package it.unimi.dsi.util; /* * DSI utilities * * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Sebastiano Vigna * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrays; import; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Random; import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.FlaggedOption; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAP; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Parameter; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.SimpleJSAP; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.UnflaggedOption; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.stringparsers.ForNameStringParser; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.stringparsers.IntSizeStringParser; /** A Bloom filter. * * <P>Instances of this class represent a set of character sequences or primitive-type * arrays (with false positives) using a Bloom filter. Because of the way Bloom filters work, * you cannot remove elements. * * <p>The intended usage is that character sequences * and arrays should <em>not</em> be mixed (albeit in principle it could work). A Bloom filter is * rather agnostic with respect to the data it contains—all it needs is a sequence of hash * functions that can be applied to the data. * * <P>Bloom filters have an expected error rate, depending on the number * of hash functions used, on the filter size and on the number of elements in the filter. This implementation * uses a variable optimal number of hash functions, depending on the expected * number of elements. More precisely, a Bloom * filter for <var>n</var> character sequences with <var>d</var> hash functions will use * ln 2 <var>d</var><var>n</var> ≈ 1.44 <var>d</var><var>n</var> bits; * false positives will happen with probability 2<sup>-<var>d</var></sup>. The maximum * number of bits supported is {@link #MAX_BITS}. * * <P>Hash functions are generated at creation time using a mix of * universal hashing and shift-add-xor hashing (for the latter, see * “Performance in practice of string hashing functions”, by * M.V. Ramakrishna and Justin Zobel, <i>Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on * Database Systems for Advanced Applications</i>, 1997, pages 215−223). * * <p>Each hash function uses {@link #NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS} random integers, * which are cyclically multiplied by the character codes in a character sequence. * The resulting integers are then summed with a shifted * hash and XOR-ed together. * * <P>This class exports access methods that are similar to those of {@link java.util.Set}, * but it does not implement that interface, as too many non-optional methods * would be unimplementable (e.g., iterators). * * <P>A main method makes it easy to create serialised Bloom filters starting * from a list of terms. * * @author Sebastiano Vigna */ public class BloomFilter implements Serializable { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; /** The number of elements currently in the filter. It may be * smaller than the actual number of additions because of false positives. */ private int size; /** The maximum number of bits in a filter (limited by array size and bits in a long). */ public static final long MAX_BITS = (long)Long.SIZE * Integer.MAX_VALUE; private final static long LOG2_LONG_SIZE = 6; private final static long BIT_INDEX_MASK = ( 1 << LOG2_LONG_SIZE ) - 1; /** The number of weights used to create hash functions. */ final public static int NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS = 16; /** The number of bits in this filter. */ final public long m; /** The number of hash functions used by this filter. */ final public int d; /** The underlying bit vector. */ final private long[] bits; /** The random integers used to generate the hash functions. */ final private int[][] weight; /** The random integers used to initialise the hash functions. */ final private int[] init; /** The natural logarithm of 2, used in the computation of the number of bits. */ private final static double NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 = Math.log( 2 ); /** Creates a new high-precision Bloom filter a given expected number of elements. * * <p>This constructor uses a number of hash functions that is logarithmic in the number * of expected elements. This usually results in no false positives at all. * * @param n the expected number of elements. */ public BloomFilter( final int n ) { this( n, Fast.mostSignificantBit( n ) + 1 ); } /** Creates a new Bloom filter with given number of hash functions and expected number of elements. * * @param n the expected number of elements. * @param d the number of hash functions; under obvious uniformity and indipendence assumptions, * if the filter has not more than <code>n</code> elements, * false positives will happen with probability 2<sup>-<var>d</var></sup>. */ public BloomFilter( final int n, final int d ) { this.d = d; final long wantedNumberOfBits = (long)Math.ceil( n * ( d / NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 ) ); if ( wantedNumberOfBits > MAX_BITS ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The wanted number of bits (" + wantedNumberOfBits + ") is larger than " + MAX_BITS ); bits = new long[ (int)( ( wantedNumberOfBits + Long.SIZE - 1 ) / Long.SIZE ) ]; m = bits.length * (long)Long.SIZE; if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( "Number of bits: " + m ); // The purpose of Random().nextInt() is to generate a different seed at each invocation. final MersenneTwister mersenneTwister = new MersenneTwister( new Random().nextInt() ); weight = new int[ d ][]; init = new int[ d ]; for( int i = 0; i < d; i++ ) { weight[ i ] = new int[ NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ]; init[ i ] = mersenneTwister.nextInt(); for( int