package mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchDeleter; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchScanner; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriterConfig; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Instance; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.IteratorSetting; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.RowIterator; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableExistsException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property; import; import; import; import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.IteratorUtil.IteratorScope; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.operations.config.AccumuloRequiredOptions; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.util.AccumuloUtils; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.util.ConnectorPool; /** * This class holds all parameters necessary for establishing Accumulo * connections and provides basic factory methods for creating a batch scanner * and a batch writer */ public class BasicAccumuloOperations implements AccumuloOperations { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicAccumuloOperations.class); private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS = 16; private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 1000L; // 1 second private static final long DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576L; // 1 MB private static final String DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION = null; private static final String DEFAULT_TABLE_NAMESPACE = ""; private final int numThreads; private final long timeoutMillis; private final long byteBufferSize; private final String authorization; private final String tableNamespace; protected Connector connector; private final Map<String, Long> locGrpCache; private long cacheTimeoutMillis; private String password; private final Map<String, Set<String>> insuredAuthorizationCache; /** * This is will create an Accumulo connector based on passed in connection * information and credentials for convenience convenience. It will also use * reasonable defaults for unspecified parameters. * * @param zookeeperUrl * The comma-delimited URLs for all zookeeper servers, this will * be directly used to instantiate a ZookeeperInstance * @param instanceName * The zookeeper instance name, this will be directly used to * instantiate a ZookeeperInstance * @param userName * The username for an account to establish an Accumulo connector * @param password * The password for the account to establish an Accumulo * connector * @param tableNamespace * An optional string that is prefixed to any of the table names * @throws AccumuloException * Thrown if a generic exception occurs when establishing a * connector * @throws AccumuloSecurityException * the credentials passed in are invalid */ public BasicAccumuloOperations( final String zookeeperUrl, final String instanceName, final String userName, final String password, final String tableNamespace ) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { this( null, tableNamespace); this.password = password; connector = ConnectorPool.getInstance().getConnector( zookeeperUrl, instanceName, userName, this.password); } /** * This constructor uses reasonable defaults and only requires an Accumulo * connector * * @param connector * The connector to use for all operations */ public BasicAccumuloOperations( final Connector connector ) { this( connector, DEFAULT_TABLE_NAMESPACE); } /** * This constructor uses reasonable defaults and requires an Accumulo * connector and table namespace * * @param connector * The connector to use for all operations * @param password * An optional string that is prefixed to any of the table names * @param tableNamespace * An optional string that is prefixed to any of the table names */ public BasicAccumuloOperations( final Connector connector, final String tableNamespace ) { this( DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE, DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION, tableNamespace, connector); } /** * This is the full constructor for the operation factory and should be used * if any of the defaults are insufficient. * * @param numThreads * The number of threads to use for a batch scanner and batch * writer * @param timeoutMillis * The time out in milliseconds to use for a batch writer * @param byteBufferSize * The buffer size in bytes to use for a batch writer * @param authorization * The authorization to use for a batch scanner * @param tableNamespace * An optional string that is prefixed to any of the table names * @param connector * The connector to use for all operations */ public BasicAccumuloOperations( final int numThreads, final long timeoutMillis, final long byteBufferSize, final String authorization, final String tableNamespace, final Connector connector ) { this.numThreads = numThreads; this.timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis; this.byteBufferSize = byteBufferSize; this.authorization = authorization; this.tableNamespace = tableNamespace; this.connector = connector; locGrpCache = new HashMap<String, Long>(); insuredAuthorizationCache = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); cacheTimeoutMillis = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1); } public int getNumThreads() { return numThreads; } public long getTimeoutMillis() { return timeoutMillis; } public long getByteBufferSize() { return byteBufferSize; } @Override public Connector getConnector() { return connector; } private String[] getAuthorizations( final