package mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder; /** * Generate clusters of geometries. * */ import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryType; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.FeatureDataAdapter; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic.distance.CoordinateCircleDistanceFn; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic.distance.DistanceFn; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.geotime.ingest.SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider; import; import; import; /** * Generate clusters of geometries. * */ public class GeometryDataSetGenerator { final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeometryDataSetGenerator.class); private final Random rand = new Random(); private final GeometryFactory geoFactory = new GeometryFactory(); private final DistanceFn<SimpleFeature> distanceFunction; private final SimpleFeatureBuilder builder; // coordinate system boundaries private SimpleFeature minFeature; private double[] minAxis; private double[] maxAxis; private CoordinateSystem coordSystem; private boolean includePolygons = true; public GeometryDataSetGenerator( final DistanceFn<SimpleFeature> distanceFunction, final SimpleFeatureBuilder builder ) { super(); this.distanceFunction = distanceFunction; this.builder = builder; init(); } public boolean isIncludePolygons() { return includePolygons; } public void setIncludePolygons( final boolean includePolygons ) { this.includePolygons = includePolygons; } public SimpleFeature getCorner() { return minFeature; } public Geometry getBoundingRegion() { final int[] adder = { 1, 2, -1, 2 }; int num = 0; int addCnt = 0; final int dims = coordSystem.getDimension(); final int coords = (int) Math.pow( dims, 2); final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[coords + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < coords; i++) { coordinates[i] = new Coordinate(); for (int j = 0; j < dims; j++) { final boolean isMin = ((num >> j) % 2) == 0; coordinates[i].setOrdinate( j, isMin ? minAxis[j] : maxAxis[j]); } num += adder[addCnt]; addCnt = (addCnt + 1) % 4; } coordinates[coords] = coordinates[0]; return geoFactory.createPolygon(coordinates); } /** * Calculate the range for the given bounds * * @param factor * @param minAxis * @param maxAxis * @return */ private double[] createRange( final double factor, final double[] minAxis, final double[] maxAxis ) { final double[] range = new double[minAxis.length]; for (int i = 0; i < minAxis.length; i++) { range[i] = (maxAxis[i] - minAxis[i]) * factor; } return range; } /** * Pick a random grid cell and supply the boundary. The grid is determined * by the parameter,which provides a percentage of distance over the total * range for each cell. * * @param minCenterDistanceFactor * @return */ private Pair<double[], double[]> gridCellBounds( final double minCenterDistanceFactor, final double[] minAxis, final double[] maxAxis ) { final double[] range = createRange( 1.0, minAxis, maxAxis); final double[] min = new double[range.length]; final double[] max = new double[range.length]; for (int i = 0; i < range.length; i++) { // HP Fortify "Insecure Randomness" false positive // This random number is not used for any purpose // related to security or cryptography min[i] = Math .max( minAxis[i] + (minCenterDistanceFactor * (rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) % (range[i] / minCenterDistanceFactor))), minAxis[i]); max[i] = Math.min( min[i] + (minCenterDistanceFactor * range[i]), maxAxis[i]); } return Pair.of( min, max); } public void writeToGeoWave( final DataStore dataStore, final List<SimpleFeature> featureData ) throws IOException { final PrimaryIndex index = new SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider().createPrimaryIndex(); final FeatureDataAdapter adapter = new FeatureDataAdapter( featureData.get( 0).getFeatureType()); final SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder( featureData.get( 0).getFeatureType());"Writing " + featureData.size() + " records to " + adapter.getFeatureType().getTypeName()); try (IndexWriter writer = dataStore.createWriter( adapter, index)) { for (final SimpleFeature feature : featureData) { writer.write(feature); featureBuilder.reset(); } } } public