j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS; j++ ) weight[ i ][ j ] = mersenneTwister.nextInt(); } } /** Returns the value of the bit with the specified index in the specified array. * * <p>This method (and its companion {@link #set(long[], long)}) are static * so that the bit array can be cached by the caller in a local variable. * * @param index the bit index. * @return the value of the bit of index <code>index</code>. */ private static boolean get( long[] bits, long index ) { return ( bits[ (int)( index >> LOG2_LONG_SIZE ) ] & ( 1L << ( index & BIT_INDEX_MASK ) ) ) != 0; } /** Sets the bit with specified index in the specified array. * * @param index the bit index. * @see #get(long[], long) */ private boolean set( long[] bits, long index ) { final int unit = (int)( index >> LOG2_LONG_SIZE ); final long mask = 1L << ( index & BIT_INDEX_MASK ); final boolean result = ( bits[ unit ] & mask ) != 0; bits[ unit ] |= mask; return result; } /** Hashes the given sequence with the given hash function. * * @param s a character sequence. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>s</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final CharSequence s, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + s.charAt( i ) * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Hashes the given byte array with the given hash function. * * @param a a byte array. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>a</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final byte[] a, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + a[ i ] * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Hashes the given short array with the given hash function. * * @param a a short array. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>a</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final short[] a, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + a[ i ] * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Hashes the given character array with the given hash function. * * @param a a character array. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>a</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final char[] a, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + a[ i ] * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Hashes the given int array with the given hash function. * * @param a an int array. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>a</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final int[] a, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + a[ i ] * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Hashes the given long array with the given hash function. * * @param a a long array. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>a</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final long[] a, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + a[ i ] * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Hashes the given float array with the given hash function. * * @param a a float array. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>a</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final float[] a, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + Float.floatToRawIntBits( a[ i ] ) * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Hashes the given double array with the given hash function. * * @param a a double array. * @param l the length of <code>s</code>. * @param k a hash function index (smaller than {@link #d}). * @return the position in the filter corresponding to <code>a</code> for the hash function <code>k</code>. */ private long hash( final double[] a, final int l, final int k ) { final int[] w = weight[ k ]; long h = init[ k ]; int i = l; while( i-- != 0 ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + Double.doubleToRawLongBits( a[ i ] ) * w[ i % NUMBER_OF_WEIGHTS ] + ( h >>> 2 ); return ( h & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ) % m; } /** Checks whether the given character sequence is in this filter. * * <P>Note that this method may return true on a character sequence that has * not been added to the filter. This will happen with probability 2<sup>-<var>d</var></sup>, * where <var>d</var> is the number of hash functions specified at creation time, if * the number of the elements in the filter is less than <var>n</var>, the number * of expected elements specified at creation time. * * @param s a character sequence. * @return true if <code>s</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>s</code>) is in the filter. */ public boolean contains( final CharSequence s ) { int i = d, l = s.length(); long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( s, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the given byte array is in this filter. * * @param a a byte array. * @return true if <code>a</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code>) is in the filter. * @see #contains(CharSequence) */ public boolean contains( final byte[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the given short array is in this filter. * * @param a a short array. * @return true if <code>a</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code>) is in the filter. * @see #contains(CharSequence) */ public boolean contains( final short[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the given character array is in this filter. * * @param a a character array. * @return true if <code>a</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code>) is in the filter. * @see #contains(CharSequence) */ public boolean contains( final char[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the given int array is in this filter. * * @param a an int array. * @return true if <code>a</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code>) is in the filter. * @see #contains(CharSequence) */ public boolean