package mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.basic; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.raster.util.ZipUtils; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.FeatureDataAdapter; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.GeotoolsFeatureDataAdapter; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.query.cql.CQLQuery; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.stats.FeatureBoundingBoxStatistics; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.stats.FeatureNumericRangeStatistics; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.ingest.GeoWaveData; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.ingest.local.LocalFileIngestPlugin; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.format.geotools.vector.GeoToolsVectorDataStoreIngestPlugin; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.TestUtils; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.TestUtils.ExpectedResults; abstract public class AbstractGeoWaveBasicVectorIT { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractGeoWaveBasicVectorIT.class); protected static final String TEST_DATA_ZIP_RESOURCE_PATH = TestUtils.TEST_RESOURCE_PACKAGE + ""; protected static final String TEST_FILTER_PACKAGE = TestUtils.TEST_CASE_BASE + "filter/"; protected static final String HAIL_TEST_CASE_PACKAGE = TestUtils.TEST_CASE_BASE + "hail_test_case/"; protected static final String HAIL_SHAPEFILE_FILE = HAIL_TEST_CASE_PACKAGE + "hail.shp"; protected static final String TORNADO_TRACKS_TEST_CASE_PACKAGE = TestUtils.TEST_CASE_BASE + "tornado_tracks_test_case/"; protected static final String TORNADO_TRACKS_SHAPEFILE_FILE = TORNADO_TRACKS_TEST_CASE_PACKAGE + "tornado_tracks.shp"; @BeforeClass public static void extractTestFiles() throws URISyntaxException { ZipUtils.unZipFile( new File( GeoWaveBasicSpatialVectorIT.class.getClassLoader().getResource( TEST_DATA_ZIP_RESOURCE_PATH).toURI()), TestUtils.TEST_CASE_BASE); } protected void testQuery( final URL savedFilterResource, final URL[] expectedResultsResources, final String queryDescription ) throws Exception { // test the query with an unspecified index testQuery( savedFilterResource, expectedResultsResources, null, queryDescription); } abstract protected DataStorePluginOptions getDataStorePluginOptions(); protected void testQuery( final URL savedFilterResource, final URL[] expectedResultsResources, final PrimaryIndex index, final String queryDescription ) throws Exception {"querying " + queryDescription); System.out.println("querying " + queryDescription); final geowaveStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createDataStore(); // this file is the filtered dataset (using the previous file as a // filter) so use it to ensure the query worked final DistributableQuery query = TestUtils.resourceToQuery(savedFilterResource); try (final CloseableIterator<?> actualResults = (index == null) ? geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions(), query) : geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions( index), query)) { final ExpectedResults expectedResults = TestUtils.getExpectedResults(expectedResultsResources); int totalResults = 0; final List<Long> actualCentroids = new ArrayList<Long>(); while (actualResults.hasNext()) { final Object obj =; if (obj instanceof SimpleFeature) { final SimpleFeature result = (SimpleFeature) obj; final long actualHashCentroid = TestUtils.hashCentroid((Geometry) result.getDefaultGeometry()); Assert.assertTrue( "Actual result '" + result.toString() + "' not found in expected result set", expectedResults.hashedCentroids.contains(actualHashCentroid)); actualCentroids.add(actualHashCentroid); totalResults++; } else { TestUtils.deleteAll(getDataStorePluginOptions());"Actual result '" + obj.toString() + "' is not of type Simple Feature."); } } for (long l : actualCentroids) { expectedResults.hashedCentroids.remove(l); } for (long l : expectedResults.hashedCentroids) { LOGGER.error("Missing expected hashed centroid: " + l); } if (expectedResults.count != totalResults) { TestUtils.deleteAll(getDataStorePluginOptions()); } Assert.assertEquals( expectedResults.count, totalResults); final AdapterStore adapterStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createAdapterStore(); long statisticsResult = 0; try (CloseableIterator<DataAdapter<?