/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 * which accompanies this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.persistence.tools.workbench.mappingsplugin; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; public class ProblemsBundle extends ListResourceBundle { final static Object[][] contents = { // ******************************************************************** // Rule Indices // ==================== // 0100-0199 - Mappings Project Rules // 0200-0399 - Descriptor Rules // 0400-0599 - Mapping Rules // 0600-0699 - Table Rules // 0700-0799 - XML Schema Rules // 0800-.... - Sessions Rules // // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // Mappings Project Rules // ******************************************************************** // *** MWRelationalProject *** {"0100", "The project caches all statments by default for queries, but does not bind all parameters."}, {"0101", "The project uses a custom sequence table, but the counter field is not specified."}, {"0102", "The project uses a custom sequence table, but the name field is not specified."}, // ******************************************************************** // Descriptor Rules // ******************************************************************** // *** MWDescriptor *** {"0200", "The descriptor's class is not public, this will not work when using generated Project Java source."}, {"0201", "This class is a subclass of a final class."}, // *** MWMappingDescriptor *** {"0210", "Two methods ({0}) cannot have the same signature."}, // *** MWAggregateDescriptor *** {"0220", "An aggregate shared by multiple source descriptors cannot have one-to-many or many-to-many mappings."}, {"0221", "Classes cannot reference an aggregate target with one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many mappings."}, // *** MWInterfaceDescriptor *** {"0225", "The implementor \"{0}\" no longer implements this interface."}, // *** MWRelationalDescriptor *** {"0230", "No primary table is specified."}, {"0231", "No primary keys specified."}, {"0232", "The following primary key field is unmapped - {0} "}, {"0233", "Number of primary keys does not match the number of primary keys on the parent."}, {"0234", "Primary keys do not match parent's primary keys."}, {"0235", "The following primary key field has no writable mappings - {0}"}, {"0226", "The following primary key mapping is duplicated in the hierachy - {0}"}, {"0236", "No sequence field is selected."}, {"0237", "No sequence name is selected."}, {"0238", "No sequence table is selected."}, {"0239", "The selected sequence table is not one of the descriptor's associated tables."}, {"0240", "Two queries ({0}) cannot have the same signature."}, {"0241", "The query {0} has Cache Statement set to true, but does not bind parameters."}, {"0242", "The query ({0}) does not maintain cache but does refresh the remote identity map results."}, {"0243", "The query ({0}) does not maintain cache but does refresh the identity map results."}, {"0245", "The query ({0}) refreshes identity map results but does not refresh remote identity map results."}, {"0246", "The query key \"{0}\" does not have an associated database field"}, {"0247", "The database field selected for query key \"{0}\" does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables."}, {"0248", "The expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid because a parameter has not been specified."}, {"0249", "The expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid because a query key has not been specified."}, {"0250", "The expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid because the chosen query key is not a valid mapping type in an expression."}, {"0251", "The expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid. When querying on a reference mapping, only unary operators (Is Null, Not Null) are supported."}, {"0252", "The query {0} has no attribute chosen for the ordering attribute at index {1}."}, {"0253", "The ordering attribute {0} for query {1} is not valid. ReadAllQuery ordering items must be either query keys or direct mappings."}, {"0254", "The query {0} has no attribute chosen for the joined attribute at index {1}."}, {"0255", "The joined attribute {0} for query {1} is not valid. Joined attributes must be 1-1, 1-many, Direct Collection, or Direct Map mappings."}, {"0256", "The query {0} has no attribute chosen for the batch read attribute at index {1}."}, {"0257", "The batch read attribute {0} for query {1} is not valid. Batch read attributes must be 1-1, 1-m, m-m, direct collection, or direct map mappings."}, {"0258", "The query {0} has no attribute chosen for the grouping attribute at index {1}."}, {"0259", "The query {0} has no attribute chosen for the report attribute {1}."}, {"0260", "The report attribute {0} for query {1} is not valid. Report query attributes must be either query keys or direct mappings."}, {"0261", "The in/out argument specifies pass by value yet has no out field named or java class name specified, both are required for pass by value arguments."}, {"0262", "The format for {2} must be between 0 and 127 inclusive. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0263", "The format for {2} must be either 'true' or 'false'. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0264", "The format for {2} must be a single character. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0265", "The format for {2} must be between {3} and {4}. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0266", "The format for {2} must be a string. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0267", "The format for {2} must contain only digits, '-', and '.'. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0268", "The format for {2} must contain only digits, '-', and '.'. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0269", "The format for {2} must be in the format YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0211", "The format for {2} must be in the format HH-MM-SS or HH:MM:SS. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0212", "The format for {2} must be in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0213", "The format for {2} must be in the format YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0214", "The format for {2} must be in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS, YYYY/MM/DD, or YYYY-MM-DD. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0215", "The format for {2} must be an even length HEX string. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid."}, {"0216", "The format for {2} must be a string. Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid. "}, {"0217", "Literal argument of expression (line {0}) on query {1} is invalid. The format is illegal."}, // *** MWXmlDescriptor *** {"0270", "No schema context is specified."}, {"0271", "The descriptor represents a document root object, but no default root element is chosen."}, {"0272", "Multiple mappings: {0} write to the XPath: \"{1}\"."}, // *** MWOXDescriptor *** {"0280", "A descriptor that represents \"anyType\" cannot support inheritance."}, {"0281", "A descriptor that represents \"anyType\" may contain only a single Any (Object or Collection) mapping."}, {"0282", "A default root element type has been selected and the default root element is not. Either select a default root element or clear the default root element type."}, // *** MWEisDescriptor *** {"0290", "No primary keys specified."}, {"0354", "No writable mappings for primary keys specified."}, // *** Advanced Policies *** // Events {"0291", "The events policy's About-To-Insert method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0292", "The events policy's About-To-Update method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0293", "The events policy's Pre-Deleting method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0294", "The events policy's Pre-Insert method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0295", "The events policy's Pre-Update method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0296", "The events policy's Pre-Writing method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0297", "The events policy's Post-Build method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0298", "The events policy's Post-Clone method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0299", "The events policy's Post-Deleting method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0300", "The events policy's Post-Insert method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0301", "The events policy's Post-Merge method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0302", "The events policy's Post-Refresh method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0303", "The events policy's Post-Update method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0304", "The events policy's Post-Writing method specified is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class."}, {"0358", "The events policy's About-To-Insert method specified is no longer valid descriptor event method."}, {"0359", "The events policy's About-To-Update method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0360", "The events policy's Pre-Deleting method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0361", "The events policy's Pre-Insert method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0362", "The events policy's Pre-Update method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0363", "The events policy's Pre-Writing method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0364", "The events policy's Post-Build method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0365", "The events policy's Post-Clone method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0366", "The events policy's Post-Deleting method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0367", "The events policy's Post-Insert method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0368", "The events policy's Post-Merge method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0369", "The events policy's Post-Refresh method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0370", "The events policy's Post-Update method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, {"0371", "The events policy's Post-Writing method specified is no longer a valid descriptor event method."}, // Locking {"0305", "Write lock field is stored in object, but there is not a writable mapping to the field."