package mil.nga.giat.geowave.format.geotools.vector; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.FeatureDataAdapter; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.utils.SimpleFeatureUserDataConfigurationSet; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.ingest.GeoWaveData; import; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.format.geotools.vector.RetypingVectorDataPlugin.RetypingVectorDataSource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; /** * This is a wrapper for a GeoTools SimpleFeatureCollection as a convenience to * ingest it into GeoWave by translating a list of SimpleFeatureCollection to a * closeable iterator of GeoWaveData */ public class SimpleFeatureGeoWaveWrapper implements CloseableIterator<GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature>> { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleFeatureGeoWaveWrapper.class); private class InternalIterator implements CloseableIterator<GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature>> { private final SimpleFeatureIterator featureIterator; private final WritableDataAdapter<SimpleFeature> dataAdapter; private RetypingVectorDataSource source = null; private final Filter filter; private SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = null; private GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature> currentData = null; public InternalIterator( final SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollection, final String visibility, final Filter filter ) { this.filter = filter; featureIterator = featureCollection.features(); final SimpleFeatureType originalSchema = featureCollection.getSchema(); SimpleFeatureType retypedSchema = SimpleFeatureUserDataConfigurationSet.configureType(originalSchema); if (retypingPlugin != null) { source = retypingPlugin.getRetypingSource(originalSchema); if (source != null) { retypedSchema = source.getRetypedSimpleFeatureType(); builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder( retypedSchema); } } if ((visibility == null) || visibility.isEmpty()) { dataAdapter = new FeatureDataAdapter( retypedSchema); } else { dataAdapter = new FeatureDataAdapter( retypedSchema, new GlobalVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object>( visibility)); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (currentData == null) { // return a flag indicating if we find more data that matches // the filter, essentially peeking and caching the result return nextData(); } return true; } @Override public GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature> next() { if (currentData == null) { // get the next data that matches the filter nextData(); } // return that data and set the current data to null final GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature> retVal = currentData; currentData = null; return retVal; } private synchronized boolean nextData() { SimpleFeature nextAcceptedFeature; do { if (!featureIterator.hasNext()) { return false; } nextAcceptedFeature =; if (builder != null) { nextAcceptedFeature = source.getRetypedSimpleFeature( builder, nextAcceptedFeature); } } while (!filter.evaluate(nextAcceptedFeature)); currentData = new GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature>( dataAdapter, primaryIndexIds, nextAcceptedFeature); return true; } @Override public void remove() {} @Override public void close() throws IOException { featureIterator.close(); } } private final List<SimpleFeatureCollection> featureCollections; private final Collection<ByteArrayId> primaryIndexIds; private InternalIterator currentIterator = null; private final String visibility; private final DataStore dataStore; private final RetypingVectorDataPlugin retypingPlugin; private final Filter filter; public SimpleFeatureGeoWaveWrapper( final List<SimpleFeatureCollection> featureCollections, final Collection<ByteArrayId> primaryIndexIds, final String visibility, final DataStore dataStore, final RetypingVectorDataPlugin retypingPlugin, final Filter filter ) { this.featureCollections = featureCollections; this.visibility = visibility; this.primaryIndexIds = primaryIndexIds; this.dataStore = dataStore; this.retypingPlugin = retypingPlugin; this.filter = filter; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if ((currentIterator == null) || !currentIterator.hasNext()) { // return a flag indicating if we find another iterator that hasNext return nextIterator(); } // currentIterator has next return true; } private synchronized boolean nextIterator() { if (currentIterator != null) { try { currentIterator.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Cannot close feature iterator", e); } } final Iterator<SimpleFeatureCollection> it = featureCollections.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final SimpleFeatureCollection collection =; final InternalIterator featureIt = new InternalIterator( collection, visibility, filter); it.remove(); if (!featureIt.hasNext()) { try { featureIt.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Cannot close feature iterator", e); } } else { currentIterator = featureIt; return true; } } return false; } @Override public GeoWaveData<SimpleFeature> next() { if ((currentIterator == null) || !currentIterator.hasNext()) { if (nextIterator()) { return; } return null; } return; } @Override public void remove() { if (currentIterator != null) { // this isn't really implemented anyway and should not be called currentIterator.remove(); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (currentIterator != null) { currentIterator.close(); } if (dataStore != null) { dataStore.dispose(); } } }