/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.mobicents.media.server.testsuite.general; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.CreateProviderException; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.JainMgcpCommandEvent; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.JainMgcpEvent; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.JainMgcpResponseEvent; import jain.protocol.ip.mgcp.message.Notify; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Serializable; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TooManyListenersException; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.sdp.Attribute; import javax.sdp.SdpFactory; import org.mobicents.media.server.testsuite.general.file.FileUtils; import org.mobicents.media.server.testsuite.general.rtp.RtpSocketFactory; import org.mobicents.media.server.testsuite.general.rtp.RtpSocketFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.media.server.testsuite.gui.ext.CallStateTableModel; import org.mobicents.mgcp.stack.JainMgcpExtendedListener; import org.mobicents.mgcp.stack.JainMgcpStackImpl; import org.mobicents.mgcp.stack.JainMgcpStackProviderImpl; /** * * @author baranowb */ public abstract class AbstractTestCase implements JainMgcpExtendedListener, Runnable, Serializable { protected transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); private TestState testState = TestState.Stoped; public transient final static String _CASE_FILE = "testcase.bin"; public transient final static String _COLLECTIVE_RTP_FILE = "rtp.txt"; public static final String _LINE_SEPARATOR; static { String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); _LINE_SEPARATOR = lineSeparator; } // Dump section private transient File _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FILE; private transient FileOutputStream _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FOS; private transient OutputStreamWriter _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW; // private transient FileInputStream _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FIS; // private transient InputStreamReader _RTP_TXT_DUMP_ISR; public static final int _TURN_OFF_BOUNDRY = -1; // Yes, it would be good thing to ser protected transient SdpFactory sdpFactory; protected transient CallDisplayInterface callDisplay; protected Map<Long, AbstractCall> callSequenceToCall; // We mix view, but this is easier to achieve perf with that. protected transient CallStateTableModel model; // protected part - some variables that we might use. protected InetAddress clientTestNodeAddress; protected InetAddress serverJbossBindAddress; // timestamp :), its used for files protected long testTimesTamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); protected transient File testDumpDirectory; protected transient ScheduledFuture callCreatorTask; protected transient ScheduledFuture gracefulStopTask; // Timer guard: protected transient final ScheduledExecutorService timeGuard; // protected transient final ScheduledExecutorService executors; // Some getters // Some stats protected long ongoingCallNumber; protected long errorCallNumber; protected long completedCallNumber; protected long totalCalls; protected long maxErrorCallNumber; protected transient RtpSocketFactory socketFactory; // FIXME: this will go into MGCP test case, will be removed from here // some mgcp magic protected transient JainMgcpStackImpl stack; protected transient JainMgcpStackProviderImpl provider; // We need this to map TXID to Call :) protected transient Map<Integer, AbstractCall> mgcpTransactionToProxy = new HashMap<Integer, AbstractCall>(); protected transient Map<String, AbstractCall> requestIdIdToProxy = new HashMap<String, AbstractCall>(); public AbstractTestCase() { this.callSequenceToCall = new HashMap<Long, AbstractCall>(); // model = new CallStateTableModel(this.callSequenceToCall); AbstractCall.resetSequence(); NamedThreadFactory executorsThreadFactory = new NamedThreadFactory("ExecutorsTestCaseFactory"); NamedThreadFactory timeGuardThreadFactory = new NamedThreadFactory("GuardThreadFactoryTestCaseFactory"); executors = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2, executorsThreadFactory); timeGuard = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, timeGuardThreadFactory); } private void init() throws SocketException, IOException { // init streams boolean finished = false; try { _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FOS = new FileOutputStream(_RTP_TXT_DUMP_FILE); _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW = new OutputStreamWriter(_RTP_TXT_DUMP_FOS); // _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FIS = new FileInputStream(_RTP_TXT_DUMP_FILE); // _RTP_TXT_DUMP_ISR = new InputStreamReader(_RTP_TXT_DUMP_FIS); finished = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (!finished) { if (_RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW != null) { _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW.close(); _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW = null; _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FOS = null; } } } if (this.socketFactory == null) { this.socketFactory = new RtpSocketFactoryImpl(); // this.socketFactory.setPortRange("5000-10000"); } if (this.socketFactory != null) { this.socketFactory.setBindAddress(this.callDisplay.getLocalAddress()); this.socketFactory.setFormatMap(this.callDisplay.getCodecs()); this.socketFactory.start(); } } public OutputStreamWriter getRtpOSW() { return _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW; } public InputStreamReader getRtpISR() { FileInputStream _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FIS; try { _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FIS = new FileInputStream(_RTP_TXT_DUMP_FILE); InputStreamReader _RTP_TXT_DUMP_ISR = new InputStreamReader(_RTP_TXT_DUMP_FIS); return _RTP_TXT_DUMP_ISR; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public ScheduledExecutorService getExecutors() { return executors; } protected void incrementOngoignCall() { this.ongoingCallNumber++; this.totalCalls++; } protected void decrementOngoingCall() { this.ongoingCallNumber--; } protected void incrementErrorCall() { this.errorCallNumber++; } protected void incrementCompletedCall() { this.completedCallNumber++; } public long getTestTimeStamp() { return this.testTimesTamp; } public InetAddress getClientTestNodeAddress() { return this.clientTestNodeAddress; } public InetAddress getServerJbossBindAddress() { return this.serverJbossBindAddress; } public CallDisplayInterface getCallDisplayInterface() { return this.callDisplay; } public AbstractCall getCallBySequence(Long seq) { AbstractCall ac = this.callSequenceToCall.get(seq); if (ac != null) ac.setTestCase(this); return ac; } public void callStateChanged(AbstractCall c) { CallState callState = c.getState(); if (callState == CallState.INITIAL) { this.incrementOngoignCall(); } else if (callState == CallState.ENDED) { this.decrementOngoingCall(); this.incrementCompletedCall(); // as soon as we end one call, we should try to start another. this.checkForCallInit(); } else if (callState == CallState.IN_ERROR) { this.decrementOngoingCall(); this.incrementErrorCall(); // as soon as we end one call, we should try to start another. this.checkForCallInit(); } // System.err.println("updateCallView:"+this.ongoingCallNumber); this.callDisplay.updateCallView(); // this is forterm; if (this.testState == TestState.Terminating) { if (getOngoingCallNumber() == 0) { this.stop(false); } } } public CallStateTableModel getTableModel() { return this.model; } public long getCompletedCallNumber() { return this.completedCallNumber; } public long getErrorCallNumber() { return this.errorCallNumber; } public long getOngoingCallNumber() { return this.ongoingCallNumber; } public void setMaxErrorCallNumber(long v) { this.maxErrorCallNumber = v; } public long getTotalCallNumber() { return this.totalCalls; } public void stop(boolean onGracefull) { synchronized (this.testState) { switch (this.testState) { case Terminating: if (!onGracefull) { return; } try { if (this.provider != null) { try { this.provider.removeJainMgcpListener(this); this.stack.deleteProvider(this.provider); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (this.stack != null) { try { this.stack.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (callCreatorTask != null) { callCreatorTask.cancel(true); } // FIXME: add more? try { for (AbstractCall call : this.callSequenceToCall.values()) { if (call.getState() == CallState.ESTABILISHED || call.getState() == CallState.INITIAL) { call.stop(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (_RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW != null) { try { _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW.flush(); _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW.close(); _RTP_TXT_DUMP_OSW = null; _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FOS = null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (this.socketFactory != null) try { this.socketFactory.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Now lets serialize. serialize(); // dumpSampleTraffic(); } finally { this.testState = TestState.Stoped; this.gracefulStopTask = null; if (this.timeGuard != null) { this.timeGuard.shutdownNow(); } if (this.executors != null) { this.executors.shutdownNow(); } } this.testState = TestState.Stoped; break; case Running: this.testState = TestState.Terminating; // this.gracefulStopTask = this. // so we dont have to press stop twice, this is stupid. if (this.gracefulStopTask == null) { this.gracefulStopTask = this.executors.schedule(new GracefulStopTask(this), this.callDisplay.getCallDuration() + 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } break; default: break; } } } public void start() throws CreateProviderException, TooManyListenersException { try { stop(false); this.clientTestNodeAddress = InetAddress.getByName(this.callDisplay.getLocalAddress()); this.serverJbossBindAddress = InetAddress.getByName(this.callDisplay.getRemoteAddress()); this.stack = new JainMgcpStackImpl(this.clientTestNodeAddress, this.callDisplay.getLocalPort()); this.provider = (JainMgcpStackProviderImpl) this.stack.createProvider(); this.provider.addJainMgcpListener(this); testState = TestState.Running; onCPSChange(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(AbstractTestCase.