package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession; public class WeakUnitOfWorkIdentityMap extends UnitOfWorkIdentityMap { protected ReferenceQueue referenceQueue; /** Keep track of a counter to amortize cleanup of dead cache keys */ protected volatile int cleanupCount; /** PERF: Keep track of a cleanup size to avoid cleanup bottleneck for large caches. */ protected volatile int cleanupSize; public WeakUnitOfWorkIdentityMap(int size, ClassDescriptor descriptor, AbstractSession session, boolean isolated) { super(size, descriptor, session, isolated); this.cleanupCount = 0; this.cleanupSize = size; this.referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<QueueableWeakCacheKey.CacheKeyReference>(); } /** * Search for any cache keys that have been garbage collected and remove them. * This must be done because although the objects held by the cache keys will garbage collect, * the keys themselves will not and must be cleaned up. This is a linear operation so * is amortized through the cleanupCount to occur only once per cycle averaging to make * the total time still constant. */ protected void cleanupDeadCacheKeys() { QueueableWeakCacheKey.CacheKeyReference reference = (QueueableWeakCacheKey.CacheKeyReference)referenceQueue.poll(); while ( reference != null) { CacheKey key = reference.getOwner(); remove(key); reference = (QueueableWeakCacheKey.CacheKeyReference)referenceQueue.poll(); } } @Override public CacheKey createCacheKey(Object primaryKey, Object object, Object writeLockValue, long readTime) { return new QueueableWeakCacheKey(primaryKey, object, writeLockValue, readTime, referenceQueue, isIsolated); } /** * Need to check for cleanup on put. */ @Override protected CacheKey putCacheKeyIfAbsent(CacheKey searchKey) { CacheKey cacheKey = super.putCacheKeyIfAbsent(searchKey); if (cacheKey == null) { checkCleanup(); } return cacheKey; } /** * Check if garbage collected cache keys need to be cleaned up. */ protected void checkCleanup() { // PERF: Avoid synchronization if cleanup not required (counts are volatile). if (this.cleanupCount > this.cleanupSize) { synchronized (this) { if (this.cleanupCount > this.cleanupSize) { cleanupDeadCacheKeys(); this.cleanupCount = 0; // PERF: Avoid cleanup bottleneck for large cache sizes, increase next cleanup. int size = getSize(); if (size > this.cleanupSize) { this.cleanupSize = size; } } } } this.cleanupCount++; } }