package mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.sf.json.JSONException; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.dimension.NumericDimensionDefinition; import; import; import; /** * Class that implements a compound index strategy. It's a wrapper around two * NumericIndexStrategy objects that can externally be treated as a * multi-dimensional NumericIndexStrategy. * * Each of the 'wrapped' strategies cannot share the same dimension definition. * */ public class CompoundIndexStrategy implements NumericIndexStrategy { private NumericIndexStrategy subStrategy1; private NumericIndexStrategy subStrategy2; private NumericDimensionDefinition[] baseDefinitions; private double[] highestPrecision; private int[] strategy1Mappings; private int[] strategy2Mappings; private int defaultNumberOfRanges; private int metaDataSplit = -1; public CompoundIndexStrategy( final NumericIndexStrategy subStrategy1, final NumericIndexStrategy subStrategy2 ) { this.subStrategy1 = subStrategy1; this.subStrategy2 = subStrategy2; init(); defaultNumberOfRanges = (int) Math.ceil(Math.pow( 2, getNumberOfDimensions())); } protected CompoundIndexStrategy() {} public NumericIndexStrategy[] getSubStrategies() { return new NumericIndexStrategy[] { subStrategy1, subStrategy2 }; } public NumericIndexStrategy getPrimarySubStrategy() { return subStrategy1; } public NumericIndexStrategy getSecondarySubStrategy() { return subStrategy2; } @Override public byte[] toBinary() { final byte[] delegateBinary1 = PersistenceUtils.toBinary(subStrategy1); final byte[] delegateBinary2 = PersistenceUtils.toBinary(subStrategy2); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + delegateBinary1.length + delegateBinary2.length); buf.putInt(delegateBinary1.length); buf.put(delegateBinary1); buf.put(delegateBinary2); return buf.array(); } @Override public void fromBinary( final byte[] bytes ) { final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); final int delegateBinary1Length = buf.getInt(); final byte[] delegateBinary1 = new byte[delegateBinary1Length]; buf.get(delegateBinary1); final byte[] delegateBinary2 = new byte[bytes.length - delegateBinary1Length - 4]; buf.get(delegateBinary2); subStrategy1 = PersistenceUtils.fromBinary( delegateBinary1, NumericIndexStrategy.class); subStrategy2 = PersistenceUtils.fromBinary( delegateBinary2, NumericIndexStrategy.class); init(); defaultNumberOfRanges = (int) Math.ceil(Math.pow( 2, getNumberOfDimensions())); } /** * Get the number of dimensions of each sub-strategy * * @return an array with the number of dimensions for each sub-strategy */ public int[] getNumberOfDimensionsPerIndexStrategy() { return new int[] { subStrategy1.getOrderedDimensionDefinitions().length, subStrategy2.getOrderedDimensionDefinitions().length }; } /** * Get the total number of dimensions from all sub-strategies * * @return the number of dimensions */ public int getNumberOfDimensions() { return baseDefinitions.length; } /** * Create a compound ByteArrayId * * @param id1 * ByteArrayId for the first sub-strategy * @param id2 * ByteArrayId for the second sub-strategy * @return the ByteArrayId for the compound strategy */ public ByteArrayId composeByteArrayId( final ByteArrayId id1, final ByteArrayId id2 ) { final byte[] bytes = new byte[id1.getBytes().length + id2.getBytes().length + 4]; final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); buf.put(id1.getBytes()); buf.put(id2.getBytes()); buf.putInt(id1.getBytes().length); return new ByteArrayId( bytes); } /** * Get the ByteArrayId for each sub-strategy from the ByteArrayId for the * compound index strategy * * @param id * the compound ByteArrayId * @return the ByteArrayId for each sub-strategy */ public ByteArrayId[] decomposeByteArrayId( final ByteArrayId id ) { final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(id.getBytes()); final int id1Length = buf.getInt(id.getBytes().length - 4); final byte[] bytes1 = new byte[id1Length]; final byte[] bytes2 = new byte[id.getBytes().length - id1Length - 4]; buf.get(bytes1); buf.get(bytes2); return new ByteArrayId[] { new ByteArrayId( bytes1), new ByteArrayId( bytes2) }; } private List<ByteArrayId> composeByteArrayIds( final List<ByteArrayId> ids1, final List<ByteArrayId> ids2 ) { final List<ByteArrayId> ids = new ArrayList<>( ids1.size() * ids2.size()); for (final ByteArrayId id1 : ids1) { for (final ByteArrayId id2 : ids2) { ids.add(composeByteArrayId( id1, id2)); } } return ids; } private ByteArrayRange composeByteArrayRange( final ByteArrayRange rangeOfStrategy1, final ByteArrayRange rangeOfStrategy2 ) { final ByteArrayId start = composeByteArrayId( rangeOfStrategy1.getStart(), rangeOfStrategy2.getStart()); final ByteArrayId end = composeByteArrayId( rangeOfStrategy1.getEnd(), rangeOfStrategy2.getEnd()); return new ByteArrayRange( start, end); } private List<ByteArrayRange> getByteArrayRanges( final List<ByteArrayRange> ranges1, final List<ByteArrayRange> ranges2 ) { final List<ByteArrayRange> ranges = new ArrayList<>( ranges1.size() * ranges2.size()); for (final ByteArrayRange range1 : ranges1) { for (final ByteArrayRange range2 : ranges2) { final ByteArrayRange range = composeByteArrayRange( range1, range2); ranges.add(range); } } return ranges; } @Override public List<ByteArrayRange> getQueryRanges( final MultiDimensionalNumericData indexedRange, final IndexMetaData... hints ) { return getQueryRanges( indexedRange, -1, hints); } @Override public List<ByteArrayRange> getQueryRanges( final MultiDimensionalNumericData indexedRange, final int maxEstimatedRangeDecomposition, final IndexMetaData... hints ) { final MultiDimensionalNumericData[] ranges = getRangesForIndexedRange(indexedRange); final List<ByteArrayRange> rangeForStrategy1; final List<ByteArrayRange> rangeForStrategy2; if (maxEstimatedRangeDecomposition < 1) { rangeForStrategy1 = subStrategy1.getQueryRanges( ranges[0], extractHints( hints, 0)); rangeForStrategy2 = subStrategy2.getQueryRanges( ranges[1], extractHints( hints, 1)); } else { // for partitioning it works alright to just use permute ranges from // both sub-strategies but in general this could be too much // final int maxEstRangeDecompositionPerStrategy = (int) Math.ceil( // Math.sqrt( // maxEstimatedRangeDecomposition)); rangeForStrategy1 = subStrategy1.getQueryRanges( ranges[0], maxEstimatedRangeDecomposition, extractHints( hints, 0)); // final int maxEstRangeDecompositionStrategy2 = // maxEstimatedRangeDecomposition / rangeForStrategy1.size(); rangeForStrategy2 = subStrategy2.getQueryRanges( ranges[1], maxEstimatedRangeDecomposition, extractHints( hints, 1)); } final List<ByteArrayRange> range = getByteArrayRanges( rangeForStrategy1, rangeForStrategy2); return range; } @Override public List<ByteArrayId> getInsertionIds( final MultiDimensionalNumericData indexedData ) { return getInsertionIds( indexedData, defaultNumberOfRanges); } @Override public List<ByteArrayId> getInsertionIds( final MultiDimensionalNumericData indexedData, final int maxEstimatedDuplicateIds ) { final int maxEstDuplicatesPerStrategy = (int) Math.sqrt(maxEstimatedDuplicateIds); final MultiDimensionalNumericData[] ranges = getRangesForIndexedRange(indexedData); final List<ByteArrayId> rangeForStrategy1 = subStrategy1.getInsertionIds( ranges[0], maxEstDuplicatesPerStrategy); final int maxEstDuplicatesStrategy2 = maxEstimatedDuplicateIds / rangeForStrategy1.size(); final List<ByteArrayId> rangeForStrategy2 = subStrategy2.getInsertionIds( ranges[1], maxEstDuplicatesStrategy2); final List<ByteArrayId> range = composeByteArrayIds( rangeForStrategy1, rangeForStrategy2); return range; } private MultiDimensionalNumericData[] getRangesForId( final ByteArrayId insertionId ) { final ByteArrayId[] insertionIds = decomposeByteArrayId(insertionId); return new