},//CR#2734. If the write lock field is stored in object, there must be a non-read-only mapping to it. {"0306", "Database fields specified for Selected Fields type Locking Policy must be mapped: {0}"}, {"0307", "Database fields specified for Selected Fields type Locking Policy must not be primary key fields: {0} "}, {"0308", "Version locking is chosen as the Locking Policy, but the field is not specified."}, {"0309", "The Version Locking database field selected does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables."}, {"0310", "Database fields specified for Selected Fields type Locking Policy do not exist on this descriptor's associated tables: {0}"}, // Instantiation {"0311", "The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's method is no longer a visible member of this class."}, {"0343", "The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's method is not valid. It must be a static method that returns an object of the descriptor's type."}, {"0312", "The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's factory instantiation method is no longer a visible member of this class."}, {"0344", "The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's factory instantiation method is not valid. It must be a zero argument method ont he factory type that returns an object of the descriptor's type."}, {"0313", "The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's factory method is no longer a visible member of this class."}, {"0345", "The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's factory method is not valid. It must be a static method that return an object of the the factory type."}, {"0314", "'Use factory' is specified for the Instantiation policy, but all required info is not specified."}, {"0315", "'Use method' is selected for the Instantiation policy, but no method is selected."}, {"0316", "The class does not have an accessible zero argument constructor."}, // Copying {"0317", "No method specified for copying policy."}, {"0318", "The method specified for the copy policy is no longer a visible member of this class."}, {"0346", "The method specified for the copy policy is not valid. It must be a zero argument instance method that returns an object of the descriptor's type."}, // Multi-Table {"0319", "Primary keys do not match across associated tables and no references specified in multitable policy info."}, // After Loading {"0322", "A class containing the desired after loading method should be specified."}, {"0323", "The after loading method must be specified."}, {"0342", "The method specified on the descriptor after loading policy is not a method in the specified class."}, {"0372", "The method specified on the descriptor after loading policy is not a valid after load method. It must be static and have one ClassDescriptor parameter."}, // Interface Alias {"0324", "An interface class must be specified for the interface alias."}, // Inheritance {"0325", "The inheritance hierarchy originating in this descriptor cannot contain both aggregate and non-aggregate child descriptors."}, {"0326", "The inheritance hierarchy originating in this descriptor cannot contain both root and composite child descriptors."}, {"0327", "Class extraction method has not been specified"}, {"0328", "The method you have specified for the inheritance policy's class extraction method on this descriptor is no longer a visible member of this class."}, {"0329", "The method specified for the inheritance policy's class extraction method must be static, take org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Record as an argument, and return a Class."}, {"0355", "The descriptor for {0} has a class indicator mapping for this root descriptor, yet the descriptor is inactive."}, {"0356", "This descriptor's parent descriptor is inactive."}, {"0357", "This child descriptor has no parent descriptor."}, // Returning {"0330", "The returning policy insert field \"{0}\" does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables."}, {"0331", "The returning policy update field \"{0}\" does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables."}, {"0332", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an insert field yet this field is also selected as the sequencing field for the descriptor."}, {"0333", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an update field yet this field is also selected as the sequencing field for the descriptor."}, {"0334", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an update field yet this field is also selected as the class indicator field for the descriptor inheritance policy."}, {"0335", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an insert field yet this field is also selected as the class indicator field for the descriptor inheritance policy."}, {"0336", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an update field yet this field is also selected as the version locking field for the descriptor locking policy."}, {"0337", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an insert field yet this field is also selected as the version locking field for the descriptor locking policy."