String... additionalAuthorizations ) { final String[] safeAdditionalAuthorizations = additionalAuthorizations == null ? new String[] {} : additionalAuthorizations; return authorization == null ? safeAdditionalAuthorizations : (String[]) ArrayUtils.add( safeAdditionalAuthorizations, authorization); } @Override public Writer createWriter( final String tableName ) throws TableNotFoundException { return createWriter( tableName, true); } @Override public Writer createWriter( final String tableName, final boolean createTable ) throws TableNotFoundException { return createWriter( tableName, createTable, true, true, null); } @Override public Writer createWriter( final String tableName, final boolean createTable, final boolean enableVersioning, final boolean enableBlockCache, final Set<ByteArrayId> splits ) throws TableNotFoundException { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); if (createTable) { createTable( tableName, enableVersioning, enableBlockCache, splits); } final BatchWriterConfig config = new BatchWriterConfig(); config.setMaxMemory(byteBufferSize); config.setMaxLatency( timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); config.setMaxWriteThreads(numThreads); return new mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.BatchWriterWrapper( connector.createBatchWriter( qName, config)); } @Override public void createTable( final String tableName, final boolean enableVersioning, final boolean enableBlockCache, final Set<ByteArrayId> splits ) { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); if (!connector.tableOperations().exists( qName)) { try { connector.tableOperations().create( qName, enableVersioning); if (enableBlockCache) { connector.tableOperations().setProperty( qName, Property.TABLE_BLOCKCACHE_ENABLED.getKey(), "true"); } if ((splits != null) && !splits.isEmpty()) { final SortedSet<Text> partitionKeys = new TreeSet<Text>(); for (final ByteArrayId split : splits) { partitionKeys.add(new Text( split.getBytes())); } connector.tableOperations().addSplits( qName, partitionKeys); } } catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException | TableExistsException | TableNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to create table '" + qName + "'", e); } } } @Override public long getRowCount( final String tableName, final String... additionalAuthorizations ) { RowIterator rowIterator; try { rowIterator = new RowIterator( connector.createScanner( getQualifiedTableName(tableName), (authorization == null) ? new Authorizations( additionalAuthorizations) : new Authorizations( (String[]) ArrayUtils.add( additionalAuthorizations, authorization)))); while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {; } return rowIterator.getKVCount(); } catch (final TableNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Table '" + tableName + "' not found during count operation", e); return 0; } } @Override public boolean deleteTable( final String tableName ) { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); try { connector.tableOperations().delete( qName); return true; } catch (final TableNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to delete table, table not found '" + qName + "'", e); } catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to delete table '" + qName + "'", e); } return false; } @Override public String getTableNameSpace() { return tableNamespace; } private String getQualifiedTableName( final String unqualifiedTableName ) { return AccumuloUtils.getQualifiedTableName( tableNamespace, unqualifiedTableName); } /** * */ @Override public void deleteAll() throws Exception { SortedSet<String> tableNames = connector.tableOperations().list(); if ((tableNamespace != null) && !tableNamespace.isEmpty()) { tableNames = tableNames.subSet( tableNamespace, tableNamespace + '\uffff'); } for (final String tableName : tableNames) { connector.tableOperations().delete( tableName); } } @Override public boolean delete( final String tableName, final ByteArrayId rowId, final String columnFamily, final String columnQualifier, final String... additionalAuthorizations ) { return this.delete( tableName, Arrays.asList(rowId), columnFamily, columnQualifier, additionalAuthorizations); } @Override public boolean deleteAll( final String tableName, final String columnFamily, final String... additionalAuthorizations ) { BatchDeleter deleter = null; try { deleter = createBatchDeleter( tableName, additionalAuthorizations); deleter.setRanges(Arrays.asList(new Range())); deleter.fetchColumnFamily(new Text( columnFamily)); deleter.delete(); return true; } catch (final TableNotFoundException | MutationsRejectedException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to delete row from table [" + tableName + "].", e); return false; } finally { if (deleter != null) { deleter.close(); } } } @Override public boolean delete( final String tableName, final List<ByteArrayId> rowIds, final String columnFamily, final String columnQualifier, final String... authorizations ) { boolean success = true; BatchDeleter deleter = null; try { deleter = createBatchDeleter( tableName, authorizations); if ((columnFamily != null) && !columnFamily.isEmpty()) { if ((columnQualifier != null) && !columnQualifier.isEmpty()) { deleter.fetchColumn( new Text( columnFamily), new Text( columnQualifier)); } else { deleter.fetchColumnFamily(new Text( columnFamily)); } } final Set<ByteArrayId> removeSet = new HashSet<ByteArrayId>(); final List<Range> rowRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(); for (final ByteArrayId rowId : rowIds) { rowRanges.add(Range.exact(new Text( rowId.getBytes()))); removeSet.add(new ByteArrayId( rowId.getBytes())); } deleter.setRanges(rowRanges); final Iterator<Map.Entry<Key, Value>> iterator = deleter.