/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 * which accompanies this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.customfeatures; import java.io.*; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import org.w3c.dom.*; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import junit.framework.*; import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.TestCase; import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.junit.JUnitTestCase; import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.customfeatures.*; import org.eclipse.persistence.tools.schemaframework.PackageDefinition; import org.eclipse.persistence.tools.schemaframework.StoredProcedureDefinition; import org.eclipse.persistence.tools.schemaframework.SchemaManager; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Accessor; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper; import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.XMLPlatformFactory; import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.XMLTransformer; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession; public class CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite extends JUnitTestCase { private static int empId; protected static int NUM_INSERTS = 200; public static String dbVersion; public CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite() { super(); } public CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.setName("CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite"); suite.addTest(new CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite("testSetup")); suite.addTest(new CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite("testNCharXMLType")); suite.addTest(new CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite("testBatchInserts")); suite.addTest(new CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite("testBatchUpdates")); suite.addTest(new CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite("testNamedStoredProcedureInOutQuery")); suite.addTest(new CustomFeaturesJUnitTestSuite("testNamedStoredProcedureCursorQuery")); return suite; } public void testSetup() throws SQLException { ServerSession session = JUnitTestCase.getServerSession("customfeatures"); new EmployeeTableCreator().replaceTables(session); buildOraclePackage(session); buildOracleStoredProcedureReadFromEmployeeInOut(session); buildOracleStoredProcedureReadFromEmployeeCursor(session); Accessor accessor = session.getDefaultConnectionPool().acquireConnection(); try { accessor.incrementCallCount(session); DatabaseMetaData metaData = accessor.getConnection().getMetaData(); String dbMajorMinorVersion = Integer.toString(metaData.getDatabaseMajorVersion()) + '.' + Integer.toString(metaData.getDatabaseMinorVersion()); String dbProductionVersion = metaData.getDatabaseProductVersion(); // For Helper.compareVersions to work the first digit in the passed version String should be part of the version, // i.e. " ..." is ok, but "Oracle 10g ..." is not. dbVersion = dbProductionVersion.substring(dbProductionVersion.indexOf(dbMajorMinorVersion)); } finally { accessor.decrementCallCount(); session.getDefaultConnectionPool().releaseConnection(accessor); } } /** * Tests a NChar and XML Type with Document. */ public void testNCharXMLType() { EntityManager em = createEntityManager("customfeatures"); beginTransaction(em); Employee emp = null; try { emp = new Employee(); emp.setResume_xml(resume0()); char nCh = '\u0410'; emp.setEmpNChar(nCh); emp.setResume_dom(documentFromString(resume0())); em.persist(emp); empId = emp.getId(); commitTransaction(em); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (isTransactionActive(em)) { rollbackTransaction(em); } closeEntityManager(em); throw e; } try { em.clear(); clearCache("customfeatures"); if(isOnServer()) { beginTransaction(em); } Employee readEmp = em.find(Employee.class, empId); compare(readEmp, emp); } finally { if (isTransactionActive(em)) { rollbackTransaction(em); } closeEntityManager(em); } } /** * Tests a Native Batch Writing as batch inserts. */ public void testBatchInserts() { EntityManager em = createEntityManager("customfeatures"); beginTransaction(em); try { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INSERTS; i++) { Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.setResume_xml(resume0()); emp.setResume_dom(documentFromString(resume0())); char nCh = '\u0410'; emp.setEmpNChar(nCh); em.persist(emp); } commitTransaction(em); } finally { if (isTransactionActive(em)) { rollbackTransaction(em); } closeEntityManager(em); } } /** * Tests a Native Batch Writing as batch updates with * OptimisticLockingException. */ public void testBatchUpdates() { EntityManager em = createEntityManager("customfeatures"); beginTransaction(em); List emps = em.createQuery("SELECT OBJECT(e) FROM Employee e").getResultList(); try { for (int i = 0; i < emps.size(); i++) { Employee e = (Employee) emps.get(i); String newName = ((Employee) emps.get(i)).getName() + i + "test"; e.setName(newName); e.setVersion(e.getVersion() - 1); } em.flush(); commitTransaction(em); fail("OptimisticLockingException is not thrown!"); } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception.getMessage().indexOf("org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.OptimisticLockException") == -1) { fail("it's not the right exception"); } } finally { if (isTransactionActive(em)) { rollbackTransaction(em); } closeEntityManager(em); } } /** * Tests a @NamedStoredProcedureQuery with store procedure IN_OUT parameter, * and XML Type using String */ public void testNamedStoredProcedureInOutQuery() { if(Helper.compareVersions(dbVersion, "") < 0) { // Oracle db or later is required for this test return; } EntityManager em = createEntityManager("customfeatures"); beginTransaction(em); try { Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.setResume_xml(resume1()); emp.setResume_dom(documentFromString(resume0())); char nCh = '\u0400'; emp.setEmpNChar(nCh); em.persist(emp); commitTransaction(em); em.clear(); clearCache("customfeatures"); if(isOnServer()) { beginTransaction(em); } // note that readEmployee will have only two attributes set: id and empNChar Employee readEmp = (Employee) em.createNamedQuery("ReadEmployeeInOut").setParameter("ID", emp.getId()).getSingleResult(); if (emp.getEmpNChar() != readEmp.getEmpNChar()) { fail("readEmp.getEmpNChar() == " + readEmp.getEmpNChar() + ", does not match empNChar of the object that was written: " + emp.getEmpNChar()); } } finally { if (isTransactionActive(em)) { rollbackTransaction(em); } closeEntityManager(em); } } /** * Tests a @NamedStoredProcedureQuery with store procedure ref Cursor, and * XML Type using String */ public void testNamedStoredProcedureCursorQuery() { EntityManager em = createEntityManager("customfeatures"); beginTransaction(em); try { Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.setResume_xml(resume1()); emp.setResume_dom(documentFromString(resume0())); char nCh = '\u0400'; emp.setEmpNChar(nCh); emp.setName("Edward Xu"); em.persist(emp); commitTransaction(em); em.clear(); clearCache("customfeatures"); if(isOnServer()) { beginTransaction(em); } Employee readEmp = (Employee) em.createNamedQuery("ReadEmployeeCursor").setParameter("ID", emp.getId()).getSingleResult(); compare(readEmp, emp); } finally { if (isTransactionActive(em)) { rollbackTransaction(em); } closeEntityManager(em); } } public static String resume0() { String resume = "<resume>\n"; resume += " <first-name>Bob</first-name>\n"; resume += " <last-name>Jones</last-name>\n"; resume += " <age>45</age>\n"; resume += " <education>\n"; resume += " <degree>BCS</degree>\n"; resume += " <degree>MBA</degree>\n"; resume += " </education>\n"; resume += "</resume>"; return resume; } public static String resume1() { String resume = "<resume>\n"; resume += " <first-name>Frank</first-name>\n"; resume += " <last-name>Cotton</last-name>\n"; resume += " <age>27</age>\n"; resume += " <education>\n"; resume += " <degree>BCS</degree>\n"; resume += " </education>\n"; resume += "</resume>"; return resume; } public static Document documentFromString(String xmlString) { try { ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlString.getBytes()); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(stream); return doc; } catch (Exception ex) { fail("Unable to create document due to: " + ex.getMessage()); } return null; } public PackageDefinition buildOraclePackage(Session session) { if (TestCase.supportsStoredProcedures(session)) { PackageDefinition types = new PackageDefinition(); types.setName("Cursor_Type"); types.addStatement("Type Any_Cursor is REF CURSOR"); SchemaManager schema = new SchemaManager(((DatabaseSession) session)); schema.replaceObject(types); return types; } else { fail("store procedure is not supported!"); return null; } } public void buildOracleStoredProcedureReadFromEmployeeInOut(Session session) { if (TestCase.supportsStoredProcedures(session)) { StoredProcedureDefinition proc = new StoredProcedureDefinition(); proc.setName("Read_Employee_InOut"); proc.addInOutputArgument("employee_id_v", Integer.class); proc.addOutputArgument("nchar_v", "NCHAR"); String statement = "SELECT NCHARTYPE INTO nchar_v FROM CUSTOM_FEATURE_EMPLOYEE WHERE (ID = employee_id_v)"; proc.addStatement(statement); SchemaManager schema = new SchemaManager(((DatabaseSession) session)); schema.replaceObject(proc); } else fail("store procedure is not supported!"); } public void buildOracleStoredProcedureReadFromEmployeeCursor(Session session) { if (TestCase.supportsStoredProcedures(session)) { StoredProcedureDefinition proc = new StoredProcedureDefinition(); proc.setName("Read_Employee_Cursor"); proc.addArgument("employee_id_v", Integer.class); proc.addOutputArgument("RESULT_CURSOR", "CURSOR_TYPE.ANY_CURSOR"); proc.addStatement("OPEN RESULT_CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM CUSTOM_FEATURE_EMPLOYEE WHERE (ID = employee_id_v)"); SchemaManager schema = new SchemaManager(((DatabaseSession) session)); schema.replaceObject(proc); } else