MultiDimensionalNumericData[] { subStrategy1.getRangeForId(insertionIds[0]), subStrategy2.getRangeForId(insertionIds[1]) }; } private MultiDimensionalNumericData[] getRangesForIndexedRange( final MultiDimensionalNumericData indexedRange ) { final NumericData[] datasets = indexedRange.getDataPerDimension(); final int[] numDimensionsPerStrategy = getNumberOfDimensionsPerIndexStrategy(); final NumericData[] datasetForStrategy1 = new NumericData[numDimensionsPerStrategy[0]]; final NumericData[] datasetForStrategy2 = new NumericData[numDimensionsPerStrategy[1]]; for (int i = 0; i < datasets.length; i++) { if (strategy1Mappings[i] >= 0) { datasetForStrategy1[strategy1Mappings[i]] = datasets[i]; } if (strategy2Mappings[i] >= 0) { datasetForStrategy2[strategy2Mappings[i]] = datasets[i]; } } return new MultiDimensionalNumericData[] { new BasicNumericDataset( datasetForStrategy1), new BasicNumericDataset( datasetForStrategy2) }; } @Override public MultiDimensionalNumericData getRangeForId( final ByteArrayId insertionId ) { final MultiDimensionalNumericData[] rangesForId = getRangesForId(insertionId); final NumericData[] data1 = rangesForId[0].getDataPerDimension(); final NumericData[] data2 = rangesForId[1].getDataPerDimension(); final NumericData[] dataPerDimension = new NumericData[baseDefinitions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dataPerDimension.length; i++) { if (strategy1Mappings[i] >= 0) { dataPerDimension[i] = data1[strategy1Mappings[i]]; } if (strategy2Mappings[i] >= 0) { dataPerDimension[i] = data2[strategy2Mappings[i]]; } } return new BasicNumericDataset( dataPerDimension); } @Override public MultiDimensionalCoordinates getCoordinatesPerDimension( final ByteArrayId insertionId ) { final ByteArrayId[] insertionIds = decomposeByteArrayId(insertionId); final MultiDimensionalCoordinates coordinates1 = subStrategy1.getCoordinatesPerDimension(insertionIds[0]); final MultiDimensionalCoordinates coordinates2 = subStrategy2.getCoordinatesPerDimension(insertionIds[1]); final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[baseDefinitions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < baseDefinitions.length; i++) { if (strategy1Mappings[i] >= 0) { coordinates[i] = coordinates1.getCoordinate(strategy1Mappings[i]); } if (strategy2Mappings[i] >= 0) { coordinates[i] = coordinates2.getCoordinate(strategy2Mappings[i]); } } return new MultiDimensionalCoordinates( ByteArrayUtils.combineArrays( coordinates1.getMultiDimensionalId(), coordinates2.getMultiDimensionalId()), coordinates); } private void init() { final NumericDimensionDefinition[] strategy1Definitions = subStrategy1.getOrderedDimensionDefinitions(); final NumericDimensionDefinition[] strategy2Definitions = subStrategy2.getOrderedDimensionDefinitions(); final double[] strategy1HighestPrecision = subStrategy1.getHighestPrecisionIdRangePerDimension(); final double[] strategy2HighestPrecision = subStrategy2.getHighestPrecisionIdRangePerDimension(); final List<NumericDimensionDefinition> definitions = new ArrayList<NumericDimensionDefinition>( strategy1Definitions.length + strategy2Definitions.length); final double precision[] = new double[strategy1Definitions.length + strategy2Definitions.length]; strategy1Mappings = new int[precision.length]; strategy2Mappings = new int[precision.length]; int dimsPosition = 0; for (final NumericDimensionDefinition definition : strategy1Definitions) { definitions.add(definition); strategy1Mappings[dimsPosition] = dimsPosition; strategy2Mappings[dimsPosition] = -1; precision[dimsPosition] = strategy1HighestPrecision[dimsPosition]; dimsPosition++; } int twosDefsPosition = 0; for (final NumericDimensionDefinition definition : strategy2Definitions) { final int pos = definitions.indexOf(definition); if (pos >= 0) { strategy2Mappings[pos] = twosDefsPosition; precision[pos] = Math.max( precision[pos], strategy2HighestPrecision[twosDefsPosition]); } else { strategy2Mappings[dimsPosition] = twosDefsPosition; strategy1Mappings[dimsPosition] = -1; definitions.add(definition); precision[dimsPosition] = strategy2HighestPrecision[twosDefsPosition]; dimsPosition++; } twosDefsPosition++; } baseDefinitions = definitions.toArray(new NumericDimensionDefinition[definitions.size()]); highestPrecision = Arrays.copyOfRange( precision, 0, baseDefinitions.length); } @Override public NumericDimensionDefinition[] getOrderedDimensionDefinitions() { return baseDefinitions; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = (prime * result) + Arrays.hashCode(baseDefinitions); result = (prime * result) + defaultNumberOfRanges; result = (prime * result) + ((subStrategy1 == null) ? 0 : subStrategy1.hashCode()); result = (prime * result) + ((subStrategy2 == null) ? 0 : subStrategy2.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals( final Object obj ) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final CompoundIndexStrategy other = (CompoundIndexStrategy) obj; if (!Arrays.equals( baseDefinitions, other.baseDefinitions)) { return false; } if (defaultNumberOfRanges != other.defaultNumberOfRanges) { return false; } if (subStrategy1 == null) { if (other.subStrategy1 != null) { return false; } } else if (!subStrategy1.equals(other.subStrategy1)) { return false; } if (subStrategy2 == null) { if (other.subStrategy2 != null) { return false; } } else if (!subStrategy2.equals(other.subStrategy2)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String getId() { return StringUtils.intToString(hashCode()); } @Override public double[] getHighestPrecisionIdRangePerDimension() { return highestPrecision; } @Override public Set<ByteArrayId> getNaturalSplits() { // because substrategy one is prefixing substrategy2, just use the // splits associated with substrategy1 return subStrategy1.getNaturalSplits(); } @Override public int getByteOffsetFromDimensionalIndex() { // TODO: this only makes sense if substrategy 1 contributes no // dimensional index component return subStrategy1.getByteOffsetFromDimensionalIndex() + subStrategy2.getByteOffsetFromDimensionalIndex(); } @Override public List<IndexMetaData> createMetaData() { final List<IndexMetaData> result = new ArrayList<IndexMetaData>(); for (final IndexMetaData metaData : subStrategy1.createMetaData()) { result.add(new CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper( metaData, 0)); } metaDataSplit = result.size(); for (final IndexMetaData metaData : subStrategy2.createMetaData()) { result.add(new CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper( metaData, 1)); } return result; } private int getMetaDataSplit() { if (metaDataSplit == -1) { metaDataSplit = subStrategy1.createMetaData().size(); } return metaDataSplit; } private IndexMetaData[] extractHints( final IndexMetaData[] hints, final int indexNo ) { if ((hints == null) || (hints.length == 0)) { return hints; } final int splitPoint = getMetaDataSplit(); final int start = (indexNo == 0) ? 0 : splitPoint; final int stop = (indexNo == 0) ? splitPoint : hints.length; final IndexMetaData[] result = new IndexMetaData[stop - start]; int p = 0; for (int i = start; i < stop; i++) { result[p++] = ((CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper) hints[i]).metaData; } return result; } /** * Get the ByteArrayId for each sub-strategy from the ByteArrayId for the * compound index strategy * * @param id * the compound ByteArrayId * @return the ByteArrayId for each sub-strategy */ public static ByteArrayId extractByteArrayId( final ByteArrayId id, final int index ) { final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(id.getBytes()); final int id1Length = buf.getInt(id.getBytes().length - 4); if (index == 0) { final byte[] bytes1 = new byte[id1Length]; buf.get(bytes1); return new ByteArrayId( bytes1); } final byte[] bytes2 = new byte[id.getBytes().length - id1Length - 4]; buf.position(id1Length); buf.get(bytes2); return