package mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic.param; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic.partitioner.Partitioner; public class PartitionParameters { public enum Partition implements ParameterEnum { MAX_DISTANCE( Double.class, "pmd", "Partition Max Distance", false, true), PARTITION_PRECISION( Double.class, "pp", "Partition Precision", false, true), GEOMETRIC_DISTANCE_UNIT( String.class, "du", "Geometric distance unit (m=meters,km=kilometers, see symbols for javax.units.BaseUnit)", false, true), DISTANCE_THRESHOLDS( String.class, "dt", "Comma separated list of distance thresholds, per dimension", false, true), PARTITION_DECREASE_RATE( Double.class, "pdr", "Rate of decrease for precision(within (0,1])", false, true), MAX_MEMBER_SELECTION( Integer.class, "pms", "Maximum number of members selected from a partition", false, true), SECONDARY_PARTITIONER_CLASS( Partitioner.class, "psp", "Perform secondary partitioning with the provided class", true, false), PARTITIONER_CLASS( Partitioner.class, "pc", "Index Identifier for Centroids", true, true); private final ParameterHelper<?> helper; private Partition( final Class baseClass, final String name, final String description, final boolean isClass, final boolean hasArg ) { helper = new BasicParameterHelper( this, baseClass, name, description, isClass, hasArg); } @Override public Enum<?> self() { return this; } @Override public ParameterHelper<?> getHelper() { return helper; } } }