package mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.geotime.ingest.SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider; import; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.index.secondary.AccumuloSecondaryIndexDataStore; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.metadata.AccumuloAdapterIndexMappingStore; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.metadata.AccumuloAdapterStore; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.metadata.AccumuloDataStatisticsStore; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.metadata.AccumuloIndexStore; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.datastore.accumulo.operations.config.AccumuloOptions; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mock.MockInstance; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; public class AccumuloDataStoreStatsTest { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccumuloDataStoreStatsTest.class); final AccumuloOptions accumuloOptions = new AccumuloOptions(); final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(); AccumuloOperations accumuloOperations; AccumuloIndexStore indexStore; AccumuloAdapterStore adapterStore; AccumuloDataStatisticsStore statsStore; AccumuloDataStore mockDataStore; AccumuloSecondaryIndexDataStore secondaryIndexDataStore; @Before public void setUp() { final MockInstance mockInstance = new MockInstance(); Connector mockConnector = null; try { mockConnector = mockInstance.getConnector( "root", new PasswordToken( new byte[0])); } catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException e) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to create mock accumulo connection", e); } accumuloOperations = new BasicAccumuloOperations( mockConnector); indexStore = new AccumuloIndexStore( accumuloOperations); adapterStore = new AccumuloAdapterStore( accumuloOperations); statsStore = new AccumuloDataStatisticsStore( accumuloOperations); secondaryIndexDataStore = new AccumuloSecondaryIndexDataStore( accumuloOperations, new AccumuloOptions()); mockDataStore = new AccumuloDataStore( indexStore, adapterStore, statsStore, secondaryIndexDataStore, new AccumuloAdapterIndexMappingStore( accumuloOperations), accumuloOperations, accumuloOptions); } public static final VisibilityWriter<TestGeometry> visWriterAAA = new VisibilityWriter<TestGeometry>() { @Override public FieldVisibilityHandler<TestGeometry, Object> getFieldVisibilityHandler( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { return new FieldVisibilityHandler<TestGeometry, Object>() { @Override public byte[] getVisibility( final TestGeometry rowValue, final ByteArrayId fieldId, final Object fieldValue ) { return "aaa".getBytes(); } }; } }; public static final VisibilityWriter<TestGeometry> visWriterBBB = new VisibilityWriter<TestGeometry>() { @Override public FieldVisibilityHandler<TestGeometry, Object> getFieldVisibilityHandler( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { return new FieldVisibilityHandler<TestGeometry, Object>() { @Override public byte[] getVisibility( final TestGeometry rowValue, final ByteArrayId fieldId, final Object fieldValue ) { return "bbb".getBytes(); } }; } }; @Test public void testWithOutAltIndex() throws IOException { accumuloOptions.setCreateTable(true); accumuloOptions.setUseAltIndex(false); accumuloOptions.setPersistDataStatistics(true); runtest(); } @Test public void testWithAltIndex() throws IOException { accumuloOptions.setCreateTable(true); accumuloOptions.setUseAltIndex(true); accumuloOptions.setPersistDataStatistics(true); runtest(); } private void runtest() throws IOException { final PrimaryIndex index = new SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider().createPrimaryIndex(); final WritableDataAdapter<TestGeometry> adapter = new TestGeometryAdapter(); final Geometry testGeoFilter = factory.createPolygon(new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate( 24, 33), new Coordinate( 28, 33), new Coordinate( 28, 31), new Coordinate( 24, 31), new Coordinate( 24, 33) }); ByteArrayId rowId0, rowId1; try (IndexWriter<TestGeometry> indexWriter = mockDataStore.createWriter( adapter, index)) { rowId0 = indexWriter.write( new TestGeometry( factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( 25, 32)), "test_pt"), visWriterAAA).get( 0); rowId1 = indexWriter.write( new TestGeometry( factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( 26, 32)), "test_pt_1"), visWriterAAA).get( 0); indexWriter.write( new TestGeometry( factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( 27, 32)), "test_pt_2"), visWriterBBB).get( 0); } final SpatialQuery query = new SpatialQuery( testGeoFilter); try (CloseableIterator<?> it1 = mockDataStore.query( new QueryOptions( adapter, index, -1, null, new String[] { "aaa", "bbb" }), query)) { int count = 0; while (it1.hasNext()) {; count++; } assertEquals( 3, count); } CountDataStatistics<?> countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "aaa", "bbb"); assertEquals( 3, countStats.getCount()); countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "aaa"); assertEquals( 2, countStats.getCount()); countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "bbb"); assertEquals( 1, countStats.getCount()); BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?