package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class BaseDataStore { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseDataStore.class); protected static final String ALT_INDEX_TABLE = "_GEOWAVE_ALT_INDEX"; protected final IndexStore indexStore; protected final AdapterStore adapterStore; protected final DataStatisticsStore statisticsStore; protected final SecondaryIndexDataStore secondaryIndexDataStore; protected final AdapterIndexMappingStore indexMappingStore; private final DataStoreOperations baseOperations; private final DataStoreOptions baseOptions; public BaseDataStore( final IndexStore indexStore, final AdapterStore adapterStore, final DataStatisticsStore statisticsStore, final AdapterIndexMappingStore indexMappingStore, final SecondaryIndexDataStore secondaryIndexDataStore, final DataStoreOperations operations, final DataStoreOptions options ) { this.indexStore = indexStore; this.adapterStore = adapterStore; this.statisticsStore = statisticsStore; this.indexMappingStore = indexMappingStore; this.secondaryIndexDataStore = secondaryIndexDataStore; baseOperations = operations; baseOptions = options; } public void store( final PrimaryIndex index ) { if (baseOptions.isPersistIndex() && !indexStore.indexExists(index.getId())) { indexStore.addIndex(index); } } protected synchronized void store( final DataAdapter<?> adapter ) { if (baseOptions.isPersistAdapter() && !adapterStore.adapterExists(adapter.getAdapterId())) { adapterStore.addAdapter(adapter); } } public <T> IndexWriter<T> createWriter( final DataAdapter<T> adapter, final PrimaryIndex... indices ) throws MismatchedIndexToAdapterMapping { store(adapter); indexMappingStore.addAdapterIndexMapping(new AdapterToIndexMapping( adapter.getAdapterId(), indices)); final IndexWriter<T>[] writers = new IndexWriter[indices.length]; int i = 0; for (final PrimaryIndex index : indices) { final DataStoreCallbackManager callbackManager = new DataStoreCallbackManager( statisticsStore, secondaryIndexDataStore, i == 0); callbackManager.setPersistStats(baseOptions.isPersistDataStatistics()); final List<IngestCallback<T>> callbacks = new ArrayList<IngestCallback<T>>(); store(index); final String indexName = index.getId().getString(); if (adapter instanceof WritableDataAdapter) { if (baseOptions.isUseAltIndex()) { addAltIndexCallback( callbacks, indexName, adapter, index.getId()); } } callbacks.add(callbackManager.getIngestCallback( (WritableDataAdapter<T>) adapter, index)); initOnIndexWriterCreate( adapter, index); final IngestCallbackList<T> callbacksList = new IngestCallbackList<T>( callbacks); writers[i] = createIndexWriter( adapter, index, baseOperations, baseOptions, callbacksList, callbacksList); if (adapter instanceof IndexDependentDataAdapter) { writers[i] = new IndependentAdapterIndexWriter<T>( (IndexDependentDataAdapter<T>) adapter, index, writers[i]); } i++; } return new IndexCompositeWriter( writers); } public <T> CloseableIterator<T> query( final QueryOptions queryOptions, final Query query ) { return internalQuery( queryOptions, query, false); } /* * Since this general-purpose method crosses multiple adapters, the type of * result cannot be assumed. * * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * *, * */ protected <T> CloseableIterator<T> internalQuery( final QueryOptions queryOptions, final Query query, boolean delete ) { final List<CloseableIterator<Object>> results = new ArrayList<CloseableIterator<Object>>(); // all queries will use the same instance of the dedupe filter for // client side filtering because the filter needs to be applied across // indices final QueryOptions sanitizedQueryOptions = (queryOptions == null) ? new QueryOptions() : queryOptions; final Query sanitizedQuery = (query == null) ? new EverythingQuery() : query; final DedupeFilter filter = new DedupeFilter(); MemoryAdapterStore tempAdapterStore; List<DataStoreCallbackManager> deleteCallbacks = new ArrayList<>(); try { tempAdapterStore = new MemoryAdapterStore( sanitizedQueryOptions.getAdaptersArray(adapterStore)); // keep a list of adapters that have been queried, to only low an // adapter to be queried // once final Set<ByteArrayId> queriedAdapters = new HashSet<ByteArrayId>(); for (final Pair<PrimaryIndex, List<DataAdapter<Object>>> indexAdapterPair : sanitizedQueryOptions .getAdaptersWithMinimalSetOfIndices( tempAdapterStore, indexMappingStore, indexStore)) { final List<ByteArrayId> adapterIdsToQuery = new ArrayList<>(); for (final DataAdapter<Object> adapter : indexAdapterPair.getRight()) { if (delete) { final DataStoreCallbackManager callbackCache = new DataStoreCallbackManager( statisticsStore, secondaryIndexDataStore, queriedAdapters.add(adapter.getAdapterId())); deleteCallbacks.add(callbackCache); ScanCallback callback = queryOptions.getScanCallback(); final PrimaryIndex index = indexAdapterPair.getLeft(); queryOptions.setScanCallback(new ScanCallback<Object>() { @Override public void entryScanned( DataStoreEntryInfo entryInfo, Object entry ) { if (callback != null) { callback.entryScanned( entryInfo, entry); } callbackCache.getDeleteCallback( (WritableDataAdapter<Object>) adapter, index).entryDeleted( entryInfo, entry); } }); } if (sanitizedQuery instanceof RowIdQuery) { sanitizedQueryOptions.setLimit(-1); results.add(queryRowIds( adapter, indexAdapterPair.getLeft(), ((RowIdQuery) sanitizedQuery).getRowIds(), filter, sanitizedQueryOptions, tempAdapterStore, delete)); continue; } else if (sanitizedQuery instanceof DataIdQuery) { final DataIdQuery idQuery = (DataIdQuery) sanitizedQuery; if (idQuery.getAdapterId().equals( adapter.getAdapterId())) { results.add(getEntries( indexAdapterPair.getLeft(), idQuery.getDataIds(), (DataAdapter<Object>) adapterStore.getAdapter(idQuery.getAdapterId()), filter, (ScanCallback<Object>) sanitizedQueryOptions.getScanCallback(), sanitizedQueryOptions.getAuthorizations(), sanitizedQueryOptions.getMaxResolutionSubsamplingPerDimension(), delete)); } continue; } else if (sanitizedQuery instanceof PrefixIdQuery) { final PrefixIdQuery prefixIdQuery = (PrefixIdQuery) sanitizedQuery; results.add(queryRowPrefix( indexAdapterPair.getLeft(), prefixIdQuery.getRowPrefix(), sanitizedQueryOptions, tempAdapterStore, adapterIdsToQuery, delete)); continue; } adapterIdsToQuery.add(adapter.getAdapterId()); } // supports querying multiple adapters in a single index // in one query instance (one scanner) for efficiency if (adapterIdsToQuery.size() > 0) { results.add(queryConstraints( adapterIdsToQuery, indexAdapterPair.getLeft(), sanitizedQuery, filter, sanitizedQueryOptions, tempAdapterStore, delete)); } } } catch (final IOException e1) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to resolve adapter or index for query", e1); } return new CloseableIteratorWrapper<T>( new Closeable() { @Override public void close() throws IOException { for (final CloseableIterator<Object> result : results) { result.close(); } for (DataStoreCallbackManager c : deleteCallbacks) { c.close(); } } }, Iterators.concat(new CastIterator<T>( results.iterator()))); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected CloseableIterator<Object> getEntries( final PrimaryIndex index, final List<ByteArrayId> dataIds, final DataAdapter<Object> adapter, final DedupeFilter dedupeFilter, final ScanCallback<Object> callback, final String[] authorizations, final double[] maxResolutionSubsamplingPerDimension, boolean delete ) throws IOException { final String altIdxTableName = index.getId().getString() + ALT_INDEX_TABLE; MemoryAdapterStore tempAdapterStore; tempAdapterStore = new MemoryAdapterStore( new DataAdapter[] { adapter }); if (baseOptions.isUseAltIndex() && baseOperations.tableExists(altIdxTableName)) { final List<ByteArrayId> rowIds = getAltIndexRowIds( altIdxTableName, dataIds, adapter.getAdapterId()); if (rowIds.size() > 0) { final QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(); options.setScanCallback(callback); options.setAuthorizations(authorizations); options.setMaxResolutionSubsamplingPerDimension(maxResolutionSubsamplingPerDimension); options.setLimit(-1); return queryRowIds( adapter, index, rowIds, dedupeFilter, options, tempAdapterStore, delete); } } else { return getEntryRows( index, tempAdapterStore, dataIds, adapter, callback, dedupeFilter, authorizations, delete); } return new CloseableIterator.Empty(); } public boolean delete( final QueryOptions queryOptions, final Query query ) { if (((query == null) || (query instanceof EverythingQuery)) && queryOptions.isAllAdapters()) { return deleteEverything(); } final AtomicBoolean aOk = new AtomicBoolean( true); // keep a list of adapters that have been queried, to only low an // adapter to be queried // once final Set<ByteArrayId> queriedAdapters = new HashSet<ByteArrayId>(); try { for (final Pair<PrimaryIndex, List<DataAdapter<Object>>> indexAdapterPair : queryOptions .getIndicesForAdapters( adapterStore, indexMappingStore, indexStore)) { final PrimaryIndex index = indexAdapterPair.getLeft(); if (index == null) { continue; } final String indexTableName = index.getId().getString(); final String altIdxTableName = indexTableName + ALT_INDEX_TABLE; final Closeable idxDeleter = createIndexDeleter( indexTableName, queryOptions.getAuthorizations()); final Closeable altIdxDelete = baseOptions.isUseAltIndex() && baseOperations.tableExists(altIdxTableName) ? createIndexDeleter( altIdxTableName, queryOptions.getAuthorizations()) : null; for (final DataAdapter<Object> adapter : indexAdapterPair.getRight()) { final DataStoreCallbackManager callbackCache = new DataStoreCallbackManager( statisticsStore, secondaryIndexDataStore, queriedAdapters.add(adapter.getAdapterId())); callbackCache.setPersistStats(baseOptions.isPersistDataStatistics()); if (query instanceof EverythingQuery) { deleteEntries( adapter, index, queryOptions.getAuthorizations()); continue; } final ScanCallback<Object> callback = new ScanCallback<Object>() { @Override public void entryScanned( final DataStoreEntryInfo entryInfo, final Object entry ) { callbackCache.getDeleteCallback( (WritableDataAdapter<Object>) adapter, index).entryDeleted( entryInfo, entry); try { addToBatch( idxDeleter, entryInfo.getRowIds()); if (altIdxDelete != null) { addToBatch( altIdxDelete, Collections.singletonList(adapter.getDataId(entry))); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Failed deletion", e); aOk.set(false); } } }; CloseableIterator<?> dataIt = null; queryOptions.setScanCallback(callback); final List<ByteArrayId> adapterIds = Collections.singletonList(adapter.getAdapterId()); if (query instanceof RowIdQuery) { queryOptions.setLimit(-1); dataIt = queryRowIds( adapter, index, ((RowIdQuery) query).getRowIds(), null, queryOptions, adapterStore, true); } else if (query instanceof DataIdQuery) { final DataIdQuery idQuery = (DataIdQuery) query; dataIt = getEntries( index, idQuery.getDataIds(), adapter, null, callback, queryOptions.getAuthorizations(), null, true); } else if (query instanceof PrefixIdQuery) { dataIt = queryRowPrefix( index, ((PrefixIdQuery) query).getRowPrefix(), queryOptions, adapterStore, adapterIds, true); } else { dataIt = queryConstraints( adapterIds, index, query, null, queryOptions, adapterStore, true); } while (dataIt.hasNext()) {; } try { dataIt.close(); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.warn( "Cannot close iterator", ex); } callbackCache.close(); } if (altIdxDelete != null) { altIdxDelete.close(); } idxDeleter.close(); } return aOk.get(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Failed delete operation " + query.toString(), e); return false; } } protected boolean deleteEverything() { try { indexStore.removeAll(); adapterStore.removeAll(); statisticsStore.removeAll(); secondaryIndexDataStore.removeAll(); indexMappingStore.removeAll(); baseOperations.deleteAll(); return true; } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to delete all tables", e); } return false; } private <T> void deleteEntries( final DataAdapter<T> adapter, final PrimaryIndex index, final String... additionalAuthorizations ) throws IOException { final String tableName = index.getId().getString(); final String altIdxTableName = tableName + ALT_INDEX_TABLE; final String adapterId = StringUtils.stringFromBinary(adapter.getAdapterId().getBytes()); try (final CloseableIterator<DataStatistics<?>> it = statisticsStore.getDataStatistics(adapter.getAdapterId())) { while (it.hasNext()) { final DataStatistics stats =; statisticsStore.removeStatistics( adapter.getAdapterId(), stats.getStatisticsId(), additionalAuthorizations); } } // cannot delete because authorizations are not used // this.indexMappingStore.remove(adapter.getAdapterId()); deleteAll( tableName, adapterId, additionalAuthorizations); if (baseOptions.isUseAltIndex() && baseOperations.tableExists(altIdxTableName)) { deleteAll( altIdxTableName, adapterId, additionalAuthorizations); } } protected abstract boolean deleteAll( final String tableName, final String columnFamily, final String... additionalAuthorizations ); protected abstract void addToBatch( Closeable idxDeleter, List<ByteArrayId> rowIds ) throws Exception; protected abstract Closeable createIndexDeleter( String indexTableName, String[] authorizations ) throws Exception; protected abstract List<ByteArrayId> getAltIndexRowIds( final String altIdxTableName, final List<ByteArrayId> dataIds, final ByteArrayId adapterId, final String... authorizations ); protected abstract CloseableIterator<Object> getEntryRows( final PrimaryIndex index, final AdapterStore tempAdapterStore, final List<ByteArrayId> dataIds, final DataAdapter<?> adapter, final ScanCallback<Object> callback, final DedupeFilter dedupeFilter, final String[] authorizations, boolean delete ); protected abstract CloseableIterator<Object> queryConstraints( List<ByteArrayId> adapterIdsToQuery, PrimaryIndex index, Query sanitizedQuery, DedupeFilter filter, QueryOptions sanitizedQueryOptions, AdapterStore tempAdapterStore, boolean delete ); protected abstract CloseableIterator<Object> queryRowPrefix( PrimaryIndex index, ByteArrayId rowPrefix, QueryOptions sanitizedQueryOptions, AdapterStore tempAdapterStore, List<ByteArrayId> adapterIdsToQuery, boolean delete ); protected abstract CloseableIterator<Object> queryRowIds( DataAdapter<Object> adapter, PrimaryIndex index, List<ByteArrayId> rowIds, DedupeFilter filter, QueryOptions sanitizedQueryOptions, AdapterStore tempAdapterStore, boolean delete ); protected abstract <T> void addAltIndexCallback( List<IngestCallback<T>> callbacks, String indexName, DataAdapter<T> adapter, ByteArrayId primaryIndexId ); protected abstract IndexWriter createIndexWriter( DataAdapter adapter, PrimaryIndex index, DataStoreOperations baseOperations, DataStoreOptions baseOptions, final IngestCallback callback, final Closeable closable ); protected abstract void initOnIndexWriterCreate( final DataAdapter adapter, final PrimaryIndex index ); }