List<SimpleFeature> generatePointSet( final double minCenterDistanceFactor, final double outlierFactor, final int numberOfCenters, final int minSetSize ) { return this.generatePointSet( minCenterDistanceFactor, outlierFactor, numberOfCenters, minSetSize, minAxis, maxAxis); } public List<SimpleFeature> generatePointSet( final LineString line, final double distanceFactor, final int points ) { final List<SimpleFeature> pointSet = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Point point : CurvedDensityDataGeneratorTool.generatePoints( line, distanceFactor, points)) { pointSet.add(createFeatureWithGeometry(point)); } return pointSet; } public List<SimpleFeature> generatePointSet( final double minCenterDistanceFactor, final double outlierFactor, final int numberOfCenters, final int minSetSize, final double[] minAxis, final double[] maxAxis ) { final List<SimpleFeature> pointSet = new ArrayList<>(); final List<double[]> minForCenter = new ArrayList<>(); final List<double[]> maxForCenter = new ArrayList<>(); final double[] range = createRange( minCenterDistanceFactor, minAxis, maxAxis); if (numberOfCenters >= minSetSize) { LOGGER.error("The number of centers passed much be less than the minimum set size"); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The number of centers passed much be less than the minimum set size"); } final double minDistance = computeMinDistance( minCenterDistanceFactor, minAxis, maxAxis); /** * Pick the initial centers which have minimum distance from each other. * */ while (pointSet.size() < numberOfCenters) { final Pair<double[], double[]> axis = gridCellBounds( minCenterDistanceFactor, minAxis, maxAxis); final SimpleFeature nextFeature = createNewFeature( axis.getLeft(), axis.getRight()); if (isFarEnough( nextFeature, pointSet, minDistance)) { pointSet.add(nextFeature); } } /** * Calculate the boundaries around each center point to place additional * points, thus creating clusters */ for (final SimpleFeature center : pointSet) { final double[] centerMinAxis = new double[coordSystem.getDimension()]; final double[] centerMaxAxis = new double[coordSystem.getDimension()]; final Geometry geo = (Geometry) center.getDefaultGeometry(); final Coordinate centerCoord = geo.getCentroid().getCoordinate(); for (int i = 0; i < centerMinAxis.length; i++) { centerMinAxis[i] = centerCoord.getOrdinate(i) - (range[i] / 2.0); centerMaxAxis[i] = centerCoord.getOrdinate(i) + (range[i] / 2.0); } minForCenter.add(centerMinAxis); maxForCenter.add(centerMaxAxis); } /* * Pick a random center point and add a new geometry with the bounding * range around that point. */ final int clusterdItemsCount = (int) Math.ceil((minSetSize) * (1.0 - outlierFactor)); while (pointSet.size() < clusterdItemsCount) { // HP Fortify "Insecure Randomness" false positive // This random number is not used for any purpose // related to security or cryptography final int centerPos = rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) % minForCenter.size(); pointSet.add(createNewFeature( minForCenter.get(centerPos), maxForCenter.get(centerPos))); } /** * Add random points as potential outliers (no guarantees) */ while (pointSet.size() < minSetSize) { pointSet.add(createNewFeature( minAxis, maxAxis)); } return pointSet; } public List<SimpleFeature> addRandomNoisePoints( final List<SimpleFeature> pointSet, final int minSetSize, final double[] minAxis, final double[] maxAxis ) { while (pointSet.size() < minSetSize) { pointSet.add(createNewFeature( minAxis, maxAxis)); } return pointSet; } private void init() { coordSystem = builder.getFeatureType().getCoordinateReferenceSystem().getCoordinateSystem(); minAxis = new double[coordSystem.getDimension()]; maxAxis = new double[coordSystem.getDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < coordSystem.getDimension(); i++) { final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = coordSystem.getAxis(i); minAxis[i] = axis.getMinimumValue(); maxAxis[i] = axis.getMaximumValue(); } final int dims = coordSystem.getDimension(); final Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(); for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) { coordinate.setOrdinate( i, minAxis[i]); } minFeature = createFeatureWithGeometry(geoFactory.createPoint(coordinate)); } private boolean