> bboxStats = (BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "aaa"); assertTrue((bboxStats.getMinX() == 25) && (bboxStats.getMaxX() == 26) && (bboxStats.getMinY() == 32) && (bboxStats.getMaxY() == 32)); bboxStats = (BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "bbb"); assertTrue((bboxStats.getMinX() == 27) && (bboxStats.getMaxX() == 27) && (bboxStats.getMinY() == 32) && (bboxStats.getMaxY() == 32)); bboxStats = (BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "aaa", "bbb"); assertTrue((bboxStats.getMinX() == 25) && (bboxStats.getMaxX() == 27) && (bboxStats.getMinY() == 32) && (bboxStats.getMaxY() == 32)); final AtomicBoolean found = new AtomicBoolean( false); mockDataStore.delete( new QueryOptions( adapter, index, -1, new ScanCallback<TestGeometry>() { @Override public void entryScanned( final DataStoreEntryInfo entryInfo, final TestGeometry entry ) { found.getAndSet(true); } }, new String[] { "aaa" }), new DataIdQuery( adapter.getAdapterId(), new ByteArrayId( "test_pt_2".getBytes(StringUtils.GEOWAVE_CHAR_SET)))); assertFalse(found.get()); try (CloseableIterator<?> it1 = mockDataStore.query( new QueryOptions( adapter, index, -1, null, new String[] { "aaa", "bbb" }), query)) { int count = 0; while (it1.hasNext()) {; count++; } assertEquals( 3, count); } mockDataStore.delete( new QueryOptions( adapter, index, -1, null, new String[] { "aaa" }), new DataIdQuery( adapter.getAdapterId(), new ByteArrayId( "test_pt".getBytes(StringUtils.GEOWAVE_CHAR_SET)))); try (CloseableIterator<?> it1 = mockDataStore.query( new QueryOptions( adapter, index, -1, null, new String[] { "aaa", "bbb" }), query)) { int count = 0; while (it1.hasNext()) {; count++; } assertEquals( 2, count); } countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "aaa"); assertEquals( 1, countStats.getCount()); countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "bbb"); assertEquals( 1, countStats.getCount()); bboxStats = (BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "aaa"); assertTrue((bboxStats.getMinX() == 25) && (bboxStats.getMaxX() == 26) && (bboxStats.getMinY() == 32) && (bboxStats.getMaxY() == 32)); bboxStats = (BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "bbb"); assertTrue((bboxStats.getMinX() == 27) && (bboxStats.getMaxX() == 27) && (bboxStats.getMinY() == 32) && (bboxStats.getMaxY() == 32)); bboxStats = (BoundingBoxDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "aaa", "bbb"); assertTrue((bboxStats.getMinX() == 25) && (bboxStats.getMaxX() == 27) && (bboxStats.getMinY() == 32) && (bboxStats.getMaxY() == 32)); found.set(false); assertTrue(mockDataStore.delete( new QueryOptions( adapter, index, -1, new ScanCallback<TestGeometry>() { @Override public void entryScanned( final DataStoreEntryInfo entryInfo, final TestGeometry entry ) { found.getAndSet(true); } }, new String[] { "aaa", "bbb" }), new EverythingQuery())); try (CloseableIterator<?> it1 = mockDataStore.query( new QueryOptions( adapter, index, -1, null, new String[] { "aaa", "bbb" }), query)) { int count = 0; while (it1.hasNext()) {; count++; } assertEquals( 0, count); } countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE); assertNull(countStats); try (IndexWriter<TestGeometry> indexWriter = mockDataStore.createWriter( adapter, index)) { rowId0 = indexWriter.write( new TestGeometry( factory.createPoint(new Coordinate( 25, 32)), "test_pt_2")).get( 0); } countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "bbb"); assertTrue(countStats != null); statsStore.deleteObjects( adapter.getAdapterId(), "bbb"); countStats = (CountDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, "bbb"); assertNull(countStats); final RowRangeDataStatistics<?> rowStats = (RowRangeDataStatistics<?>) statsStore.getDataStatistics( null, RowRangeDataStatistics.composeId(index.getId()), "bbb"); assertTrue(rowStats != null); } protected static class TestGeometry { private final Geometry geom; private final String id; public TestGeometry( final Geometry geom, final String id ) { this.geom = geom; = id; } } protected static class TestGeometryAdapter extends AbstractDataAdapter<TestGeometry> implements StatisticsProvider<TestGeometry> { private static final ByteArrayId GEOM = new ByteArrayId( "myGeo"); private static final ByteArrayId ID = new ByteArrayId( "myId"); private static final PersistentIndexFieldHandler<TestGeometry, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object> GEOM_FIELD_HANDLER = new PersistentIndexFieldHandler<TestGeometry, CommonIndexValue, Object>() { @Override public ByteArrayId[] getNativeFieldIds() { return new ByteArrayId[] { GEOM }; } @Override public CommonIndexValue toIndexValue( final TestGeometry row ) { return new GeometryWrapper( row.geom, new byte[0]); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public PersistentValue<Object>[] toNativeValues( final CommonIndexValue indexValue ) { return new PersistentValue[] { new