/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 * which accompanies this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet; import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.*; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.changetracking.ObjectChangeListener; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.MergeManager; import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor; import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.*; import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent; import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEventManager; import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl; /** * PUBLIC: * A DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy defers all change detection to the UnitOfWork's * change detection process. Essentially, the calculateChanges() method will run * for all objects in a UnitOfWork. This is the default ObjectChangePolicy unless weaving is used. * * @author Tom Ware */ public class DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy implements ObjectChangePolicy, java.io.Serializable { /** * INTERNAL: * PERF: Calculate change for the new object, avoids check for new since already know. */ public ObjectChangeSet calculateChangesForNewObject(Object clone, UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean shouldRaiseEvent) { return calculateChanges(clone, null, true, changeSet, unitOfWork, descriptor, shouldRaiseEvent); } /** * INTERNAL: * PERF: Calculate change for the new object, avoids check for new since already know. */ public ObjectChangeSet calculateChangesForExistingObject(Object clone, UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean shouldRaiseEvent) { return calculateChanges(clone, unitOfWork.getBackupClone(clone, descriptor), false, changeSet, unitOfWork, descriptor, shouldRaiseEvent); } /** * INTERNAL: * calculateChanges creates a change set for a particular object. In DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy * all mappings will be compared against a backup copy of the object. * @return an object change set describing * the changes to this object * @param clone the Object to compute a change set for * @param backUp the old version of the object to use for comparison * @param changeSet the change set to add changes to * @param unitOfWork the current session * @param descriptor the descriptor for this object * @param shouldRaiseEvent indicates whether PreUpdate event should be risen (usually true) */ public ObjectChangeSet calculateChanges(Object clone, Object backUp, boolean isNew, UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean shouldRaiseEvent) { // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners. if (descriptor.getEventManager().hasAnyEventListeners() && shouldRaiseEvent) { // The query is built for compatibility to old event mechanism. WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = new WriteObjectQuery(clone.getClass()); writeQuery.setObject(clone); writeQuery.setBackupClone(backUp); writeQuery.setSession(unitOfWork); writeQuery.setDescriptor(descriptor); descriptor.getEventManager().executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreWriteEvent, writeQuery)); if (isNew) { descriptor.getEventManager().executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreInsertEvent, writeQuery)); } else { descriptor.getEventManager().executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateEvent, writeQuery)); } } ObjectChangeSet changes = createObjectChangeSet(clone, backUp, changeSet, isNew, unitOfWork, descriptor); if(changes.hasChanges() && descriptor.hasMappingsPostCalculateChanges() && ! changes.isNew() && ! unitOfWork.getCommitManager().isActive() && !unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) { // if we are in the commit because of an event skip this postCalculateChanges step as we have already executed it. int size = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChanges().size(); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChanges().get(i); org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.changesets.ChangeRecord record = changes.getChangesForAttributeNamed(mapping.getAttributeName()); if(record != null) { // Deferred attributes will already have been acted on, therefore we need // to post calculate changes to ensure orphaned objects are removed. mapping.postCalculateChanges(record, unitOfWork); } } } //Check if the user set the PK to null and throw an exception (bug# 4569755) if (changes.getId() == null && !isNew && !changes.isAggregate()) { if(!(unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) || (unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork() && !(unitOfWork.isNewObjectInParent(clone)|| unitOfWork.isUnregisteredNewObjectInParent(unitOfWork.getCloneToOriginals().get(clone))))) { Object id = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(clone, unitOfWork, false); throw ValidationException.nullPrimaryKeyInUnitOfWorkClone(clone, id); } } // if forceUpdate or optimistic read locking is on, mark changeSet. This is to force it // to be stored and used for writing out SQL later on if ((descriptor.getCMPPolicy() != null) && (descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getForceUpdate())) { changes.setHasCmpPolicyForcedUpdate(true); } if (!changes.hasForcedChangesFromCascadeLocking() && unitOfWork.hasOptimisticReadLockObjects()) { Boolean modifyVersionField = (Boolean)unitOfWork.getOptimisticReadLockObjects().get(clone); if ((modifyVersionField != null) && (unitOfWork instanceof RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork) && (((RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork)unitOfWork).getCumulativeUOWChangeSet() != null)) { // modify the version field if the UOW cumulative change set does not contain a changeset for this clone if (((RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork)unitOfWork).getCumulativeUOWChangeSet().getObjectChangeSetForClone(clone) == null) { modifyVersionField = Boolean.TRUE; } } changes.setShouldModifyVersionField(modifyVersionField); } if (changes.hasChanges() || changes.hasForcedChanges()) { return changes; } return null; } /** * INTERNAL: * This is a place holder for reseting the listener on one of the subclasses */ public void clearChanges(Object object, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean forRefresh) { } /** * INTERNAL: * Create ObjectChangeSet */ public ObjectChangeSet createObjectChangeSet(Object clone, Object backUp, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, boolean isNew, AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { return this.createObjectChangeSetThroughComparison(clone, backUp, changeSet, isNew, session, descriptor); } /** * INTERNAL: * Create ObjectChangeSet */ public ObjectChangeSet createObjectChangeSetThroughComparison(Object clone, Object backUp, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, boolean isNew, AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder(); ObjectChangeSet changes = builder.createObjectChangeSet(clone, changeSet, isNew, true, session); // The following code deals with reads that force changes to the flag associated with optimistic locking. FetchGroup fetchGroup = null; // The flag indicates whether should get fetch group - to avoid doing // that twice. Useful because fetchGroup may be null. boolean shouldGetFetchGroup = true; if ((descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) && (changes.getId() != null)) { if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) { fetchGroup = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getObjectFetchGroup(clone); } if (fetchGroup == null || fetchGroup != descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getIdEntityFetchGroup()) { changes.setOptimisticLockingPolicyAndInitialWriteLockValue(descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy(), session); } // already tried to get the fetch group - no need to do that again. shouldGetFetchGroup = false; } // PERF: Do not create change records for new objects. if (!isNew || descriptor.shouldUseFullChangeSetsForNewObjects() || descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) { // PERF: Avoid synchronized enumerator as is concurrency bottleneck. List mappings = descriptor.getMappings(); int mappingsSize = mappings.size(); if(shouldGetFetchGroup && descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) { fetchGroup = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getObjectFetchGroup(clone); } for (int index = 0; index < mappingsSize; index++) { DatabaseMapping mapping = (DatabaseMapping)mappings.get(index); if ((fetchGroup == null) || fetchGroup.containsAttributeInternal(mapping.getAttributeName())) { changes.addChange(mapping.compareForChange(clone, backUp, changes, session)); } } } return changes; } /** * INTERNAL: * This method is used to disable changetracking temporarily */ public void dissableEventProcessing(Object changeTracker){ //no-op } /** * INTERNAL: * This method is used to enable changetracking temporarily */ public void enableEventProcessing(Object changeTracker){ //no-op } /** * INTERNAL: * Return true if the Object should be compared, false otherwise. In DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy, * true is always returned since always allow the UnitOfWork to calculate changes. * @param object the object that will be compared * @param unitOfWork the active unitOfWork * @param descriptor the descriptor for the current object */ public boolean shouldCompareExistingObjectForChange(Object object, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { return true; } /** * INTERNAL: * Build back up clone. Used if clone is new because listener should not be set. */ public Object buildBackupClone(Object clone, ObjectBuilder builder, UnitOfWorkImpl uow) { return builder.buildBackupClone(clone, uow); } /** * INTERNAL: * Assign ChangeListener to an aggregate object */ public void setAggregateChangeListener(Object parent, Object aggregate, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, ClassDescriptor descriptor, String mappingAttribute){ //no-op } /** * INTERNAL: * Set ChangeListener for the clone */ public PropertyChangeListener setChangeListener(Object clone, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { return null; } /** * INTERNAL: * Set the ObjectChangeSet on the Listener, initially used for aggregate support */ public void setChangeSetOnListener(ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet, Object clone){ //no-op } /** * INTERNAL: * Clear changes in the ChangeListener of the clone */ public void updateWithChanges(Object clone, ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { if (objectChangeSet == null) { return; } Object backupClone = uow.getCloneMapping().get(clone); if (backupClone != null) { // If new just re-build the backup clone, otherwise use MergeManager (should be a special merge though, not the default constructor like it is...) if (objectChangeSet.isNew()) { uow.getCloneMapping().put(clone, descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildBackupClone(clone, uow)); } else { MergeManager mergeManager = new MergeManager(uow); mergeManager.setCascadePolicy(MergeManager.NO_CASCADE); descriptor.getObjectBuilder().mergeChangesIntoObject(backupClone, objectChangeSet, clone, mergeManager, mergeManager.getSession()); } } clearChanges(clone, uow, descriptor, false); } /** * INTERNAL: * This may cause a property change event to be raised to a listener in the case that a listener exists. * If there is no listener then this call is a no-op */ public void raiseInternalPropertyChangeEvent(Object source, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue){ //no-op } /** * INTERNAL: * This method is used to revert an object within the unit of work * @param cloneMapping may not be the same as what is in the uow */ public void revertChanges(Object clone, ClassDescriptor descriptor, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, Map cloneMapping, boolean forRefresh) { cloneMapping.put(clone, buildBackupClone(clone, descriptor.getObjectBuilder(), uow)); clearChanges(clone, uow, descriptor, forRefresh); } /** * INTERNAL: * initialize the Policy */ public void initialize(AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { //do nothing } /** * Used to track instances of the change policies without doing an instance of check */ public boolean isDeferredChangeDetectionPolicy(){ return true; } /** * Used to track instances of the change policies without doing an instance of check */ public boolean isObjectChangeTrackingPolicy(){ return false; } /** * Used to track instances of the change policies without doing an instance of check */ public boolean isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy(){ return false; } /** * INTERNAL: * In cases where a relationship with detached or new entities is merged into itself previous changes may have been recorded for * the detached/new entity that need to be updated. */ public void updateListenerForSelfMerge(ObjectChangeListener listener, ForeignReferenceMapping mapping, Object source, Object target, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork) { //not applicable for this change detection type. } }