}, {"0338", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an update field yet this field is also selected as the foriegn key field for the descriptor one to one mapping \"{1}\"."}, {"0339", "The returning policy defines field \"{0}\" as an insert field yet this field is also selected as the foriegn key field for the descriptor one to one mapping \"{1}\"."}, {"0340", "The following returning update field is unmapped - {0} "}, {"0341", "The following returning insert field is unmapped - {0} "}, {"0347", "The selected database platform does not natively support \"returning,\" stored procedures will need to be added for proper function."}, //don't use 0342 here, it is used above under "After Loading" // EJB Info {"0350", "EJB Class information is not compatible with project persistence type." }, {"0351", "Unknown Primary Key Class setting is inconsistent with parent descriptor." }, {"0352", "Primary Key Class must be java.lang.Object when using Unknown Primary Keys."}, {"0353", "Descriptors with Unknown Primary Keys must use sequencing."}, // ******************************************************************** // Mapping Rules // ******************************************************************** // *** MWMapping *** {"0400", "Method accessors have not been selected."}, {"0401", "The \"get\" method specified for this mapping's method accessing field is no longer visible to this descriptor."}, {"0402", "The \"set\" method specified for this mapping's method accessing field is no longer visible to this descriptor."}, {"0403", "Mappings for EJB 2.0 CMP fields should not use method accessing."}, {"0404", "Mapping references write lock field stored in cache, but is not read-only."}, {"0405", "The class attribute associated with this mapping is no longer a valid mappable attribute and should be unmapped. Most likely it is static or final."}, // *** MWRelationalDirectContainerMapping *** {"0410", "No direct value field is specified."}, // *** MWRelationalDirectMapMapping *** {"0415", "No direct key field is specified."}, // *** MWDirectMapping *** {"0420", "No database field is selected."}, {"0421", "The selected database field does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables."}, // *** MWDirectToXmlTypeMapping *** {"0440", "XML type mappings are only supported on the Oracle9i Platform."}, {"0441", "Attribute must be assignable to java.lang.String, org.w3c.dom.Document, or org.w3c.Node."}, {"0442", "Database type must be XMLTYPE to map as a Direct to XML Type mapping."}, // *** MWAbstractReferenceMapping *** {"0450", "No reference descriptor is selected."}, {"0451", "{0} references {1} which is not active."}, {"0452", "The mapping {1} belongs to a shared descriptor and must not reference the isolated descriptor {0}"}, // *** MWTableReferenceMapping *** {"0460", "No table reference is selected."}, {"0461", "Table reference is invalid."}, {"0464", "No relationship partner is specified."}, {"0465", "The relationship partner must be a One-to-One, One-to-Many, or Many-to-Many mapping."}, {"0466", "The specified relationship partner mapping does not specify this mapping as its own relationship partner."}, {"0467", "The chosen reference descriptor is not a valid reference descriptor for this mapping."}, {"0468", "\"Maintains BiDirectional Relationship\" is selected so indirection must be used."}, // *** MWCollectionMapping *** {"0470", "No container class is selected."}, {"0471", "The container policy uses a Collection class, but the container class is not a Collection."}, {"0472", "The container policy uses a Map class, but the container class is not a Map."}, {"0473", "The container class must be instantiable."}, {"0474", "The container class does not agree with the instance variable."}, {"0475", "The container class is a Map, but the key method is not selected."}, {"0476", "The key method specified for this mapping is no longer visible to the reference descriptor's class."}, {"0477", "The key method specified for this mapping is not valid."}, {"0478", "One-to-Many and Many-to-Many mappings in EJB 2.0 CMP descriptors may not use ValueHolder indirection."}, {"0479", "The mapping uses ordering, but the query key is not selected."}, {"0469", "\"Maintains BiDirectional Relationship\" is selected so transparent indirection must be used."}, // *** MWManyToManyMapping *** {"0480", "No relation table is selected."}, {"0481", "Relation table is not dedicated to single writeable many-to-many mapping."}, {"0482", "No source reference is selected."}, {"0483", "No target reference is selected."}, {"0484", "The container policy uses a List class, but the container class is not a List."}, {"0485", "The container policy uses a Set class, but the container class is not a Set."}, {"0486", "Sorting is selected, but the container class is not a SortedSet."}, {"0487", "Sorting is selected, but there is no comparator class selected."}, {"0488", "Sorting is selected, but the selected comparator class is not a Comparator."}, // *** MWOneToManyMapping *** // none as of yet // *** MWOneToOneMapping *** {"0500", "Beans mapped One-to-One should use ValueHolder Indirection."}, // *** MWVariableOneToOneMapping *** {"0510", "No query key associations have been defined."}, {"0511", "Not all query key associations have foreign key fields specified."