package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.tests.jpql; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Illustrates possible bugs in the Hermes 2.0 parser. */ @UniqueSignature @SuppressWarnings("nls") public final class HermesBugsTest extends JPQLCoreTest { @IJPQLQueryBuilderTestHelper private IJPQLQueryBuilder queryBuilder; /** * missing space before WHERE statement */ @Test public void testAddWhereClauseMissingSpace() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT a FROM Artifact a"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, true); SelectStatementStateObject selectSO = (SelectStatementStateObject) so.getQueryStatement(); assertFalse(selectSO.hasWhereClause()); selectSO.addWhereClause("a.relativeURI LIKE '%bar'"); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(false); assertEquals("SELECT a FROM Artifact a WHERE a.relativeURI LIKE '%bar'", formatter.toString(so)); // instead we get // SELECT a FROM Artifact aWHERE a.relativeURI LIKE '%bar' // this only happens with DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter with exactMatch=false. // doesn't happen for DefaultJPQLQueryFormatter } /** * WhereClauseStateObject.andParse() doesn't preserve order of operations. I think it should? */ @Test public void testAndParseOrderOfOperations() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT r FROM AnyRelationshipType r WHERE = a OR = b"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, false); SelectStatementStateObject selectSO = (SelectStatementStateObject) so.getQueryStatement(); selectSO.getWhereClause().andParse(" = c OR = d"); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultJPQLQueryFormatter(IdentifierStyle.UPPERCASE); assertEquals("SELECT r FROM AnyRelationshipType r WHERE ( = a OR = b) AND ( = c OR = d)", formatter.toString(so)); // instead formatter.toString(so) returns: // SELECT r FROM AnyRelationshipType r WHERE = a OR = b // AND = c OR = d // which is logically different } /** * formatter throws StackOverflowError on "IS NULL" */ @Test public void testFormatterIsNullOrderStackOverflow() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT r FROM AnyRelationshipType r WHERE r.groupUUID IS NULL"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, true); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(false); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // fails with // StackOverflowError } /** * Default formatter still throws StackOverflowError on "IS NULL" */ @Test public void testFormatterIsNullStackOverflow() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT r FROM AnyRelationshipType r WHERE r.groupUUID IS NULL"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, true); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(false); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // passes formatter = new DefaultJPQLQueryFormatter(IdentifierStyle.UPPERCASE); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // fails with StackOverflowError } /** * DefaultJPQLQueryFormatter omits important space after LIKE */ @Test public void testFormatterLikeMissingSpace() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT a FROM Asset a WHERE LIKE a.address"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, false); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultJPQLQueryFormatter(IdentifierStyle.UPPERCASE); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // instead formatter.toString(so) returns: // SELECT a FROM Asset a WHERE LIKEa.address' } /** * lowercase 'true" is formatted as NULL */ @Test public void testFormatterLowercaseTrue() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT a FROM Asset a WHERE a.good = TRUE"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, false); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(true); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // this works jpql = "SELECT a FROM Asset a WHERE a.good = true"; so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, false); formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(true); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // instead formatter.toString(so) returns: // SELECT a FROM Asset a WHERE a.good = NULL } /** * Not causes StackOverflow */ @Test public void testFormatterNot() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT a FROM Artifact a WHERE NOT ( = 'fred')"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, false); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(true); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // fails with DefaultJPQLQueryFormatter too } /** * DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter with exactMatch=true omits important space before ORDER BY */ @Test public void testFormatterOrderByMissingSpace() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT a FROM Asset a WHERE a.good = TRUE ORDER BY a.size"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, false); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(true); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // instead formatter.toString(so) returns: TRUEORDER BY a.size } /** * "IS EMPTY" is formatted as "null" */ @Test public void testFormatterOrderStackOverflow() throws Exception { String jpql = "SELECT r FROM AnyRelationshipType r WHERE r.groupUUID IS EMPTY"; JPQLQueryStateObject so = queryBuilder.buildStateObject(getPersistenceUnit(), jpql, false); IJPQLQueryFormatter formatter = new DefaultActualJPQLQueryFormatter(false); assertEquals(jpql, formatter.toString(so)); // instead formatter.toString(so) returns: // SELECT r FROM AnyRelationshipType r WHERE r.groupUUID null } }