/* * Mobicents, Communications Middleware * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.mobicents.slee.resources.diameter.tests.factories; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.AcctApplId; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.Assembler; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.AuthApplId; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnDiameterURI; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnRealm; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.OwnVendorID; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerName; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerRating; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.PeerTable; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.RealmEntry; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.RealmTable; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.VendorId; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.base.events.AccountingAnswer; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.base.events.AccountingRequest; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.base.events.avp.AccountingRecordType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.rf.RfMessageFactory; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.rf.RfServerSession; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.RoAvpFactory; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.AdditionalContentInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.AddressDomain; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.ApplicationServerInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.EventType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.ImsInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.InterOperatorIdentifier; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.LcsClientId; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.LcsClientName; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.LcsInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.LcsRequestorId; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.LocationType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.MbmsInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.MbmsServiceType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.MbmsUserServiceType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.MessageBody; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.MessageClass; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.MmContentType; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.MmsInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.NodeFunctionality; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.OriginatorAddress; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.PocInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.PsFurnishChargingInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.PsInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.RecipientAddress; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.SdpMediaComponent; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.ServiceInformation; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.TalkBurstExchange; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.TimeStamps; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.TrunkGroupId; import net.java.slee.resource.diameter.ro.events.avp.WlanInformation; import org.jdiameter.api.Answer; import org.jdiameter.api.ApplicationId; import org.jdiameter.api.Request; import org.jdiameter.api.Session; import org.jdiameter.api.SessionFactory; import org.jdiameter.api.Stack; import org.jdiameter.api.acc.ClientAccSession; import org.jdiameter.api.acc.ServerAccSession; import org.jdiameter.api.auth.ClientAuthSession; import org.jdiameter.api.auth.ServerAuthSession; import org.jdiameter.client.api.ISessionFactory; import org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.EmptyConfiguration; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.mobicents.diameter.dictionary.AvpDictionary; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.DiameterAvpFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.DiameterMessageFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.events.DiameterMessageImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.handlers.AccountingSessionFactory; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.base.handlers.BaseSessionCreationListener; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.rf.RfMessageFactoryImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.rf.RfServerSessionImpl; import org.mobicents.slee.resource.diameter.ro.RoAvpFactoryImpl; /** * * RfFactoriesTest.java * * <br>Project: mobicents * <br>2:10:37 PM Apr 14, 2009 * <br> * @author <a href="mailto:brainslog@gmail.com"> Alexandre Mendonca </a> */ public class RfFactoriesTest implements BaseSessionCreationListener { private static String clientHost = ""; private static String clientPort = "21812"; private static String clientURI = "aaa://" + clientHost + ":" + clientPort; private static String serverHost = "localhost"; private static String serverPort = "1812"; private static String serverURI = "aaa://" + serverHost + ":" + serverPort; private static String realmName = "mobicents.org"; private static RfMessageFactory rfMessageFactory; private static RoAvpFactory rfAvpFactory; private static Stack stack; private static ServerAccSession session; static { stack = new org.jdiameter.client.impl.StackImpl(); try { stack.init(new MyConfiguration()); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize the stack."); } DiameterMessageFactoryImpl baseFactory = new DiameterMessageFactoryImpl(stack); DiameterAvpFactoryImpl baseAvpFactory = new DiameterAvpFactoryImpl(); rfMessageFactory = new RfMessageFactoryImpl(baseFactory, stack); rfAvpFactory = new RoAvpFactoryImpl(baseAvpFactory); try { AvpDictionary.INSTANCE.parseDictionary( RfFactoriesTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "dictionary.xml" ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse dictionary file."); } } private RfServerSession rfServerSession = null; private AccountingSessionFactory accSessionFactory; public RfFactoriesTest() { try { SessionFactory sf = stack.getSessionFactory(); this.accSessionFactory = AccountingSessionFactory.INSTANCE; this.accSessionFactory.registerListener(this, 5000L, sf); ((ISessionFactory) sf).registerAppFacory(ServerAccSession.class, accSessionFactory); AccountingRequest acr = rfMessageFactory.createRfAccountingRequest( AccountingRecordType.EVENT_RECORD ); acr.setAccountingRecordNumber( 5L ); session = ((ISessionFactory) sf).getNewAppSession(null, null, ServerAccSession.class, ((DiameterMessageImpl)acr).getGenericData()); rfServerSession = new RfServerSessionImpl((DiameterMessageFactoryImpl)rfMessageFactory.getBaseMessageFactory(), (DiameterAvpFactoryImpl)rfAvpFactory.getBaseFactory(), session, 5000L, null, null, null, stack); ((RfServerSessionImpl)rfServerSession).fetchSessionData( acr, true ); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Test public void isRequestACR() throws Exception { AccountingRequest acr = rfMessageFactory.createRfAccountingRequest( AccountingRecordType.EVENT_RECORD ); assertTrue("Request Flag in Accounting-Request is not set.", acr.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersACR() throws Exception { AccountingRequest acr = rfMessageFactory.createRfAccountingRequest( AccountingRecordType.EVENT_RECORD ); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(acr, AccountingRequest.