}, {"0512", "The following specified Query Key Names are no longer valid: {0} "}, {"0513", "No indicator field is selected."}, {"0515", "{0} is not an implementor of the {1} interface descriptor so it cannot have an indicator value."}, {"0516", "The chosen reference descriptor is not an interface descriptor."}, {"0517", "The association ''{0}->{1}'' is invalid because the field does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables'."}, // *** MWTransformationMapping *** (including relational and xml) {"0520", "No attribute transformer is specified."}, {"0521", "The attribute transformer class is missing."}, {"0522", "The attribute transformer class \"{0}\" is not a valid transformer class."}, {"0523", "The attribute transformer method is missing."}, {"0524", "The attribute transformer method \"{0}\" is not visible to the parent descriptor's class."}, {"0525", "The attribute transformer method \"{0}\" is not a valid transformer method."}, {"0526", "No field transformer associations are specified."}, {"0527", "No transformer is specified for the field \"{0}\"."}, {"0528", "Missing field in field transformer association."}, {"0529", "Missing transformer class for the field \"{0}\"."}, {"0530", "The transformer class \"{0}\" for the field \"{1}\" is not a valid transformer class."}, {"0531", "Missing transformer method for the field \"{0}\"."}, {"0532", "The transformer method \"{0}\" for the field \"{1}\" is not visible to the parent descriptor's class."}, {"0533", "The field transformer method \"{0}\" for the field \"{1}\" is not a valid transformer method."}, {"0534", "The database field \"{0}\" does not exist on this descriptor\'s associated tables."}, {"0535", "The database field \"{0}\" is associated with more than one transformer."}, {"0536", "Missing transformer XPath."}, {"0537", "Duplicate transformer XPath: \"{0}\"."}, // *** MWConverterMapping *** {"0542", "No object-type mappings have been specified."}, {"0545", "NCharacter, NString, and NClob database types are only supported on Oracle9 and above platforms."}, {"0546", "oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP, oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ, and oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ database types are only supported on Oracle9 and above platforms."}, // *** MWIndirectableMapping *** {"0550", "Attribute is typed as a ValueHolderInterface but the mapping does not use Value Holder Indirection."}, {"0551", "Mapping uses Value Holder Indirection but its associated attribute is not a ValueHolderInterface."}, {"0552", "Mapping uses Value Holder Indirection, but its associated attribute is \"oracle.toplink.indirection.ValueHolderInterface\" the package renamer should be run on project classes before importation in EclipseLink Workbench"}, // *** MWIndirectableCollectionMapping *** {"0560", "The container class for this mapping must implement org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer."}, // *** MWAggregateMapping *** {"0570", "The chosen reference descriptor is not an aggregate descriptor."}, {"0571", "Aggregate fields are not specified."}, {"0572", "Aggregate mapping fields must be unique."}, {"0573", "The selected field does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables."}, // *** MWEisReferenceMapping *** {"0590", "The chosen reference descriptor is not a root eis descriptor."}, {"0591", "No relationship partner is specified."}, {"0592", "The relationship partner must be an EIS One-to-One or EIS One-to-Many mapping."}, {"0593", "The specified relationship partner mapping does not specify this mapping as its own relationship partner."}, {"0594", "Missing source XPath."}, {"0595", "Missing target XPath."}, {"0596", "Duplicate source XPath: \"{0}\"."}, {"0597", "Duplicate target XPath: \"{0}\"."}, // *** MWEisOneToManyMapping *** {"0600", "At least one field pair must be specified, if the foreign keys are located on the source."}, {"0601", "A foreign key grouping element is required if there are multiple field pairs."}, {"0602", "The foreign key grouping element does not contain all foreign keys fields."}, {"0603", "No selection interaction is specified."}, {"0604", "A delete all interaction is specified, but the mapping is not private owned."}, // *** MWEisOneToOneMapping *** {"0610", "At least one field pair must be specified, unless the mapping has no selection interaction and is read-only."}, {"0611", "There is no Read Object interaction specified on the reference descriptor."}, {"0612", "There is no target key corresponding to the interaction \"{0}\" from the reference descriptor's read interaction."}, // *** MWAbstractAnyMapping *** {"0620", "An XPath may not be specified if enclosed in an \"anyType\" descriptor."}, {"0621", "Wildcard Mapping may not be selected if enclosed in an \"anyType\" descriptor."}, {"0622", "The schema does not specify a wildcard in this context."}, {"0623", "Non-attribute XPaths are mapped within this schema context."}, // *** MWAnyAttributeMapping *** {"0624", "The class attribute associated with this mapping must be assignable to java.util.Map"}, // *** MWMixedXmlContentMapping *** {"0625", "The class selected for the container policy must be assigneable to type java.util.Collection"}, // *** MWAbstractXmlReferenceMapping *** {"0626", "The selected target field \"{0}\" is not a primary key on the referenced descriptor."