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Entry<Key, Value> entry =; removeSet.remove(new ByteArrayId( entry.getKey().getRowData().getBackingArray())); } if (removeSet.isEmpty()) { deleter.delete(); } deleter.close(); } catch (final TableNotFoundException | MutationsRejectedException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to delete row from table [" + tableName + "].", e); if (deleter != null) { deleter.close(); } success = false; } return success; } @Override public boolean tableExists( final String tableName ) { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); return connector.tableOperations().exists( qName); } @Override public boolean localityGroupExists( final String tableName, final byte[] localityGroup ) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); final String localityGroupStr = qName + StringUtils.stringFromBinary(localityGroup); // check the cache for our locality group if (locGrpCache.containsKey(localityGroupStr)) { if ((locGrpCache.get(localityGroupStr) - new Date().getTime()) < cacheTimeoutMillis) { return true; } else { locGrpCache.remove(localityGroupStr); } } // check accumulo to see if locality group exists final boolean groupExists = connector.tableOperations().exists( qName) && connector.tableOperations().getLocalityGroups( qName).keySet().contains( StringUtils.stringFromBinary(localityGroup)); // update the cache if (groupExists) { locGrpCache.put( localityGroupStr, new Date().getTime()); } return groupExists; } @Override public void addLocalityGroup( final String tableName, final byte[] localityGroup ) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException, AccumuloSecurityException { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); final String localityGroupStr = qName + StringUtils.stringFromBinary(localityGroup); // check the cache for our locality group if (locGrpCache.containsKey(localityGroupStr)) { if ((locGrpCache.get(localityGroupStr) - new Date().getTime()) < cacheTimeoutMillis) { return; } else { locGrpCache.remove(localityGroupStr); } } // add locality group to accumulo and update the cache if (connector.tableOperations().exists( qName)) { final Map<String, Set<Text>> localityGroups = connector.tableOperations().getLocalityGroups( qName); final Set<Text> groupSet = new HashSet<Text>(); groupSet.add(new Text( localityGroup)); localityGroups.put( StringUtils.stringFromBinary(localityGroup), groupSet); connector.tableOperations().setLocalityGroups( qName, localityGroups); locGrpCache.put( localityGroupStr, new Date().getTime()); } } @Override public Scanner createScanner( final String tableName, final String... additionalAuthorizations ) throws TableNotFoundException { return connector.createScanner( getQualifiedTableName(tableName), new Authorizations( getAuthorizations(additionalAuthorizations))); } @Override public BatchScanner createBatchScanner( final String tableName, final String... additionalAuthorizations ) throws TableNotFoundException { return connector.createBatchScanner( getQualifiedTableName(tableName), new Authorizations( getAuthorizations(additionalAuthorizations)), numThreads); } @Override public void insureAuthorization( final String clientUser, final String... authorizations ) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { String user; if (clientUser == null) { user = connector.whoami(); } else { user = clientUser; } final Set<String> uninsuredAuths = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> insuredAuths = insuredAuthorizationCache.get(user); if (insuredAuths == null) { uninsuredAuths.addAll(Arrays.asList(authorizations)); insuredAuths = new HashSet<String>(); insuredAuthorizationCache.put( user, insuredAuths); } else { for (final String auth : authorizations) { if (!insuredAuths.contains(auth)) { uninsuredAuths.add(auth); } } } if (!uninsuredAuths.isEmpty()) { Authorizations auths = connector.securityOperations().getUserAuthorizations( user); final List<byte[]> newSet = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); for (final String auth : uninsuredAuths) { if (!auths.contains(auth)) { newSet.add(auth.getBytes(StringUtils.GEOWAVE_CHAR_SET)); } } if (newSet.size() > 0) { newSet.addAll(auths.getAuthorizations()); connector.securityOperations().changeUserAuthorizations( user, new Authorizations( newSet)); auths = connector.securityOperations().getUserAuthorizations( user); LOGGER.trace(clientUser + " has authorizations " + ArrayUtils.toString(auths.getAuthorizations())); } for (final String auth : uninsuredAuths) { insuredAuths.add(auth); } } } @Override public BatchDeleter createBatchDeleter( final String tableName, final String... additionalAuthorizations ) throws TableNotFoundException { return connector.createBatchDeleter( getQualifiedTableName(tableName), new Authorizations( getAuthorizations(additionalAuthorizations)), numThreads, new BatchWriterConfig().setMaxWriteThreads( numThreads).setMaxMemory( byteBufferSize).setTimeout( timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } public long getCacheTimeoutMillis() { return cacheTimeoutMillis; } public void setCacheTimeoutMillis( final long cacheTimeoutMillis ) { this.cacheTimeoutMillis = cacheTimeoutMillis; } @Override public boolean attachIterators( final String tableName, final boolean createTable, final boolean enableVersioning, final boolean enableBlockCache, final Set<ByteArrayId> splits, final IteratorConfig... iterators ) throws