isFarEnough( final SimpleFeature feature, final List<SimpleFeature> set, final double minDistance ) { for (final SimpleFeature setItem : set) { if (distanceFunction.measure( feature, setItem) < minDistance) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Find the distance maximum distance of the entire space and multiply that * by the distance factor to determine a minimum distance each initial * center point occurs from each other. * * @param minCenterDistanceFactor * @return */ private double computeMinDistance( final double minCenterDistanceFactor, final double[] minAxis, final double[] maxAxis ) { assert minCenterDistanceFactor < 0.75; final int dims = coordSystem.getDimension(); Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(); for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) { coordinate.setOrdinate( i, minAxis[i]); } final SimpleFeature minFeature = createFeatureWithGeometry(geoFactory.createPoint(coordinate)); coordinate = new Coordinate(); for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) { coordinate.setOrdinate( i, maxAxis[i]); } final SimpleFeature maxFeature = createFeatureWithGeometry(geoFactory.createPoint(coordinate)); return minCenterDistanceFactor * distanceFunction.measure( minFeature, maxFeature); } private SimpleFeature createNewFeature( final double[] minAxis, final double[] maxAxis ) { final int dims = coordSystem.getDimension(); // HP Fortify "Insecure Randomness" false positive // This random number is not used for any purpose // related to security or cryptography final int shapeSize = includePolygons ? (rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) % 5) + 1 : 1; final Coordinate[] shape = new Coordinate[shapeSize > 2 ? shapeSize + 1 : shapeSize]; final double[] constrainedMaxAxis = Arrays.copyOf( maxAxis, maxAxis.length); final double[] constrainedMinAxis = Arrays.copyOf( minAxis, minAxis.length); for (int s = 0; s < shapeSize; s++) { final Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(); for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) { // HP Fortify "Insecure Randomness" false positive // This random number is not used for any purpose // related to security or cryptography coordinate.setOrdinate( i, constrainedMinAxis[i] + (rand.nextDouble() * (constrainedMaxAxis[i] - constrainedMinAxis[i]))); } shape[s] = coordinate; if (s == 0) { constrain( coordinate, constrainedMaxAxis, constrainedMinAxis); } } if (shapeSize > 2) { shape[shapeSize] = shape[0]; return createFeatureWithGeometry(geoFactory.createLinearRing( shape).convexHull()); } else if (shapeSize == 2) { return createFeatureWithGeometry(geoFactory.createLineString(shape)); } else { return createFeatureWithGeometry(geoFactory.createPoint(shape[0])); } } public GeometryFactory getFactory() { return geoFactory; } /** * Change the constrain min and max to center around the coordinate to keep * the polygons tight. * * @param coordinate * @param constrainedMaxAxis * @param constrainedMinAxis */ private void constrain( final Coordinate coordinate, final double[] constrainedMaxAxis, final double[] constrainedMinAxis ) { for (int i = 0; i < constrainedMaxAxis.length; i++) { final double range = (constrainedMaxAxis[i] - constrainedMinAxis[i]) * 0.001; constrainedMaxAxis[i] = Math.min( coordinate.getOrdinate(i) + range, constrainedMaxAxis[i]); constrainedMinAxis[i] = Math.max( coordinate.getOrdinate(i) - range, constrainedMinAxis[i]); } } private SimpleFeature createFeatureWithGeometry( final Geometry geometry ) { final Object[] values = new Object[builder.getFeatureType().getAttributeCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { final AttributeDescriptor desc = builder.getFeatureType().getDescriptor( i); if (desc.getType() instanceof GeometryType) { values[i] = geometry; } else { final Class<?