/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 * which accompanies this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.sdo.model.dataobject; import commonj.sdo.Property; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Calendar; import junit.textui.TestRunner; import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOProperty; import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOConstants; import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.SDOException; public class SDODataObjectGetCharacterWithIndexConversionTest extends SDODataObjectConversionTestCases { public SDODataObjectGetCharacterWithIndexConversionTest(String name) { super(name); } public static void main(String[] args) { String[] arguments = { "-c", "org.eclipse.persistence.testing.sdo.model.dataobject.SDODataObjectGetCharacterWithIndexConversionTest" }; TestRunner.main(arguments); } //1. purpose: getChar with Boolean property public void testGetCharacterFromBoolean() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_BOOLEAN); dataObject.set(property, false); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = 1; assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //2. purpose: getChar with Byte property public void testGetCharacterFromByte() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_BYTE); byte theValue = 2; dataObject.set(property,theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue; assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //3. purpose: getChar with Defined Character Property public void testGetCharacterConversionFromDefinedCharacterProperty() { // dataObject's type add boolean property SDOProperty property = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext); property.setName(PROPERTY_NAME); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_CHARACTER); type.addDeclaredProperty(property); char b = '1'; dataObject.setChar(PROPERTY_INDEX, b);// add it to instance list this.assertEquals(b, dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX)); } //4. purpose: getChar with Undefined Boolean Property public void testGetCharacterConversionFromUnDefinedProperty() { try { dataObject.getChar(1); } catch (SDOException e) { assertEquals(SDOException.PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND_AT_INDEX ,e.getErrorCode()); return; } fail("an SDOException should have occurred."); } //5. purpose: getChar with Double Property public void testGetCharacterFromDouble() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_DOUBLE); double theValue = 10; dataObject.set(property, theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue; assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //6. purpose: getChar with float Property public void testGetCharacterFromFloat() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_FLOAT); float theValue = 10; dataObject.set(property, theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue; assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //7. purpose: getChar with int Property public void testGetCharacterFromInt() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_INT); int theValue = 10; dataObject.set(property, theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue; assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //8. purpose: getChar with long Property public void testGetCharacterFromLong() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_LONG); long theValue = 10; dataObject.set(property, theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue; assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //9. purpose: getChar with short Property public void testGetCharacterFromShort() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_SHORT); short theValue = 10; dataObject.set(property, theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue; assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //10. purpose: getChar with Defined String Property public void testGetCharacterConversionFromDefinedStringProperty() { // dataObject's type add int property SDOProperty property = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext); property.setName(PROPERTY_NAME); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_STRING); type.addDeclaredProperty(property); char str = 'c'; Character B_STR = new Character(str); dataObject.setString(PROPERTY_INDEX, B_STR.toString());// add it to instance list this.assertEquals(str, dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX)); } //12. purpose: getChar with bytes property public void testGetCharacterFromBytes() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_BYTES); dataObject.set(property, new byte[]{10, 100}); try { dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); fail("ClassCastException should be thrown."); } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //13. purpose: getChar with decimal property public void testGetCharacterFromDecimal() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_DECIMAL); BigDecimal theValue = new BigDecimal(10); dataObject.set(property, theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue.byteValue(); assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //14. purpose: getChar with integer property public void testGetCharacterFromInteger() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_INTEGER); BigInteger theValue = new BigInteger("10"); dataObject.set(property, theValue); try { char value = dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); char controlValue = (char)theValue.byteValue(); assertEquals(controlValue, value); //TODO: conversion not supported by sdo spec but is supported by TopLink } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //22. purpose: getChar with date property public void testGetCharacterFromDate() { SDOProperty property = ((SDOProperty)type.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME)); property.setType(SDOConstants.SDO_DATE); dataObject.set(property, Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); try { dataObject.getChar(PROPERTY_INDEX); fail("ClassCastException should be thrown."); } catch (ClassCastException e) { } } //purpose: getChar with nul value public void testGGetCharacterWithNullArgument() { try { int p = -1; dataObject.getChar(p); } catch (SDOException e) { assertEquals(SDOException.PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND_AT_INDEX ,e.getErrorCode()); return; } fail("an SDOException should have occurred."); } }