package mil.nga.giat.geowave.format.landsat8; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import; import; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; public class BandFeatureIterator implements SimpleFeatureIterator { private static final int DOWNLOAD_RETRY = 5; private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BandFeatureIterator.class); protected final static NumberFormat PATH_ROW_FORMATTER = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(); static { PATH_ROW_FORMATTER.setMaximumIntegerDigits(3); PATH_ROW_FORMATTER.setMinimumIntegerDigits(3); } private static final String DOWNLOAD_PREFIX = ""; protected static final String BANDS_TYPE_NAME = "band"; public static final String BAND_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "band"; public static final String SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "sizeMB"; public static final String BAND_DOWNLOAD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "bandDownloadUrl"; private Iterator<SimpleFeature> iterator; private final SceneFeatureIterator sceneIterator; public BandFeatureIterator( final boolean onlyScenesSinceLastRun, final boolean useCachedScenes, final boolean nBestScenesByPathRow, final int nBestScenes, final int nBestBands, final Filter cqlFilter, final String workspaceDir ) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { this( new SceneFeatureIterator( onlyScenesSinceLastRun, useCachedScenes, nBestScenesByPathRow, nBestScenes, cqlFilter, workspaceDir), nBestScenesByPathRow, nBestBands, cqlFilter); } public BandFeatureIterator( final SceneFeatureIterator sceneIterator, final boolean nBestScenesByPathRow, final int nBestBands, final Filter cqlFilter ) { this.sceneIterator = sceneIterator; init( nBestScenesByPathRow, nBestBands, cqlFilter); } public static SimpleFeatureType createFeatureType( final SimpleFeatureType sceneType ) { // initialize the feature type final SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); typeBuilder.init(sceneType); typeBuilder.setName(BANDS_TYPE_NAME); typeBuilder.add( BAND_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.class); typeBuilder.add( SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Float.class); typeBuilder.add( BAND_DOWNLOAD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.class); final SimpleFeatureType bandType = typeBuilder.buildFeatureType(); return bandType; } private void init( final boolean nBestScenesByPathRow, final int nBestBands, final Filter cqlFilter ) { // wrap the iterator with a feature conversion and a filter (if // provided) final SimpleFeatureType bandType = createFeatureType(sceneIterator.getFeatureType()); iterator = Iterators.concat(Iterators.transform( new FeatureIteratorIterator<SimpleFeature>( sceneIterator), new SceneToBandFeatureTransform( bandType))); if (cqlFilter != null) { final String[] attributes = DataUtilities.attributeNames( cqlFilter, bandType); // we can rely on the scene filtering if we don't have to check any // specific band filters if (ArrayUtils.contains( attributes, BAND_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) || ArrayUtils.contains( attributes, SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) || ArrayUtils.contains( attributes, BAND_DOWNLOAD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) { // and rely on the band filter iterator = Iterators.filter( iterator, new CqlFilterPredicate( cqlFilter)); if (nBestBands > 0) { iterator = SceneFeatureIterator.nBestScenes( this, nBestScenesByPathRow, nBestBands); } } } } @Override public void close() { sceneIterator.close(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (iterator != null) { return iterator.hasNext(); } return false; } @Override public SimpleFeature next() throws NoSuchElementException { if (iterator != null) { return; } return null; } private static class SceneToBandFeatureTransform implements Function<SimpleFeature, Iterator<SimpleFeature>> { private final SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder; public SceneToBandFeatureTransform( final SimpleFeatureType type ) { featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder( type); } @Override public Iterator<SimpleFeature> apply( final SimpleFeature scene ) { final String entityId = scene.getID(); final int path = (int) scene.getAttribute(SceneFeatureIterator.PATH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); final int row = (int) scene.getAttribute(SceneFeatureIterator.ROW_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); final List<SimpleFeature> bands = new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); final String indexHtml = getDownloadIndexHtml( entityId, path, row); List<String> htmlLines; int retry = 0; boolean success = false; while (!success && (retry < DOWNLOAD_RETRY)) { try { if (retry > 0) { // wait for a second Thread.sleep(1000L); } htmlLines = IOUtils.readLines(new URL( indexHtml).openStream()); success = true; for (final String line : htmlLines) { // read everything before the tif int endIndex = line.indexOf(".TIF\""); if (endIndex > 0) { // read everything after the underscore int beginIndex = line.indexOf("_") + 1; final String bandId = line.substring( beginIndex, endIndex); endIndex = line.indexOf("MB)"); double divisor = 1; if (endIndex < 0) { endIndex = line.indexOf("KB)"); divisor = 1000; } if (endIndex < 0) { continue; } // rather than match on a specific string for the // beginning of the number, let's be flexible and // match on several preceding characters and then // strip out non-numerics beginIndex = endIndex - 6; String sizeStr = line.substring( beginIndex, endIndex); sizeStr = sizeStr.replaceAll( "[^\\d.]", ""); final double mb = Double.parseDouble(sizeStr) / divisor; for (final String attributeName : SceneFeatureIterator.SCENE_ATTRIBUTES) { featureBuilder.set( attributeName, scene.getAttribute(attributeName)); } featureBuilder.set( SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, mb); featureBuilder.set( BAND_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, bandId); featureBuilder.set( BAND_DOWNLOAD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, getDownloadImage( entityId, path, row, bandId)); bands.add(featureBuilder.buildFeature(entityId + "_" + bandId)); } } } catch (final IOException | InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to read '" + indexHtml + "'; retry round " + ++retry, e); } } return bands.iterator(); } } protected static String getDownloadPath( final String entityId, final int path, final int row ) { return DOWNLOAD_PREFIX + "/" + PATH_ROW_FORMATTER.format(path) + "/" + PATH_ROW_FORMATTER.format(row) + "/" + entityId; } protected static String getDownloadIndexHtml( final String entityId, final int path, final int row ) { return getDownloadPath( entityId, path, row) + "/index.html"; } protected static String getDownloadImage( final String entityId, final int path, final int row, final String bandId ) { return getDownloadPath( entityId, path, row) + "/" + entityId + "_" + bandId + ".TIF"; } private static class CqlFilterPredicate implements Predicate<SimpleFeature> { private final Filter cqlFilter; public CqlFilterPredicate( final Filter cqlFilter ) { this.cqlFilter = cqlFilter; } @Override public boolean apply( final SimpleFeature input ) { return cqlFilter.evaluate(input); } } }