package mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.plugin.visibility; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import; import; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; /** * Define visibility for a specific attribute using the * {@link VisibilityManagement}. The visibility is determined by meta-data in a * separate feature attribute. * * @see JsonDefinitionColumnVisibilityManagement * * * * @param <T> * @param <CommonIndexValue> */ public abstract class FieldLevelVisibilityHandler<T, CommonIndexValue> implements FieldVisibilityHandler<T, CommonIndexValue> { private final String visibilityAttribute; private final String fieldName; private FieldVisibilityHandler<T, Object> defaultFieldVisiblityHandler; /** * Used when acting with an Index adaptor as a visibility handler. This * * @param fieldName * - the name of the field for which to set determine the * visibility. * @param fieldVisiblityHandler * default visibility handler if a specific visibility cannot be * determined from the contents of the attribute used to * determine visibility (name providied by parameter * 'visibilityAttribute') * @param visibilityAttribute * the attribute name that contains data to discern visibility * for other field/attributes. * @param visibilityManagement */ public FieldLevelVisibilityHandler( final String fieldName, final FieldVisibilityHandler<T, Object> fieldVisiblityHandler, final String visibilityAttribute ) { super(); this.fieldName = fieldName; this.visibilityAttribute = visibilityAttribute; this.defaultFieldVisiblityHandler = fieldVisiblityHandler; } /** * * @param visibilityObject * an object that defines visibility for each field * @param fieldName * the field to which visibility is being requested * @return null if the default should be used, otherwise return the * visibility for the provide field given the instructions found in * the visibilityObject */ public abstract byte[] translateVisibility( final Object visibilityObject, final String fieldName ); @Override public byte[] getVisibility( T rowValue, ByteArrayId fieldId, CommonIndexValue fieldValue ) { SimpleFeature feature = (SimpleFeature) rowValue; Object visibilityAttributeValue = feature.getAttribute(this.visibilityAttribute); final byte[] result = visibilityAttributeValue != null ? translateVisibility( visibilityAttributeValue, fieldName) : null; return result != null ? result : (defaultFieldVisiblityHandler == null ? new byte[0] : defaultFieldVisiblityHandler.getVisibility( rowValue, fieldId, fieldValue)); } }