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void hasRfApplicationIdACR() throws Exception { AccountingRequest acr = rfMessageFactory.createRfAccountingRequest( AccountingRecordType.EVENT_RECORD ); assertTrue("Acct-Application-Id AVP in Rf ACR must be 3, it is " + acr.getAcctApplicationId(), acr.getAcctApplicationId() == 3); } @Test public void isAnswerACA() throws Exception { AccountingAnswer aca = rfServerSession.createRfAccountingAnswer(); assertFalse("Request Flag in Accounting-Answer is set.", aca.getHeader().isRequest()); } @Test public void testGettersAndSettersACA() throws Exception { AccountingAnswer aca = rfServerSession.createRfAccountingAnswer(); int nFailures = AvpAssistant.testMethods(aca, AccountingAnswer.class); assertTrue("Some methods have failed. See logs for more details.", nFailures == 0); } @Test public void hasRfApplicationIdACA() throws Exception { AccountingAnswer aca = rfServerSession.createRfAccountingAnswer(); assertTrue("Acct-Application-Id AVP in Ro ACA must be 3, it is " + aca.getAcctApplicationId(), aca.getAcctApplicationId() == 3); } @Test public void hasDestinationHostACA() throws Exception { AccountingAnswer aca = rfServerSession.createRfAccountingAnswer(); assertNull("The Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST NOT be present in the answer message. [RFC3588/6.2]", aca.getDestinationHost()); } @Test public void hasDestinationRealmACA() throws Exception { AccountingAnswer aca = rfServerSession.createRfAccountingAnswer(); assertNull("The Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST NOT be present in the answer message. [RFC3588/6.2]", aca.getDestinationRealm()); } // AVP Factory @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateAdditionalContentInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "Additional-Content-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values AdditionalContentInformation aciAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createAdditionalContentInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", aciAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor AdditionalContentInformation aciAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createAdditionalContentInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", aciAvp1, aciAvp2); // Make new copy aciAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createAdditionalContentInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(aciAvp2); // Create empty... AdditionalContentInformation aciAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createAdditionalContentInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(aciAvp3, false); // Set all previous values aciAvp3.setExtensionAvps(aciAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(aciAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(aciAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", aciAvp2, aciAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateAddressDomain() throws Exception { String avpName = "Address-Domain"; // Create AVP with mandatory values AddressDomain adAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createAddressDomain(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", adAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor AddressDomain adAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createAddressDomain(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", adAvp1, adAvp2); // Make new copy adAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createAddressDomain(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(adAvp2); // Create empty... AddressDomain adAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createAddressDomain(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(adAvp3, false); // Set all previous values adAvp3.setExtensionAvps(adAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(adAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(adAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", adAvp2, adAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateApplicationServerInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "Application-Server-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values ApplicationServerInformation asiAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createApplicationServerInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", asiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor ApplicationServerInformation asiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createApplicationServerInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", asiAvp1, asiAvp2); // Make new copy asiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createApplicationServerInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(asiAvp2); // Create empty... ApplicationServerInformation asiAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createApplicationServerInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(asiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values asiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(asiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(asiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(asiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", asiAvp2, asiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateEventType() throws Exception { String avpName = "Event-Type"; // Create AVP with mandatory values EventType etAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createEventType(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", etAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor EventType etAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createEventType(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", etAvp1, etAvp2); // Make new copy etAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createEventType(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(etAvp2); // Create empty... EventType etAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createEventType(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(etAvp3, false); // Set all previous values etAvp3.setExtensionAvps(etAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(etAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(etAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", etAvp2, etAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateImsInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "IMS-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values ImsInformation iiAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createImsInformation(NodeFunctionality.AS); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", iiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor ImsInformation iiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createImsInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have Node-Functionality AVP.", iiAvp2.hasNodeFunctionality()); // Set mandatory values iiAvp2.setNodeFunctionality(NodeFunctionality.AS); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", iiAvp1, iiAvp2); // Make new copy iiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createImsInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(iiAvp2); // Create empty... ImsInformation iiAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createImsInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(iiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values iiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(iiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(iiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(iiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", iiAvp2, iiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateInterOperatorIdentifier() throws Exception { String avpName = "Inter-Operator-Identifier"; // Create AVP with mandatory values InterOperatorIdentifier ioiAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createInterOperatorIdentifier(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", ioiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor InterOperatorIdentifier ioiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createInterOperatorIdentifier(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", ioiAvp1, ioiAvp2); // Make new copy ioiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createInterOperatorIdentifier(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(ioiAvp2); // Create empty... InterOperatorIdentifier ioiAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createInterOperatorIdentifier(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ioiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values ioiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(ioiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ioiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(ioiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", ioiAvp2, ioiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateLcsClientId() throws Exception { String avpName = "LCS-Client-Id"; // Create AVP with mandatory values LcsClientId lcidAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientId(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", lcidAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor LcsClientId lcidAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientId(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", lcidAvp1, lcidAvp2); // Make new copy lcidAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientId(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(lcidAvp2); // Create empty... LcsClientId lcidAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientId(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(lcidAvp3, false); // Set all previous values lcidAvp3.setExtensionAvps(lcidAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(lcidAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(lcidAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", lcidAvp2, lcidAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateLcsClientName() throws Exception { String avpName = "LCS-Client-Name"; // Create AVP with mandatory values LcsClientName lcnAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientName(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", lcnAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor LcsClientName lcnAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientName(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", lcnAvp1, lcnAvp2); // Make new copy lcnAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientName(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(lcnAvp2); // Create empty... LcsClientName lcnAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsClientName(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(lcnAvp3, false); // Set all previous values lcnAvp3.setExtensionAvps(lcnAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(lcnAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(lcnAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", lcnAvp2, lcnAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateLcsInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "LCS-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values LcsInformation liAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", liAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor LcsInformation liAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", liAvp1, liAvp2); // Make new copy liAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(liAvp2); // Create empty... LcsInformation liAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(liAvp3, false); // Set all previous values liAvp3.setExtensionAvps(liAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(liAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(liAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", liAvp2, liAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateLcsRequestorId() throws Exception { String avpName = "LCS-Requestor-Id"; // Create AVP with mandatory values LcsRequestorId lriAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsRequestorId(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", lriAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor LcsRequestorId lriAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsRequestorId(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", lriAvp1, lriAvp2); // Make new copy lriAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsRequestorId(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(lriAvp2); // Create empty... LcsRequestorId lriAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createLcsRequestorId(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(lriAvp3, false); // Set all previous values lriAvp3.setExtensionAvps(lriAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(lriAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(lriAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", lriAvp2, lriAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateLocationType() throws Exception { String avpName = "Location-Type"; // Create AVP with mandatory values LocationType ltAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createLocationType(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", ltAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor LocationType ltAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLocationType(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", ltAvp1, ltAvp2); // Make new copy ltAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createLocationType(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(ltAvp2); // Create empty... LocationType ltAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createLocationType(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ltAvp3, false); // Set all previous values ltAvp3.setExtensionAvps(ltAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(ltAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(ltAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", ltAvp2, ltAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateMbmsInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "MBMS-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values MbmsInformation miAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createMbmsInformation("abc", MbmsServiceType.MULTICAST, MbmsUserServiceType.DOWNLOAD); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", miAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor MbmsInformation miAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMbmsInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have TMGI AVP.", miAvp2.hasTmgi()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have MBMS-Service-Type AVP.", miAvp2.hasMbmsServiceType()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have MBMS-User-Service-Type AVP.", miAvp2.hasMbmsUserServiceType()); // Set mandatory values miAvp2.setTmgi("abc"); miAvp2.setMbmsServiceType(MbmsServiceType.MULTICAST); miAvp2.setMbmsUserServiceType(MbmsUserServiceType.DOWNLOAD); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", miAvp1, miAvp2); // Make new copy miAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMbmsInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(miAvp2); // Create empty... MbmsInformation miAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createMbmsInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(miAvp3, false); // Set all previous values miAvp3.setExtensionAvps(miAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(miAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(miAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", miAvp2, miAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateMessageBody() throws Exception { String avpName = "Message-Body"; // Create AVP with mandatory values MessageBody mbAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageBody(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", mbAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor MessageBody mbAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageBody(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", mbAvp1, mbAvp2); // Make new copy mbAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageBody(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(mbAvp2); // Create empty... MessageBody mbAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageBody(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mbAvp3, false); // Set all previous values mbAvp3.setExtensionAvps(mbAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mbAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(mbAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", mbAvp2, mbAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateMessageClass() throws Exception { String avpName = "Message-Class"; // Create AVP with mandatory values MessageClass mbAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageClass(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", mbAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor MessageClass mbAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageClass(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", mbAvp1, mbAvp2); // Make new copy mbAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageClass(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(mbAvp2); // Create empty... MessageClass mbAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createMessageClass(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mbAvp3, false); // Set all previous values mbAvp3.setExtensionAvps(mbAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mbAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(mbAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", mbAvp2, mbAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateMmContentType() throws Exception { String avpName = "MM-Content-Type"; // Create AVP with mandatory values MmContentType mmctAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createMmContentType(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", mmctAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor MmContentType mmctAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMmContentType(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", mmctAvp1, mmctAvp2); // Make new copy mmctAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMmContentType(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(mmctAvp2); // Create empty... MmContentType mmctAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createMmContentType(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mmctAvp3, false); // Set all previous values mmctAvp3.setExtensionAvps(mmctAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mmctAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(mmctAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", mmctAvp2, mmctAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateMmsInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "MMS-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values MmsInformation mmsiAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createMmsInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", mmsiAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor MmsInformation mmsiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMmsInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", mmsiAvp1, mmsiAvp2); // Make new copy mmsiAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createMmsInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(mmsiAvp2); // Create empty... MmsInformation mmsiAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createMmsInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mmsiAvp3, false); // Set all previous values mmsiAvp3.setExtensionAvps(mmsiAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(mmsiAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(mmsiAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", mmsiAvp2, mmsiAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateOriginatorAddress() throws Exception { String avpName = "Originator-Address"; // Create AVP with mandatory values OriginatorAddress oaAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createOriginatorAddress(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", oaAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor OriginatorAddress oaAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createOriginatorAddress(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", oaAvp1, oaAvp2); // Make new copy oaAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createOriginatorAddress(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(oaAvp2); // Create empty... OriginatorAddress oaAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createOriginatorAddress(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(oaAvp3, false); // Set all previous values oaAvp3.setExtensionAvps(oaAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(oaAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(oaAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", oaAvp2, oaAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreatePocInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "PoC-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values PocInformation piAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createPocInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", piAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor PocInformation piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createPocInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", piAvp1, piAvp2); // Make new copy piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createPocInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(piAvp2); // Create empty... PocInformation piAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createPocInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, false); // Set all previous values piAvp3.setExtensionAvps(piAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(piAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", piAvp2, piAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreatePsFurnishChargingInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "PS-Furnish-Charging-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values PsFurnishChargingInformation piAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createPsFurnishChargingInformation("123", "456"); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", piAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor PsFurnishChargingInformation piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createPsFurnishChargingInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have 3GPP-Charging-Id AVP.", piAvp2.hasTgppChargingId()); Assert.assertFalse("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor should not have PS-Free-Format-Data AVP.", piAvp2.hasPsFreeFormatData()); // Set mandatory values piAvp2.setTgppChargingId("123"); piAvp2.setPsFreeFormatData("456"); // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", piAvp1, piAvp2); // Make new copy piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createPsFurnishChargingInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(piAvp2); // Create empty... PsFurnishChargingInformation piAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createPsFurnishChargingInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, false); // Set all previous values piAvp3.setExtensionAvps(piAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(piAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", piAvp2, piAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreatePsInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "PS-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values PsInformation piAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createPsInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", piAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor PsInformation piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createPsInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", piAvp1, piAvp2); // Make new copy piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createPsInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(piAvp2); // Create empty... PsInformation piAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createPsInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, false); // Set all previous values piAvp3.setExtensionAvps(piAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(piAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", piAvp2, piAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateRecipientAddress() throws Exception { String avpName = "Recipient-Address"; // Create AVP with mandatory values RecipientAddress piAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createRecipientAddress(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", piAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor RecipientAddress piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createRecipientAddress(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", piAvp1, piAvp2); // Make new copy piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createRecipientAddress(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(piAvp2); // Create empty... RecipientAddress piAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createRecipientAddress(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, false); // Set all previous values piAvp3.setExtensionAvps(piAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(piAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", piAvp2, piAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateSdpMediaComponent() throws