new ByteArrayId( bytes2); } /** * * Delegate Metadata item for an underlying index. For * CompoundIndexStrategy, this delegate wraps the meta data for one of the * two indices. The primary function of this class is to extract out the * parts of the ByteArrayId that are specific to each index during an * 'update' operation. * */ private static class CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper implements IndexMetaData, Persistable { private IndexMetaData metaData; private int index; public CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper() {} public CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper( final IndexMetaData metaData, final int index ) { super(); this.metaData = metaData; this.index = index; } @Override public byte[] toBinary() { final byte[] metaBytes = PersistenceUtils.toBinary(metaData); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + metaBytes.length); buf.put(metaBytes); buf.putInt(index); return buf.array(); } @Override public void fromBinary( final byte[] bytes ) { final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); final byte[] metaBytes = new byte[bytes.length - 4]; buf.get(metaBytes); metaData = PersistenceUtils.fromBinary( metaBytes, IndexMetaData.class); index = buf.getInt(); } @Override public void merge( final Mergeable merge ) { if (merge instanceof CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper) { final CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper compound = (CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper) merge; metaData.merge(compound.metaData); } } @Override public void insertionIdsAdded( final List<ByteArrayId> ids ) { metaData.insertionIdsAdded(Lists.transform( ids, new Function<ByteArrayId, ByteArrayId>() { @Override public ByteArrayId apply( final ByteArrayId input ) { return extractByteArrayId( input, index); } })); } @Override public void insertionIdsRemoved( final List<ByteArrayId> ids ) { metaData.insertionIdsRemoved(Lists.transform( ids, new Function<ByteArrayId, ByteArrayId>() { @Override public ByteArrayId apply( final ByteArrayId input ) { return extractByteArrayId( input, index); } })); } /** * Convert Tiered Index Metadata statistics to a JSON object */ @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject() throws JSONException { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put( "type", "CompoundIndexMetaDataWrapper"); jo.put( "index", index); return jo; } } @Override public MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges[] getCoordinateRangesPerDimension( final MultiDimensionalNumericData dataRange, final IndexMetaData... hints ) { final MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges[] ranges1 = subStrategy1.getCoordinateRangesPerDimension( dataRange, hints); final MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges[] ranges2 = subStrategy2.getCoordinateRangesPerDimension( dataRange, hints); MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges[] retVal = new MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges[ranges1.length * ranges2.length]; int r = 0; for (final MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges range1 : ranges1) { for (final MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges range2 : ranges2) { final CoordinateRange[][] coordinateRangesPerDimensions = new CoordinateRange[baseDefinitions.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < baseDefinitions.length; i++) { if (strategy1Mappings[i] >= 0) { coordinateRangesPerDimensions[i] = range1.getRangeForDimension(strategy1Mappings[i]); } else if (strategy2Mappings[i] >= 0) { coordinateRangesPerDimensions[i] = range2.getRangeForDimension(strategy2Mappings[i]); } } retVal[r++] = new MultiDimensionalCoordinateRanges( ByteArrayUtils.combineArrays( range1.getMultiDimensionalId(), range2.getMultiDimensionalId()), coordinateRangesPerDimensions); } } return retVal; } }