contains( final int[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the given long array is in this filter. * * @param a a long array. * @return true if <code>a</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code>) is in the filter. * @see #contains(CharSequence) */ public boolean contains( final long[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the given float array is in this filter. * * @param a a float array. * @return true if <code>a</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code>) is in the filter. * @see #contains(CharSequence) */ public boolean contains( final float[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the given double array is in this filter. * * @param a a double array. * @return true if <code>a</code> (or some element * with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code>) is in the filter. * @see #contains(CharSequence) */ public boolean contains( final double[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; while( i-- != 0 ) if ( ! get( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ) ) return false; return true; } /** Adds a character sequence to the filter. * * @param s a character sequence. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>s</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>s</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final CharSequence s ) { int i = d, l = s.length(); long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( s, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Adds a byte array to the filter. * * @param a a byte array. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>a</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final byte[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Adds a short array to the filter. * * @param a a short array. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>a</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final short[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Adds a character array to the filter. * * @param a a character array. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>a</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final char[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Adds an int array to the filter. * * @param a an int array. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>a</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final int[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Adds a long array to the filter. * * @param a a long array. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>a</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final long[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Adds a float array to the filter. * * @param a a float array. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>a</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final float[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Adds a double array to the filter. * * @param a a double array. * @return true if this filter was modified (i.e., neither <code>a</code> nor any * other element with the same hash sequence as <code>a</code> was already in this filter). */ public boolean add( final double[] a ) { int i = d, l = a.length; long bits[] = this.bits; boolean alreadySet = true; while( i-- != 0 ) alreadySet &= set( bits, hash( a, l, i ) ); if ( ! alreadySet ) size++; return ! alreadySet; } /** Clears this filter. */ public void clear() { LongArrays.fill( bits, 0 ); size = 0; } /** Returns the size of this filter. * * <p>Note that the size of a Bloom filter is only a <em>lower bound</em> * for the number of distinct elements that have been added to the filter. * False positives might make the number returned by this method smaller * than it should be. * * @return the size of this filter. */ public long size() { return size; } public static void main( final String[] arg ) throws IOException, JSAPException, NoSuchMethodException { final SimpleJSAP jsap = new SimpleJSAP( BloomFilter.class.getName(), "Creates a Bloom filter reading from standard input a newline-separated list of terms.", new Parameter[] { new FlaggedOption( "bufferSize", IntSizeStringParser.getParser(), "64Ki", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'b', "buffer-size", "The size of the I/O buffer used to read terms." ), new FlaggedOption( "encoding", ForNameStringParser.getParser( Charset.class ), "UTF-8", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'e', "encoding", "The term file encoding." ), new UnflaggedOption( "bloomFilter", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, JSAP.NOT_GREEDY, "The filename for the serialised front-coded list." ), new UnflaggedOption( "size", JSAP.INTSIZE_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, JSAP.NOT_GREEDY, "The size of the filter (i.e., the expected number of elements in the filter; usually, the number of terms)." ), new UnflaggedOption( "precision", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, JSAP.NOT_GREEDY, "The precision of the filter." ) }); JSAPResult jsapResult = jsap.parse( arg ); if ( jsap.messagePrinted() ) return; final int bufferSize = jsapResult.getInt( "bufferSize" ); final String filterName = jsapResult.getString( "bloomFilter" ); final Charset encoding = (Charset)jsapResult.getObject( "encoding" ); BloomFilter filter = new BloomFilter( jsapResult.getInt( "size" ), jsapResult.getInt( "precision" ) ); final ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger(); pl.itemsName = "terms"; pl.start( "Reading terms..." ); MutableString s = new MutableString(); FastBufferedReader reader = new FastBufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(, encoding ), bufferSize ); while( reader.readLine( s ) != null ) { filter.add( s ); pl.lightUpdate(); } pl.done(); BinIO.storeObject( filter, filterName ); } }