package org.mobicents.slee.resources.diameter.tests.factories; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jdiameter.api.Stack; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.mobicents.diameter.dictionary.AvpDictionary; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.cxdx.CxDxAVPFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.cxdx.CxDxMessageFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resources.diameter.tests.factories.CCAFactoriesTest.MyConfiguration; /** * * * * @author <a href=""> Alexandre Mendonca </a> * @author <a href=""> Bartosz Baranowski </a> */ public class CxDxFactoriesTest { private static CxDxMessageFactory cxdxMessageFactory; private static CxDxAVPFactory cxdxAvpFactory; static { Stack stack = new org.jdiameter.client.impl.StackImpl(); try { stack.init(new MyConfiguration()); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize the stack."); } cxdxAvpFactory = new CxDxAVPFactoryImpl(); try { cxdxMessageFactory = new CxDxMessageFactoryImpl(stack); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { AvpDictionary.INSTANCE.parseDictionary( CxDxFactoriesTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "dictionary.xml" ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse dictionary file."); } } @Test public void isRequestLIR() throws Exception { LocationInfoRequest lir = cxdxMessageFactory.createLocationInfoRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Location-Info-Request is not set.", lir.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersLIR() throws Exception { LocationInfoRequest lir = cxdxMessageFactory.createLocationInfoRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(lir, LocationInfoRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isRequestMAR() throws Exception { MultimediaAuthenticationRequest mar = cxdxMessageFactory.createMultimediaAuthenticationRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Multimedia-Authentication-Request is not set.", mar.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersMAR() throws Exception { MultimediaAuthenticationRequest mar = cxdxMessageFactory.createMultimediaAuthenticationRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(mar, MultimediaAuthenticationRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isRequestPPR() throws Exception { PushProfileRequest ppr = cxdxMessageFactory.createPushProfileRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Push-Profile-Request is not set.", ppr.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersPPR() throws Exception { PushProfileRequest ppr = cxdxMessageFactory.createPushProfileRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(ppr, PushProfileRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isRequestRTR() throws Exception { RegistrationTerminationRequest rtr = cxdxMessageFactory.createRegistrationTerminationRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Registration-Termination-Request is not set.", rtr.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersRTR() throws Exception { RegistrationTerminationRequest rtr = cxdxMessageFactory.createRegistrationTerminationRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(rtr, RegistrationTerminationRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isRequestSAR() throws Exception { ServerAssignmentRequest sar = cxdxMessageFactory.createServerAssignmentRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in Server-Assignment-Request is not set.", sar.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersSAR() throws Exception { ServerAssignmentRequest sar = cxdxMessageFactory.createServerAssignmentRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(sar, ServerAssignmentRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void isRequestUAR() throws Exception { UserAuthorizationRequest uar = cxdxMessageFactory.createUserAuthorizationRequest(); assertTrue("Request Flag in User-Authorization-Request is not set.", uar.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersUAR() throws Exception { UserAuthorizationRequest uar = cxdxMessageFactory.createUserAuthorizationRequest(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(uar, UserAuthorizationRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateAssociatedIdentities() throws Exception { String avpName = "Associated-Identities"; // Create AVP with mandatory values AssociatedIdentities aiAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedIdentities(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", aiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor AssociatedIdentities aiAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedIdentities(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", aiAvp1, aiAvp2); // Make new copy aiAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedIdentities(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(aiAvp2); // Create empty... AssociatedIdentities aiAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedIdentities(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(aiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values aiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(aiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(aiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(aiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", aiAvp2, aiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateAssociatedRegisteredIdentities() throws Exception { String avpName = "Associated-Registered-Identities"; // Create AVP with mandatory values AssociatedRegisteredIdentities ariAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedRegisteredIdentities(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", ariAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor AssociatedRegisteredIdentities ariAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedRegisteredIdentities(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", ariAvp1, ariAvp2); // Make new copy ariAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedRegisteredIdentities(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(ariAvp2); // Create empty... AssociatedRegisteredIdentities ariAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createAssociatedRegisteredIdentities(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ariAvp3, false); // Set all previous values ariAvp3.setExtensionAvps(ariAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ariAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(ariAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", ariAvp2, ariAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateChargingInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "Charging-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values ChargingInformation ciAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createChargingInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", ciAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor ChargingInformation ciAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createChargingInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", ciAvp1, ciAvp2); // Make new copy ciAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createChargingInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(ciAvp2); // Create empty... ChargingInformation ciAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createChargingInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ciAvp3, false); // Set all previous values ciAvp3.setExtensionAvps(ciAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ciAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(ciAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", ciAvp2, ciAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateDeregistrationReason() throws