package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.jaxb.listofobjects.externalizedmetadata; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 * which accompanies this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * * * Contributors: * Denise Smith, Nov. 19, 2009 ******************************************************************************/ public class Company { private List departments; private Map departmentIdToName; private Map intObjectMap; private Map objectStringMap; private Map objectIntMap; public Company(){ departmentIdToName = new java.util.HashMap(); intObjectMap = new java.util.TreeMap(); objectStringMap = new java.util.HashMap(); objectIntMap = new java.util.HashMap<Object, Object>(); } public List getDepartments() { return departments; } public void setDepartments(List departments) { this.departments = departments; } public boolean equals(Object compareObject){ if(!(compareObject instanceof Company)){ return false; } Company compareCompany = (Company)compareObject; if(departments == null){ if(compareCompany.getDepartments() != null){ return false; } }else { if(compareCompany.getDepartments() == null){ return false; } if(departments.size() != compareCompany.getDepartments().size()){ return false; } if(!departments.containsAll(compareCompany.getDepartments())){ return false; } } if(departmentIdToName == null){ if(compareCompany.getDepartmentIdToName() != null){ return false; } }else { if(compareCompany.getDepartmentIdToName() == null){ return false; } if(departmentIdToName.size() != compareCompany.getDepartmentIdToName().size()){ return false; } if(!departmentIdToName.entrySet().containsAll(compareCompany.getDepartmentIdToName().entrySet())){ return false; } } if(intObjectMap == null){ if(compareCompany.getIntObjectMap() != null){ return false; } }else { if(compareCompany.getIntObjectMap() == null){ return false; } if(intObjectMap.size() != compareCompany.getIntObjectMap().size()){ return false; } if(!intObjectMap.entrySet().containsAll(compareCompany.getIntObjectMap().entrySet())){ return false; } } if(objectStringMap == null){ if(compareCompany.getObjectStringMap() != null){ return false; } }else { if(compareCompany.getObjectStringMap() == null){ return false; } if(objectStringMap.size() != compareCompany.getObjectStringMap().size()){ return false; } if(!objectStringMap.entrySet().containsAll(compareCompany.getObjectStringMap().entrySet())){ return false; } } if(objectIntMap == null){ if(compareCompany.getObjectIntMap() != null){ return false; } }else { if(compareCompany.getObjectIntMap() == null){ return false; } if(objectIntMap.size() != compareCompany.getObjectIntMap().size()){ return false; } if(!objectIntMap.entrySet().containsAll(compareCompany.getObjectIntMap().entrySet())){ return false; } } return true; } public Map getDepartmentIdToName() { return departmentIdToName; } public void setDepartmentIdToName(Map departmentIdToName) { this.departmentIdToName = departmentIdToName; } public Map getIntObjectMap() { return intObjectMap; } public void setIntObjectMap(Map intObjectMap) { this.intObjectMap = intObjectMap; } public Map getObjectStringMap() { return objectStringMap; } public void setObjectStringMap(Map objectStringMap) { this.objectStringMap = objectStringMap; } public Map getObjectIntMap() { return objectIntMap; } public void setObjectIntMap(Map objectIntMap) { this.objectIntMap = objectIntMap; } }