package mil.nga.giat.geowave.test; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters; import org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores; import org.junit.runner.Runner; import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier; import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner; import org.junit.runners.Suite; import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkField; import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod; import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.annotation.Environments; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.annotation.Environments.Environment; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.annotation.GeoWaveTestStore; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.annotation.GeoWaveTestStore.GeoWaveStoreType; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.annotation.GeoWaveTestStoreImpl; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.annotation.NamespaceOverride; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.test.annotation.OptionsOverride; public class GeoWaveITRunner extends Suite { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoWaveITRunner.class); public static final AtomicBoolean DEFER_CLEANUP = new AtomicBoolean( false); public static final Object MUTEX = new Object(); public static final String STORE_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME = "STORE_TYPE"; public static final String STORE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME = "testStoreType"; @Override protected Statement withBeforeClasses( final Statement statement ) { // add test environment setup try { final Method setupMethod = GeoWaveITRunner.class.getDeclaredMethod("setup"); setupMethod.setAccessible(true); return super.withBeforeClasses(new RunBefores( statement, Collections.singletonList(new FrameworkMethod( setupMethod)), this)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to find setup method", e); } return super.withBeforeClasses(statement); } @Override protected Statement withAfterClasses( final Statement statement ) { // add test environment tear down try { final Statement newStatement = super.withAfterClasses(statement); final Method tearDownMethod = GeoWaveITRunner.class.getDeclaredMethod("tearDown"); tearDownMethod.setAccessible(true); return new RunAfters( newStatement, Collections.singletonList(new FrameworkMethod( tearDownMethod)), this); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to find tearDown method", e); } return super.withAfterClasses(statement); } private class TestClassRunnerForStoreTypes extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner { private final Map<String, GeoWaveStoreType> fieldNameStoreTypePair; private final String nameSuffix; private TestClassRunnerForStoreTypes( final Class<?> type, final Map<String, GeoWaveStoreType> fieldNameStoreTypePair ) throws InitializationError { super( type); this.fieldNameStoreTypePair = fieldNameStoreTypePair; final StringBuilder nameBldr = new StringBuilder(); for (final Entry<String, GeoWaveStoreType> e : fieldNameStoreTypePair.entrySet()) { nameBldr.append( " (").append( e.getKey()).append( "=").append( e.getValue().toString()).append( ")"); } nameSuffix = nameBldr.toString(); } @Override public Object createTest() throws Exception { return createTestUsingFieldInjection(); } private Object createTestUsingFieldInjection() throws IllegalAccessException, SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, GeoWaveITException, InstantiationException { final Set<Pair<Field, GeoWaveTestStore>> fieldsAndStorePairs = new HashSet<Pair<Field, GeoWaveTestStore>>(); if (typeIsAnnotated()) { final GeoWaveTestStore store = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getAnnotation( GeoWaveTestStore.class); for (final String fieldName : fieldNameStoreTypePair.keySet()) { final Field field = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getDeclaredField( fieldName); final GeoWaveTestStoreImpl storeWithOverrides = new GeoWaveTestStoreImpl( store); if (field.isAnnotationPresent(NamespaceOverride.class)) { storeWithOverrides.setNamespace(field.getAnnotation( NamespaceOverride.class).value()); } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(OptionsOverride.class)) { storeWithOverrides.setOptions(field.getAnnotation( OptionsOverride.class).value()); } fieldsAndStorePairs.add(new ImmutablePair<Field, GeoWaveTestStore>( field, storeWithOverrides)); } } else { final List<FrameworkField> annotatedFields = getStoreAnnotatedFields(); if (annotatedFields.size() != fieldNameStoreTypePair.size()) { throw new GeoWaveITException( "Wrong number of stores and @GeoWaveTestStore fields." + " @GeoWaveTestStore fields counted: " + annotatedFields.size() + ", available parameters: " + fieldNameStoreTypePair.size() + "."); } for (final FrameworkField field : annotatedFields) { fieldsAndStorePairs.add(new ImmutablePair<Field, GeoWaveTestStore>( field.getField(), field.getField().getAnnotation( GeoWaveTestStore.class))); } } final Object testClassInstance = getTestClass().getJavaClass().newInstance(); for (final Pair<Field, GeoWaveTestStore> field : fieldsAndStorePairs) { final GeoWaveStoreType type = fieldNameStoreTypePair.get(field.getLeft().getName()); field.getLeft().setAccessible( true); final GeoWaveTestStore store = field.getRight(); field.getLeft().set( testClassInstance, type.getTestEnvironment().getDataStoreOptions( store)); } return testClassInstance; } @Override protected String getName() { return super.getName() + nameSuffix; } @Override protected String testName( final FrameworkMethod method ) { return method.getName() + " - " + getName(); } @Override protected void validateFields( final List<Throwable> errors ) { super.validateFields(errors); if (typeIsAnnotated()) { if (fieldsAreAnnotated()) { errors.add(new GeoWaveITException( "Only type or fields can be annotated with @GeoWaveTestStore, not both")); } try { getDataStoreOptionFieldsForTypeAnnotation(); } catch (final Exception e) { errors.add(e); } } else if (fieldsAreAnnotated()) { final List<FrameworkField> annotatedFields = getStoreAnnotatedFields(); for (final FrameworkField field : annotatedFields) { if (!field.getType().isAssignableFrom( DataStorePluginOptions.class)) { errors.add(new GeoWaveITException( "'" + field.getName() + "' must be of type '" + DataStorePluginOptions.class.getName() + "'")); } } } } @Override protected Statement classBlock( final RunNotifier notifier ) { return childrenInvoker(notifier); } @Override protected Annotation[] getRunnerAnnotations() { return new Annotation[0]; } } private static final List<Runner> NO_RUNNERS = Collections.<Runner> emptyList(); private final List<Runner> runners = new ArrayList<Runner>(); private final Set<GeoWaveStoreType> storeTypes = new HashSet<GeoWaveStoreType>(); private final TestEnvironment[] testEnvs; /** * Only called reflectively. Do not use programmatically. */ public GeoWaveITRunner( final Class<?> klass ) throws InitializationError, SecurityException, GeoWaveITException { super( klass, NO_RUNNERS); createRunnersForDataStores(); testEnvs = getTestEnvironments(); } @Override protected List<Runner> getChildren() { return runners; } private void createRunnersForDataStores() throws InitializationError, SecurityException, GeoWaveITException { final GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig emptyConfig = new GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig(); List<GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig> configs = new ArrayList<GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig>(); String storeTypeProp = System.getenv(STORE_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME); if (!TestUtils.isSet(storeTypeProp)) { storeTypeProp = System.getProperty(STORE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME); } // See if user specified a single store type if (TestUtils.isSet(storeTypeProp)) { final Set<String> dataStoreOptionFields = getDataStoreOptionFieldsForTypeAnnotation(); final GeoWaveStoreType storeType = GeoWaveStoreType.valueOf(storeTypeProp); // If no match, the configs list will be empty and the IT will be a // no-op if (containsAnnotationForType(storeType)) { configs.add(new GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig( storeType, dataStoreOptionFields)); storeTypes.add(storeType); } } else { // No user override - just use the IT's list of types if (typeIsAnnotated()) { if (fieldsAreAnnotated()) { throw new GeoWaveITException( "Only type or fields can be annotated with @GeoWaveTestStore, not both"); } final Set<String> dataStoreOptionFields = getDataStoreOptionFieldsForTypeAnnotation(); final GeoWaveTestStore store = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getAnnotation( GeoWaveTestStore.class); for (final GeoWaveStoreType storeType : store.value()) { configs.add(new GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig( storeType, dataStoreOptionFields)); storeTypes.add(storeType); } } else { configs.add(emptyConfig); final List<FrameworkField> storeFields = getStoreAnnotatedFields(); for (final FrameworkField field : storeFields) { configs = addRunnerConfigsForField( field, configs, storeTypes); } } } // Create a test runner for each store type / config for (final GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig config : configs) { final TestClassRunnerForStoreTypes runner = new TestClassRunnerForStoreTypes( getTestClass().getJavaClass(), config.fieldNameStoreTypePair); runners.add(runner); } } private boolean containsAnnotationForType( final GeoWaveStoreType storeType ) { if (typeIsAnnotated()) { final GeoWaveTestStore store = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getAnnotation( GeoWaveTestStore.class); for (final GeoWaveStoreType annotationType : store.value()) { if (annotationType == storeType) { return true; } } } else { for (final FrameworkField field : getTestClass().getAnnotatedFields( GeoWaveTestStore.class)) { for (final GeoWaveStoreType annotationType : field.getField().getAnnotation( GeoWaveTestStore.class).value()) { if (annotationType == storeType) { return true; } } } } return false; } private Set<String> getDataStoreOptionFieldsForTypeAnnotation() throws SecurityException, GeoWaveITException { final Field[] fields = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getDeclaredFields(); final Set<String> dataStoreOptionFields = new HashSet<String>(); for (final Field field : fields) { if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom( DataStorePluginOptions.class)) { dataStoreOptionFields.add(field.getName()); } } if (dataStoreOptionFields.isEmpty()) { throw new GeoWaveITException( "Types annotated with GeoWaveTestStore must have at least one field of type DataStorePluginOptions"); } return dataStoreOptionFields; } private static List<GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig> addRunnerConfigsForField( final FrameworkField field, final List<GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig> currentConfigs, final Set<GeoWaveStoreType> storeTypes ) throws GeoWaveITException { final GeoWaveTestStore store = field.getField().getAnnotation( GeoWaveTestStore.class); final GeoWaveStoreType[] types = store.value(); if ((types == null) || (types.length == 0)) { throw new GeoWaveITException( MessageFormat.format( "{0} must have at least one GeoWaveStoreType", field.getName())); } final List<GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig> newConfigs = new ArrayList<GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig>(); for (final GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig config : currentConfigs) { for (final GeoWaveStoreType type : types) { newConfigs.add(new GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig( config, field.getName(), type)); storeTypes.add(type); } } return newConfigs; } private List<FrameworkField> getStoreAnnotatedFields() { return getTestClass().getAnnotatedFields( GeoWaveTestStore.class); } private List<FrameworkMethod> getTestEnvAnnotatedMethods() { return getTestClass().getAnnotatedMethods( Environments.class); } private TestEnvironment[] getTestEnvironments() throws NullPointerException { final Set<Environment> environments = new HashSet<Environment>(); final Environments es = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getAnnotation( Environments.class); if (es != null) { final Environment[] envs = es.value(); for (final Environment env : envs) { environments.add(env); } } final List<FrameworkMethod> envMethods = getTestEnvAnnotatedMethods(); for (final FrameworkMethod m : envMethods) { final Environment[] envs = m.getMethod().getAnnotation( Environments.class).value(); for (final Environment env : envs) { environments.add(env); } } final TestEnvironment[] testEnvs = new TestEnvironment[environments.size() + storeTypes.size()]; int i = 0; for (final GeoWaveStoreType t : storeTypes) { testEnvs[i++] = t.getTestEnvironment(); } for (final Environment e : environments) { testEnvs[i++] = e.getTestEnvironment(); } return processDependencies(testEnvs); } private TestEnvironment[] processDependencies( final TestEnvironment[] testEnvs ) { final TestEnvironmentDependencyTree dependencyTree = new TestEnvironmentDependencyTree(); for (final TestEnvironment e : testEnvs) { dependencyTree.processDependencies(e); } return