package org.mobicents.slee.container.deployment.jboss; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import javax.slee.ComponentID; import javax.slee.resource.ConfigProperties; import javax.slee.resource.ResourceAdaptorID; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.mobicents.slee.container.SleeContainer; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * This class represents a SLEE Deployable Unit, represented by a collection of * Deployable Components. Contains all the DU dependencies, install/uninstall * actions needed for the DU and post-install and pre-uninstall actions. * * @author Alexandre Mendon�a * @version 1.0 */ public class DeployableUnit { // The logger. private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DeployableUnit.class); // The DeploymentInfo short name private String diShortName; // The DeploymentInfo URL object private URL diURL; // A collection of the Deployable Components in this DU private Collection<DeployableComponent> components = new ArrayList<DeployableComponent>(); // A collection of the IDs of the components in this DU. private Collection<String> componentIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); // A collection of the IDs of the components that this DU depends on. private Collection<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); // The install actions needed to install/activate this DU components. private Collection<Object[]> installActions = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); // The post-install actions needed to install/activate this DU components. private HashMap<String, Collection<Object[]>> postInstallActions = new HashMap<String, Collection<Object[]>>(); // The pre-uninstall actions needed to deactivate/uninstall this DU components. private HashMap<String, Collection<Object[]>> preUninstallActions = new HashMap<String, Collection<Object[]>>(); // The install actions needed to deactivate/uninstall this DU components. private Collection<Object[]> uninstallActions = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); // A flag indicating wether this DU is installed private boolean isInstalled = false; /** * Constructor. * @param duDeploymentInfo this DU deployment info. * @param deploymentManager the DeploymentManager in charge of this DU. * @throws Exception */ public DeployableUnit(DeployableUnitWrapper du) throws Exception { this.diShortName = du.getFileName(); this.diURL = du.getUrl(); // First action for the DU is always install. installActions.add(new Object[] { "install", diURL.toString() }); // Parse the deploy-config.xml to obtain post-install/pre-uninstall actions parseDeployConfig(); } /** * Adder method for a Deployable Component. * @param dc the deployable component object. */ public void addComponent(DeployableComponent dc) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Adding Component " + dc.getComponentKey()); // Add the component .. components.add(dc); // .. the key .. componentIDs.add(dc.getComponentKey()); // .. the dependencies .. dependencies.addAll(dc.getDependencies()); // .. the install actions to be taken .. installActions.addAll(dc.getInstallActions()); // .. post-install actions (if any) .. Collection<Object[]> postInstallActionsStrings = postInstallActions .remove(dc.getComponentKey()); if (postInstallActionsStrings != null && postInstallActionsStrings.size() > 0) { installActions.addAll(postInstallActionsStrings); } else if (dc.getComponentType() == DeployableComponent.RA_COMPONENT) { ComponentID cid = dc.getComponentID(); String raID = dc.getComponentKey(); logger .warn("\r\n------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\nNo RA Entity and Link config for " + raID + " found. Using default values!" + "\r\n------------------------------------------------------------"); String raName = cid.getName(); // Add the default Create and Activate RA Entity actions to the Install Actions installActions.add(new Object[] { "createResourceAdaptorEntity", cid, raName, new ConfigProperties() }); installActions.add(new Object[] { "activateResourceAdaptorEntity", raName }); // Create default link installActions.add(new Object[] { "bindLinkName", raName, raName }); // Remove default link uninstallActions.add(new Object[] { "unbindLinkName", raName }); // Add the default Deactivate and Remove RA Entity actions to the Uninstall Actions uninstallActions.add(new Object[] { "deactivateResourceAdaptorEntity", raName }); uninstallActions.add(new Object[] { "removeResourceAdaptorEntity", raName }); } // .. pre-uninstall actions (if any) .. Collection<Object[]> preUninstallActionsStrings = preUninstallActions .remove(dc.getComponentKey()); if (preUninstallActionsStrings != null) uninstallActions.addAll(preUninstallActionsStrings); // .. and finally the uninstall actions to the DU. uninstallActions.addAll(dc.getUninstallActions()); } /** * Method for checking if DU is self-sufficient. * @return true if the DU has no external dependencies. */ public boolean isSelfSufficient() { // All dependencies in the DU components? return componentIDs.containsAll(dependencies); } /** * Method for obtaining the external dependencies for this DU, if any. * @return a Collection of external dependencies identifiers. */ public