package org.mobicents.slee.container.service; import java.util.Set; import javax.slee.SLEEException; import javax.slee.SbbID; import javax.slee.ServiceID; import; import javax.slee.resource.EventFlags; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mobicents.slee.container.SleeContainer; import org.mobicents.slee.container.component.ServiceComponent; import; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContext; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContextHandle; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.activity.ActivityContextHandlerFactory; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbbentity.SbbEntity; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.sbbentity.SbbEntityFactory; import org.mobicents.slee.runtime.transaction.TransactionalAction; /** * Service implementation. This is the run-time representation of the service * Represents an instance of a Slee Service. Note that in the SLEE, the Service * is a management artifact. * * @author eduardomartins * @author Francesco Moggia * @author M. Ranganathan * */ public class Service { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Service.class); private static final SleeContainer sleeContainer = SleeContainer.lookupFromJndi(); // --- service private final ServiceComponent serviceComponent; private final ServiceCacheData cacheData; /** * The Public constructor. This is used to create a runtime representation * of the service. * * @param serviceComponent -- * the svc descriptor corresponding to this Service. * * @throws RuntimeException */ protected Service(ServiceComponent serviceComponent) throws RuntimeException { if (serviceComponent == null) throw new NullPointerException("null descriptor or container"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Service.Service(): creating service " + serviceComponent); } this.serviceComponent = serviceComponent; this.cacheData = new ServiceCacheData(serviceComponent.getServiceID(),sleeContainer.getCluster().getMobicentsCache()); cacheData.create(); } /** * get the default priority. */ public byte getDefaultPriority() { return serviceComponent.getDefaultPriority(); } /** * Retrieves the service component * @return */ public ServiceComponent getServiceComponent() { return serviceComponent; } /** * get the component key for the service component from which this service * was created. */ public ServiceID getServiceID() { return serviceComponent.getServiceID(); } /** * Retrieves the {@link SbbID} of the root sbb for this service * @return */ public SbbID getRootSbbID() { return this.serviceComponent.getRootSbbComponent().getSbbID(); } /** * Set the service state. * * @param serviceState */ public void setState(final ServiceState serviceState) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { try { ServiceState oldServiceState = cacheData.getState(); logger .debug("ServiceComponent.setState(): State service ID = " + getServiceID() + " current State = " + oldServiceState + " new State = " + serviceState + " TX ID: " + sleeContainer.getTransactionManager() .getTransaction()); } catch (SystemException e) { logger.error("error in debugging setState(): ", e); } } cacheData.setState(serviceState); // notifying the resource adaptors about service state change if the tx commits final ResourceManagement resourceManagement = sleeContainer .getResourceManagement(); TransactionalAction action = new TransactionalAction() { public void execute() { ServiceID serviceID = getServiceID(); for (String raEntityName : resourceManagement .getResourceAdaptorEntities()) { if (serviceState == ServiceState.ACTIVE) { resourceManagement.getResourceAdaptorEntity(raEntityName).serviceActive(serviceID); } else if (serviceState == ServiceState.STOPPING) { resourceManagement.getResourceAdaptorEntity(raEntityName).serviceStopping(serviceID); } else if (serviceState == ServiceState.INACTIVE) { resourceManagement.getResourceAdaptorEntity(raEntityName).serviceInactive(serviceID); } } } }; try { sleeContainer.getTransactionManager().addAfterCommitAction(action); } catch (SystemException e) { throw new SLEEException(e.getMessage(),e); } } /** * Returns the service state. * * @return */ public ServiceState getState() { if (cacheData.exists() && !cacheData.isRemoved()) { // we need to trap service state retrieval since it may be done for // a service that is not in cache ServiceState serviceState = cacheData.getState(); if (serviceState != null) { return serviceState; } } return ServiceState.INACTIVE; } /** * Get the SBB entity values for the service. Note operation is rather * expensive as reading all the SBB entities from the cache. Avoid using * it whenever possible * * */ public Set<String> getChildObj() { return cacheData.getChildSbbEntities(); } /** * Check if this service maps the specified convergence name. * * @param convergenceName * @return */ public boolean containsConvergenceName(String convergenceName) { return cacheData.hasChild(convergenceName); } /** * Add a child for a given convergence name. This actually creates an Sbb * Entity for the