dependencyTree.getOrderedTestEnvironments(); } private boolean fieldsAreAnnotated() { return !getStoreAnnotatedFields().isEmpty(); } private boolean typeIsAnnotated() { return getTestClass().getJavaClass().isAnnotationPresent( GeoWaveTestStore.class); } protected void setup() throws Exception { synchronized (MUTEX) { TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); for (final TestEnvironment e : testEnvs) { e.setup(); } } } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { synchronized (MUTEX) { if (!DEFER_CLEANUP.get()) { // Tearodwn in reverse final List<TestEnvironment> envs = Arrays.asList(testEnvs); final ListIterator<TestEnvironment> it = envs.listIterator(envs.size()); while (it.hasPrevious()) { it.previous().tearDown(); } } } } private static class GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig { private final Map<String, GeoWaveStoreType> fieldNameStoreTypePair; public GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig() { fieldNameStoreTypePair = new HashMap<String, GeoWaveStoreType>(); } public GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig( final GeoWaveStoreType storeType, final Set<String> fieldNames ) { fieldNameStoreTypePair = new HashMap<String, GeoWaveStoreType>(); for (final String fieldName : fieldNames) { fieldNameStoreTypePair.put( fieldName, storeType); } } public GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig( final GeoWaveStoreRunnerConfig previousConfig, final String name, final GeoWaveStoreType type ) { if ((previousConfig == null) || (previousConfig.fieldNameStoreTypePair == null)) { fieldNameStoreTypePair = new HashMap<String, GeoWaveStoreType>(); } else { fieldNameStoreTypePair = new HashMap<String, GeoWaveStoreType>( previousConfig.fieldNameStoreTypePair); } fieldNameStoreTypePair.put( name, type); } } private static class GeoWaveITException extends Exception { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public GeoWaveITException( final String message ) { super( message); } } private static class TestEnvironmentDependencyTree { // just keep a two-way mapping although I think we only need to traverse // in one direction Map<TestEnvironment, Set<TestEnvironment>> dependenciesMapping = new LinkedHashMap<TestEnvironment, Set<TestEnvironment>>(); Map<TestEnvironment, Set<TestEnvironment>> requirementsMapping = new LinkedHashMap<TestEnvironment, Set<TestEnvironment>>(); Set<TestEnvironment> independentEnvironments = new LinkedHashSet<TestEnvironment>(); Set<TestEnvironment> visitedEnvs = new LinkedHashSet<TestEnvironment>(); private TestEnvironmentDependencyTree() {} private void processDependencies( final TestEnvironment env ) { if (!visitedEnvs.contains(env)) { visitedEnvs.add(env); if ((env.getDependentEnvironments() == null) || (env.getDependentEnvironments().length == 0)) { independentEnvironments.add(env); } else { for (final TestEnvironment requiredEnv : env.getDependentEnvironments()) { Set<TestEnvironment> dependentSet = dependenciesMapping.get(requiredEnv); if (dependentSet == null) { dependentSet = new HashSet<TestEnvironment>(); dependenciesMapping.put( requiredEnv, dependentSet); } dependentSet.add(env); Set<TestEnvironment> requiredSet = requirementsMapping.get(env); if (requiredSet == null) { requiredSet = new HashSet<TestEnvironment>(); requirementsMapping.put( env, requiredSet); } requiredSet.add(requiredEnv); processDependencies(requiredEnv); } } } } private TestEnvironment[] getOrderedTestEnvironments() { final TestEnvironment[] retVal = new TestEnvironment[visitedEnvs.size()]; int i = 0; final Set<TestEnvironment> testsAddedToArray = new HashSet<TestEnvironment>(); for (final TestEnvironment e : independentEnvironments) { retVal[i++] = e; testsAddedToArray.add(e); } for (final TestEnvironment entry : requirementsMapping.keySet()) { traverseRequirements( entry, retVal, i++, testsAddedToArray); } return retVal; } private int traverseRequirements( final TestEnvironment env, final TestEnvironment[] currentOrderedArray, final int startIndex, final Set<TestEnvironment> testsAddedToArray ) { int count = 0; final Set<TestEnvironment> requirements = requirementsMapping.get(env); for (final TestEnvironment req : requirements) { if (!testsAddedToArray.contains(req)) { count = traverseRequirements( req, currentOrderedArray, startIndex + count, testsAddedToArray); } } currentOrderedArray[startIndex + count++] = env; testsAddedToArray.add(env); return count; } } }