package; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; /** * This class encapsulates the elements that compose the row ID in the * datastore, and can serialize and deserialize the individual elements to/from * the row ID. The row ID consists of the index ID, followed by an adapter ID, * followed by a data ID, followed by data ID length and adapter ID length, and * lastly the number of duplicate row IDs for this entry. The data ID must be * unique for an adapter, so the combination of adapter ID and data ID is * intended to guarantee uniqueness for this row ID. * */ @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP", justification = "private class only accessed internally") public class GeowaveRowId { private final byte[] insertionId; private final byte[] dataId; private final byte[] adapterId; private final int numberOfDuplicates; public GeowaveRowId( final byte[] rowId ) { this( rowId, rowId.length); } public GeowaveRowId( final byte[] rowId, int length ) { this( rowId, 0, length); } public GeowaveRowId( final byte[] rowId, int offset, int length ) { final ByteBuffer metadataBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap( rowId, length + offset - 12, 12); final int adapterIdLength = metadataBuf.getInt(); final int dataIdLength = metadataBuf.getInt(); final int numberOfDuplicates = metadataBuf.getInt(); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap( rowId, offset, length - 12); final byte[] insertionId = new byte[length - 12 - adapterIdLength - dataIdLength]; final byte[] adapterId = new byte[adapterIdLength]; final byte[] dataId = new byte[dataIdLength]; buf.get(insertionId); buf.get(adapterId); buf.get(dataId); this.insertionId = insertionId; this.dataId = dataId; this.adapterId = adapterId; this.numberOfDuplicates = numberOfDuplicates; } public GeowaveRowId( final byte[] indexId, final byte[] dataId, final byte[] adapterId, final int numberOfDuplicates ) { this.insertionId = indexId; this.dataId = dataId; this.adapterId = adapterId; this.numberOfDuplicates = numberOfDuplicates; } public byte[] getRowId() { final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(12 + dataId.length + adapterId.length + insertionId.length); buf.put(insertionId); buf.put(adapterId); buf.put(dataId); buf.putInt(adapterId.length); buf.putInt(dataId.length); buf.putInt(numberOfDuplicates); return buf.array(); } public byte[] getInsertionId() { return insertionId; } public byte[] getDataId() { return dataId; } public byte[] getAdapterId() { return adapterId; } public int getNumberOfDuplicates() { return numberOfDuplicates; } public boolean isDeduplicationEnabled() { return numberOfDuplicates >= 0; } }