package mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic.clustering; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.analytic.AnalyticItemWrapperFactory; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.NumericIndexStrategy; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Find the max change in distortion between some k and k-1, picking the value k * associated with that change. * * In a multi-group setting, each group may have a different optimal k. Thus, * the optimal batch may be different for each group. Each batch is associated * with a different value k. * * Choose the appropriate batch for each group. Then change the batch identifier * for group centroids to a final provided single batch identifier ( parent * batch ). * */ public class DistortionGroupManagement { final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DistortionGroupManagement.class); public final static PrimaryIndex DISTORTIONS_INDEX = new NullIndex( "DISTORTIONS"); public final static List<ByteArrayId> DISTORTIONS_INDEX_LIST = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays .asList(DISTORTIONS_INDEX.getId())); final DataStore dataStore; final IndexStore indexStore; final AdapterStore adapterStore; public DistortionGroupManagement( final DataStore dataStore, final IndexStore indexStore, final AdapterStore adapterStore ) { this.dataStore = dataStore; this.indexStore = indexStore; this.adapterStore = adapterStore; indexStore.addIndex(DISTORTIONS_INDEX); adapterStore.addAdapter(new DistortionDataAdapter()); } public static class BatchIdFilter implements DistributableQueryFilter { String batchId; public BatchIdFilter() { } public BatchIdFilter( final String batchId ) { super(); this.batchId = batchId; } @Override public boolean accept( final CommonIndexModel indexModel, final IndexedPersistenceEncoding<?> persistenceEncoding ) { return new DistortionEntry( persistenceEncoding.getDataId(), 0.0).batchId.equals(batchId); } @Override public byte[] toBinary() { return StringUtils.stringToBinary(batchId); } @Override public void fromBinary( final byte[] bytes ) { batchId = StringUtils.stringFromBinary(bytes); } } public static class BatchIdQuery implements Query { String batchId; public BatchIdQuery() {} public BatchIdQuery( final String batchId ) { super(); this.batchId = batchId; } @Override public List<QueryFilter> createFilters( final CommonIndexModel indexModel ) { return Collections.<QueryFilter> singletonList(new BatchIdFilter( batchId)); } @Override public boolean isSupported( final Index<?, ?> index ) { return index instanceof NullIndex; } @Override public List<MultiDimensionalNumericData> getIndexConstraints( final NumericIndexStrategy indexStrategy ) { return Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * * @param ops * @param distortationTableName * the name of the table holding the distortions * @param parentBatchId * the batch id to associate with the centroids for each group * @return */ public <T> int retainBestGroups( final AnalyticItemWrapperFactory<T> itemWrapperFactory, final String dataTypeId, final String indexId, final String batchId, final int level ) { try { final Map<String, DistortionGroup> groupDistortions = new HashMap<String, DistortionGroup>(); // row id is group id // colQual is cluster count try (CloseableIterator<DistortionEntry> it = dataStore.query( new QueryOptions( new DistortionDataAdapter(), DISTORTIONS_INDEX), new BatchIdQuery( batchId))) { while (it.hasNext()) { final DistortionEntry entry =; final String groupID = entry.getGroupId(); final Integer clusterCount = entry.getClusterCount(); final Double distortion = entry.getDistortionValue(); DistortionGroup grp = groupDistortions.get(groupID); if (grp == null) { grp = new DistortionGroup( groupID); groupDistortions.put( groupID, grp); } grp.addPair( clusterCount, distortion); } } final CentroidManagerGeoWave<T> centroidManager = new CentroidManagerGeoWave<T>( dataStore, indexStore, adapterStore, itemWrapperFactory, dataTypeId, indexId, batchId, level); for (final DistortionGroup grp : groupDistortions.values()) { final int optimalK = grp.bestCount(); final String kbatchId = batchId + "_" + optimalK; centroidManager.transferBatch( kbatchId, grp.getGroupID()); } } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.error( "Cannot determine groups for batch", ex); return 1; } return 0; } public static class DistortionEntry implements Writable { private String groupId; private String batchId; private Integer clusterCount; private Double distortionValue; public DistortionEntry() {} public DistortionEntry( final String groupId, final String batchId, final Integer clusterCount, final Double distortionValue ) { this.groupId = groupId; this.batchId = batchId; this.clusterCount = clusterCount; this.distortionValue = distortionValue; } private DistortionEntry( final ByteArrayId dataId, final Double distortionValue ) { final String dataIdStr = StringUtils.stringFromBinary(dataId.getBytes()); final String[] split = dataIdStr.split("/"); batchId = split[0]; groupId = split[1]; clusterCount = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); this.distortionValue = distortionValue; } public String getGroupId() { return groupId; } public Integer getClusterCount() { return clusterCount; } public Double getDistortionValue() { return distortionValue; } private ByteArrayId getDataId() { return new ByteArrayId( batchId + "/" + groupId + "/" + clusterCount); } @Override public void write( final DataOutput out ) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(groupId); out.writeUTF(batchId); out.writeInt(clusterCount); out.writeDouble(distortionValue); } @Override public void readFields( final DataInput in ) throws IOException { groupId = in.readUTF(); batchId = in.readUTF(); clusterCount = in.readInt(); distortionValue = in.readDouble(); } } private static class DistortionGroup { final String groupID; final List<Pair<Integer, Double>> clusterCountToDistortion = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Double>>(); public DistortionGroup( final String groupID ) { this.groupID = groupID; } public void addPair( final Integer count, final Double distortion ) { clusterCountToDistortion.add(Pair.of( count, distortion)); } public String getGroupID() { return groupID; } public int bestCount() { Collections.sort( clusterCountToDistortion, new Comparator<Pair<Integer, Double>>() { @Override public int compare( final Pair<Integer, Double> arg0, final Pair<Integer, Double> arg1 ) { return arg0.getKey().compareTo( arg1.getKey()); } }); double maxJump = -1.0; Integer jumpIdx = -1; Double oldD = 0.0; // base case !? for (final Pair<Integer, Double> pair : clusterCountToDistortion) { final Double jump = pair.getValue() - oldD; if (jump > maxJump) { maxJump = jump; jumpIdx = pair.getKey(); } oldD = pair.getValue(); } return jumpIdx; } } public static class DistortionDataAdapter implements WritableDataAdapter<DistortionEntry> { public final static ByteArrayId ADAPTER_ID = new ByteArrayId( "distortion"); private final static ByteArrayId DISTORTION_FIELD_ID = new ByteArrayId( "distortion"); private final FieldVisibilityHandler<DistortionEntry, Object> distortionVisibilityHandler; public DistortionDataAdapter() { this( null); } public DistortionDataAdapter( final FieldVisibilityHandler<DistortionEntry, Object> distortionVisibilityHandler ) { this.distortionVisibilityHandler = distortionVisibilityHandler; } @Override public ByteArrayId getAdapterId() { return ADAPTER_ID; } @Override public boolean isSupported( final DistortionEntry entry ) { return true; } @Override public ByteArrayId getDataId( final DistortionEntry entry ) { return entry.getDataId(); } @Override public DistortionEntry decode( final IndexedAdapterPersistenceEncoding data, final PrimaryIndex index ) { return new DistortionEntry( data.getDataId(), (Double) data.getAdapterExtendedData().getValue( DISTORTION_FIELD_ID)); } @Override public AdapterPersistenceEncoding encode( final DistortionEntry entry, final CommonIndexModel indexModel ) { final Map<ByteArrayId, Object> fieldIdToValueMap = new HashMap<ByteArrayId, Object>(); fieldIdToValueMap.put( DISTORTION_FIELD_ID, entry.getDistortionValue()); return new AdapterPersistenceEncoding( getAdapterId(), entry.getDataId(), new PersistentDataset<CommonIndexValue>(), new PersistentDataset<Object>( fieldIdToValueMap)); } @Override public FieldReader<Object> getReader( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { if (DISTORTION_FIELD_ID.equals(fieldId)) { return (FieldReader) FieldUtils.getDefaultReaderForClass(Double.class); } return null; } @Override public byte[] toBinary() { return new byte[] {}; } @Override public void fromBinary( final byte[] bytes ) {} @Override public FieldWriter<DistortionEntry, Object> getWriter( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { if (DISTORTION_FIELD_ID.equals(fieldId)) { if (distortionVisibilityHandler != null) { return (FieldWriter) FieldUtils.getDefaultWriterForClass( Double.class, distortionVisibilityHandler); } else { return (FieldWriter) FieldUtils.getDefaultWriterForClass(Double.class); } } return null; } @Override public int getPositionOfOrderedField( final CommonIndexModel model, final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { int i = 0; for (final NumericDimensionField<? extends CommonIndexValue> dimensionField : model.getDimensions()) { if (fieldId.equals(dimensionField.getFieldId())) { return i; } i++; } if (fieldId.equals(DISTORTION_FIELD_ID)) { return i; } return -1; } @Override public ByteArrayId getFieldIdForPosition( final CommonIndexModel model, final int position ) { if (position < model.getDimensions().length) { int i = 0; for (final NumericDimensionField<? extends CommonIndexValue> dimensionField : model.getDimensions()) { if (i == position) { return dimensionField.getFieldId(); } i++; } } else { final int numDimensions = model.getDimensions().length; if (position == numDimensions) { return DISTORTION_FIELD_ID; } } return null; } } }