Collection<String> getExternalDependencies() { // Take all dependencies... Collection<String> externalDependencies = new HashSet<String>(dependencies); // Remove those which are contained in this DU externalDependencies.removeAll(componentIDs); // Return what's left. return externalDependencies; } /** * Method for checking if the DU has all the dependencies needed to be deployed. * @param showMissing param to set whether to show or not missing dependencies. * @return true if all the dependencies are satisfied. */ public boolean hasDependenciesSatisfied(boolean showMissing) { // First of all check if it is self-sufficient if (isSelfSufficient()) return true; // If not self-sufficient, get the remaining dependencies Collection<String> externalDependencies = getExternalDependencies(); // Remove those that are already installed... externalDependencies.removeAll(DeploymentManager.INSTANCE.getDeployedComponents()); // Some remaining? if (externalDependencies.size() > 0) { if (showMissing) { // List them to the user... String missingDepList = ""; for (String missingDep : externalDependencies) missingDepList += "\r\n +-- " + missingDep;"Missing dependencies for " + this.diShortName + ":" + missingDepList); } // Return dependencies not satified. return false; } // OK, dependencies satisfied! return true; } /** * Method for checking if this DU contains any component that is already deployed. * @return true if there's a component that is already deployed. */ public boolean hasDuplicates() { ArrayList<String> duplicates = new ArrayList<String>(); // For each component in the DU .. for (String componentId : componentIDs) { // Check if it is already deployed if (DeploymentManager.INSTANCE.getDeployedComponents().contains(componentId)) { duplicates.add(componentId); } } if (duplicates.size() > 0) { logger .warn("The deployable unit '" + this.diShortName + "' contains components that are already deployed. The following are already installed:"); for (String dupComponent : duplicates) logger.warn(" - " + dupComponent); return true; } // If we got here, there's no dups. return false; } /** * Method for doing all the checking to make sure it is ready to be installed. * @param showMissing param to set whether to show or not missing dependencies. * @return true if all the pre-reqs are met. */ public boolean isReadyToInstall(boolean showMissing) { // Check if the deps are satisfied and there are no dups. return hasDependenciesSatisfied(showMissing) && !hasDuplicates(); } /** * Getter for the Install Actions. * @return a Collection of actions. */ public Collection<Object[]> getInstallActions() { ArrayList<Object[]> iActions = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); iActions.addAll(installActions); // Let's check if we have some remaining install actions if (postInstallActions.values().size() > 0) { for (String componentId : postInstallActions.keySet()) { iActions.addAll(postInstallActions.get(componentId)); } } return iActions; } /** * Getter for the Uninstall Actions. * @return a Collection of actions. */ public Collection<Object[]> getUninstallActions() { Collection<Object[]> uActions = new ArrayList(uninstallActions); // Let's check if we have some remaining install actions if (preUninstallActions.values().size() > 0) { for (String componentId : preUninstallActions.keySet()) { uActions.addAll(preUninstallActions.get(componentId)); } } // To make sure uninstall is the last action, we add it just when we return them. uActions.add(new Object[] { "uninstall", diURL.toString() }); return uActions; } /** * Getter for this DU components. * @return a Collection of component identifiers. */ public Collection<String> getComponents() { return componentIDs; } /** * Method for doing all the checking to make sure it is ready to be uninstalled. * @return true if all the pre-reqs are met. * @throws Exception */ public boolean isReadyToUninstall() throws Exception { // Check DU for readiness .. if (isInstalled && !hasReferringDU()) { // Check each DU for it's readiness also for (DeployableComponent dc : components) { if (!dc.isUndeployable(this)) return false; } } else { return false; } // It's good to go. return true; } /** * Method for checking if this DU components are referred by any others. * @return true if there are other DUs installed referring this. * @throws Exception */ private boolean hasReferringDU() throws Exception { // Check if its safe to remove the deployable unit. // Get SleeContainer instance from JNDI SleeContainer sC = SleeContainer.lookupFromJndi(); for (String componentIdString : this.getComponents()) { ComponentIDPropertyEditor cidpe = new ComponentIDPropertyEditor(); cidpe.setAsText( componentIdString ); ComponentID componentId = (ComponentID) cidpe.getValue(); for (ComponentID referringComponentId : sC.getComponentRepositoryImpl().getReferringComponents(componentId)) { ComponentIDPropertyEditor rcidpe = new ComponentIDPropertyEditor(); rcidpe.setValue( referringComponentId ); String referringComponentIdString = rcidpe.getAsText(); if (!this.getComponents().contains( referringComponentIdString )) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Getter for the DeploymentInfo short name * @return a String containing the filename */ public String