package mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.export; import java.util.List; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; public class VectorExportOptions { protected static final int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 10000; @Parameter(names = "--cqlFilter", description = "Filter exported data based on CQL filter") private String cqlFilter; @Parameter(names = "--adapterIds", description = "Comma separated list of adapter Ids") private List<String> adapterIds; @Parameter(names = "--indexId", description = "The index to export from") private String indexId; @Parameter(names = "--batchSize", description = "Records to process at a time") private int batchSize = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE; public String getCqlFilter() { return cqlFilter; } public List<String> getAdapterIds() { return adapterIds; } public String getIndexId() { return indexId; } public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } public void setCqlFilter( String cqlFilter ) { this.cqlFilter = cqlFilter; } public void setAdapterIds( List<String> adapterIds ) { this.adapterIds = adapterIds; } public void setIndexId( String indexId ) { this.indexId = indexId; } public void setBatchSize( int batchSize ) { this.batchSize = batchSize; } }