/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 * which accompanies this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Oracle - initial API and implementation * ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.tests.jpql.tools.model; /** * The abstract definition * * @version 2.4 * @since 2.4 * @author Pascal Filion */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public abstract class AbstractStateObjectTest2_0 extends AbstractStateObjectTest { public static StateObjectTester stateObject_014() { // SELECT ENTRY(addr) FROM Alias a JOIN a.addresses addr return selectStatement( select(entry("addr")), from("Alias", "a", join("a.addresses", "addr")) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_139() { // SELECT p // FROM Employee e JOIN e.projects p // WHERE e.id = :id AND INDEX(p) = 1 return selectStatement( select(variable("p")), from("Employee", "e", join("e.projects", "p")), where(path("e.id").equal(inputParameter(":id")).and(index("p").equal(numeric(1)))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_205() throws Exception { // UPDATE Employee e // SET e.salary = // CASE WHEN e.rating = 1 THEN e.salary * 1.1 // WHEN e.rating = 2 THEN e.salary * 1.05 // ELSE e.salary * 1.01 // END return updateStatement( update("Employee", "e", set( path("e.salary"), case_( when(path("e.rating").equal(numeric(1)), path("e.salary").multiplication(numeric(1.1)) ), when(path("e.rating").equal(numeric(2)), path("e.salary").multiplication(numeric(1.05)) ), path("e.salary").multiplication(numeric(1.01)) ) )) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_206() throws Exception { // SELECT e.name, // CASE TYPE(e) WHEN Exempt THEN 'Exempt' // WHEN Contractor THEN 'Contractor' // WHEN Intern THEN 'Intern' // ELSE 'NonExempt' // END // FROM Employee e // WHERE e.dept.name = 'Engineering' return selectStatement( select( path("e.name"), case_( type("e"), new StateObjectTester[] { when(entity("Exempt"), string("'Exempt'")), when(entity("Contractor"), string("'Contractor'")), when(entity("Intern"), string("'Intern'")) }, string("'NonExempt'") ) ), from("Employee", "e", "Contractor", "c"), where(path("e.dept.name").equal(string("'Engineering'"))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_207() throws Exception { // SELECT e.name, // f.name, // CONCAT(CASE WHEN f.annualMiles > 50000 THEN 'Platinum ' // WHEN f.annualMiles > 25000 THEN 'Gold ' // ELSE '' // END, // 'Frequent Flyer') // FROM Employee e JOIN e.frequentFlierPlan f return selectStatement( select( path("e.name"), path("f.name"), concat( case_( when(path("f.annualMiles").greaterThan(numeric(50000)), string("'Platinum '")), when(path("f.annualMiles").greaterThan(numeric(25000)), string("'Gold '")), string("''") ), string("'Frequent Flyer'") ) ), from("Employee", "e", join("e.frequentFlierPlan", "f")) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_208() throws Exception { // SELECT e // FROM Employee e // WHERE TYPE(e) IN (Exempt, Contractor) return selectStatement( select(variable("e")), from("Employee", "e"), where(type("e").in(entity("Exempt"), entity("Contractor"))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_209() { // SELECT e // FROM Employee e // WHERE TYPE(e) IN (:empType1, :empType2) return selectStatement( select(variable("e")), from("Employee", "e"), where(type("e").in(inputParameter(":empType1"), inputParameter(":empType2"))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_210() { // SELECT e // FROM Employee e // WHERE TYPE(e) IN :empTypes InExpressionStateObjectTester inExpression = in( type("e"), inputParameter(":empTypes") ); return selectStatement( select(variable("e")), from("Employee", "e"), where(inExpression) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_211() { // SELECT TYPE(employee) // FROM Employee employee // WHERE TYPE(employee) <> Exempt return selectStatement( select(type("employee")), from("Employee", "employee"), where(type("employee").different(variable("Exempt"))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_212() { // SELECT t // FROM CreditCard c JOIN c.transactionHistory t // WHERE c.holder.name = 'John Doe' AND INDEX(t) BETWEEN 0 AND 9 return selectStatement( select(variable("t")), from("CreditCard", "c", join("c.transactionHistory", "t")), where( path("c.holder.name").equal(string("'John Doe'")) .and( index("t").between(numeric(0), numeric(9)))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_213() { // SELECT w.name // FROM Course c JOIN c.studentWaitlist w // WHERE c.name = 'Calculus' // AND // INDEX(w) = 0 return selectStatement( select(path("w.name")), from("Course", "c", join("c.studentWaitlist", "w")), where( path("c.name").equal(string("'Calculus'")) .and( index("w").equal(numeric(0)))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_214() throws Exception { // UPDATE Employee e // SET e.salary = CASE e.rating WHEN 1 THEN e.salary * 1.1 // WHEN 2 THEN e.salary * 1.05 // ELSE e.salary * 1.01 // END return updateStatement( update( "Employee", "e", set("e.salary", case_( path("e.rating"), new StateObjectTester[] { when(numeric(1), path("e.salary").multiplication(numeric(1.1))), when(numeric(2), path("e.salary").multiplication(numeric(1.05))), }, path("e.salary").multiplication(numeric(1.01)) )) ) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_217() throws Exception { // SELECT o.quantity, o.cost*1.08 AS taxedCost, a.zipcode // FROM Customer c JOIN c.orders o JOIN c.address a // WHERE a.state = 'CA' AND a.county = 'Santa Clara' // ORDER BY o.quantity, taxedCost, a.zipcode return selectStatement( select( path("o.quantity"), selectItemAs(path("o.cost").multiplication(numeric(1.08)), "taxedCost"), path("a.zipcode") ), from("Customer", "c", join("c.orders", "o"), join("c.address", "a")), where( path("a.state").equal(string("'CA'")) .and( path("a.county").equal(string("'Santa Clara'")) ) ), nullExpression(), nullExpression(), orderBy( orderByItem("o.quantity"), orderByItem(variable("taxedCost")), orderByItem("a.zipcode") ) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_218() throws Exception { // SELECT AVG(o.quantity) as q, a.zipcode // FROM Customer c JOIN c.orders o JOIN c.address a // WHERE a.state = 'CA' // GROUP BY a.zipcode // ORDER BY q DESC"; return selectStatement( select( selectItemAs(avg("o.quantity"), "q"), path("a.zipcode") ), from("Customer", "c", join("c.orders", "o"), join("c.address", "a")), where(path("a.state").equal(string("'CA'"))), groupBy(path("a.zipcode")), nullExpression(), orderBy(orderByItemDesc(variable("q"))) ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_222() throws Exception { // SELECT e.salary / 1000D n // From Employee e return selectStatement( select(selectItem(path("e.salary").division(numeric("1000D")), "n")), from("Employee", "e") ); } public static StateObjectTester stateObject_223() throws Exception { // SELECT MOD(a.id, 2) AS m // FROM Address a JOIN FETCH a.customerList // ORDER BY m, a.zipcode return selectStatement( select(selectItemAs(mod(path("a.id"), numeric(2)), "m")), from("Address", "a", joinFetch("a.customerList")), nullExpression(), nullExpression(), nullExpression(), orderBy( orderByItem(variable("m")), orderByItem(path("a.zipcode")) ) ); } }