getDeploymentInfoShortName() { return this.diShortName; } /** * Setter for the isInstalled flag. * @return a boolean indicating if the DU is already installed. */ public boolean isInstalled() { return isInstalled; } /** * Setter for the isInstalled flag. * @param isInstalled the isInstalled flag indicating that the DU is already installed. */ public void setInstalled(boolean isInstalled) { this.isInstalled = isInstalled; } /** * Parser for the deployment config xml. * @throws Exception */ private void parseDeployConfig() throws Exception { JarFile componentJarFile = null; InputStream is = null; try { // Create a JarFile object componentJarFile = new JarFile(diURL.getFile()); // Get the JarEntry for the deploy-config.xml JarEntry deployInfoXML = componentJarFile .getJarEntry("META-INF/deploy-config.xml"); // If it exists, set an Input Stream on it is = deployInfoXML != null ? componentJarFile .getInputStream(deployInfoXML) : null; if (is != null) { // Read the file into a Document DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(is); // By now we only care about <ra-entitu> nodes NodeList raEntities = doc.getElementsByTagName("ra-entity"); // The RA identifier String raId = null; // The collection of Post-Install Actions Collection<Object[]> cPostInstallActions = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); // The collection of Pre-Uninstall Actions Collection<Object[]> cPreUninstallActions = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); // Iterate through each ra-entity node for (int i = 0; i < raEntities.getLength(); i++) { Element raEntity = (Element) raEntities.item(i); // Get the component ID ComponentIDPropertyEditor cidpe = new ComponentIDPropertyEditor(); cidpe.setAsText(raEntity.getAttribute("resource-adaptor-id")); raId = cidpe.getValue().toString(); // The RA Entity Name String entityName = raEntity.getAttribute("entity-name"); // Select the properties node NodeList propsNodeList = raEntity.getElementsByTagName("properties"); if (propsNodeList.getLength() > 1) logger .warn("Invalid ra-entity element, has more than one properties child. Reading only first."); // The properties for this RA ConfigProperties props = new ConfigProperties(); // FIXME: Alexandre: Add properties handling. /*Element propsNode = (Element) propsNodeList.item(0); // Do we have any properties at all? if (propsNode != null) { String propsFilename; // Do we have a properties file to load? if ((propsFilename = ((Element) propsNode) .getAttribute("file")) != null && !propsFilename.equals("")) { // Get the entry from the jar JarEntry propsFile = componentJarFile .getJarEntry("META-INF/" + propsFilename); // Load it. props.load(componentJarFile .getInputStream(propsFile)); } // Select the property elements NodeList propsList = propsNode .getElementsByTagName("property"); // For each element, add it to the Properties object for (int j = 0; j < propsList.getLength(); j++) { Element property = (Element) propsList.item(j); // If the property already exists, it will be overwritten. props.put(property.getAttribute("name"), property .getAttribute("value")); } }*/ // Create the Resource Adaptor ID // ComponentIDPropertyEditor cidpe = new ComponentIDPropertyEditor(); cidpe.setAsText(raEntity.getAttribute("resource-adaptor-id")); ResourceAdaptorID componentID = (ResourceAdaptorID) cidpe.getValue(); // Add the Create and Activate RA Entity actions to the Post-Install Actions cPostInstallActions.add(new Object[] { "createResourceAdaptorEntity", componentID, entityName, props }); cPostInstallActions.add(new Object[] { "activateResourceAdaptorEntity", entityName }); // Each RA might have zero or more links.. get them NodeList links = raEntity.getElementsByTagName("ra-link"); for (int j = 0; j < links.getLength(); j++) { String linkName = ((Element) links.item(j)) .getAttribute("name"); cPostInstallActions.add(new Object[] { "bindLinkName", entityName, linkName }); cPreUninstallActions.add(new Object[] { "unbindLinkName", linkName }); } // Add the Deactivate and Remove RA Entity actions to the Pre-Uninstall Actions cPreUninstallActions.add(new Object[] { "deactivateResourceAdaptorEntity", entityName }); cPreUninstallActions.add(new Object[] { "removeResourceAdaptorEntity", entityName }); // Finally add the actions to the respective hashmap. if (raId != null) { // We need to check if we are updating or adding new ones. if (postInstallActions.containsKey(raId)) postInstallActions.get(raId).addAll( cPostInstallActions); else postInstallActions.put(raId, cPostInstallActions); // Same here... if (preUninstallActions.containsKey(raId)) preUninstallActions.get(raId).addAll( cPreUninstallActions); else preUninstallActions.put(raId, cPreUninstallActions); } // Now we clean the lists for the next round (might come a new RA ID)... cPostInstallActions = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); cPreUninstallActions = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); raId = null; } } } finally { // Clean depoy-config.xml inputstream try { if (is != null) is.close(); } finally { is = null; } // Clean jar input streams try { if (componentJarFile != null) componentJarFile.close(); } finally { componentJarFile = null; } } } public URL getURL() { return diURL; } }