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public TestState getTestState() { return this.testState; } public RtpSocketFactory getSocketFactory() { return socketFactory; } public void setCallDisplay(CallDisplayInterface cdi) throws IllegalStateException, SocketException, IOException { this.callDisplay = cdi; this.clientTestNodeAddress = InetAddress.getByName(this.callDisplay.getRemoteAddress()); this.serverJbossBindAddress = InetAddress.getByName(this.callDisplay.getRemoteAddress()); this.sdpFactory = SdpFactory.getInstance(); this.testDumpDirectory = new File(cdi.getDefaultDataDumpDirectory(), "" + this.testTimesTamp); if (!this.testDumpDirectory.exists()) { if (!this.testDumpDirectory.mkdirs()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create dirs: " + this.testDumpDirectory); } } else { // This shoudl not happen, but just in case. if (this.testDumpDirectory.isDirectory() && this.testDumpDirectory.canWrite()) { } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to validate dump dir, its either not writeable or is not a directory: " + this.testDumpDirectory); } } _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FILE = new File(this.testDumpDirectory, _COLLECTIVE_RTP_FILE); this.init(); } // This method is used on loaded test case public void setCallDisplay(CallDisplayInterface cdi, File testDumpDirectory) throws UnknownHostException, IllegalStateException { this.callDisplay = cdi; this.sdpFactory = SdpFactory.getInstance(); // this.testDumpDirectory = new // File(testDumpDirectory,""+this.testTimesTamp); this.testDumpDirectory = testDumpDirectory; _RTP_TXT_DUMP_FILE = new File(this.testDumpDirectory, _COLLECTIVE_RTP_FILE); model = new CallStateTableModel(this.callSequenceToCall); for (AbstractCall call : this.callSequenceToCall.values()) { call.setDumpDir(testDumpDirectory); } } public void onCPSChange() { if (testState == TestState.Stoped) { return; } // we changed CPS. if (this.callCreatorTask != null) { this.callCreatorTask.cancel(true); } int cps = this.getCallDisplayInterface().getCPS(); if (cps == 0) { return; } int delta = 1000 / this.getCallDisplayInterface().getCPS(); // we use delta,delta, cause we dont want sudden rush in CPS this.callCreatorTask = this.executors.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, delta, delta, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // this.run(); } public void onCallLengthChange() { } public abstract AbstractCall getNewCall(); Vector<Attribute> getSDPAttributes() { return this.callDisplay.getCodecs(); } public SdpFactory getSdpFactory() { return this.sdpFactory; } public File getTestDumpDirectory() { return this.testDumpDirectory; } // run in which we create more calls :) public void run() { // For some twisted reason constructo does not work... // model.setCallData(this.callSequenceToCall); if (this.testState == TestState.Running) { if (this.maxErrorCallNumber != _TURN_OFF_BOUNDRY && this.errorCallNumber >= this.maxErrorCallNumber) { } if (this.callDisplay.getMaxConcurrentCalls() != _TURN_OFF_BOUNDRY && this.ongoingCallNumber >= this.callDisplay.getMaxConcurrentCalls()) { return; } if (this.callDisplay.getMaxCalls() != _TURN_OFF_BOUNDRY && this.totalCalls == this.callDisplay.getMaxCalls()) { this.stop(false); return; } try { // This creates call, which knows how to estabilish itself and // how long it should linger on as active. AbstractCall c = this.getNewCall(); this.callSequenceToCall.put(c.getSequence(), c); callStateChanged(c); c.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void checkForCallInit() { if (this.callDisplay.getMaxConcurrentCalls() != -1 && this.callDisplay.getCPS() > 0) { try { run(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // some handy methods public JainMgcpStackProviderImpl getProvider() { return this.provider; } // Event handlers public void processMgcpCommandEvent(JainMgcpCommandEvent command) { // For now we dont care for reqeust sent from MMS if (command instanceof Notify) { Notify notify = (Notify) command; AbstractCall cp = getCall(notify.getRequestIdentifier().toString()); if (cp != null) { cp.processMgcpCommandEvent(command); } } } public void processMgcpResponseEvent(JainMgcpResponseEvent response) { // System.out.println("Recived response "+ response); try { AbstractCall cp = getCall(response); if (cp != null) { cp.processMgcpResponseEvent(response); } else { System.err.println("NO CALL"); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } public void transactionEnded(int arg0) { AbstractCall cp = getCall(arg0); if (cp != null) { cp.transactionEnded(arg0); } else { logger.severe("No call proxy for txid: " + arg0); } } public void transactionRxTimedOut(JainMgcpCommandEvent commandTimedOut) { AbstractCall cp = getCall(commandTimedOut); if (cp != null) { cp.transactionRxTimedOut(commandTimedOut); } else { logger.severe("No call proxy for txid: " + commandTimedOut.getTransactionHandle() + " for timed out event"); } } public void transactionTxTimedOut(JainMgcpCommandEvent commandTimeOut) { AbstractCall cp = getCall(commandTimeOut); if (cp != null) { cp.transactionTxTimedOut(commandTimeOut); } else { logger.severe("No call proxy for txid: " + commandTimeOut.getTransactionHandle() + " for timed out event2"); } } // CALL MGMT protected AbstractCall getCall(JainMgcpEvent mgcpEvent) { return this.mgcpTransactionToProxy.get(mgcpEvent.getTransactionHandle()); } protected AbstractCall getCall(int txID) { return this.mgcpTransactionToProxy.get(txID); } public void removeCall(JainMgcpEvent mgcpEvent) { this.removeCall(mgcpEvent.getTransactionHandle()); } public void removeCall(int txID) { this.mgcpTransactionToProxy.remove(txID); } public void addCall(String ri, AbstractCall cp) { this.requestIdIdToProxy.put(ri, cp); } public void removeCall(String ri) { this.requestIdIdToProxy.remove(ri); } public AbstractCall getCall(String ri) { return this.requestIdIdToProxy.get(ri); } public void addCall(JainMgcpEvent mgcpEvent, AbstractCall cp) { this.mgcpTransactionToProxy.put(mgcpEvent.getTransactionHandle(), cp); } /** * Custom deserialization is needed. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream aStream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { aStream.defaultReadObject(); } /** * Perofrms all serialization actions */ protected void serialize() { this.localAddress = this.callDisplay.getLocalAddress(); this.localPort = this.callDisplay.getLocalPort(); this.remoteAddress = this.callDisplay.getRemoteAddress(); this.remotePort = this.callDisplay.getRemotePort(); this.cps = this.callDisplay.getCPS(); this.callDuration = this.callDisplay.getCallDuration(); this.maxCalls = this.callDisplay.getMaxCalls(); this.maxConcurrentCalls = this.callDisplay.getMaxConcurrentCalls(); this.maxFailCalls = this.callDisplay.getMaxFailCalls(); FileUtils.serializeTestCase(this); } /** * Custom serialization is needed. */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream aStream) throws IOException { aStream.defaultWriteObject(); } /** * This method is called after stop, to dump case data. */ private class GracefulStopTask implements Runnable { private AbstractTestCase atc; public GracefulStopTask(AbstractTestCase atc) { super(); this.atc = atc; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { atc.stop(true); } } /** * @return */ public String getExampleData() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (this.callSequenceToCall != null && this.callSequenceToCall.size() > 0) { int index0 = this.callSequenceToCall.size() / 2; Iterator<Long> seqIterator = this.callSequenceToCall.keySet().iterator(); while (index0 > 0) { // seqIterator.next(); index0--; } AbstractCall call = null; while (call == null && seqIterator.hasNext()) { Long seq = seqIterator.next(); call = this.callSequenceToCall.get(seq); if (call.getState() == CallState.IN_ERROR || call.getState() == CallState.TIMED_OUT) { call = null; continue; } else { break; } } if (call != null) { sb.append((this.callDuration + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((this.cps + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((this.maxConcurrentCalls + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((this.maxFailCalls + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((this.getErrorCallNumber() + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((this.maxCalls + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((this.getTotalCallNumber() + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); call.setTestCase(this); // sb.append((call.getCallID().toString()+AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((call.getSequence() + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((call.getAvgJitter() + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); sb.append((call.getPeakJitter() + AbstractTestCase._LINE_SEPARATOR)); // sb.append(call.getCallSpecificData()); } else { logger.severe("Failed to find call to add data to collective dump file."); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { return sb.toString(); } else { return null; } } // Those are only for dump purposes private String localAddress = "", remoteAddress = ""; private int localPort = 2428, remotePort = 2427; private int cps = 1; private long callDuration = 2500; private long maxCalls = AbstractTestCase._TURN_OFF_BOUNDRY; private int maxConcurrentCalls = AbstractTestCase._TURN_OFF_BOUNDRY; private int maxFailCalls = AbstractTestCase._TURN_OFF_BOUNDRY; }