TableNotFoundException { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); if (createTable && !connector.tableOperations().exists( qName)) { createTable( tableName, enableVersioning, enableBlockCache, splits); } try { if ((iterators != null) && (iterators.length > 0)) { final Map<String, EnumSet<IteratorScope>> iteratorScopes = connector.tableOperations().listIterators( qName); for (final IteratorConfig iteratorConfig : iterators) { boolean mustDelete = false; boolean exists = false; final EnumSet<IteratorScope> existingScopes = iteratorScopes.get(iteratorConfig.getIteratorName()); EnumSet<IteratorScope> configuredScopes; if (iteratorConfig.getScopes() == null) { configuredScopes = EnumSet.allOf(IteratorScope.class); } else { configuredScopes = iteratorConfig.getScopes(); } Map<String, String> configuredOptions = null; if (existingScopes != null) { if (existingScopes.size() == configuredScopes.size()) { exists = true; for (final IteratorScope s : existingScopes) { if (!configuredScopes.contains(s)) { // this iterator exists with the wrong // scope, we will assume we want to remove // it and add the new configuration LOGGER.warn("found iterator '" + iteratorConfig.getIteratorName() + "' missing scope '" + + "', removing it and re-attaching"); mustDelete = true; break; } } } if (existingScopes.size() > 0) { // see if the options are the same, if they are not // the same, apply a merge with the existing options // and the configured options final Iterator<IteratorScope> it = existingScopes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final IteratorScope scope =; final IteratorSetting setting = connector.tableOperations().getIteratorSetting( qName, iteratorConfig.getIteratorName(), scope); if (setting != null) { final Map<String, String> existingOptions = setting.getOptions(); configuredOptions = iteratorConfig.getOptions(existingOptions); if (existingOptions == null) { mustDelete = (configuredOptions == null); } else if (configuredOptions == null) { mustDelete = true; } else { // neither are null, compare the size of // the entry sets and check that they // are equivalent final Set<Entry<String, String>> existingEntries = existingOptions.entrySet(); final Set<Entry<String, String>> configuredEntries = configuredOptions .entrySet(); if (existingEntries.size() != configuredEntries.size()) { mustDelete = true; } else { mustDelete = (!existingEntries.containsAll(configuredEntries)); } } // we found the setting existing in one // scope, assume the options are the same // for each scope break; } } } } if (mustDelete) { connector.tableOperations().removeIterator( qName, iteratorConfig.getIteratorName(), existingScopes); exists = false; } if (!exists) { if (configuredOptions == null) { configuredOptions = iteratorConfig.getOptions(new HashMap<String, String>()); } connector.tableOperations().attachIterator( qName, new IteratorSetting( iteratorConfig.getIteratorPriority(), iteratorConfig.getIteratorName(), iteratorConfig.getIteratorClass(), configuredOptions), configuredScopes); } } } } catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to create table '" + qName + "'", e); } return false; } public static BasicAccumuloOperations createOperations( final AccumuloRequiredOptions options ) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { return new BasicAccumuloOperations( options.getZookeeper(), options.getInstance(), options.getUser(), options.getPassword(), options.getGeowaveNamespace()); } public static Connector getConnector( final AccumuloRequiredOptions options ) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { return createOperations(options).connector; } public static String getUsername( final AccumuloRequiredOptions options ) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { return options.getUser(); } public static String getPassword( final AccumuloRequiredOptions options ) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { return options.getPassword(); } @Override public String getGeoWaveNamespace() { return tableNamespace; } @Override public String getUsername() { return connector.whoami(); } @Override public String getPassword() { return password; } @Override public Instance getInstance() { return connector.getInstance(); } @Override public void addSplits( final String tableName, final boolean createTable, final Set<ByteArrayId> splits ) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { final String qName = getQualifiedTableName(tableName); if (createTable && !connector.tableOperations().exists( qName)) { try { connector.tableOperations().create( qName, true); } catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException | TableExistsException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to create table '" + qName + "'", e); } } final SortedSet<Text> partitionKeys = new TreeSet<Text>(); for (final ByteArrayId split : splits) { partitionKeys.add(new Text( split.getBytes())); } connector.tableOperations().addSplits( qName, partitionKeys); } @Override public boolean mergeData( final PrimaryIndex index, final AdapterStore adapterStore, final AdapterIndexMappingStore adapterIndexMappingStore ) { final String tableName = getQualifiedTableName(index.getId().getString()); try {"Compacting table '" + tableName + "'"); connector.tableOperations().compact( tableName, null, null, true, true);"Successfully compacted table '" + tableName + "'"); } catch (AccumuloSecurityException | TableNotFoundException | AccumuloException e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to merge data by compacting table '" + tableName + "'", e); return false; } return true; } }