> binding = desc.getType().getBinding(); if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) { values[i] = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } } } return builder.buildFeature( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), values); } // public static void main( // final String[] args ) // throws Exception { // final Options allOptions = new Options(); // DataStoreCommandLineOptions.applyOptions(allOptions); // final Option typeNameOption = new Option( // "typename", // true, // "a name for the feature type (required)"); // typeNameOption.setRequired(true); // allOptions.addOption(typeNameOption); // CommandLine commandLine = new BasicParser().parse( // allOptions, // args); // // final CommandLineResult<DataStoreCommandLineOptions> dataStoreOption = // DataStoreCommandLineOptions.parseOptions( // allOptions, // commandLine); // if (dataStoreOption.isCommandLineChange()) { // commandLine = dataStoreOption.getCommandLine(); // } // else { // throw new ParseException( // "Unable to parse data store from command line"); // } // final DataStore dataStore = dataStoreOption.getResult().createStore(); // final String typeName = commandLine.getOptionValue("typename"); // final GeometryDataSetGenerator dataGenerator = new // GeometryDataSetGenerator( // new FeatureCentroidDistanceFn(), // getBuilder(typeName)); // dataGenerator.writeToGeoWave( // dataStore, // dataGenerator.generatePointSet( // 0.2, // 0.2, // 5, // 5000, // new double[] { // -100, // -45 // }, // new double[] { // -90, // -35 // })); // dataGenerator.writeToGeoWave( // dataStore, // dataGenerator.generatePointSet( // 0.2, // 0.2, // 7, // 5000, // new double[] { // 0, // 0 // }, // new double[] { // 10, // 10 // })); // dataGenerator.writeToGeoWave( // dataStore, // dataGenerator.addRandomNoisePoints( // dataGenerator.generatePointSet( // 0.2, // 0.2, // 6, // 5000, // new double[] { // 65, // 35 // }, // new double[] { // 75, // 45 // }), // 6000, // new double[] { // -90, // -90 // }, // new double[] { // 90, // 90 // })); // } private static SimpleFeatureBuilder getBuilder( final String name ) throws FactoryException { final SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); typeBuilder.setName(name); typeBuilder.setCRS(CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326", true)); // <- Coordinate // reference // add attributes in order typeBuilder.add( "geom", Geometry.class); typeBuilder.add( "name", String.class); typeBuilder.add( "count", Long.class); // build the type return new SimpleFeatureBuilder( typeBuilder.buildFeatureType()); } public static class CurvedDensityDataGeneratorTool { private static final CoordinateCircleDistanceFn DISTANCE_FN = new CoordinateCircleDistanceFn(); private CurvedDensityDataGeneratorTool() {} public static final List<Point> generatePoints( final LineString line, final double distanceFactor, final int points ) { final List<Point> results = new ArrayList<>(); Coordinate lastCoor = null; double distanceTotal = 0.0; final double[] distancesBetweenCoords = new double[line.getCoordinates().length - 1]; int i = 0; for (final Coordinate coor : line.getCoordinates()) { if (lastCoor != null) { distancesBetweenCoords[i] = Math.abs(DISTANCE_FN.measure( lastCoor, coor)); distanceTotal += distancesBetweenCoords[i++]; } lastCoor = coor; } lastCoor = null; i = 0; for (final Coordinate coor : line.getCoordinates()) { if (lastCoor != null) { results.addAll(generatePoints( line.getFactory(), toVec(coor), toVec(lastCoor), distanceFactor, (int) ((points) * (distancesBetweenCoords[i++] / distanceTotal)))); } lastCoor = coor; } return results; } private static final List<Point> generatePoints( final GeometryFactory factory, final Vector2D coordinateOne, final Vector2D coordinateTwo, final double distanceFactor, final int points ) { final List<Point> results = new ArrayList<>(); final Random rand = new Random(); final Vector2D originVec = coordinateTwo.subtract(coordinateOne); for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) { // HP Fortify "Insecure Randomness" false positive // This random number is not used for any purpose // related to security or cryptography final double factor = rand.nextDouble(); final Vector2D projectionPoint = originVec.scalarMultiply(factor); final double direction = rand.nextGaussian() * distanceFactor; final Vector2D orthogonal = new Vector2D( originVec.getY(), -originVec.getX()); results.add(factory.createPoint(toCoordinate(orthogonal.scalarMultiply( direction).add( projectionPoint).add( coordinateOne)))); } return results; } public static Coordinate toCoordinate( final Vector2D vec ) { return new Coordinate( vec.getX(), vec.getY()); } public static Vector2D toVec( final Coordinate coor ) { return new Vector2D( coor.x, coor.y); } } }