Exception { String avpName = "SDP-Media-Component"; // Create AVP with mandatory values SdpMediaComponent piAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createSdpMediaComponent(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", piAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor SdpMediaComponent piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createSdpMediaComponent(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", piAvp1, piAvp2); // Make new copy piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createSdpMediaComponent(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(piAvp2); // Create empty... SdpMediaComponent piAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createSdpMediaComponent(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, false); // Set all previous values piAvp3.setExtensionAvps(piAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(piAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", piAvp2, piAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateServiceInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "SDP-Media-Component"; // Create AVP with mandatory values ServiceInformation piAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createServiceInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", piAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor ServiceInformation piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createServiceInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", piAvp1, piAvp2); // Make new copy piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createServiceInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(piAvp2); // Create empty... ServiceInformation piAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createServiceInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, false); // Set all previous values piAvp3.setExtensionAvps(piAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(piAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", piAvp2, piAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateTalkBurstExchange() throws Exception { String avpName = "Talk-Burst-Exchange"; // Create AVP with mandatory values TalkBurstExchange piAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createTalkBurstExchange(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", piAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor TalkBurstExchange piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createTalkBurstExchange(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", piAvp1, piAvp2); // Make new copy piAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createTalkBurstExchange(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(piAvp2); // Create empty... TalkBurstExchange piAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createTalkBurstExchange(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, false); // Set all previous values piAvp3.setExtensionAvps(piAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(piAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(piAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", piAvp2, piAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateTimeStamps() throws Exception { String avpName = "Time-Stamps"; // Create AVP with mandatory values TimeStamps tsAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createTimeStamps(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", tsAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor TimeStamps tsAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createTimeStamps(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", tsAvp1, tsAvp2); // Make new copy tsAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createTimeStamps(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(tsAvp2); // Create empty... TimeStamps tsAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createTimeStamps(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(tsAvp3, false); // Set all previous values tsAvp3.setExtensionAvps(tsAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(tsAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(tsAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", tsAvp2, tsAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateTrunkGroupId() throws Exception { String avpName = "Trunk-Group-Id"; // Create AVP with mandatory values TrunkGroupId tsAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createTrunkGroupId(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", tsAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor TrunkGroupId tsAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createTrunkGroupId(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", tsAvp1, tsAvp2); // Make new copy tsAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createTrunkGroupId(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(tsAvp2); // Create empty... TrunkGroupId tsAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createTrunkGroupId(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(tsAvp3, false); // Set all previous values tsAvp3.setExtensionAvps(tsAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(tsAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(tsAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", tsAvp2, tsAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateWlanInformation() throws Exception { String avpName = "WLAN-Information"; // Create AVP with mandatory values WlanInformation tsAvp1 = rfAvpFactory.createWlanInformation(); // Make sure it's not null Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", tsAvp1); // Create AVP with default constructor WlanInformation tsAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createWlanInformation(); // Should not contain mandatory values // Set mandatory values // Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", tsAvp1, tsAvp2); // Make new copy tsAvp2 = rfAvpFactory.createWlanInformation(); // And set all values using setters AvpAssistant.testSetters(tsAvp2); // Create empty... WlanInformation tsAvp3 = rfAvpFactory.createWlanInformation(); // Verify that no values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(tsAvp3, false); // Set all previous values tsAvp3.setExtensionAvps(tsAvp2.getExtensionAvps()); // Verify if values have been set AvpAssistant.testHassers(tsAvp3, true); // Verify if values have been correctly set AvpAssistant.testGetters(tsAvp3); // Make sure they match! Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", tsAvp2, tsAvp3); } @Test public void testAvpFactoryCreateWlanRadioContainer() throws Exception { //1 } /** * Class representing the Diameter Configuration */ public static class MyConfiguration extends EmptyConfiguration { public MyConfiguration() { super(); add(Assembler, Assembler.defValue()); add(OwnDiameterURI, clientURI); add(OwnRealm, realmName); add(OwnVendorID, 193L); // Set Ericsson SDK feature //add(UseUriAsFqdn, true); // Set Common Applications add(org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.ApplicationId, // AppId 1 getInstance(). add(VendorId, 0L). add(AuthApplId, 0L). add(AcctApplId, 3L) ); // Set peer table add(PeerTable, // Peer 1 getInstance(). add(PeerRating, 1). add(PeerName, serverURI)); // Set realm table add(RealmTable, // Realm 1 getInstance(). add(RealmEntry, realmName + ":" + clientHost + "," + serverHost) ); } } public void fireEvent( String sessionId, String name, Request request, Answer answer ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void sessionCreated( ServerAccSession session ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void sessionCreated( ServerAuthSession session ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void sessionCreated( ClientAuthSession session ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void sessionCreated( ClientAccSession session ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void sessionCreated( Session session ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void sessionDestroyed( String sessionId, Object appSession ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean sessionExists( String sessionId ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public ApplicationId[] getSupportedApplications() { return new ApplicationId[]{ApplicationId.createByAccAppId(0L, 3L)}; } }