fail("store procedure is not supported!"); } /* * This method is necessary because of a bug in Oracle xdb XDB - DB FORMATS RETURNED XML * This bug describes the following workaround: * In init.ora, add "31151 trace name context forever, level 0x100" * When the bug is fixed (or db configurured as described in the workaround)) * the special case for Oracle db should be removed: * * void compare(Employee readEmp, Employee emp) { * if (!getServerSession("customfeatures").compareObjects(readEmp, emp)) { * fail("Object: " + readEmp + " does not match object that was written: " + emp + ". See log (on finest) for what did not match."); * } * } */ void compare(Employee readEmp, Employee emp) { if(Helper.compareVersions(dbVersion, "") >= 0) { // Oracle db returns formatted xml, therefore the original and the read back strings might differ. String originalReadResume_xml = null; String originalResume_xml = null; if(!readEmp.getResume_xml().equals(emp.getResume_xml())) { originalReadResume_xml = readEmp.getResume_xml(); originalResume_xml = emp.getResume_xml(); String unformattedReadResume_xml = removeWhiteSpaceFromString(originalReadResume_xml); String unformattedResume_xml = removeWhiteSpaceFromString(originalResume_xml); if(unformattedReadResume_xml.equals(unformattedResume_xml)) { // xml docs defined by the two strings are equivalent // temporary remove the strings from their owner Employees so that it could pass compareObjects readEmp.setResume_xml(null); emp.setResume_xml(null); } else { fail("unformattedReadResume_xml == " + unformattedReadResume_xml + "\nunformattedResume_xml == " + unformattedResume_xml); } } // Oracle db returns formatted xml, therefore the original and the read back doms might differ. Document originalReadResume_dom = null; Document originalResume_dom = null; if(!readEmp.getResume_dom().equals(emp.getResume_dom())) { originalReadResume_dom = readEmp.getResume_dom(); originalResume_dom = emp.getResume_dom(); Document unformattedReadResume_dom = (Document)originalReadResume_dom.cloneNode(true); removeEmptyTextNodes(unformattedReadResume_dom); Document unformattedResume_dom = (Document)originalResume_dom.cloneNode(true); removeEmptyTextNodes(unformattedResume_dom); String unformattedReadResume_dom_toString = convertDocumentToString(unformattedReadResume_dom); String unformattedResume_dom_toString = convertDocumentToString(unformattedResume_dom); if(unformattedReadResume_dom_toString.equals(unformattedResume_dom_toString)) { // xml docs defined by the two strings are equivalent // temporary remove the doms from their owner Employees so that it could pass compareObjects readEmp.setResume_dom(null); emp.setResume_dom(null); } else { fail("unformattedReadResume_dom_toString == " + unformattedReadResume_dom_toString + "\nunformattedResume_dom_toString == " + unformattedResume_dom_toString); } } try { if (!getServerSession("customfeatures").compareObjects(readEmp, emp)) { fail("Object: " + readEmp + " does not match object that was written: " + emp + ". See log (on finest) for what did not match."); } } finally { if(emp.getResume_xml() == null && originalResume_xml != null) { // set back the temporary removed resume_xml into both objects readEmp.setResume_xml(originalReadResume_xml); emp.setResume_xml(originalResume_xml); } if(emp.getResume_dom() == null && originalResume_dom != null) { // set back the temporary removed resume_dom into both objects readEmp.setResume_dom(originalReadResume_dom); emp.setResume_dom(originalResume_dom); } } } else { // Before version Oracle db returned xml string exactly as it was written (keeping the same format: white spaces, \r, \n etc). // No special comparison for resume_xml is required. if (!getServerSession("customfeatures").compareObjects(readEmp, emp)) { fail("Object: " + readEmp + " does not match object that was written: " + emp + ". See log (on finest) for what did not match."); } } } // Contributed by Blaise public static void removeEmptyTextNodes(Node node) { NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes(); Node childNode; for (int x = nodeList.getLength() - 1; x >= 0; x--) { childNode = nodeList.item(x); if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (childNode.getNodeValue().trim().equals("")) { node.removeChild(childNode); } } else if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { removeEmptyTextNodes(childNode); } } } // Contributed by Blaise public static String removeWhiteSpaceFromString(String s) { String returnString = s.replaceAll(" ", ""); returnString = returnString.replaceAll("\n", ""); returnString = returnString.replaceAll("\t", ""); returnString = returnString.replaceAll("\r", ""); return returnString; } static String convertDocumentToString(Document doc) { XMLTransformer xmlTransformer = XMLPlatformFactory.getInstance().getXMLPlatform().newXMLTransformer(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer); xmlTransformer.transform(doc, result); return writer.getBuffer().toString(); } }