PersistentValue<Object>( GEOM, ((GeometryWrapper) indexValue).getGeometry()) }; } @Override public byte[] toBinary() { return new byte[0]; } @Override public void fromBinary( final byte[] bytes ) { } }; private final static EntryVisibilityHandler<TestGeometry> GEOMETRY_VISIBILITY_HANDLER = new FieldTypeStatisticVisibility<TestGeometry>( GeometryWrapper.class); private static final NativeFieldHandler<TestGeometry, Object> ID_FIELD_HANDLER = new NativeFieldHandler<TestGeometry, Object>() { @Override public ByteArrayId getFieldId() { return ID; } @Override public Object getFieldValue( final TestGeometry row ) { return; } }; private static final List<NativeFieldHandler<TestGeometry, Object>> NATIVE_FIELD_HANDLER_LIST = new ArrayList<NativeFieldHandler<TestGeometry, Object>>(); private static final List<PersistentIndexFieldHandler<TestGeometry, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>> COMMON_FIELD_HANDLER_LIST = new ArrayList<PersistentIndexFieldHandler<TestGeometry, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>>(); static { COMMON_FIELD_HANDLER_LIST.add(GEOM_FIELD_HANDLER); NATIVE_FIELD_HANDLER_LIST.add(ID_FIELD_HANDLER); } public TestGeometryAdapter() { super( COMMON_FIELD_HANDLER_LIST, NATIVE_FIELD_HANDLER_LIST); } @Override public ByteArrayId getAdapterId() { return new ByteArrayId( "test"); } @Override public boolean isSupported( final TestGeometry entry ) { return true; } @Override public ByteArrayId getDataId( final TestGeometry entry ) { return new ByteArrayId(; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public FieldReader getReader( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { if (fieldId.equals(GEOM)) { return FieldUtils.getDefaultReaderForClass(Geometry.class); } else if (fieldId.equals(ID)) { return FieldUtils.getDefaultReaderForClass(String.class); } return null; } @Override public FieldWriter getWriter( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { if (fieldId.equals(GEOM)) { return FieldUtils.getDefaultWriterForClass(Geometry.class); } else if (fieldId.equals(ID)) { return FieldUtils.getDefaultWriterForClass(String.class); } return null; } @Override public DataStatistics<TestGeometry> createDataStatistics( final ByteArrayId statisticsId ) { if (BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE.equals(statisticsId)) { return new GeoBoundingBoxStatistics( getAdapterId()); } else if (CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE.equals(statisticsId)) { return new CountDataStatistics<TestGeometry>( getAdapterId()); } LOGGER.warn("Unrecognized statistics ID " + statisticsId.getString() + " using count statistic"); return new CountDataStatistics<TestGeometry>( getAdapterId(), statisticsId); } @Override public EntryVisibilityHandler<TestGeometry> getVisibilityHandler( final ByteArrayId statisticsId ) { return GEOMETRY_VISIBILITY_HANDLER; } @Override protected RowBuilder newBuilder() { return new RowBuilder<TestGeometry, Object>() { private String id; private Geometry geom; @Override public void setField( final PersistentValue<Object> fieldValue ) { if (fieldValue.getId().equals( GEOM)) { geom = (Geometry) fieldValue.getValue(); } else if (fieldValue.getId().equals( ID)) { id = (String) fieldValue.getValue(); } } @Override public TestGeometry buildRow( final ByteArrayId dataId ) { return new TestGeometry( geom, id); } }; } @Override public ByteArrayId[] getSupportedStatisticsTypes() { return SUPPORTED_STATS_IDS; } @Override public int getPositionOfOrderedField( final CommonIndexModel model, final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { int i = 0; for (final NumericDimensionField<? extends CommonIndexValue> dimensionField : model.getDimensions()) { if (fieldId.equals(dimensionField.getFieldId())) { return i; } i++; } if (fieldId.equals(GEOM)) { return i; } else if (fieldId.equals(ID)) { return i + 1; } return -1; } @Override public ByteArrayId getFieldIdForPosition( final CommonIndexModel model, final int position ) { if (position < model.getDimensions().length) { int i = 0; for (final NumericDimensionField<? extends CommonIndexValue> dimensionField : model.getDimensions()) { if (i == position) { return dimensionField.getFieldId(); } i++; } } else { final int numDimensions = model.getDimensions().length; if (position == numDimensions) { return GEOM; } else if (position == (numDimensions + 1)) { return ID; } } return null; } } private final static ByteArrayId[] SUPPORTED_STATS_IDS = new ByteArrayId[] { BoundingBoxDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE, CountDataStatistics.STATS_TYPE }; private static class GeoBoundingBoxStatistics extends BoundingBoxDataStatistics<TestGeometry> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected GeoBoundingBoxStatistics() { super(); } public GeoBoundingBoxStatistics( final ByteArrayId dataAdapterId ) { super( dataAdapterId); } @Override protected Envelope getEnvelope( final TestGeometry entry ) { // incorporate the bounding box of the entry's envelope final Geometry geometry = entry.geom; if ((geometry != null) && !geometry.isEmpty()) { return geometry.getEnvelopeInternal(); } return null; } } }