package mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.utils; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.measure.unit.SI; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.plugin.GeoWaveGTDataStore; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.geotools.ows.bindings.UnitBinding; import org.geotools.referencing.GeodeticCalculator; import; import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; public class GeometryUtils { private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeometryUtils.class); /** * Build a buffer around a geometry * * @param crs * @param geometry * @param distanceUnits * @param distance * @return * @throws TransformException */ public static final Pair<Geometry, Double> buffer( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Geometry geometry, final String distanceUnits, final double distance ) throws TransformException { Unit<?> unit; try { unit = (Unit<?>) new UnitBinding().parse( null, distanceUnits); } catch (final Exception e) { unit = SI.METER; LOGGER.warn( "Cannot lookup unit of measure " + distanceUnits, e); } final double meterDistance = unit.getConverterTo( SI.METER).convert( distance); final double degrees = distanceToDegrees( crs, geometry, meterDistance); // buffer does not respect the CRS; it uses simple cartesian math. // nor does buffer handle dateline boundaries return Pair.of( adjustGeo( crs, geometry.buffer(degrees)), degrees); } /** * Consume a geometry that may be over the ranges of the CRS (e.g date-line * crossing). Adjust for crossings with a multi-polygon instance where each * contained polygon represents a portion of the provided geometry longitude * value. Clip hemisphere crossings (fix TBD). * * @param crs * @param geometry * @return */ public static Geometry adjustGeo( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Geometry geometry ) { final List<Polygon> polygons = fixRangeOfCoordinates( crs, geometry); if (polygons.size() == 1) { return polygons.get(0); } return geometry.getFactory().createMultiPolygon( polygons.toArray(new Polygon[polygons.size()])); } /** * Adjust geometry so that coordinates fit into long/lat bounds. * * Split date-line crossing polygons. * * For now, clip hemisphere crossing portions of the polygon. * * @param geometry * @return list valid polygons */ public static List<Polygon> fixRangeOfCoordinates( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Geometry geometry ) { final List<Polygon> replacements = new ArrayList<Polygon>(); if (geometry instanceof MultiPolygon) { final MultiPolygon multi = (MultiPolygon) geometry; for (int i = 0; i < multi.getNumGeometries(); i++) { final Geometry geo = multi.getGeometryN(i); replacements.addAll(fixRangeOfCoordinates( crs, geo)); } return replacements; } // collection is more general than multi-polygon else if (geometry instanceof GeometryCollection) { final GeometryCollection multi = (GeometryCollection) geometry; for (int i = 0; i < multi.getNumGeometries(); i++) { final Geometry geo = multi.getGeometryN(i); replacements.addAll(fixRangeOfCoordinates( crs, geo)); } return replacements; } final Coordinate[] geoCoords = geometry.getCoordinates(); final Coordinate modifier = findModifier( crs, geoCoords); replacements.addAll(constructGeometriesOverMapRegions( modifier, geometry)); return replacements; } /** * Produce a set of polygons for each region of the map corrected for date * line and hemisphere crossings. Due to the complexity of going around the * hemisphere, clip the range. * * Consider a polygon that cross both the hemisphere in the north and the * date line in the west (-182 92, -182 88, -178 88, -178 92, -182 92). The * result is two polygons: (-180 90, -180 88, -178 88, -178 90, -180 90) * (180 90, 180 88, 178 88, 178 90, 180 90) * * @param modifier * @param geometry * - a geometry that may cross date line and/or hemispheres. * @return */ public static List<Polygon> constructGeometriesOverMapRegions( final Coordinate modifier, final Geometry geometry ) { final Coordinate[] geoCoords = geometry.getCoordinates(); final List<Polygon> polygons = new LinkedList<Polygon>(); final Geometry world = geometry.getFactory(), GeoWaveGTDataStore.DEFAULT_CRS); // First do the polygon unchanged world final Geometry worldIntersections = world.intersection(geometry); for (int i = 0; i < worldIntersections.getNumGeometries(); i++) { final Polygon polyToAdd = (Polygon) worldIntersections.getGeometryN(i); if (!polygons.contains(polyToAdd)) { polygons.add(polyToAdd); } } // now use the modifier...but just the x axis for longitude // not modify if 0 if (Math.abs(modifier.x) > 0.0000000001) { final Coordinate[] newCoords = new Coordinate[geoCoords.length]; int c = 0; for (final Coordinate geoCoord : geoCoords) { newCoords[c++] = new Coordinate( geoCoord.x + modifier.x, geoCoord.y, geoCoord.z); } final Polygon transposedPoly = geometry.getFactory().createPolygon( newCoords); final Geometry adjustedPolyWorldIntersections = world.intersection(transposedPoly); for (int i = 0; i < adjustedPolyWorldIntersections.getNumGeometries(); i++) { final Polygon polyToAdd = (Polygon) adjustedPolyWorldIntersections.getGeometryN(i); if (!polygons.contains(polyToAdd)) { polygons.add(polyToAdd); } } } return polygons; } /** * Make sure the coordinate falls in the range of provided coordinate * reference systems's coordinate system. 'x' coordinate is wrapped around * date line. 