"); } return s.toString(); } public String encodeConnectionParm(ConnectionParm parm) { int type = parm.getConnectionParmType(); if (type == RegularConnectionParm.JITTER) { return "JI=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } else if (type == RegularConnectionParm.LATENCY) { return "LA=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } else if (type == RegularConnectionParm.OCTETS_RECEIVED) { return "OR=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } else if (type == RegularConnectionParm.OCTETS_SENT) { return "OS=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } else if (type == RegularConnectionParm.PACKETS_LOST) { return "PL=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } else if (type == RegularConnectionParm.PACKETS_RECEIVED) { return "PR=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } else if (type == RegularConnectionParm.PACKETS_SENT) { return "PS=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } else { return ((ExtendedConnectionParm) parm).getConnectionParmExtensionName() + "=" + parm.getConnectionParmValue(); } } public ConnectionParm decodeConnectionParm(String parm) { String[] tokens = equalsPattern.split(parm, 0); String name = tokens[0].trim(); String value = tokens[1].trim(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("JI")) { return new RegularConnectionParm(RegularConnectionParm.JITTER, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("LA")) { return new RegularConnectionParm(RegularConnectionParm.LATENCY, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("OR")) { return new RegularConnectionParm(RegularConnectionParm.OCTETS_RECEIVED, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("OS")) { return new RegularConnectionParm(RegularConnectionParm.OCTETS_SENT, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("PL")) { return new RegularConnectionParm(RegularConnectionParm.PACKETS_LOST, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("PR")) { return new RegularConnectionParm(RegularConnectionParm.PACKETS_RECEIVED, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("PS")) { return new RegularConnectionParm(RegularConnectionParm.PACKETS_SENT, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else { return new ExtendedConnectionParm(name, Integer.parseInt(value)); } } public String encodeConnectionParms(ConnectionParm[] parms) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); for (int i = 0; i < parms.length - 1; i++) { s.append(encodeConnectionParm(parms[i])).append(","); } s.append(encodeConnectionParm(parms[parms.length - 1])); return s.toString(); } public ConnectionParm[] decodeConnectionParms(String value) { String tokens[] = commaPattern.split(value, 0); ConnectionParm[] parms = new ConnectionParm[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { parms[i] = decodeConnectionParm(tokens[i].trim()); } return parms; } public ReasonCode decodeReasonCode(String value) { String[] tokens = this.splitStringBySpace(value); int code = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]); ReasonCode reasonCode = null; switch (code) { case ReasonCode.ENDPOINT_MALFUNCTIONING: reasonCode = ReasonCode.Endpoint_Malfunctioning; break; case ReasonCode.ENDPOINT_OUT_OF_SERVICE: reasonCode = ReasonCode.Endpoint_Out_Of_Service; break; case ReasonCode.ENDPOINT_STATE_IS_NOMINAL: reasonCode = ReasonCode.Endpoint_State_Is_Nominal; break; case ReasonCode.LOSS_OF_LOWER_LAYER_CONNECTIVITY: reasonCode = ReasonCode.Loss_Of_Lower_Layer_Connectivity; break; } return reasonCode; } public NotifiedEntity decodeNotifiedEntity(String value, boolean toMGW) throws ParseException { NotifiedEntity notifiedEntity = null; String localName = null; String domainName = null; int port = 0; String domainAndPort[] = null; try { String tokens[] = null; try { this.split(AMPERSAND, value, list); tokens = new String[list.size()]; list.toArray(tokens); } finally { list.clear(); } if (tokens.length == 2) { localName = tokens[0]; domainAndPort = colonPattern.split(tokens[1], 0); domainName = domainAndPort[0]; } else { domainAndPort = colonPattern.split(tokens[0], 0); domainName = domainAndPort[0]; return new NotifiedEntity(domainName); } if (domainAndPort.length == 2) { port = Integer.parseInt(domainAndPort[1]); } else if (toMGW) { // See 3.5 of RFC3435. "by the Call Agents, to the default // MGCP port for gateways, 2427." port = 2427; } else { port = 2727; } notifiedEntity = new NotifiedEntity(localName, domainName, port); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ParseException("unable to parse the " + value + " Message = " + ex.getMessage(), 0); } return notifiedEntity; } public String encodeNotifiedEntity(NotifiedEntity n) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); if (n.getLocalName() != null) { s.append(n.getLocalName()).append("@"); } if (n.getDomainName() != null) { s.append(n.getDomainName()); } if (n.getPortNumber() > 0) { s.append(":").append(n.getPortNumber()); } return s.toString(); } public static void main(String args[]) { Utils u = new Utils(); String text = "blllablaa@whatever.com"; EndpointIdentifier edId = null; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { edId = u.decodeEndpointIdentifier(text); } long opeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTime; System.out.println("took " + opeTime); } }