}, {"0627", "There are no XML field pairs defined for this mapping."}, // *** MWAbstractCompositeMapping *** {"0630", "The container accessor is not configured."}, {"0631", "The attribute is not selected for the container accessor."}, {"0632", "The get method is not selected for the container accessor."}, {"0633", "The set method is not selected for the container accessor."}, // ******************************************************************** // Database, Tables, Fields, etc. // ******************************************************************** {"0701", "A database table can only have one IDENTITY column defined."}, {"0702", "A size is required for the column \"{0}\"."}, {"0703", "The reference \"{0}\" does not have any column pairs."}, {"0704", "A key pair has not been completely specified for the reference \"{0}\"."}, {"0707", "The reference \"{0}\" does not have a target table."}, {"0720", "The login \"{0}\" does not have the driver class specified." }, {"0721", "The login \"{0}\" does not have the URL specified." }, // ******************************************************************** // Schema Rules // ******************************************************************** // *** MWXmlSchema *** {"0800", "Prefix required for namespace \"{0}\"."}, {"0801", "Duplicate prefix: \"{0}\"."}, {"0802", "Namespace prefix for : \"{0}\" contains a space, this is invalid and can cause errors at runtime."}, // *** MWXpath *** {"0810", "No XPath specified."}, {"0811", "The XPath \"{0}\" cannot be resolved in this context."}, {"0812", "The XPath \"{0}\" does not resolve to a valid text node."}, {"0813", "The XPath \"{0}\" does not contain valid positional information."}, {"0814", "The XPath \"{0}\" does not resolve to simple (text) data."}, {"0815", "The XPath \"{0}\" does not resolve to a singular location."}, // ******************************************************************** // class, class attribute, method problems // ******************************************************************** // // MWClassAttribute // {"0901", "The return type of the get method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not agree with the attribute's type."}, {"0902", "The get method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not have zero parameters."}, {"0903", "The parameter type of the set method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not agree with the attribute's type."}, {"0904", "The set method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not have a single parameter."}, {"0905", "The return type of the value get method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not agree with the attribute's value type."}, {"0906", "The value get method for the attribute '{0}' does not have zero parameters."}, {"0907", "The parameter type of the value set method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not agree with the attribute's value type."}, {"0908", "The value set method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not have a single parameter."}, {"0909", "The parameter type of the add method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not agree with the attribute's item type."}, {"0910", "The add method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not have a single parameter."}, {"0911", "The parameter types of the add method for the attribute \"{0}\" do not agree with the attribute's key and item types."}, {"0912", "The add method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not have two parameters."}, {"0913", "The parameter type of the remove method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not agree with the attribute's item type."}, {"0914", "The remove method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not have a single parameter."}, {"0915", "The parameter type of the remove method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not agree with the attribute's key type."}, {"0916", "The remove method for the attribute \"{0}\" does not have a single parameter."}, // ******************************************************************** // unorganized // ******************************************************************** {"0013", "No class indicator value should be defined for the abstract class {0}."}, {"0054", "No class indicator field is selected for this root class."}, {"0055", "No class indicator value is defined for this included descriptor: {0}"}, {"0089", "Root class does not include an indicator mapping for this descriptor."}, {"0106", "Multiple mappings: {0} write to the database field: \"{1}\"."}, {"0118", "The selected parent descriptor for this descriptor's inheritance policy does not have an associated inheritance policy."}, {"0123", "This root class has no class indicator mappings for its hierarchy."}, {"0126", "Writable mappings defined for the class indicator field: \"{0}\"."}, {"0132", "The implemented interface \"{0}\" is not an interface."}, {"0133", "The superclass for \"{0}\" is an interface, classes cannot extend interfaces."}, }; public Object[][] getContents() { return contents; } }