'y' and 'z' coordinate are clipped. At some point, this * function will be adjusted to project 'y' appropriately. * * @param crs * @param coord * @return */ public static Coordinate adjustCoordinateToFitInRange( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Coordinate coord ) { return new Coordinate( adjustCoordinateDimensionToRange( coord.x, crs, 0), clipRange( coord.y, crs, 1), clipRange( coord.z, crs, 2)); } /** * * @param coord1 * @param coord2 * subtracted from coord1 * @return a coordinate the supplies the difference of values for each axis * between coord1 and coord2 */ private static Coordinate diff( final Coordinate coord1, final Coordinate coord2 ) { return new Coordinate( coord1.x - coord2.x, coord1.y - coord2.y, coord1.z - coord2.z); } /** * * update modifier for each axis of the coordinate where the modifier's axis * is less extreme than the provides coordinate * * @param modifier * @param cood */ private static void updateModifier( final Coordinate coord, final Coordinate modifier ) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (Math.abs(modifier.getOrdinate(i)) < Math.abs(coord.getOrdinate(i))) { modifier.setOrdinate( i, coord.getOrdinate(i)); } } } /** * Build a modifier that, when added to the coordinates of a polygon, moves * invalid sections of the polygon to a valid portion of the map. * * @param crs * @param coords * @return */ private static Coordinate findModifier( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Coordinate[] coords ) { final Coordinate maxModifier = new Coordinate( 0, 0, 0); for (final Coordinate coord : coords) { final Coordinate modifier = diff( adjustCoordinateToFitInRange( crs, coord), coord); updateModifier( modifier, maxModifier); } return maxModifier; } /** * * @param val * the value * @param crs * @param axis * the coordinate axis * @return */ private static double clipRange( final double val, final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final int axis ) { final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = crs.getCoordinateSystem(); if (coordinateSystem.getDimension() > axis) { final CoordinateSystemAxis coordinateAxis = coordinateSystem.getAxis(axis); if (val < coordinateAxis.getMinimumValue()) return coordinateAxis.getMinimumValue(); else if (val > coordinateAxis.getMaximumValue()) return coordinateAxis.getMaximumValue(); } return val; } /** * This is perhaps a brain dead approach to do this, but it does handle wrap * around cases. Also supports cases where the wrap around occurs many * times. * * @param val * the value * @param crs * @param axis * the coordinate axis * @return */ public static double adjustCoordinateDimensionToRange( final double val, final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final int axis ) { final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = crs.getCoordinateSystem(); if (coordinateSystem.getDimension() > axis) { final double lowerBound = coordinateSystem.getAxis( axis).getMinimumValue(); final double bound = coordinateSystem.getAxis( axis).getMaximumValue() - lowerBound; final double sign = sign(val); // re-scale to 0 to n, then determine how many times to 'loop // around' final double mult = Math.floor(Math.abs((val + (sign * (-1.0 * lowerBound))) / bound)); return val + (mult * bound * sign * (-1.0)); } return val; } /** * Convert meters to decimal degrees based on widest point * * @throws TransformException */ private static double distanceToDegrees( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Geometry geometry, final double meters ) throws TransformException { final GeometryFactory factory = geometry.getFactory(); return (geometry instanceof Point) ? geometry.distance(farthestPoint( crs, (Point) geometry, meters)) : distanceToDegrees( crs, geometry.getEnvelopeInternal(), factory == null ? new GeometryFactory() : factory, meters); } private static double distanceToDegrees( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Envelope env, final GeometryFactory factory, final double meters ) throws TransformException { return Collections.max(Arrays.asList( distanceToDegrees( crs, factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( env.getMaxX(), env.getMaxY())), meters), distanceToDegrees( crs, factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( env.getMaxX(), env.getMinY())), meters), distanceToDegrees( crs, factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( env.getMinX(), env.getMinY())), meters), distanceToDegrees( crs, factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( env.getMinX(), env.getMaxY())), meters))); } /** farther point in longitudinal axis given a latitude */ private static Point farthestPoint( final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Point point, final double meters ) { final GeodeticCalculator calc = new GeodeticCalculator( crs); calc.setStartingGeographicPoint( point.getX(), point.getY()); calc.setDirection( 90, meters); Point2D dest2D = calc.getDestinationGeographicPoint(); // if this flips over the date line then try the other direction if (dest2D.getX() < point.getX()) { calc.setDirection( -90, meters); dest2D = calc.getDestinationGeographicPoint(); } return point.getFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( dest2D.getX(), dest2D.getY())); } private static double sign( final double val ) { return val < 0 ? -1 : 1; } /** * Return a multi-polygon representing the bounded map regions split by the * axis * * @param factory * @param crs * @return */ public static Geometry world( final GeometryFactory factory, final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs ) { return factory.createPolygon(toPolygonCoordinates(crs.getCoordinateSystem())); } private static Coordinate[] toPolygonCoordinates( final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem ) { final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[(int) Math.pow( 2, coordinateSystem.getDimension()) + 1]; final BitSet greyCode = new BitSet( coordinateSystem.getDimension()); final BitSet mask = getGreyCodeMask(coordinateSystem.getDimension()); for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) { coordinates[i] = new Coordinate( getValue( greyCode, coordinateSystem.getAxis(0), 0), getValue( greyCode, coordinateSystem.getAxis(1), 1), coordinateSystem.getDimension() > 2 ? getValue( greyCode, coordinateSystem.getAxis(2), 2) : Double.NaN); grayCode( greyCode, mask); } return coordinates; } private static BitSet getGreyCodeMask( final int dims ) { final BitSet mask = new BitSet( dims); for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) { mask.set(i); } return mask; } private static void grayCode( final BitSet code, final BitSet mask ) { BitSetMath.grayCodeInverse(code); BitSetMath.increment(code); code.and(mask); BitSetMath.grayCode(code); } private static double getValue( final BitSet set, final CoordinateSystemAxis axis, final int dimension ) { return (set.get(dimension)) ? axis.getMaximumValue() : axis.getMinimumValue(); } }