>> adapterIt = adapterStore.getAdapters()) { while (adapterIt.hasNext()) { final QueryOptions queryOptions = (index == null) ? new QueryOptions() : new QueryOptions( index); final DataAdapter<?> adapter =; queryOptions.setAggregation( new CountAggregation(), adapter); queryOptions.setAdapter(adapter); try (final CloseableIterator<?> countResult = geowaveStore.query( queryOptions, query)) { // results should already be aggregated, there should be // exactly one value in this iterator Assert.assertTrue(countResult.hasNext()); final Object result =; Assert.assertTrue(result instanceof CountResult); statisticsResult += ((CountResult) result).getCount(); Assert.assertFalse(countResult.hasNext()); } } } Assert.assertEquals( expectedResults.count, statisticsResult); } } protected void testDeleteDataId( final URL savedFilterResource, final PrimaryIndex index ) throws Exception { LOGGER.warn("deleting by data ID from " + index.getId() + " index"); boolean success = false; final geowaveStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createDataStore(); final DistributableQuery query = TestUtils.resourceToQuery(savedFilterResource); final CloseableIterator<?> actualResults; // Run the spatial query actualResults = geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions( index), query); // Grab the first one SimpleFeature testFeature = null; if (actualResults.hasNext()) { final Object obj =; if ((testFeature == null) && (obj instanceof SimpleFeature)) { testFeature = (SimpleFeature) obj; } } actualResults.close(); // Delete it by data ID if (testFeature != null) { final ByteArrayId dataId = new ByteArrayId( testFeature.getID()); final ByteArrayId adapterId = new ByteArrayId( testFeature.getFeatureType().getTypeName()); if (geowaveStore.delete( new QueryOptions( adapterId, index.getId()), new DataIdQuery( adapterId, dataId))) { success = !hasAtLeastOne(geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions( adapterId, index.getId()), new DataIdQuery( adapterId, dataId))); } } Assert.assertTrue( "Unable to delete entry by data ID and adapter ID", success); } protected void testDeleteSpatial( final URL savedFilterResource, final PrimaryIndex index ) throws Exception { LOGGER.warn("bulk deleting via spatial query from " + index.getId() + " index"); final geowaveStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createDataStore(); // Run the query for this delete to get the expected count final DistributableQuery query = TestUtils.resourceToQuery(savedFilterResource); deleteInternal( geowaveStore, index, query); } protected void testDeleteCQL( final String cqlStr, final PrimaryIndex index ) throws Exception { LOGGER.warn("bulk deleting from " + index.getId() + " index using CQL: '" + cqlStr + "'"); final geowaveStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createDataStore(); // Retrieve the feature adapter for the CQL query generator AdapterStore adapterStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createAdapterStore(); final CloseableIterator<DataAdapter<?>> it = adapterStore.getAdapters(); GeotoolsFeatureDataAdapter adapter = (GeotoolsFeatureDataAdapter); it.close(); // Create the CQL query Query query = CQLQuery.createOptimalQuery( cqlStr, adapter, null, null); deleteInternal( geowaveStore, index, query); } protected void deleteInternal( final geowaveStore, final PrimaryIndex index, final Query query ) throws IOException { // Query everything CloseableIterator<?> queryResults = geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions( index), null); int allFeatures = 0; while (queryResults.hasNext()) { final Object obj =; if (obj instanceof SimpleFeature) { allFeatures++; } } queryResults.close(); LOGGER.warn("Total count in table before delete: " + allFeatures); // Run the query for this delete to get the expected count queryResults = geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions( index), query); int expectedFeaturesToDelete = 0; while (queryResults.hasNext()) { final Object obj =; if (obj instanceof SimpleFeature) { expectedFeaturesToDelete++; } } queryResults.close(); LOGGER.warn(expectedFeaturesToDelete + " features to delete..."); // Do the delete boolean deleteResults = geowaveStore.delete( new QueryOptions( index), query); LOGGER.warn("Bulk delete results: " + (deleteResults ? "Success" : "Failure")); // Query again - should be zero remaining queryResults = geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions( index), query); int initialQueryFeatures = expectedFeaturesToDelete; int remainingFeatures = 0; while (queryResults.hasNext()) { final Object obj =; if (obj instanceof SimpleFeature) { remainingFeatures++; } } queryResults.close(); int deletedFeatures = initialQueryFeatures - remainingFeatures; LOGGER.warn(deletedFeatures + " features bulk deleted."); LOGGER.warn(remainingFeatures + " features not deleted."); // Now for the final check, query everything again queryResults = geowaveStore.query( new QueryOptions( index), null); int finalFeatures = 0; while (queryResults.hasNext()) { final Object obj =; if (obj instanceof SimpleFeature) { finalFeatures++; } } queryResults.close(); LOGGER.warn("Total count in table after delete: " + finalFeatures); LOGGER.warn("<before> - <after> = " + (allFeatures - finalFeatures)); Assert.assertTrue( "Unable to delete all features in bulk delete", (allFeatures - finalFeatures) == deletedFeatures); } private static boolean hasAtLeastOne( final CloseableIterator<?> it ) { try { return it.hasNext(); } finally { try { it.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected void testStats( final File[] inputFiles, final PrimaryIndex index, final boolean multithreaded ) { // In the multithreaded case, only test min/max and count. Stats will be // ingested // in a different order and will not match. final LocalFileIngestPlugin<SimpleFeature> localFileIngest = new GeoToolsVectorDataStoreIngestPlugin( Filter.INCLUDE); final Map<ByteArrayId, StatisticsCache> statsCache = new HashMap<ByteArrayId, StatisticsCache>(); final Collection<ByteArrayId> indexIds = new ArrayList<ByteArrayId>(); indexIds.add(index.getId()); for (final File inputFile : inputFiles) { LOGGER.warn("Calculating stats from file '" + inputFile.getName() + "' - this may take several minutes..."); try (final CloseableIterator<GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature>> dataIterator = localFileIngest.toGeoWaveData( inputFile, indexIds, null)) { final AdapterStore adapterCache = new MemoryAdapterStore( localFileIngest.getDataAdapters(null)); while (dataIterator.hasNext()) { final GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature> data =; final WritableDataAdapter<SimpleFeature> adapter = data.getAdapter(adapterCache); // it should be a statistical data adapter if (adapter instanceof StatisticsProvider) { StatisticsCache cachedValues = statsCache.get(adapter.getAdapterId()); if (cachedValues == null) { cachedValues = new StatisticsCache( (StatisticsProvider<SimpleFeature>) adapter); statsCache.put( adapter.getAdapterId(), cachedValues); } final DataStoreEntryInfo entryInfo = DataStoreUtils.getIngestInfo( adapter, index, data.getValue(), new UniformVisibilityWriter<SimpleFeature>( new GlobalVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object>( ""))); cachedValues.entryIngested( entryInfo, data.getValue()); } } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); TestUtils.deleteAll(getDataStorePluginOptions());"Error occurred while reading data from file '" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "': '" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "'"); } } final DataStatisticsStore statsStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createDataStatisticsStore(); final AdapterStore adapterStore = getDataStorePluginOptions().createAdapterStore(); try (CloseableIterator<DataAdapter<?>> adapterIterator = adapterStore.getAdapters()) { while (adapterIterator.hasNext()) { final FeatureDataAdapter adapter = (FeatureDataAdapter); final StatisticsCache cachedValue = statsCache.get(adapter.getAdapterId()); Assert.assertNotNull(cachedValue); final Collection<DataStatistics<SimpleFeature>> expectedStats = cachedValue.statsCache.values(); try (CloseableIterator<DataStatistics<?