Exception { String avpName = "Deregistration-Reason"; // Create AVP with mandatory values DeregistrationReason drAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createDeregistrationReason(ReasonCode.NEW_SERVER_ASSIGNED); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", drAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor DeregistrationReason drAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createDeregistrationReason(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Reason-Code AVP.", drAvp2.hasReasonCode()); // Set mandatory values drAvp2.setReasonCode(ReasonCode.NEW_SERVER_ASSIGNED); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", drAvp1, drAvp2); // Make new copy drAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createDeregistrationReason(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(drAvp2); // Create empty... DeregistrationReason drAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createDeregistrationReason(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(drAvp3, false); // Set all previous values drAvp3.setExtensionAvps(drAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(drAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(drAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", drAvp2, drAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateRestorationInfo() throws Exception { String avpName = "Restoration-Info"; // Create AVP with mandatory values RestorationInfo riAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createRestorationInfo("SAMPLE.PATH", "SAMPLE.CONTACT"); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", riAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor RestorationInfo riAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createRestorationInfo(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Path AVP.", riAvp2.hasPath()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Contact AVP.", riAvp2.hasContact()); // Set mandatory values riAvp2.setPath("SAMPLE.PATH"); riAvp2.setContact("SAMPLE.CONTACT"); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", riAvp1, riAvp2); // Make new copy riAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createRestorationInfo(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(riAvp2); // Create empty... RestorationInfo riAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createRestorationInfo(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(riAvp3, false); // Set all previous values riAvp3.setExtensionAvps(riAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(riAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(riAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", riAvp2, riAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateSCSCFRestorationInfo() throws Exception { String avpName = "SCSCF-Restoration-Info"; // Create AVP with mandatory values SCSCFRestorationInfo scscfriAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSCSCFRestorationInfo("SAMPLE.USERNAME", new RestorationInfo[]{cxdxAvpFactory.createRestorationInfo("SAMPLE.PATH", "SAMPLE.CONTACT")}); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", scscfriAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor SCSCFRestorationInfo scscfriAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSCSCFRestorationInfo(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have User-Name AVP.", scscfriAvp2.hasUserName()); Assert.assertTrue("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Restoration-Info AVP.", scscfriAvp2.getRestorationInfos() == null || scscfriAvp2.getRestorationInfos().length == 0); // Set mandatory values scscfriAvp2.setUserName("SAMPLE.USERNAME"); scscfriAvp2.setRestorationInfo(cxdxAvpFactory.createRestorationInfo("SAMPLE.PATH", "SAMPLE.CONTACT")); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", scscfriAvp1, scscfriAvp2); // Make new copy scscfriAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSCSCFRestorationInfo(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(scscfriAvp2); // Create empty... SCSCFRestorationInfo scscfriAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSCSCFRestorationInfo(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(scscfriAvp3, false); // Set all previous values scscfriAvp3.setExtensionAvps(scscfriAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(scscfriAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(scscfriAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", scscfriAvp2, scscfriAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateSIPAuthDataItem() throws Exception { String avpName = "SIP-Auth-Data-Item"; // Create AVP with mandatory values SIPAuthDataItem sadiAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSIPAuthDataItem(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", sadiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor SIPAuthDataItem sadiAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSIPAuthDataItem(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", sadiAvp1, sadiAvp2); // Make new copy sadiAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSIPAuthDataItem(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(sadiAvp2); // Create empty... SIPAuthDataItem sadiAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSIPAuthDataItem(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(sadiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values sadiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(sadiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(sadiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(sadiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", sadiAvp2, sadiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateSubscriptionInfo() throws Exception { String avpName = "Subscription-Info"; // Create AVP with mandatory values SubscriptionInfo siAvp1 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSubscriptionInfo("cid", "fsh", "tsh", "rr", "c"); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", siAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor SubscriptionInfo siAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSubscriptionInfo(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Call-ID-SIP-Header AVP.", siAvp2.hasCallIDSIPHeader()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have From-SIP-Header AVP.", siAvp2.hasFromSIPHeader()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have To-SIP-Header AVP.", siAvp2.hasToSIPHeader()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Record-Route AVP.", siAvp2.hasRecordRoute()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Contact AVP.", siAvp2.hasContact()); // Set mandatory values siAvp2.setCallIDSIPHeader("cid"); siAvp2.setFromSIPHeader("fsh"); siAvp2.setToSIPHeader("tsh"); siAvp2.setRecordRoute("rr"); siAvp2.setContact("c"); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", siAvp1, siAvp2); // Make new copy siAvp2 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSubscriptionInfo(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(siAvp2); // Create empty... SubscriptionInfo siAvp3 = cxdxAvpFactory.createSubscriptionInfo(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(siAvp3, false); // Set all previous values siAvp3.setExtensionAvps(siAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(siAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(siAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setUnitValue should be equal to original.", siAvp2, siAvp3); } }