given convergence name and returns it. * * @param convergenceName */ public SbbEntity addChild(String convergenceName) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(getServiceID().toString() + " adding convergence name "+convergenceName); } // create root sbb entity SbbEntity sbbEntity = SbbEntityFactory.createRootSbbEntity(getRootSbbID(), this.getServiceID(), convergenceName); if (sbbEntity.isCreated()) { // set default priority sbbEntity.setPriority(getDefaultPriority()); // store in service's cache data cacheData.addChild(convergenceName, sbbEntity.getSbbEntityId()); } return sbbEntity; } public String getRootSbbEntityId(String convergenceName) { return cacheData.getChild(convergenceName); } public void removeConvergenceName(String convergenceName) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(getServiceID().toString() + " removing convergence name "+convergenceName); } cacheData.removeChild(convergenceName); } /** * @return the service activity for this service. */ public ServiceActivityImpl getServiceActivity() { return new ServiceActivityImpl(this); } /** * Activate the Service and send out ServiceStartedEvent on the Service * Activity associated with the Service. * * The following steps describe the life cycle of a Service: � A Service * enters the Inactive state when the Service is installed successfully into * the SLEE. � A Service enters the Active state from the Inactive state * when the Service is activated. At this point, the SLEE may start a * Service Activity for the Service, and fire a Service Started Event on * this Activity, as described in Section 8.7. The operational state of a * Service is persistent, i.e. the SLEE remembers the last state the Service * is in. If the SLEE is shut down and then restarted, the SLEE restores * these Services to their previous operational state. * */ public void startActivity() { // create ac for the activity ActivityContextHandle ach = ActivityContextHandlerFactory.createServiceActivityContextHandle(new ServiceActivityHandle(serviceComponent.getServiceID())); ActivityContext ac = sleeContainer.getActivityContextFactory().createActivityContext(ach); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger .debug("starting service activity for " + serviceComponent); } // fire slee 1.0 and 1.1 service started events ServiceStartedEventImpl event = new ServiceStartedEventImpl(getServiceID()); ac.fireEvent(ServiceStartedEventImpl.SLEE_10_EVENT_TYPE_ID,event,null,null,EventFlags.NO_FLAGS); ac.fireEvent(ServiceStartedEventImpl.SLEE_11_EVENT_TYPE_ID,event,null,event.getService(),EventFlags.NO_FLAGS); } /** * This sets the service state to STOPPING and sends out activity end events * on the ServiceActivity. The state transitions to INACTIVE happens in the * EventRouter after the EndActivity for the service activty is Consumed. * The root sbb entity trees are forcefully removed when the service * activity is consumed. * * A Service enters the Stopping state from the Active state when the * Service is deactivated. At this point, the SLEE ends the Activity * associated with the Service, if it exists (see Section 8.7.2), and fires * an Activity End Event on this Activity. SBB entities belonging to the * Service that require clean-up when the Service is deactivated should * listen to this event and terminate their processing quickly but * gracefully when this event is received. Optionally, after some SLEE * implementation determined time, the SLEE may also forcefully remove the * outstanding SBB entity trees of the Service. � The SLEE moves a Service * to the Inactive state from the Stopping state spontaneously when all * outstanding SBB entity trees of the Service complete their processing. * The operational state of a Service is persistent, i.e. the SLEE remembers * the last state the Service is in. If the SLEE is shut down and then * restarted, the SLEE restores these Services to their previous operational * state. * * */ public void endActivity() { ActivityContextHandle ach = ActivityContextHandlerFactory.createServiceActivityContextHandle(new ServiceActivityHandle(serviceComponent.getServiceID())); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("ending service activity "+ach); } ActivityContext ac = sleeContainer.getActivityContextFactory().getActivityContext(ach); if (ac != null) { ac.endActivity(); } else { logger.error("unable to find and end ac "+ach); } } /** * Removes the service data */ public void removeFromCache() { cacheData.remove(); } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Service.printNode() { serviceID = " + getServiceID() + "\n"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { // very expensive operation. Use w/ care sb.append("childObj = " + cacheData.getChildSbbEntities() + "/n"); } else { sb.append("childObj = <not fully loaded from cache>\n"); } sb .append( "defaultPriority = " + this.getDefaultPriority() + "\n") .append("serviceActivity = " + this.getServiceActivity() + "\n") .append("serviceState = " + this.getState() + "\n").append("}"); return sb.toString(); } }