>> statsIterator = statsStore.getDataStatistics(adapter .getAdapterId())) { int statsCount = 0; while (statsIterator.hasNext()) { final DataStatistics<?> nextStats =; if ((nextStats instanceof RowRangeHistogramStatistics) || (nextStats instanceof IndexMetaDataSet) || (nextStats instanceof DifferingFieldVisibilityEntryCount) || (nextStats instanceof DuplicateEntryCount)) { continue; } statsCount++; } Assert.assertEquals( "The number of stats for data adapter '" + adapter.getAdapterId().getString() + "' do not match count expected", expectedStats.size(), statsCount); } for (final DataStatistics<SimpleFeature> expectedStat : expectedStats) { final DataStatistics<?> actualStats = statsStore.getDataStatistics( expectedStat.getDataAdapterId(), expectedStat.getStatisticsId()); // Only test RANGE and COUNT in the multithreaded case. None // of the other // statistics will match! if (multithreaded) { if (!(expectedStat.getStatisticsId().getString().startsWith( FeatureNumericRangeStatistics.STATS_TYPE + "#") || expectedStat .getStatisticsId() .equals( CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE))) { continue; } } Assert.assertNotNull(actualStats); // if the stats are the same, their binary serialization // should be the same Assert.assertArrayEquals( actualStats.toString() + " = " + expectedStat.toString(), expectedStat.toBinary(), actualStats.toBinary()); } // finally check the one stat that is more manually calculated - // the bounding box final BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?> bboxStat = (BoundingBoxDataStatistics<SimpleFeature>) statsStore .getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), FeatureBoundingBoxStatistics.composeId(adapter .getFeatureType() .getGeometryDescriptor() .getLocalName())); Assert.assertNotNull(bboxStat); Assert.assertEquals( "The min X of the bounding box stat does not match the expected value", cachedValue.minX, bboxStat.getMinX(), MathUtils.EPSILON); Assert.assertEquals( "The min Y of the bounding box stat does not match the expected value", cachedValue.minY, bboxStat.getMinY(), MathUtils.EPSILON); Assert.assertEquals( "The max X of the bounding box stat does not match the expected value", cachedValue.maxX, bboxStat.getMaxX(), MathUtils.EPSILON); Assert.assertEquals( "The max Y of the bounding box stat does not match the expected value", cachedValue.maxY, bboxStat.getMaxY(), MathUtils.EPSILON); } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); TestUtils.deleteAll(getDataStorePluginOptions());"Error occurred while retrieving adapters or statistics from metadata table: '" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "'"); } } protected static class StatisticsCache implements IngestCallback<SimpleFeature> { // assume a bounding box statistic exists and calculate the value // separately to ensure calculation works private double minX = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE;; private double maxX = -Double.MAX_VALUE;; private double maxY = -Double.MAX_VALUE;; protected final Map<ByteArrayId, DataStatistics<SimpleFeature>> statsCache = new HashMap<ByteArrayId, DataStatistics<SimpleFeature>>(); // otherwise use the statistics interface to calculate every statistic // and compare results to what is available in the statistics data store private StatisticsCache( final StatisticsProvider<SimpleFeature> dataAdapter ) { final ByteArrayId[] statsIds = dataAdapter.getSupportedStatisticsTypes(); for (final ByteArrayId statsId : statsIds) { final DataStatistics<SimpleFeature> stats = dataAdapter.createDataStatistics(statsId); statsCache.put( statsId, stats); } } @Override public void entryIngested( final DataStoreEntryInfo entryInfo, final SimpleFeature entry ) { for (final DataStatistics<SimpleFeature> stats : statsCache.values()) { stats.entryIngested( entryInfo, entry); } final Geometry geometry = ((Geometry) entry.getDefaultGeometry()); if ((geometry != null) && !geometry.isEmpty()) { minX = Math.min( minX, geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinX()); minY = Math.min( minY, geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinY()); maxX = Math.max( maxX, geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxX()); maxY = Math.max( maxY, geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxY()); } } } }